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Also, what I'd like to make: multiplayer Hammerfall clone.
@DomagojPandža You have an exceptional kind of love.
I'm thinking more and more about that, instead of silly roguelike.
"<3" is a ballsack.
If you ever start an opensource game project, hobby in scope, I'd love to join up.
@RadekdaknokSlupik 8====3
I hate beans.
> 8===D( Y )('o') 8-- oh god that's so hot --)
Free text is no longer allowed but can be placed in cockments instead.
Template y u no render.
Unicode octets are used with a unicock escape "\u..." if required. For example, "pênis" can be written as p\u00CAnis. Encoding is accomplished through base69.
base69 haha

Aim that spurt into a receptacle

<in the mouth> ::= (^o^)
I think I'm going to die xd
> dongs don't go in vaginas in this language, bub
I don't find it particularly funny.
@DomagojPandža Played Hammerfall?
i have written small code in vc++ which use vector ,it got error "Error 1 fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'vector.h': No such file or directory
"how can solve it?
It's cool. :3
@RMartinhoFernandes My face is going to split in half with all that laughter.
@prjndhi #include <vector>
What is with that vector.h business.
i have written that
@prjndhi without the .h
@CatPlusPlus The indie game? It's very neat and reasonably scoped for a pet project.
@prjndhi Standard headers have no .h
@ELL without .h i got many error
What are they?
With it you get a fatal error.
@prjndhi what errors?
What I'd like is a multiplayer. Even a local one, with multiple controllers support that actually works.
and with .h i got only this one error which i have posted
@EtiennedeMartel Is that sarcasm?
It'd be fun.
@RMartinhoFernandes Almost.
@prjndhi Just one error doesn't mean it's better.
@prjndhi your one error is much more wrong than the many you may be experiencing otherwise
(And no fucking splosives. That crap's OP and breaks the game.)
You can't run from errors. You have to battle them.
@Ell reducing the number of errors may seem desirable at first :)
err, @prjndhi I mean
@prjndhi With the .h, the file doesn't build because the preprocessor fails on the #include. So now you're getting the real errors in your file.
@CatPlusPlus what game are you talking abotu here?
Physics-powered ship-thingies battle game.
With a weird story.
Like "what the hell is going on" weird.
But fun mechanics.
@prjndhi With .h, the preprocessor fails. This means it doesn't get to try to compile your code, and show all of the errors. Without the .h, the preprocessor succeeds, and it actually gets to try to compile your code, and shows you all the errors in your code.
Physics games are probably the most entertaining ones gameplay wise.
+1 for @SamDeHaan
strategy is my favourite
But the problem is that nobody seems to know how to interface properly with the system, either the mouse feels sluggish or too fast.
Did they block it at ~50FPS or is someone really incompetent?
Boss, honest. I'm not slacking off; my code is compiling.
That excuse is only valid for me when I'm compiling shaders. Sometimes those bastards take their sweet time. But not enough for a bathroom break.
@DomagojPandža I was about to say, that must be some uber-shader
Lots of experiments running around, and speaking of Hammerfell - seems to be an .ini constraint to 50 FPS, wonder why.
@DomagojPandža U haz TMP in ur xaydor?
Well, compiling VTK in visual studio ... does not take an insignificant amount of time.
TMP was terrible, Jesus.
Theres a word other than significant that I want to use...
yeah, about hammerfall...any way to make the window bigger without running it in fullscreen? it's kind of...very tiny
anyone know how to add .lib libraries in VS?
Project properties, linker, add add. dependencies.
Gawd, we need a link to send people to about that.
Also, make sure paths are good.
Yeah. ._.
Just as I asked, I saw the 'linker' tree node.
It's actually a manual constraint because the actual UI has been rasterized for the particular 800x600 size
Running it in 1920x1080 is hell.
Anyone else worried about the new Batman movie?
yeah I tried that...doesnt really seem to help, and the games doesn't seem to like it either :p
I fear they blew their big guns on the Joker... and especially after the Avengers, I have a hard time getting myself excited for TDKR
maybe 1600x1200 works better..
@AgainstASicilian Am I the only one that thinks The Avengers wasn't that good?
I only watch those movies for CGI.
Really? Why didn't you like it? I thought it was a blast XD
And hot bitches.
@RMartinhoFernandes Nope, you're not alone
Logging saves lives.
And data about crashes, too.
@AgainstASicilian I think it lacked an interesting villain, for starters.
The Mighty CTor would be an excellent villain.
undefined reference to 'vtable for ComboBoxItem' <--- Any ideas for stackoverflow.com/a/4849010/868546
@RMartinhoFernandes I agree, but I don't think the villain was the primary focus on things. However, if you stayed for the mid-credits scene, you won't be disappointed with respect to the sequel's villain
@DomagojPandža So villainous he doesn't even use an initializer list
Also starring The DANGLING pointer.
