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01:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

1:38 AM
> « Le chamallow, on peut en faire l’exégèse, mais avec la photo et le commentaire, je pense que personne ici n’aimerait recevoir cette qualification »
exégèse, putain
> l’avocat avait énuméré les qualificatifs associés au président de la République François Hollande : « Flamby », « Fraise tagada », « Guimauve le conquérant ».
2:08 AM
Skynet is here 😱 https://t.co/32XwOtdGbI
/cc @Mysticial
I cannot stop laughing, this is amazing
maybe @Xeo too
Wow, I havent laughed like this in a while.
Seriously though, animated wallpapers or wtv that is are pretty cool. I just wouldnt play that song
@Borgleader What does that mean?
I'm not sure what youre confused about.
3:01 AM
Some of the money allegedly raised by a $130 million tax fraud scheme was laundered through Lebanon by a north shore builder before eventually finding its way to an eastern suburbs extortionist
3:39 AM
> La France, c'est comme les femmes. On peut pas vivre avec, on peut pas vivre sans.
3:53 AM
@EdgyAlpaca absolument dégoûtant
1 hour later…
5:27 AM
@Columbo :)
yeah, real person ... but seems to be a lot of photoshopping as well
The more I hear about amazon retail coming to australia, the more I think about fake news
Sup guise
1 hour later…
6:56 AM
@Aleksbgbg that's a good thing
7:06 AM
The first, early version of my book "Concurrency with Modern C++" is available. Here is it: https://leanpub.com/concurrencywithmodernc #cpp #cplusplus
@sehe Damn that cover is a mess
> leanpub
I don't think I care for the cover
lean cpp
@Horttanainen could be worse - it could be a blob fish on the cover
I think he designed the cover using parallel threads which resulted in race condition
1 hour later…
8:38 AM
@Ven Sup frer
Ready for another RER nightmare?
j'ai d'la chance je prends pas la C :D
My usually 1h max back commute was transformed into a 2h+ ride in trains w/o AC thanks to SNCF cluelessness
Resulting in me having to skip my workout session
(Which gets me in an incredibly bad mood every time it happens)
@Ven combo A et E hier
8:52 AM
ah, en plus ?
Et ces abrutis affichent "traffic fluide"
tous les gens que je connais mettent 3h à rentrer depuis une semaine :/
genre, tu regardes le twitter rer C, hier toutes les h y'avait un nouveau tweet avec une nouvelle excuse
Le mieux c'est mon dernier changement, j'att 20 min le seul train affiché desservant mon arret
Il arrive "ah en fait, changement de terminus les mecs c la teuf oklm"
nan mais sans déconner jserais rentré plus vite en vélo
@LucDanton topkek
« Guimauve le conquérant »
8:59 AM
@Ven Il se passe quoi sur Paris ?
@Morwenn les RER prennent feu
@Morwenn vous avez des trucs pour la fête de la musique, là haut ?
@Ven Cool
@Ven Je n'ai rien de prévu.
9:41 AM
me remets à chercher du boulot en auvergne ._.
j'adore la région mais niveau tech spas vraiment ça
voyons rennes sinon
si tu trouves un truc en auvergne, tu passes dans l'été :P
vasi on monte une startup en auvergne
une appli de livraison de fromage par drone
putain cette idée incroyable
je connais les amateurs
attends en + le conseil régional (ou général ? chépu) fait de sacrés ristournes aux startups qui s'installent dans la région
par contre la connection c'est 56k
9:46 AM
non en vrai ça va
non parce que j'ai une super maison à aumont aubrac, les futurs locaux de notre startup.
(et y'a la fibre en vrai)
>tfw greentext
pas la loser stp
9:47 AM
startup élevage de chèvres
featuring Luc
compile-time goat cheese
whatever floats your :goat:
en fait je voulais faire une startupe qui te permets de consommer des produits locaux, un peu comme les AMAP mais en ligne (cela dit je suis sûr que ça doit déjà exister)
ma belle famille possede une grange a besse
y'a edf
@EdgyAlpaca oui mais tu peux en avoir plusieurs
tu as un un exemple d'existant ?
non mais je sais que ca existe on m'en a deja parle
genre des boites qui te livrent des paniers de legumes bio toutes les semaine avec des trucs du coin et de saison
9:51 AM
I find your lack of ç and accents offensive
@slaphappy shit :(
je suis en qwerty
qwerty intl tu peux tout faire
@EdgyAlpaca ca veut juste dire que c'est une bonne idee
@EdgyAlpaca ya pas sur win7
lies, je l'utilise tous les jours au boulot
9:52 AM
voila, via mon qwerty ™
considere toi chqnceux aue je sois pqs juste en trqin de tqper qvec le ,quvqis lqyout
j'ai ri
power outage at work
10:49 AM
@Horttanainen I kind of like the first one.
