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00:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

I used to be able to find things easily on this website, now their website is purely confusing
gosh, don't put aesthetic above practical value & make beautiful site that's totally useless ...
@Telkitty reminds me of motherfuckingwebsite.com
@Mikhail that's lame ... how much more bandwidth could text take, if they really want to sell bandwidth, they need to come up with 'better' graphic, ideally 3D graphic formats
Use utf-32 for text.
Or invent utf-64.
what about utf-256?
purely for selling hardware and bandwidth </trollololo>
@Mikhail I'd find that more believable if you said it about XML. JSON may be verbose, but XML truly personifies verbosity taken to a most distasteful extreme.
> Like the man who's never grown out his beard has no idea what his true natural state is
Never fails to make me laugh, that site
@Columbo They seem to have forgotten "and gone at least a month without a shower (or deodorant)". But then, they probably wanted to feel superior, and wouldn't fit in if you included rules like that.
once I need a plane ride to get home after hiking 6 days without taking a shower, staff @ airport asked me 'are you taking a flight'
probably thought I was some random homeless bum trying to recharge phone @ airport
4 hours later…
1 hour later…
@OneRaynyDay Sorry, I'm OOO. Very intermittent internet access.
@sehe Yeah. I'm surprised it took so long for people to complain about it. Don't use AVX512 unless you're ready to go all out.
@OneRaynyDay Yes, definitely know your C++.
I like how it's stormy and you are on the water
so many possibilities
what, it's like 3 pm in HK
cloudy but defo not that dark
fake news!
Took that pic Monday night. But didn't check the Lounge until today. I'm not in HK anymore.
15 hour flights + 1 hour of taxing aren't fun.
Chicago to Hong Kong is a new non-stop flight record for me. The previous was SF to Sydney.
that must be among the longest flights in existence
Longest I did was ~13h or so
I think it's in the top 10.
@Mysticial No problem :) It's quite a small world; will you be at work next week?
It would be amazing if I could see your setup; given that I don't get shoo'd off campus for failing interview immediately
It's not an everyday occurence to see someone in this chatroom in real life :PP
My return flight is Singapore to SF. But it's actually shorter because of the jet stream. (< 15 hours) But the other direction is 16.5 hours.
Sup my fellow loungers
me against the feral bunny
@JerryCoffin I'm gonna be close to the equator for the next week. So I might have a shot at the Southern Hemisphere sky if there isn't too much light pollution.
@OneRaynyDay no. I'm not coming back until after TG.
@Mysticial Cool--have fun!
@Mysticial gotcha; have fun :)
both HK & Singapore are good places to remind you that you are not thin ...
Also good places to remind you that life in HK and Singapore suck
And that it's probably better to be morbidly obese anywhere else
Oo u
@ArkadiuszKoćma France for instance, where you can binge on quality cheese and wine without filing for bankruptcy
Seriously, 30 CAD for a bottle of Sancerre
yesterday's dinner
cheese and wine too ... ordinary
lemme show you ... weird food
@Telkitty omg pig ears yes
Not my point but heh
What's your favorite cheese btw @ArkadiuszKoćma?
If I had to choose only one, I think I'ld go for Beaufort
@Rerito St Nectaire / Fourme d'Ambert.
good choice
On voit l'auvergnat
tu manges la croute du st nectaire ?
en général non
ouf, je me sens moins seul
je connais personne qui le fasse ?
@Ven @Luc pls confirm
My dad and brother do
seraient pas un peu consanguins des fois
(jk, don't think it matters much :D)
1 hour later…
@Rerito yes *-*
@ArkadiuszKoćma I always do
Ok, we're faggets then
@ArkadiuszKoćma ça dépend à quel point il est fait
talking about the real deal
le "fermier"
with grey/ashlike crust
...That's a given.
Ok I really am a fag then :D
Ma famille auvergnate est comme moi, selon s'il marche tout seul ou pas. Par contre mes potes non-lozériens insistent à toujours la manger.
"marche tout seul" ?
@Rerito a bit too old
On one platform I get a gcc error message that I am not sure what I think about.
Basically, this is the code:
template<typename Blah, typename Blubb>
class foo {};