The only way I get this fixed is by #include moc_ComboBoxItem.cpp
They pulled the deathslammer out for that one
@SamDeHaan as per your suggestion for me i try to solve my issue but i could not solve it,u have any idea about it ?how i solve it?
Dereferences in a theater near you.
however, I only get this error on linux. Windows spews a bunch of circular refernece errors
@prjndhi Change it from #include <vector.h> to #include <vector>. Then fix all of your other problems.
@prjndhi ideone.com
[dramatic music]
@CatPlusPlus Sorry I walked into the middle of your dramatic scene
What are you talking about? Dividing by zero is a cinch, unless you're one of those crackpots who thinks .999... = 1
There's no such thing as 1.
I think I even proved it once.
Addition is just opinion anyway
Opinion. xd
Also wheels allow you to divide by zero!
@AgainstASicilian Teach the controversy!
Objective reality is an opinion.
@CatPlusPlus Wut?
Wheels are a kind of algebra where division is always defined. In particular, division by zero is meaningful. The real numbers can be extended to a wheel, as can any commutative ring. Also the Riemann sphere can be extended to a wheel by adjoining an element 0/0. The Riemann sphere is an extension of the complex plane by an element \infty, where z/0=\infty for any complex z\neq 0. However, 0/0 is still undefined on the Riemann sphere, but defined in wheels. The algebra of wheels Wheels discard the usual notion of division being a binary operator, replacing it with multiplication by a...
@Collin Both sides are always equally-valid -- great advice!
All hail the false dialectic! www.youtube.com/watch?v=sGArqoF0TpQ
Wheels? Isn't that what @RMartinhoFernandes was working on?
Nah, wheel theory is some awesome math thought processing.
@AgainstASicilian Scientific illiteracy will be the end of the US, I don't know how prevalent it is in other countries though
@Collin It's not nearly as bad in places like Europe and Australia, where things like evolution aren't even blinked at like they are here the States
Europe is awesome.
@SamDeHaan : i made small project in visual studio and use option of visual c++->win32->win32 console application.is this option correct for console application?
@RMartinhoFernandes I think Americans are a minority in this room, right?
(That was just starbait, btw)
Who else here is American? raises hand meekly
@AgainstASicilian What?
@DomagojPandža Nothing, just embarrassed for my country.
Also, I think you guys should find a proper term for your nationality instead of appropriating the one for the entire continent. United Statesians or something.
United Statites
Ho, I've made less swap and Windows wants to kill programs now.
@RMartinhoFernandes We have names for people from each state, but I guess I've never heard anything other than American for the nationality
There are three facts about this planet and us:
1) We are all human.
2) If we don't unite, we die.
3) We are all human.
Did I mention that we're all human?
@CatPlusPlus like what?
Humans (known taxonomically as Homo sapiens, Latin for "wise man" or "knowing man") are the only living species in the Homo genus. Anatomically modern humans originated in Africa about 200,000 years ago, reaching full behavioral modernity around 50,000 years ago. Humans have a highly developed brain and are capable of abstract reasoning, language, introspection, and problem solving. This mental capability, combined with an erect body carriage that frees the hands for manipulating objects, has allowed humans to make far greater use of tools than any other living species on Earth. Othe...
@DomagojPandža I'm not.
@DomagojPandža I don't know that we necessarily have to unite, but cooperate, yes
Depending on your definition of unite I suppose
Unity or destruction, mark my words.
When I was a little kid I used watch Terminator and think it'd be awesome to be a cyborg/robot... mind was blown later on in life when you learn that you really aren't much more than a biological computer anyway. :P Wicked
The only positive outcome for the human species involves our expansion into space. And then people will understand how retarded and small they actually are.
What for? To die of asphyxiation?
@DomagojPandža Call me a pessimist, but I don't see that happening
There's nothing out there.
of course there is
@RMartinhoFernandes There is; but it's too far away to access in reasonable time
@RMartinhoFernandes We're out there. :Đ
we just aren't looking hard enough
Mars isn't that far away
@RMartinhoFernandes but rocks are useful!
@Ell Something light-years away isn't usable for anything.
the earth is a rock
Don't be so narrow minded.
But there is no infinite energy on Earth.
Terraforming Mars, even if it were done, doesn't buy much time
we will get there eventually when we build a ramjet fusion engine space ship and spend generations getting to mars or wherever
or andromeda
No need to go to Andromeda
Besides, that's 2 million lightyears away
@RMartinhoFernandes Perhaps not for trade, but a colonization is possible through generation ships or nuclear powered ships which could get someone there in a lifetime
which option choose for creating console application for c++ in visual studio ?there is al ot of option so ,i am asking ?