@Morwenn alright
11:01 AM
@slaphappy J'approuve cette idée
Right: why order a pizza when you can order a raclette instead?
my chicken purrs sometimes ... yes chickens purr & this is someone else's video to prove it
quvqis layout?
11:46 AM
dang, power's back on, so I'd better go back into work and actually do some
12:34 PM
Is this room dead?
No, french. Not quite the same thing.
Allez chercher la bière, les français stupides
So, is docker the game changing diamond everybody seem to agree on?
No, Docker is shit.
12:47 PM
Use scp.
you can talk to robot about how awesome docker is
I thought about whether I should have pinged. Apparently just writing "robot" is good enough.
@nwp I contacted him on discord about it and told him about the conversation
1:05 PM
@slaphappy je suis en qwerty aussi et puis j'ai le ç quand meme
Il se sent supérieur, du coup.
@Ven allez essaye d'écrire Ê
je suis sur qwerty mac, donc c'est pas bien compliqué :-).
de mémoire l'azerty permet pas d'écrire les majuscules avec accents
1:09 PM
Sur azerty
@Morwenn c'est pas bien de copier coller
C'est plus compliqué pour les autres.
1:10 PM
L'accent circonflexe marche bien partout.
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix Ça je ne le fais pas.
C'est pas pour me vanter mais le layout fr CA c'est surment un des plus versatile que j'ai utilisé
un des vieux layout pas celui récent utilisé chez apple par exemple
1:12 PM
C'est pas pour me vanter mais mes collègues utilisent de l'azerty mac, et j'ai jamais vu un truc aussi horrible.
Après, le qwerty mac devrait permettre ça, mais `Y.
faut régler son compose je pense
installe un layout canadien français vieux macquebec.com/…
il me semble ce layout marche
seul petit probleme... il est pas considéré comme un layout latin
donc tu es forcé a avoir lui et un autre latin
Did the Qt people get their typical loop (the dark sample code) wrong? Check for error -> read the next element -> process seems incorrect. It should be read next element -> check for error -> process. Am I doing it wrong?
@nwp you're reading it wrong. It's technically read the next element -> process and if error happens then you check error (my guess is that the call to atEnd will fail and leave the loop in such case
But a bit weird there is no error handling inside the loop
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix atEnd will return true which will end the loop, after processing the invalid token that readNext produced during reading
maybe the trick is that atEnd will return true immediately and not after failing to read something
> [QXmlStreamReader::atEnd()] Returns true if the reader has read until the end of the XML document, or if an error() has occurred and reading has been aborted. Otherwise, it returns false.
IOW if atEnd returns false then readNext will succeed
1:24 PM
> bool QXmlStreamReader::readNextStartElement() Reads until the next start element within the current element. Returns true when a start element was reached. When the end element was reached, or when an error occurred, false is returned.
I'll see if while (xml.readNext() != QXmlStreamReader::Invalid){process();} does the right thing. It seems intuitive and concise.
@nwp I think the easiest way to find out would be to provide some kind of invalid xml and check how it behaves
If the atEnd discover the error before readNext it's good if not the error check should be in the loop or some kind of "break" should be added to abort processing
@jeyejow hello
Jun 8 at 19:05, by Tony The Lion
Read the rules or covfefe
2:20 PM
@nwp It does the right thing for the relevant cases.
3:17 PM
4:04 PM
/cc @EdgyAlpaca
4:26 PM
@Ven :/ sucks
j'ai du mal à y croire
apparently true so.
pas surpris, dans la famille on a perdu une tante qui s'est tuée en faisant la vaisselle (assiette qui glisse, se casse, fragment qui tranche une artère fémorale)
ça semble con comme ça mais c'est vraiment facile de mourir en fait :/
._. damn
inb4 "ill never do the dishes again"
5:08 PM
@EdgyAlpaca alors j’ai finalement mis la main sur le truc, c’était marrant. pis comme c’était un album intégrale j’ai eu 2 histoires bonux
5:40 PM
Mods of this room, how did you become mods of this room?