struct bar {
  typename foo<bar, blubb>      foo; // <== this
A GCC version (I haven't looked which, but I suspect an older one) on some RT Linux platform barks at that code:
error: declaration of 'typedef class foo<bar, blubb> bar::foo'
error: changes meaning of 'foo' from 'class foo<bar,blubb>'
Of course, this is correct. But why is this even worth a diagnostic, let alone an error message?
Am I missing something obvious?
@Rerito I guess I should've clarified, if it's a young one I'll eat it, otherwise no.
I never do
@sbi Hello and welcome to Lounge, please read the rules. Q&A room is this way. Enjoy your stay and have fun!
@sbi I seem to remember a discussion about this not too long ago
@ArkadiuszKoćma In fact, I had a bit of influence into the process of coining the room's rules about half a decade ago. I still come here once in a while and drop a question I have, because the regulars used to discuss them with me. It might well be, though, that the regulars have changed enough in the recent year or two for that not to be true anymore.
@Ven Oh, do you? Any pointers?
smart ones preferably
I'm more after enlightening pointers here. :)
All the smart people seem to be out now.
@sbi Name hiding / shadowing inside bar?
@sbi You seem to have forgotten cicada. Shame on you.
@nwp Oh, I understand what the compiler is saying. I just wonder why it feels like it needs to point this out. Is there anything I am not seeing or is this a mostly useless diagnostic that I should just quieten with -fpermissive and move on?
@nwp I have not forgotten about Cicada. I once had a beer with him. I just don't feel any urge to keep up with the childish constant name changing.
Having the same name for 2 different things is confusing. You should rename foo to bar_blupp_foo. Although that makes the typedef mostly useless and you may as well use foo<bar, blupp> directly.
Well, bar::foo is actually some_clock::time_point, and we're trying to be as compatible to C++11 as possible here, so I don't have much choice.
I mean, exactly this is actually in the standard library: en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/chrono/system_clock
You mean the time_point member? Is foo in a namespace like it may be in the standard library? I would expect typename namespace::foo<bar, blubb> foo; to not cause this warning.
@nwp Yes, we're modeling time points, durations, and clocks after the C++11 standard with our C++03 means.
Well, both foo and bar are in the same namespace. It seems this is the same in the standard, where the time points, durations, and clocks are all in std::chrono.
@sbi I'm sure you've already found out by now, [6.3.7] class scope
Adding the namespace anyways doesn't help? Or you don't want to do it because it should not be necessary?
As I see it, while ns::bar::foo hides ns::foo within bar, they are different ns::foo is a template, while ns::bar::foo is a type, so misuse will be pointed out by the compiler, and you can still explicitly refer to ns::foo should there be a need.
> A name N used in a class S shall refer to the same declaration in its context and when re-evaluated in the completed scope of S.
No diagnostic is required for a violation of this rule.
@nwp Of, you mean typedef ns::foo<...> foo? Lemme try that.
So probably yes you need to disambiguate with namespace (or ::foo)
@ArkadiuszKoćma As everybody here knows, I never read the standard, because I can't stand its meter.
@ArkadiuszKoćma Wait. Is this saying that typedef foo<...> foo within bar could confuse the foo<...> part of the typedef with the type resulting from the typedef???