Plenty of probability glutting is doable in our own galaxy
our own galaxy's edge is maybe 50k lightyears out
Our galaxy alone is 100k LY wide.
nearest star besides our sun is something like 4 LY
The speed of light is not an eternal obstacle.
and we can only pierce like 1/600th of c and that's with super lightweight craft
or something like that
@RMartinhoFernandes Robot, since when have you become Marvin the Paranoid Android?
There's a solution and someone will find it. Perhaps tomorrow, perhaps in a hundred years... Or a thousand... But someone will break it.
neutrinos! D:
@DomagojPandža The limited amount of resources available on the Solar system is. Without something like cheap transmutation those kinds of megaprojects are pretty much unfeasible.
Megaprojects are not the way to go.
@prjndhi Win32 -> Console Project, and then I usually select "empty project"
Sending a generation ship is a megaproject.
It's a big idea, the end product will be compact. Otherwise, we're doing it wrong.
I don't think even human ingenuity is enough to get us out of cosmic doom
No generation ships.
@AgainstASicilian Loose cable :'(
That's a bad idea.
Accomplishes nothing.
What is a good idea then?
@Collin Very sad :(
@RMartinhoFernandes Right now there isn't any
@RMartinhoFernandes The main problem is that space is just too damn big
@AgainstASicilian I was sad yet completely unsurprised to hear that news
@RMartinhoFernandes Wait for the buggers to show up and steal their tech, duh.
Explore our own solar system and investigate physical phenomena and the constraints of GR.
@Collin The moment the news came out I was almost certain it was a fluke; stuff like that is almost always sensationalist headlining
If there's no going around c, we're fucked.
So there's no point in generation ships.
@Sam You best have a Dr. Device first
@DomagojPandža what do you mean?
@DomagojPandža I like C :(
If there's going around c, where will you get the energy to cross it from?
Relativistic consequences of approaching 299792457.999999... m/s
@AgainstASicilian That's silly. The Dr Device is for our invasion, not theirs.
@DomagojPandža He means why no point in generation ships?
You only need stupendous amounts of energy to go headfirst locally towards c.
The Bussard ramjet is a theoretical method of spacecraft propulsion proposed in 1960 by the physicist Robert W. Bussard, popularized by Poul Andersons novel Tau Zero, Larry Niven in his Known Space series of books, and referred to by Carl Sagan in the television series and book '. Bussard proposed a ramjet variant of a fusion rocket capable of reasonable interstellar spaceflight, using enormous electromagnetic fields (ranging from kilometers to many thousands of kilometers in diameter) as a ram scoop to collect and compress hydrogen from the interstellar medium. High speeds force the rea...
@AgainstASicilian They don't steal any technology from buggers. They just blast them away.
There is a better way, always.
@Ell That's a generation ship.
Also don't even think about wormholes. To stabilize the throat of a wormhole, assuming it were even possible, requires mass of negative energy density. And to stabilize a throat the size of 1 meter wide in diameter, you need an exotic mass the size of Jupiter
What is wrong with generation ships?
@AgainstASicilian I think we can part with jupiter for a good cause :p
Negative energy density is just a word trick on our conceptions of classical and quantum vacuum.
@Ell There's a lot more than propulsion involved.
There's no negativity involved.
@melak47 If only exotic matter were real :P
Because it takes so many resources and so much time, it's not worth it unless you're sure there's a benefit on the other side and the path is usable, i.e., has enough density.
LHC, or its successors, will give us the first new useful data.
Pruning all that information is a painful job, admirable really.
@DomagojPandža Well it's basically the sort of thing that repels gravitational force; it's just a mathematical thing
Repel gravitational force?
In much the same way a tachyon is "able" to lose energy and go faster
@melak47 Jupiter is our vaccum, we need it
A force is a concept, interaction between two objects.
Perhaps you mean to affect the geometry of spacetime?
Exotic matter is a thought experiment for now. No proof whatsoever exists.
I might just have banned an innocent guy.
"Negative mass would possess some strange properties, such as accelerating in the direction opposite of applied force"
@EtiennedeMartel Ruh roh.
@MooingDuck I figure by the time we can suck up the atmosphere of Jupiter for spaceship fuel, we'll be able to handle some asteroids
@EtiennedeMartel Now you have to do evil laugh.
I doubt it exists, but I'd love to be proven wrong
And get a goatee.
If it exists, it seems like it would tend to avoid masses like say, our galaxy :p
it'd be nowhere near us, likely
anthropic principle is not without its own built-in caveats
@Ell They describe this as "capable of reasonable interstellar spaceflight" ignoring the fact that it would take longer to get to any (other) star than the amount of time the human race has existed.
it's just that everything else is slower :/
@MooingDuck There's no "manned" in there.