@sbi why'd you RT such bullshit - twitter.com/projectFem4All/status/876925785696808964 ? Not only it looks like a fake from r/thatHappened , but the text suggests that violence is better than "the rape culture" when it's actually the same.
@faceless There are moderators and there are room owners. Moderators are elected on Stack Overflow and the various SE sites. Normally, whoever creates a chat room is its owner, and s/he can add as many other owners as s/he sees fit. In the case of this particular room, it's a little different. The original owner of the Lounge abandoned it, and another room was started. SO didn't like that, so they "gave" the old room to the new owners and killed the other room.
Because of that, we've tried to keep multiple owners since (usually around 10). Selection is mostly by agreement of current owners.
aka nepotism
5:57 PM
@slaphappy Hon hon hon
@JerryCoffin for the win again with your answers
@LucDanton More or less, anyway, yes. I'd like to think more thought is given to owners really doing a good job than the typical nepotism situations like: "I know my nephew is an idiot, but give him a job anyway."
My nephew is 3 and I'm trying to show him the paths of programming, but no, he'd rather watch me play overwatch
I obviously can't promise anything on anybody else's behalf, but does anybody think the Lounge would be better off doing something like holding annual elections?
eh, if it aint broken, why fix it?
Unless there is some politics going on that we dont know about?
6:01 PM
@JerryCoffin yikes I wouldn’t think so
Mar 7 at 17:08, by R. Martinho Fernandes
It's been decreed. Deal with it.
occasionally people are unhappy with some of the room owner's decision making, but it generally works out ok
@JerryCoffin no
@faceless I'm not aware of a problem, no. I do, however, respect Luc quite a lot, so when he uses a word like "nepotism", that usually has negative connotations, I'm not going to ignore it either.
@nwp Abyx is the only sticking point here.
@JerryCoffin aw I meant it as a joke
6:06 PM
@JerryCoffin The assessment isn't necessarily unfair, but, you have to remember how many times people tried to fork the room and they all failed horribly.
if the Lounge was fundamentally broken, they would succeed as people would choose their new room over this one
I often say that the Lounge is not a democracy and it mostly isn't but people certainly choose to spend their time here or not
@EtiennedeMartel How so? Disruptive as he may be there is rarely action by room owners or complaint about it.
there's often complaint about Abyx
frequently from the owners
but the owners in the timezones that have to deal with him most don't seem to enjoy taking actions against the deserving
@nwp That's actually a very interesting thing. Why isn't there any action? I personally am uncomfortable with unilaterally kicking someone without first consulting at least another owner, and when Abyx does something unbelievably offensive, I usually don't move for that reason.
if you ever decide to kick Abyx, I approve in advance
Fine by me.
6:11 PM
I was thinking more about things like this or this.
Not that electing room owners would have done anything to improve the situation.
that's a faulty assumption
Aside from the occasional entitled newbie who barges in with unreasonable demands, I don't really feel like I need to moderate a lot of people.
the moderation here is whatever the room owners say it is.
it's as arbitrary or reasonable as we are at the time of the moderation
Woah, woah, woah, we could make a machine learning AI that kicks users based on sentence structure???
It should be made clear however that even though I disagree on loads of topics with a lot of people here, the only person I actually find morally repugnant is Abyx.
6:13 PM
@faceless Yes, we will start by kicking anyone ending a sentence with ???
and frankly, if you piss off the owners enough that they are not feeling reasonable, that's probably merit for kicking in the first place
@nwp You just did.
@nwp I disagree. kick people that end sentences with 4 or more '?'.
we can create something that randomly generates a neew owner every minute?
@EtiennedeMartel Personally I reserve my moderation actions for those I consider to be in bad faith (usually)
@faceless Yes! Abyx as room owner, what could possibly go wrong?
haha Why doesn't anyone like Abyx?
6:17 PM
because he's a remorseless shitface with no redeeming qualities whatsoever?
