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@JohannesSchaub-litb They do actually. Every once in a while one of their "alumni" recruiters will reach out to me. And I do respond. But those generally have little hope of getting anywhere since they're just part of a streamlined process of reaching out to all former employees who left in good-standing.
@Mysticial ah i see
@Mysticial hmm, are there no multiply-accumulate in SSE up until and including SSE4.2?
seems like only FMA will have it with a fused version. damn.. i'm on Atom, so I can't have a multiply-accumulate vector variant
The easiest way to get promoted at Google is to leave and come back
@JohannesSchaub-litb I don't see that happening unless there's a new team that singles out me as the person they want and bypasses the usual process.
@JohannesSchaub-litb Not even SSE4.2. Go all the way to FMA3/4.
@GManNickG Getting another offer and then a counter-offer is one way to get a raise, but I'm unsure of how effective that is for promotions.
Since someone that's getting paid too high in their level gets normalized on the next round of salary increases and bonuses.
so, one mulps and addps is needed. That will cost a bit of performance, perhaps.. Atom can execute more than one SIMD insn per cycle
so maybe gcc is clever enough to schedule this correctly
But the only way to really find out how much you're worth is to get an offer from somewhere else and they submit a notification of intent to resign. Then listen to the counteroffers you get.
@JohannesSchaub-litb Intel and AMD has had the ability to do mulps and addps together for ages.
They just couldn't fused (with 1 rounding) until Haswell/Bulldozer.
ah i see, so it's two instructions, but they are executed as fast as a single instruction. that's cool.
Not that simple.
They're different pipes. But the processor can issue to multiple pipes at once.
Sandy Bridge going back to at least Core 2, there was one pipe for FP-Add, and one for FP-Mul.
Each of which can sustain one instruction/cycle.
In Haswell, they still have two pipes. But both of them can do FP-Mul and FMA. One of the two can do FP-Add.
In Skylake desktop, there's still only 2 pipes. But both of them can do any FP instruction regardless of type.
In Skylake Server, it's... complicated...
lol i see you know this by heart
@Mysticial Yeah, the only way to lock in a raise is by promotion.
@JohannesSchaub-litb Yeah, it's not funny at times. If you spit out a random x86 instruction on anything Sandy Bridge or later, I have maybe a 50% chance of being able to name the latency and throughput off the top of my head as well as which of the 6 or 8 pipes it goes into.
And there are a LOT of x86 instructions.
And no, I don't actually remember all of them. It's just that there are a lot of patterns which can be used to derive those numbers without actually knowing them.
@JohannesSchaub-litb In a lot of cases, once you understand how those patterns work and why they are the way they are with respect to the hardware, you can make predictions on future non-existant/unreleased hardware based only on slides or block diagrams.
And then code for them.
It's the ultimate form of premature optimization.
I think out of maybe 10-ish predictions/assumptions I made for Skylake X, only 2 of them turned out to be completely wrong. Neither of which were wrong enough to invalidate any optimization decisions I made a year ago. Though there were a few other cases where a prediction was correct, but led to incorrect optimization choices anyway simply because I didn't do the math correctly or did it wrong.
haha :p
can you think of a better reduction of the vector than auto r = _mm_hadd_ps(other->sqsum, _mm_set_ps1(0.f)); auto scalar = r[0]+r[1]; ?
What's the definition of r?
Or rather the definition for the type of r.
Indexing a SIMD vector is generally a performance smell since there's no way to do that efficiently in hardware. But a smart compiler may be able to see the intent and do the right thing.
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