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01:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

@Borgleader kitty
@jaggedSpire :3
nice flags
JavaScript up to it's usual mayhem
I wonder if the warning here has something to do with std::unique_ptr::operator->() not being declared [[noreturn]]. coliru.stacked-crooked.com/a/5e3cc9a49d5d26fb
maybe the [[noreturn]] attribute applied on a virtual function doesn't mean the overriders are supposed to also be [[noreturn]]
in the first case it can assume a single type, but in the latter it can't, and issues a warning
it seems silly, since [[noreturn]] is essentially a constraint, like noexcept
and overriders not being [[noreturn]] this would mean weakening the postcondition
good point
Yep cleaner dumps people into the trash bin
@Telkitty If you think it's in the wrong place, then you'll need to flag for moderator attention move it. Only they have the power to do that.
what's your obsession with moderators?
@Telkitty You sound like you have a problem with that. I suggest you either cry to your mother or flag for moderator attention.
Oo i c, mysti is a mother's boy
I'm writing code and I'm bored
are nerds and bad boys mutually exclusive?
they are orthogonal
@Telkitty if they were, nobody would hack 😎
bad nerds bad nerds whatcha gonna do when they come for you(r machines)
1 hour later…
This is why I need better antivirus
Run an installation script once, and it stops working because it ends up here ^^;
You should feel bad for using Python27
In 2005 almost any code assembled with FASM would trigger my AV
Fortunately, due to the heroic efforts of AV companies, we no longer have computer viruses.
You should feel bad for using Windows..
Yes, I updated many months ago, but the virus chest keeps it for eternity. Thanks to antivirus, nobody can make viruses. Now I call that efficiency!
@Mikhail haven't seen a single one virus in a wild, except in museums
Ssh, nim is marginally better than python in respect to typing errors. The more I use python, the more I realize how much I hate code that doesn't fail fast because it's too busy ducktyping everything.
Still haven't found a happy medium between the heft of rust or C++ typing and the light weight typing of python.
@littlepootis I've been getting fisted by Linux scaling problems. Windows resource management internals, for threads, memory, are light years ahead. Not to mention the driver verification or the network stack.
Sup guise
Watching python crash because of differences in the implementation of multiprocessing on Windows and Linux, while trying to figure out how to explain to my professor/boss that I spend most of my time helping other people... Its also like 2:00am
Yeah, I feel like python would benefit from running on a proper VM. Maybe it would work better compiling python code to JVM?
@Aaron3468 there's jython already
my team evaluated it briefly in opposition to embedded cpython but settled on not using it
not sure why, probably because of native deps we require
No, they have implementation problems. Using pickle to talk between threads and then limiting the amount that can be pickled to 2GB, is Some Fucking Bullshit Yoâ„¢, differences between multiprocessing implementations on Windows (functional) and Linux (not functional) are mostly caused by using archaic Linux system calls.
@BartekBanachewicz what did you go with?
Oh shit, and pickle is not ideal either because it runs the objects. Better to use a more stupid serialization when possible. JSON is fairly good for that, though you'd need to have the right deserializer to get the methods back.
@Mikhail cpython
In a normal world, they would use memory, the original way to store data
Yes, but then webservers need to be happy to distribute and receive binary executables. Lots of attack surfaces for hackers then :(
The challenge is that the metadata between objects needs to be passed when moving them between processes, including information on how to delete them etc. So you always gotta make a deep copy. Another idea is to have an optional "shared" garbage pool, although I'm sketchy on the implementation details of how to share such a pool between processes.
@jaggedSpire I'm glad that cute is back in this chat.
@Mikhail True, sharing objects is one of the worst problems for multiprocessing. It's often an easier problem to solve by not sharing any state, and only passing objects that will be consumed by one thread at a time.
@Aaron3468 Note, that if pickle didn't have this odd limit, it would be a performance problem rather than a show stopping event.