I think the topics he brings up are hard pressed and should be discussed in this C++ chatroom on the internet. /s
I may be a remorseless shitface but I possess at least one redeeming quality, which is namely that I'm a genius
and so modest too
I don't like him because he recognizes problems and then just accepts them as something that must forever be so and should even be strengthened. Others hate him for being sexist or something.
in any case, I think the only reason he is tolerated is because he's been around for so long and predates moderately effective moderation tools for room owners
if a new person identical to Abyx joined the room, he'd get kicked in the face so hard our feet would come out his ass
like me :D
on blockchains...........
6:22 PM
Client Logic
6:38 PM
@Puppy It actually happened 6 days ago
if I had been there, I'd have solved that problem in short order
6:52 PM
@LucDanton No problem--even if I am clearly too serious to see humor in anything. :-)
@nwp Two or more question marks will be allowed if and only if they translate to a proper trigraph (even if those are now obsolete).
@Puppy I do remember that--but I also remember that most of the people who did so probably wouldn't get a vote from anybody but themselves in an election either. Don't get me wrong: I'm not trying to argue in favor of an election--just pointing out that this data, by itself, doesn't necessarily mean a lot.
@JerryCoffin That's true. I merely meant that the Lounge can't be that broken ;p
@Puppy Fair enough.
not sure how they earn money through outrage
also the criminal charges seem like a slight issue
@Puppy Turn yourself into a martyr for a false cause and collect donations.
@EtiennedeMartel Think that if you gain money as the result of a criminal act, you can be forced to forfeit it, at least here.
@Puppy It'd be hard to prove that it's "as a result of".
not sure if reasonable doubt is the standard
obviously you have to have beyond reasonable doubt to be convicted
7:44 PM
She's just asking for money. Nothing wrong with that.
Well, I think it's morally wrong, but I'm sure it's not legally wrong.
And anyway, an alt-righter and their money are soon parted, once you've made them angry.
our legislation makes reference to tainted gifts but as far as I can see, they are gifts from the criminal to others, not the other way around
@EtiennedeMartel Logically, she's being paid (by public people) to commit an offence; shouldn't that be organized crime?
@Puppy She's not being paid to commit an offense.
well I guess that depends on how you define "paid"
but I would say that it does qualify if she receives money as a result of committing the offence which is not used on legal costs
8:07 PM
ah got it
> The court must decide any question arising under subsection (4) or (5) on a balance of probabilities.
we simply need to decide that the criminal has benefitted from the offence, under balance of probabilities, then the court can order him to pay up
@Puppy Is that in the UK or the US?
8:33 PM
@EtiennedeMartel UK
the only thing I know about US law is "lol US law"
8:49 PM
US law seems to be designed to guarantee work to lawyers. It's law as a business.
@EtiennedeMartel Welcome to my new web site, offering litigation as a service. Would you prefer to conduct your lawsuit via JSON or XML?
Update Travis to use GCC 7 -> Clang 4 build complains because libstdc++ uses deduction guides...
@JerryCoffin It's legal we're talking about. You know it's gonna be 8.5" x 14" paper.
@JerryCoffin Don't you offer neural net deep learning auto-litigation?
Yeah, you need buzzwords to get that sweet sweet VC money.
9:09 PM
does anyone here have any experience w/ ida pro
@Morwenn heh, I had the same problem a while ago
you can change -std=c++1z to -std=c++14 in order to make clang compile again
I'll just update to Clang 5.0, and otherwise fuck it.
@nwp -std=c++14 woudn't work because I use C++17 features (and plan to use even more).
When life gives you compilers... Well, I don't know.
That is unfortunate. Meanwhile debian only gives me clang-3.9 even on experimental.
9:12 PM
Aw, no Clang 5.0, fuck you too :/
What if I add both g++-6 and g++-7?
you will still have libstdc++-7 installed which uses deduction guides which screws over clang
@nwp Can't it pick the right one?
@Morwenn As far as I know you either have libstdc++-6 or libstdc++7, you can't have both.
Trying it anyway, let me have my fun.
and replacing 7 with 6 takes more advanced apt magic than I'm capable of
9:16 PM
@Puppy We're beyond mere deep learning and into recurrent neural networks with long short term memory. Works particularly well for litigation, where I have perfect long term memory for anything anybody ever did that I didn't like, and almost none at all for what I did to provoke them!