@MooingDuck Are you referring to Ramjets?
@AgainstASicilian obviously, see what I replied to
We have a probe close to reaching interstellar space as we speak.
how about we send the contents of wikipedia, some robo-parents and frozen egg and sperm into space and see what happens xD
@RMartinhoFernandes interstellar space yes, other stars no
@melak47 i select empty project but i found error general error c1010070: Failed to load and parse the manifest. The system cannot find the file specified. .\Debug\pro2.exe.intermediate.manifest pro2
@prjndhi clean the project. rebuild.
It's a thought experiment. Just like there's no train going ~c, there's no such thing as exotic matter. It's an idea, to which the Universe might have a similar manifestation. Mathematics exist outside physical reality and they allow for some pretty entertaining stuff.
@prjndhi Manifest? what kind of console application in what language are you trying to create?
@prjndhi did you give the project the name of a folder that already existed?
@MooingDuck : no
We could always get hit by a gamma ray burster
that'd be a blast >3
@MooingDuck Depending on how fast you're going though, you could reach some stars within a lifetime in ship-time
@prjndhi then you did something else wierd, an empty C++ project does not have nor need a manifest file
@Collin Do you know how fast it takes for that to be exploitable?
Time dilation is not linear.
@RMartinhoFernandes A nontrivial chunk of c
@Collin no, I don't think relativity works that way
You need at least 0.8c+.
@RMartinhoFernandes not offhand, I remember some discussion of it in Cosmos
Right, Martin
When he's going over possible interstellar ship designs
@RMartinhoFernandes even if you're going .8c, would that make ship time less than earth time? I don't think that it would decrease ship time at all.
A: If the Puppeteer worlds are traveling near light-speed, shouldn't their time be dilated?

R. Martinho FernandesWell, it really depends on how long he was there, and the exact speed of the Fleet. Time dilation increases way faster as you approach the speed of light. At 0.9c the dilation factor is about 2.29; at 0.95c about 3.20; at 0.97c about 4.11; at 0.99c about 7.09; at 0.999c is about 22.37; and a...

Note, it's on scifi.se.
Exploiting time dilation, a bad idea.
Death. All around. :Đ
"I like rusty spoons"
Except you.
Even at half of c, going to Andromeda would take 1.7 million years
@RMartinhoFernandes: nevermind, I'll read the wiki page
Why Andromeda?
There's an entire galaxy to explore.
Even at 99% of c, reaching Andromeda would take ~300k years
@MooingDuck Hmm, I guess I remember 0.8c wrong. You need 0.9c to get half the time.
Hell, just getting out of our damn system undamaged would be nice.
@DomagojPandža That's what I said earlier -- I'm just showing that time dilation doesn't necessarily help us that much
It doesn't help us at all.
It's a damaging repercussion to the human notion of life.
Question about order of destruction.
The goal is to help humanity, not watch everything you know crumble in matter of seconds.
If I declare two objects like this: A a, b;
@DomagojPandža Without fast interstellar communication, you can't expect anything other than isolated "island" colonies, anyway.
Which gets destroyed first? b?
Well, you can't even watch because of relativity
@RMartinhoFernandes opening paragraphs of wikipedia imply that time dilation does not happen except when acceleration is involved.
I wish I could be around to see what happens to the human race
It's like reading a mystery novel that I'll never know the ending to
> Adjectives derived from "United States" (such as United Statesian) are awkward in English, but similar constructions exist in Spanish (estadounidense), Portuguese (estado-unidense, estadunidense), Finnish (yhdysvaltalainen: from Yhdysvallat, United States), as well as in French (états-unien), and Italian (statunitense).
@RMartinhoFernandes ^ Wikipedia agrees :)
yhdysvaltalainen == gibberish
@Ell literally or you mean it's not a word?
@MooingDuck Acceleration not required, just different intertial frames, which are functions of velocity
@RMartinhoFernandes Yeah, that's one more bitch that needs to be dealt with, even more difficult than the notion of "FTL" travel.
@MooingDuck I'm kidding - it looks like gibberish to me
@StackedCrooked FTR, I never, ever heard "estado-unidense", or "estadunidense". I bet it's some Brazilian crap.
We just say the equivalent of "North American", which is still inaccurate, because Mexico and Canada.
@RMartinhoFernandes thanks, will read
why can't I hold a reference to vector<unique_ptr<Gosu::Image>>; (dont think Gosu::Image is relevant, but not sure)
@Ell You can. You're doing something wrong.
@RMartinhoFernandes oh my gosh, that makes... everything... so much more confusing...
@EtiennedeMartel Yes.

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