Or if they had threading in Python, which is somehow possible in C#
it's possible in all non-dumb languages
What I don't understand is if its anything in the language compared to C# that makes it impossible. Or are they just misinformed/understaffed/in-denial...
implementation problems and giant stacks of legacy code
@Mikhail Haha, yeah. Imo, python's downsides relegate it to simple processing, read 'glue code' or 'dumping text'. It just doesn't have the fine-grained control necessary for a lot of production code.
If Nim or other similar kitchen-sink languages were more mature, I'd recommend one of them. Until then you're stuck writing a C++ library for python that includes the lost functionality
The real story is that most places will just dump humans on it, for example, there are people who brag about the "watchdog" style systems they've set up to monitor Python/Linux resource exhaustion issues. And now increasingly numeric computing is moving to Python so we're fucked, fucked, fucked. Its like JavaScript again.
Can this be trusted? Perl is faster than C++ in regards to string manipulation
@Mikhail Yep, python is approximately equal to javascript (and a relative of php). Messy but it's a bit less messy than javascript.
@Telkitty Mostly because they are probably measuring while using std::endl; too often. C++ string output is super slow if you over-flush the output buffer. endl flushes the buffer if I recall and adds 100+ms of latency with repeated string output.
IOW, printf is a good idea if you want to benchmark C++ or need performant code.
Printf takes miliseconds on windows systems, if I recall it had something to do with inter process communication.
@Aaron3468 The code used is listed in the article. looks crappy to me at first glance
@Horttanainen Most benchmark code is tbh. Benchmarkers are usually tech journalists, not computer scientists. They want to get the chart and declare a winner so people can have argument material
can I update a git branch without having to checkout branch && pull --rebase && checkout where-i-was?
I don't think so
can't I do something like git rebase foo origin/foo?
@Mikhail Hmm, that wouldn't surprise me, but I'll research the topic a bit more deeply
@Horttanainen yea, they are indeed using std::endl for C++ code, then comparing it to C… and I wonder where this myth about speed difference between C/C++ comes from? :(
@Horttanainen Yeah, maybe you're right. Does seem to be a computer scientist. Despite that, there's a lot of experts who find mistakes when they scrutinize benchmark articles. Imo, if a language compiles and has a large userbase, it's going to be fast enough for performance code.
I didn't pay much attention to their benchmark code, but it wasn't written for speed for sure
Obviously you can ASM macro and get the optimal speed. The argument is about paradigmatic performance. One could say that std::string manipulation is not paradigmatic.
@Aaron3468 Sorry my answer was for @thecoshman. I agree with you.
I want to play with template<auto> and if constexpr already.
@Mikhail also you can do stuff with fwrite() and carefully juggle buffers to enjoy some more speed… but the difference in common instruments is more important, I agree
@login_not_failed Speed < features imo, once you figure out roughly what speed cluster the language is in (e.g C speed, Java speed, Python speed, Haskell speed)
you can use printf in a C++ program too ...
@Aaron3468 yup, this is arguably more important, because speed is not something you go for every day
you don't even have to do 'extern C'
Comparing languages makes no sense. C++ is always better
@Horttanainen this :)
Actually, most benchmarks show that jQuery runs fastest
and it all depends on the intended usage, because every language is just an instrument
you're an instrument
@Telkitty extern "C"'s purpose isn't to use libc features
The benchmark shows which languages have well designed string manipulation features, from what I recall perl wasn't too bad.
Is there any relation between energy of the sound wave and its wavelength?
lol, C++ has some pretty massive drawbacks. eyes black void of UB lying just outside of copy-pasted code
@Joe No, there can be relation if you introduce plasticity. Not having a relationship is one of the reasons we say there is a "speed of sound"
why not?
I'm pretty sure UB can summon Cthulhu
what does the energy of sound wave depend on?
@Joe The elastic contact between particles follows hooks law.
@Joe From hook's law you can derive a speed depending on the young modulus, etc.