@Morwenn ...write least common denominator code.
@JerryCoffin I'm trying to do just that, but with up-to-date compilers.
Also, if Clang used libc++ instead of libstdc++ except when told otherwise, I wouldn't have this kind of dumb problem .____.
Well, of cours it doesn't work. Time to git push -f that commit away.
@Morwenn I tried making clang work with libc++, no luck
Never managed to make it work either.
@JerryCoffin And to do it properly compose std::lcm and std::gcd into mystd::lcd.
@nwp mystd::oled > mystd::lcd
9:23 PM
@JerryCoffin Hello.
I think Morwenn is unhappy with our level of seriousness. @JerryCoffin help, fix it
You said something about exchanging email addresses?
Of course, that was back in April. You may not remember.
That's convenient
Does he owe you 20$ as well?
I doubt it. Just as I doubt that I owe him.
I'm not sure I ever met the man in person.
9:28 PM
Are you a nigerian prince who needs to store some of the nation's gold reserves in US$ outside the country?
But I am forgetful.
I'm Jonathan Guthrie, former associate of Bob Stout, former ISP owner, and current programmer.
Among other things
(Ask me about my big rocket!)
Too lame? I try not to be too lame.
That photo is more than ten years old.
I still have that shirt, though. And the rocket, although the T-nuts on one side have come loose so I can't really fly it any more.
What's the propulsion system?
I know nothing about rockets :P
9:36 PM
That particular rocket had a 29mm motor mount. I flew it mostly on reloadable G's, although I used it for my certification flight with an H.
@StackedCrooked Wanna hear about mine? :p
@JonathanGuthrie Hi Jonathon. You don't look like I expected. I haven't the faintest clue why, but for years I pictured you as young and skinny. Then again, in the C_ECHO days, you would have been a lot younger (as I was as well).
I have never been skinny. Sorry
Despite being 11 years old, I still pretty much look like that.
And, I should mention, despite my best efforts.
Anyway, my email isn't a secret. You can email me at jguthrie@brokersys.com
9:40 PM
@JonathanGuthrie Like I said, it had no basis--I could only go by your postings. I always pictured Bob as that sort of grandfatherly figure who was kind to a fault, unless you pissed him off, at which point he'd probably show you the rifle he used to kill Japs in WWII, including a bayonet that was still bloody as kind of a reminder that you'd better toe the line...
@JonathanGuthrie Noted. Who do you write code for nowadays? As I recall when you worked with Bob it was on oil field telemetry stuff, wasn't it?
Bob hired me to program gas flow computers for Baker CAC, and then again to do Windows programming for Bridgeway Software.
I am now a platform firmware developer for Hewlett Packard Enterprise
I almost fell asleep on my computer. I guess it's good night ^^'
Good night, and good luck.
What for? :o
Whatever. Look, I believe in blessings and curses and that what goes around, comes around, so it's best to wish for good things to happen to people.
9:48 PM
@JonathanGuthrie What sort of equipment? Storage, or network stuff, or .... ?
Oh, thanks then :)
I work on the Frame Link Modules for the HPE Synergy product.
So, it's compute with some network aspects.
If you want one, walmart.com sells them
@JonathanGuthrie As I recall, when I looked online about Synergy, I saw something about "composable infrastructure", or something along that line, tried to read for a couple of minutes, and gave up because I still hadn't even a clue what sort of thing it was supposed to be...
Ummm, well, I'm supposed to use the official marketing buzzwords.
The thing is, if we were to do a follow-on to the C-class blade enclosures and blades, they would look a lot like the Synergy compute modules and the enclosure manager would look a lot like the Frame Link Module.
The terms "enclosure" "blade" and "enclosure manager" being verboten for use with respect to synergy
I see that may be too abtuse.
It's a big box of computing, and I work on the small thingies in the back that runs the box.
(It's a cluster of thingies, so use of the singular verb there is justifiable.)
@JonathanGuthrie This sounds a bit like writing a book on hydrology, while carefully avoiding any use of the word "water"...
9:57 PM
Ah, you get it!
@JerryCoffin to be fair, it’s not called waterology
Synergy frames have their own management network built in and there are modules that will allow you to aggregate management of up to 20? 40? frames.
01:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

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