Trick is to launch a service that check if progress is made on your python script, and automatically restarts it when multiprocessing decides to fuck you over.
Would be nice if we had something like __builtin_assumption similar to __builtin_unreachable, to hint, for example, that an size_t variable will never overflow when being incremented in a for loop
I think that it's one of the use cases of axiom in the contract proposal
> An axiomassertion-level is expected to be used for those preconditions, postconditions and assertions that are formal comments and are not evaluated at run-time.
Turn men into women: as far as I know that's how we've still got women in programming :D
I mean: there are more trans women than cis women in the programmer communities I'm in, and more developers than cis women in the trans communities I'm in
I'd be curious to see what the proportion of Trans devs is and how it compares to the population as a whole. E.g are we just more comfortable with the gender ambiguity? Or do trans folks just feel more comfortable as developers (kinda doubt this).
IIRC it was around 2% in the SO survey, including trans, genderqueer, non-binary, etc...
As developers, we've got no problems making some amount of money, which is essential to be independent, which is essential to start transition where the people around you are opposed to it
well, you could use pools together with std::allocate_shared, but this only depends on how much memory you have whether it will be useful to you or not
@sehe Doesn't help. You have to specify the stack size before starting the thread and std::thread doesn't let you do that at all. There isn't even an adopt feature.
@crasic They're working on standard solutions, so it'll probably be half-baked by 2050 before they drop it to add quantum computing primitives in the language
@crasic based on the fact you don't even seem to have retrospectives... I'd be very concerned about your team. You're probably not actually fixing any of your problems
@crasic most businesses claim it's because you can't get good Electical and computer engineers in the US. I call BS because Intel and AMD both do it (they are required by law if they want to sell to the US Gov) but realistically it's about cost. That said the number of ECEs in the US has dropped dramatically and the number of engineers familiar with the processes is dropping.
they don't tell you that a stupid design flaw can mean a chinese lady hand-soldering the same part all day 10/hrs a day, but that if you just moved it 1/4" to the left the automatic machine can do it for her
@crasic you'd think the CAD/CAM tools would have this in them, with a selector for various process technologies and estimated production costs, given that it makes a huge difference
@Mgetz Maybe the very high end tools, but really the industry hasn't even agreed (arguably there is odb++) on a standard to share CAD data between CAM and production tools. (Gerber is not CAD data). Plus everyone is paranoid about IP leaking
@thecoshman This is true, and maybe in ten years if this company is successful that will be the only metric, but at this point we have huge inefficiencies and for the time being I have time to influence the process with my ethics
@Mgetz Oh yeah, at least
then imagine the masks and production assets for SoC and ASIC production
Actually, wouldn't be surprised if those were better
@Mgetz Still, dedicated flash will be cheaper than an FPGA configured as a flash module. FPGA is good for something that would need an ASIC but < 400,000-1,000,000 units
You are right though, system and network integration, field programmable or not, is a major threat to discrete device manufacturers
The obsollesence alone makes owning your own IP or assets to mfg a chip extremely attractive
@Mgetz Often a bunch of dies fall off the back of a truck (say factory closes) or some workers steal scrap/leftover from closed production line, then they set up shop in a garage, package them in a weekend and inject into supply chain, even at $0.50 its lucrative
@Mgetz yeah scraps and rejects that someone swipes and repackages
Same with other counterfeit crap
Apparently my fake beats headphones were made from same material, components, and packaging, but assembled in a garage
you would not be able to tell without examining the build quality internally
For something like a 555 too, there are so many die masks out there to use, so a scrapping entrepreneur starting a fab will just do it and try to sell it off
but for something with complex process...
for example, my fakes, I could tell because it only had one internal IC instead of two dies as the per the datasheet
That and the font was wrong :\
In that case what was stolen, were pre-marked packages from the MFG, with some unknown fake put inside
hmm random thought: coroutines do 99% of what an interrupt handler needs to do, I wonder if it would be possible in a cooperative embedded system to just use coroutines for system calls.
@Mgetz Interesting thought, but one concern is that POSIX or kind of standard system environment is an exception, even a luxury. I am writing wrappers for wrappers at this point
Including a wrapper for no-system (baremetal), with minimal functionality
Basically, this ideal concept which is so nice on *NIX systems, is hard to see in different embedded context, if I want to run the same protocol code stack on both POSIX x86 as well as embedded ARM with no OS I need to spend a lot of effort in poor wrappers. System Calls are basically by definition not portable, but this is why std::thread is an attractive development in c++ standard for me
Eventually I suspect the hardware will have a POSIX api
It's a splendid example. However, it's also quite "complex" (hah, punintended) in that it's quite mathematically non-trivial to see how it can be divide-and-conquer
FFT does require a lot of background information for someone new to the area to grasp. So I can understand why. But "under no circumstance" seems a bit strong.
@Mysticial You are making a coherent argument. I'm countering with that I can positively make a useful section where they can easily experiment with their FFT implementations in the lab. Soundwaves is a foolproof input.
@sehe Please forgive me for embellishing for effect =) In my 20 years in this place it was the most idiotic/unconstructive exchange of words I've ever experienced.