Might as well default to one language until you reach its limits. Javascript developers have yet to reach a limit.
@Joe frequency & amplitude
@Rerito No? I thought this told C++ linker not to expect declarations in c-headers to be mangled.
higher the frequency & larger the amplitude, the greater the energy
@Horttanainen exactly, so why would you need to use it to make some calls to printf?
@Rerito Let me check where printf is declared
It surely have extern "C" in that header
So that's it
@Telkitty why frequency ,, do you have an equation for the energy of sound wave? thank you
@Mikhail thank you
Okay well time to go home and cry. I'm seriously considering running Windows in a VM on the Linux system, but I'm not sure what IO performance, etc would look like...
Mikhail , do you have an equation about sound energy?
@login_not_failed , last question... is that higher frequency gives higher energy of sound?
@Mikhail do you need to go home to cry?
Telkitty ???
@Joe have you read Feynman's lectures yet? give it a try; on the topic: it should, but I'm sure there are some caveats here
@Mikhail :/ if you can get python on a cross platform VM, all will be good
thank you
@Horttanainen turns out I am being silly
@Joe test everything, don't just blindly follow somebody's words, pls :)
I cna fetch and then merge that 'remote' branch into my local
Q: Sound Intensity and Frequency Relation

Jane JacobsonThe intensity of a wave is proportional to the square of the amplitude of the AND the frequency of the wave given by the equation: Now when talking about sound waves the sound level of a noise (loudness), it is proportional to the intensity of the source. If intensity of a wave is proportiona...

for follow up questions, please go to a physics chat room
this room is not for physics (unless you are a regular lounger)
@thecoshman Turns out I misunderstood the original question
@Telkitty haha, there's a big «AND» for people like me with a very vague memory about this stuff :D
I did Telecommunication engineering, had wave equations as breaky, lunch and dinner for 2-3 years. Will be sad if I don't remember the basics.
@Puppy Can't you break all the glass first and then use pliers to unscrew the metal bits?
Opening pliers may help.
(Those that open when you apply force, as opposed to closing; not sure if that's the right name)
@R.MartinhoFernandes sounds like a speculum :P
though I can't spell it :|
you can use the long nosed pliers for that, stick both legs into the base open the pliers and then you can apply some force
Yeah, it's just more awkward to do the unscrewing motion like that.
but cheaper
As the son of a mechanic, I tend to take nice tools for granted :D
It feels so nice when you have just the right tools for the job
there is a certain satisfaction in substituting a tool for a hammer though
I tend to be strongly of the mindset, if you need a tool once, you'll need it lots of times. It's worth buying tools that suit the job at hand rather than bodging your way through
Well.. that's interesting. Nim seems to have a bug in which stdin.readChar doesn't require enter to be pressed for a few seconds after use ^^;
So using it multiple times in a row will input a character, then read junk characters without user input.
Q: Where are the generated JSP class files located?

tt0686I am using Tomcat 7.1 and Eclipse Indigo to develop a Java Web Application. I just want to ask if anybody knows where the JSP translated files (the java files) are stored? Its often i receive exceptions indicating the jsp java file line, but if i can not see the file it is more difficult to corre...

Voted to close. The top answers are by the same guy, using the same screenshot...
Minecraft hat!
@Abyx but it's only pixelated! </cptobvious>
Long time since I did much with complexity, but isn't the last example here "Remember O(N^2) != O(N^3) and O(2^N) != O(3^N)." incorrect? I thought O(N^2) = O(N^3) was correct.
My understanding of O(N^2) = O(N^3) is that it means "a function that grows at most in N^2 grows at most in N^3" which is true.
Which leads to the trivial answer of making an empty program that does nothing which runs in O(1) which is also in O(N^2) and the others.
Complexity classes are sets.
The set O(N^3) has more members than the set O(N^2).
never mind, the body essentially says O is to be replaced by Θ which makes all the things correct
@nwp Yes, but that only means that the program is both O(1) and O(N^2). But there are programs that are O(N^2) and not O(1).