It's saying that within the scope of bar, the name foo must refer to one and only one declaration.
@ArkadiuszKoćma sigh Is a typedef a declaration in this context?
So I expect foo within bar to refer to bar::foo. Which is exactly what I want.
Yes, that's right.
@sbi If that expectation holds your typedef breaks. And if it doesn't apply to the typedef declaration then it changes meaning which is explicitly disallowed.
@ArkadiuszKoćma So why again the diagnostics?
They are not required, as the standard says
g++ wants to emit a diagnostic, but you can probably silence it with a compiler flag, or fully qualify ::foo
@nwp so you mean in typedef A<T> A the A in A<T> might be interpreted as referring to the A declared?? That sounds stupid.
But it would explain the problem to me.
@sbi that's not what it means
sigh Then what is the problem?
lol sbi's jumping at cicada's throat
what it means is, before the typedef, A refers to the enclosing template A<T>, and after the typedef, it refers to the typedef'd A
I keep forgetting that t['x'] isn't the same as t.x in python -.-
so you're changing the meaning of A, which isn't allowed
imagine if you could create a variable named int
@ArkadiuszKoćma nice new identity btw
@BartekBanachewicz t['x'] u mean
@ArkadiuszKoćma Ah, OK, so it's explaining to me that the meaning of A depends of the place it is referred to within the definition of the enclosing class?
@Ven ye
before the declaration of said variable, you'd be referring to the type int, and after, to the variable
which isn't allowed
but then again, standard says that the compiler isn't required per se to emit a diagnostic, so it's just g++ being a bit zealous
@ArkadiuszKoćma ...because int is a keyword.
@sbi Yes, exactly
@sbi It was an example
A bad one, obviously.
I'm trying to reword in a way you could understand
> imagine if you could create a variable named int
"imagine" here implies it's fiction
oh well I tried
@BartekBanachewicz always (please tell me this isn't a real person)
@ArkadiuszKoćma But then why would using ns::foo<> in the typedef prevent this from being a problem, @nwp?
qualifying with the namespace prevents the problem, not the typedef
@ArkadiuszKoćma Well there seems to be at least a few people called that but name clashes happen
should've used sha512
@ArkadiuszKoćma So the qualifying refers to using A<T> wherever within the enclosing class?
But that wasn't the problem. GCC barked at the typedef not at some usage of foo.
@sbi I don't know. It shouldn't prevent that problem. You still change the meaning of foo inside bar with the typedef.
@sbi Works the same without the typedef
Your initial code has no namespace
`typedef foo<int> foo;` no good
`typedef ::foo<int> foo;` ok
`typedef ns::foo<int> foo;` ok
fuck markdown
@nwp Yeah, that's what I originally thought. See, I got what the compiler is saying: The meaning of foo changed after I declared a new foo. Fine. I wanted that. The standard does the same. Why would the compiler throw an error at me for this?
The standard does not allow it
>A name N used in a class S shall refer to the same declaration in its context and when re-evaluated in the completed scope of S.
No diagnostic is required for a violation of this rule.
It's not allowed. The compiler is free to complain or to remain silent.
Nov 15 '10 at 19:26, by sbi
*Some advice for newcomers* here:
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@ArkadiuszKoćma You mean it is not possible to have the member type time_point here and it should be a defect report?
@nwp My point!
@nwp let me see how it's defined in my stdlib