@R.MartinhoFernandes yeah, those would fail the challenge for not being O(1)
I guess this abuse of notation isn't uncommon, but it can be misleading because this meaning of = isn't commutative: If O(1) = O(N^2) does that mean O(N^2) = O(1)?
it isn't commutative, spelling out O(1) = O(N^2) is rather tedious which is why this notation has established itself
Right, but since this is just an abuse of notation, it's hard to argue that O(N^2) != O(N^3) is incorrect.
I did make the assumption that O(N^2) != O(N^3) means !(O(N^2) = O(N^3)) which may not be correct
The author could just be trying to be precise and using the traditional meanings of sets and set equality.
O(N^2) != O(N^3) <=> set_of(O(N^2)) ⊆ set_of(O(N^3))
set_of can also be expressed properly, something with ∃ f ∀ g but I forgot
Not sure what you mean there.
Did you mean = instead of !=?
@R.MartinhoFernandes I did
FWIW, O(f(n)) is already a set; you don't need "set_of".
Which also means spelling out O(1) = O(N^2) isn't really tedious: it's O(1) ⊆ O(N^2); it's just more colloquially intuitive to use = where one would say "is".
Praise God it's not Russia this time https://t.co/irebYz8aKE
Official account 😂
I thought about going through the complexity of classic data structures replacing the (incorrect?) assumption that accessing a random element in an array is O(1) with O(n) and seeing how everything changes, but my laziness outweighs my curiosity.
there are probably a bunch of papers on that that I'm not aware of
@rightfold Clearly Brussels is being meedled with by Russia.
@rightfold lol
Ah wait, or maybe Russia is busy meddling with May.
Playing both sides!
1 hour later…
I got my 2nd car to my place /cc @R.MartinhoFernandes
the cranskshaft turns, the starter motor turns, engine doesn't fire yet
brakes rusted to death, suspension almost dead
@Morwenn <3 <3 <3
> Probing primitives no longer protects them from asteroids
> Probing primitives no lounger protects them from asteroids
is this correct english: Attenuation in different thicknesses of a bright drawn steel and an aluminum samples
u say thicknesses or thickness???
any body knows?
thicknesses, but your a/an before the materials seems wonky
ok , thank u bro
you want "aluminum samples" without the an before it
I mean so : Attenuation in different thicknesses of a bright drawn steel sample and an aluminum sample
that will work.
God bless you
have fun with your paper
and you might want either of these in the future
@Columbo so harsh!
he should ask to go discern the meaning of his existence outside
@jaggedSpire <3 too
do some deep soul searching while looking at various animals
like earthworms
Hm, seems like small-buffer optimization makes stuff like swap much slower. I.e boost::function can store 24 bytes in place. But a swap requires a dynamic dispatch in order to invoke the swaps on the contained objects. This is a bummer when used with large priority_queues.
Noticed the problem when trying to run 60k TCP sessions concurrently in my simulation env. In the end the CPU was 95% of the time busy doing swaps in the priority queue. It was about 86000 items long.
@Joe If you mean layers, then "thicknesses", but I would just say "layers". It really depends on the context, I think.
Now, 86000 is not much considering benchmarks usually start at 100k and go up to millions.
In any case, it's easy to fix, probably.
?gniod uoy era woH
.hguoht krow ot og ot tuoba ,thgirla
@StackedCrooked and I guess there isn't an option for eliding a bitswap from the inlined swap operation and making a fast path?
@StackedCrooked This is one of the reasons I wrote my own std::function-alike for nonius.
if only there was a good way to figure out if an object is self-referential
Predictable performance beats speed-in-some-cases.
@jaggedSpire have fun :)
@nwp There's a way to check if it is not (with false negatives).