@ArkadiuszKoćma using time_point = chrono::time_point</*...*/, duration>
Then that's fine because it's qualified with a namespace
One more time: Is there, or isn't there, a difference between typedef foo<bar,blubb> foo; and typedef ns::foo<bar,blubb> foo;??
Or is that different for using?
@sbi ignore the typedef for a second
It's exactly the same issue as declaring a variable foo<bar, blubb> foo; while ns::foo<bar, blubb> foo; is fine.
So there is a difference.
Yes. The latter is legal, the former not.
Well, couldn't you have told that to me an hour ago? :)
I seem to distinctly remember having asked that very question >30mins ago...
@sbi I've been trying for an hour vOv
Anyway, now our build server's disk is full, everything has come to a grinding halt, and I must go to lunch now, while our admins are busy trying to safe the day... :(
For some reason we didn't have unicode errors using Python 2.7 str until there
We upgraded Debian and now it explodes everywhere
Not sure how it managed to explode before :/
Upgraded to Debian 9?
I wish it had always exploded as it should have
I don't recall having any issue like that :/
Then again maybe it's time to move away from python 2.7 :p
It's kind of strange: Python accepted things such as "{}".format(u"é°è") for no good reason until there
@ArkadiuszKoćma that's among the plans, but we never have time x)
> UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode characters in position 0-2: ordinal not in range(128)
works perfectly under python3 though
of course, u"é°è" and "é°è" are both unicode in Python 3 :p
@ArkadiuszKoćma that's the kind of error we should have encountered from the beginning, yet it worked instead xD
@Morwenn This answer works for me.
@Morwenn I wish there was apt-get un-upgrade.
But probably wiser to just move to python3 I guess
@ArkadiuszKoćma I didn't know that was a thing o_o
@ArkadiuszKoćma if only we had time dedicated to that ç__ç
@nwp why? :o
It's not that much work, plus there's py2to3 to help you!
@Morwenn So that when apt-get upgrade breaks something I can easily revert and wait until they fixed it upstream.
Today I learned Pacific++ 2017 happened.
I've never been to a programming con
You should go some time. I had fun even though it was a smaller one.
should've been 2 messages for a great out-of-context star
I live in a land when cons are mostly about Java
Should have made my boss cough up the 999€ for meeting c++.
999€ o_o
if you can, yes
it shows your dedication for C++
@Morwenn I went to Edinburgh for the llvm conference some years ago. It was much cheaper and the flight also only cost like 50€ which is affordable.
@Morwenn You could lead with "Want to save 100€? Early bird registration is only 899€!".
For 999€ I can go to Japan, come back here, and almost do that a second time
You could visit comic con.
way too big, I'll hike in the mountains instead :p
We did a small hike in kamikochi. It was really nice.
it costs your company less because 999€ is an expense and probably is tax exempt (depends on the country) if your company pays for you to go to meeting C++
I could go to an onsen and get strange looks /o/
I don't like chandler carruth anymore. Why does he say that? Debian has supported clang 5 and gcc 7 for a while now and is "only" 1-3 months behind head.
He's probably misinformed then.
His point is valid though. At work I'm still stuck with buildservers that run GCC 4.8.
I'll assume it's because he is referring to stable and I am referring to testing.
I just feel blaming LTS versions for having old packages is a moot point.
Q: How to set fast variable to zero in c++

pogodraeI have variable int foo i heard something about, there is a some fast way how to set this variable to 0 something using bit operations. It is true? And how can I do this? Live example: for(i = 0; i < 10000; i++) { //some code // some fast bit operation to set foo = ... ? foo = 0...

My teacher said that using a bit operation is faster — pogodrae 30 secs ago
/cc @Mysticial
xor eax, eax
@Morwenn don't outsmart the compiler
@Mgetz I can outdumb the compiler anyday
@Morwenn don't we all
The more answers of yours I see, the more I'm convinced that you are a complete madman. Kudos to you. — Quentin 18 mins ago
Rerito can't.
@nwp What?
@Rerito he says you can't
that must be true
Outdumbing vs2010 is beyond what any mortal can do.
@sehe they are not completely wrong... you do end up doing an insane amount of work instead of providing general guidance
@nwp A coworker of mine (other team, stuck with VS 2005) noticed that VS 2005 actually compiles this:
void foo(int& x) { x = 12; }

yeah, it binds temporaries to non-const lvalue refs
Should also work in VS 2010. VS had that extension for a while and kept it stubbornly even though many people like STL complained about it.
that's insane
(by the way, now we're on VS 2013! What a giant leap)
@Rerito it doesn't do that anymore with /permissive-
@Rerito have you and your other teams considered putting your version locked dependencies in a DLL and then upgrading when you want to?
@Mgetz Actually, my team has no such lock
@Rerito then why not just go to VS2017?
Why we are not migrating to VS 2017 (or at least 2015) is beyond my understanding
(office politics)
The other team OTOH did want to do that
but the executives said f off
@Rerito why are executives making development decisions?
@Mgetz It's a bank
So huge huge huge chain of command
and at the top, people that are totally beyond the technical "trivialities" us weaklings have to handle
@Rerito then convince them to allow you to use the compiler chrome uses, then you'll be free of a lot of the pains that you would otherwise run into
If it were me, we'ld just get rid of msvc altogether
@Rerito it's getting there with VS15.5
but I understand your sentiment, I think the clang singularity is very dangerous
I even proposed to carry out all the shit stuff to migrate from RTC (crappy SCM from IBM) to git
we're still using RTC ofc
it's depressing really
@Rerito I'd have to check our official guidance, but I think we recommend git now
there you just got free billable advice
RTC is such a PITA
From a language design perspective, why doesn't C++ permit not initializing fields in class before the constructor is called?
Like, there is a field with no default constructor, and there is no way to initialize it's value in the constructor.
@PuzomorCroatia Did you just say "language design" in the same sentence as "C++"?
Someone wants to make @Griwes mad.
@Ven i figured there might be some sort of decision making process behind the decision?
@Ven but, yes, my bad :p
@PuzomorCroatia I didn't understand your double negation tbh
@Ven before the constructor of a given class is called, all the fields are pushed onto stack and then initialized, right?
so why do they have to be initialized?
why not let the constructor initialize them?
@PuzomorCroatia Because inside the constructor you access members which means they must exist and have been constructed.
I'm fairly sure you are looking for one of the meanings of initializer list.
initializer lists are one way of dealing with the issue
thing::thing() : member_without_default_constructor{arguments} { /*actual constructor code*/ }
in the ctor you're gonna have to use an assignment operator
yeah, im not having a problem with that
just thought about the possible alternative
@StackedCrooked seems like clang++ broke on coliru?
something like doing
thing::member::Member(a, b)
in the constructor
but that's operator()
obviously, this is made-up syntax
i was having a conversation about C# readonly fields
I don't think C++ needs more syntax
new(&(this->member)) decltype(this->member)(a, b);
I can see why sometimes it's a bit painful to stuff things in initializer lists, and I several times worked around that by creating a function
i'm currently working on a new language
and trying to see things from a language designs perspective
I think they wanted a clean break between type that is alive and not
seems reasonable
so exception safety can be guaranteed in the middle of construction
but wouldn't the compiler be able to recognize those kinds of errors?
exception thrown pre-init list completion only the members that are inited will get destructed, post the destructor gets called
apparently import pylab sometimes sets the default encoding to UTF-8
gret job
hmm, yeah
exceptions are the reason then
thanks for insight
@PuzomorCroatia how would the compiler know at what point it can safely call the destructor vs. just destroying the fields already created
having a pre init block where you are not allowed to touch the members before the init list would be nice
it would not let you compile if the constructor didn't initialize all fields
if you chose to not use initializer lists, of course
@PuzomorCroatia checking for that require solving an NP-complete issue
why is that?
if there is a conditional statement involved, consider the member uninitialized unless it's also initialized in the "else" block
if that's what you're aiming at?
what about switches and loops?
also consider uninitialized
unless default case for switch is defined of course
and loops are out of question anyways
since calling constructor multiple times on a member makes no sense
but you may want to fill a container with elements
first create the container and then loop to fill
contents of a container are not fields in a class right?
and container is a field
but you still want to loop in the constructor to fill it
so, you call the constructor on the container (presuming container is a field), and after that loop over it
@Mgetz I beg to disagree. 1 2 3 4 5 - a rather linear sampling of the ~15 most recent answers
that's what I meant
The only other recent answer where I spent extra-ordinarily much effort was this:
A: cannot get boost::spirit parser&lexer working for token types other than std::string or int or double

sehe Has anybody gotten this working for a lexer returning something else than double or int or string? Sure. Simple examples might be found on this site And for the parser also returning non-trivial objects? Here's your real problem. Spirit is nice for a subset of parsers that are expresse...