@R.MartinhoFernandes thank you
@Ven you have a good day as well
@ratchetfreak There's many things I could try actually. The problem is also a bit in the design.
std::function with small buffer opt needs virtual dispatch for destruction, copy, move and swap. without small buffer opt it only needs destroy and copy
For example. Most new scheduled tasks have a timeout value that is larger than the previously scheduled tasks. So instead of a priority_queue I could use a vector and do push_back and set dirty flag in case out-of-order is detected.
is this correct english: The ultrasonic transducer was bought separately from the oscilloscope
Or I could have a more serious like at timer wheels.
@Joe yes
This is likely a problem that has been solved thousands of times throughout computing history.
thank you
the sorted vector with scratch aux buffer for amortized insertion can be a nice opt though
it "fails on incorrect magic numbers" . property $
  \a b -> (a, b) /= (0xBA, 0xBE) ==>
    fromRight (runGet (getPacket (pure ())) (pack [a, b, 0x00, 0x00]))
      `shouldBe` Nothing
@ratchetfreak Yes. I have a Function class that stores a heap allocated pointer. So swap and copy is fast.
@StackedCrooked Is copy only fast for function pointers or do you ignore the case when a callable object changes state when called?
It's a closed system. So I could implement a very fast allocation scheme that basically allocates round-robin from a list of blocks.
@nwp Yeah I ignore that.
So it's a shared pointer?
Lol, yeah.
if I'm right then small buffer opt is really to avoid a cache miss and the allocation overhead itself
a fast purpose-built allocator for it will avoid one of those issues by itself
@ratchetfreak Also the extra indirection, I guess.
@R.MartinhoFernandes that's what I mean with the cache miss
@R.MartinhoFernandes This is an attempt I made a few years ago. It even uses @R.MartinhoFernandes's type-traits.
Yeah, it's pretty "basic".
I have the same, but unique and without allocator support.
@StackedCrooked Blue comments are nice.
The first attempt used vtable instead of fptr. This resulted in crazy amounts of (totally useless) rtti overhead.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I also tried something like that. (With the dynamic clone() etc.) codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/58447/…
But I think the key is to stop trying to make something general-purpose and make something very specific-purpose instead. (As long as it's internal code)
Right. I wanted it to stay as dumb as possible, since predictability was my primary goal.
// long is probably max-align
Do you know about std::max_align_t?
Yeah. But that wasn't supported on all my compilers back then.
And why would someone store a long double inside a function object.
Only someone looking for trouble :P
@R.MartinhoFernandes It was also one of my first attempts at it. Now I'd use aligned_storage.
Learning Haskell is mighty fun
I am sure I have heard this line before
I want kinda want to learn some haskell too, just to see my prejudices be validated.
Prejudices are always right, right?
@nwp I follow these instructions: github.com/bitemyapp/learnhaskell
@Horttanainen Thanks I'll take a look. It seems to be better than the tutorial I tried before and gave up on.
user image
So, Noto Sans and Noto Sans CJK have different Latin glyphs. Thanks Google.
> Noto fonts are intended to be visually harmonious across multiple languages, with compatible heights and stroke thicknesses.
This is bollocks :<
Noto Sans and Noto Sans CJK's Latin character glyphs have different heights :<
obsolete answer
Fuck you, Google.
compatible heights != equal heights
I mean surely price fluctuates with time
@ratchetfreak If you just put a string of As side by side with the two fonts, they won't line up.
I.e. the same character should have the same height.
I'm pretty sure the "compatible" bit would be about mixing different scripts. E.g. CJK characters usually need more line spacing than Latin characters to look nice. If you mix the two, they can't just have the same height; you want them to have heights that work well with the same line spacing and don't look like their sizes are mismatched.
None of this applies if we're talking about the exact same character.
or it's talking about compatibility only inside the same variant of the Noto font
@ratchetfreak No, they're intended to be mixed.