But that was prompted by a painful string of questions by the OP where I failed to get a point across repeatedly:
Nov 9 at 0:28, by sehe
Oh man. This guy is having such a tough time trying to make Spirit Qi+Lex do all the things you shouldn't /cc @Borgleader @LucDanton
So it was time to "Show/Don't Tell". Also, if I say so myself, that answer is still a prime example of loads of instructive background information.
@ratchetfreak well, there's no problem in that then, since the container is initialized. it's contents are not something of a pre-destructor issue
@Ven Example? (Seems to work for me, but it doesn't support the -std=c++17 flag yet)
There is an algorithm that lets you check that every field is initialized exactly once
split the constructor up in basic blocks
annotate each basic block with a bitset with a bit for each member
then if inside the basic block the member is initialized then it must begin with the bit set to 0 and end with the bit set to 1
if you go from one basic block to the next the target will get the bitset of the previous basic block
if 2 blocks branch to the same target then the exit sets of the must be identical
the exit basic block must have all 1s
@Ven Strange. It seems to compile when adding -std=c++11 though.
@Mgetz It's easy to cherry-pick some answers that indeed fall into the category of "just giving the code" too: 1 2 3. But those are not "mad-man" answers at all and just serve as "canonical good style examples", still valuable to the general public.
@ratchetfreak very interesting indeed
@sehe you didn't need to respond it was mostly a tease at the fact you do write long answers from time to time
thanks for input
@Mgetz Mmm. Ok :) It sounded like you thought I was spoiling people throwing just code without explaining
@sehe lol no, if anything we could put your answers in a decently thick manual for Boost Spirit
My ultimate motive to contribute is to give myself the finger exercises. So, indeed it would be easiest for me to just throw the end result over the fence :)
Many finger exercises lead to knowing the sweet spots and being able to navigate the local optimums of simplicity while using Boost
@StackedCrooked family? youtu.be/cTxROv4VNX0
I used regular expressions to edit my regular expressions! I'm such a haxx0r.
I think you've just disqualified yourself for a lot of jobs :)
Because I did it or because I found it remarkable?
Because you have the regexen!
@ArkadiuszKoćma After having fiddled with build slaves that didn't want to start and other peculiarities, it turns out that this indeed solved the problem. Well, this problem anyway, there's a whole bunch of others left to solve... Thanks! /cc @nwp.
@JerryCoffin I see Canopus. The sky isn't very clear, but once I found the Orion and Sirius, I could confirm that the bright star I was looking at is Canopus. Interestingly, Sirius is directly south and Canopus is to the west.
Haven't seen Canopus since a year ago when I was in Brisbane.
Nvm, I think my iPhone compass is fucked up.
Recalibrated my iPhone compass with the GPS. Orion is to the east and Canopus is almost directly south. That's more like it.
everything is fine, the status isn't the git status, check for the help in the tool:

status - show paths with changes

It's not git add -i which is broken, you're expecting it to do things it doesn't
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix I'm expecting it to work
I'm sorry that it's wrong.
it's working
I'm on a branch where git diff shows something but echo d | git add -i doesn't
if the changes are on untracked files it won't show them
may be a bug... I'm on git 2.10.2 and it works just fine
thanks for the heads up
What's nice about this UI is you can select range of files like 1-10 -3 to take files from 1 to 10 with 3 excluded
git add -p is best :p
git add -i simply use it in for the patch option
so it can't be "better"
how do you revert changes with git add -p may I ask?
you swap "add" with "reset"
(I do prefer Magit anyway)
@Mysticial Sounds a lot more reasonable.
Q: How to prevent my process from being killed on logout in Windows?

error410How can I allow my process to persist after logout and not be killed, preferably without requiring the process to have administrator privileges? I am unable to use a service/scheduled task due to some peculiarities in the program.

can you not use WM_QUIT for that?
and show a message box inside the handler?
or refuse to quit until some condition applies?
1 hour later…
Since when gmail data space stopped growing over time?
@sehe Likely somehow related, but don't know the person.
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