(Because you can't have all scripts in one font, so you have to mix them)
> Put "Noto Sans" before "Noto Sans CJK". Currently, the Latin characters in the CJK fonts are from Adobe’s Source Sans Pro
@nwp Write a proposal :p
apparently CJK's latin glyphs aren't meant to be used together with other noto fonts
@Morwenn it doesn't appear to just be "they forgot constexpr", apparently compilers have difficulty optimizing away typeid and actually do a strcmp
maybe it is too complicated in the general case when templates are instantiated from various translation units
wtf with this logo??
reminds me of the newbie icons I have made myself for the apps
probably won a design price
that's even more worrisome
wtf apple, launch screen images requirements are listed in iphone versions but in app setting it's classified in ios versions??
You need enough intelligence to make a complicated system simple to use
Where did the other 206 shades of gray go?
78 other shades coz low resolution
@rightfold maybe it's only 6 bits per pixel and 14 values are also transparent
I hate 50.
It's not a power of 2.
@rightfold round it up to 64 then
Go from the classroom to your first scrum team with these paid #internships. It's not too late! Browse jobs →… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/860164900806680576
for some reason I read it as "scum"
sigh I can cross nim off my list of languages to put in a toolbox. readChar is hopelessly broken, yet I can get it to interpret brainf*** code that makes a mandelbrot set.
Any suggestions for a major language in python's niche but not dynamically typed?
compiled or running straight from source?
@Aaron3468 lol
@ratchetfreak Don't care, compiled is nice but non-dynamic type is more important to me. I have Rust and C++ when speed is necessary.
regldg a regular expression grammar dictionary generator https://regldg.com/tryit.php https://t.co/VTdX4kuUtc
@Aaron3468 what I meant was whether you would allow a separate compile command to generate the runnable
I learn as necessary, so the build system doesn't matter too much to me. Mostly looking for a language with package control and good typing. Python doesn't fail fast (or safe) due to duck typing and that's why I need to replace it.
I'm adding gc.collect() in random places to avoid memory errors
@Mikhail wut
@Mysticial If you use a ton of RAM, there is a small chance that gc isn't ran on the next function, and then everything explodes
@Mysticial I also found the issue with Python's Linux implementation (from the guy's in the Python room) (bugs.python.org/issue8713)
@Mysticial The "fix" is called "don't use multiple processes in Python".
Because today is 1982, the "paradigmatic" solution is to run a forkserver, but in reality its to hire a bunch of devs because Python devs are cheap :-(
The solution is to not use ram.
Use __slots__.
You can also say "fuck it" and go outside to stare at some plants instead.
@Mysticial Hey, that's more or less what I was going to do :D
@Morwenn Make it permanent. They you can watch plants grow and never have to stare at any programming again!
Q: The mysterious salary formula

LongI've been observing a trend in several European and American software companies when it comes to salary negotiations. Basically, HR says we have a "formula" to calculate the salary for our employees according to their years of experience and the interviewers' feedback. However, none of them ever ...

^^ That happened at the set of interviews I did for my first job.
fuck it, I can't make double underscores
truth is
I don't think that forking is all that smart a concept
I prefer CreateProcess's approach
Forking also interacts really, really badly with threads.
I think it just interacts badly with basically anything interesting
Like most ancient Unix APIs.
Signals and fork are probably the worst of the bunch though.
How would you go without signals?
I'm at least a semi-fan of the Windows exception / message model
There's a lot of things that Windows does right that a lot of Linux people overlook because, "it's Windoze".
one thing I hate about the Windows message pump model is how they're super coupled to threads and windows
but if you just had a message queue you could pump to receive process messages, that would be fine
and if a thread did a bad, exception that shit
The Windows message passing model is very nice, but it's more like "assembly" for UI stuff. Takes a lot of work to get something trivial to work. But it's very efficient.
don't really like it for UI stuff
I mean, if the system wants to say "The user clicked the mouse" to this process, sure
but in terms of on a control-by-control basis, nosiree
sigwait is so much better than the original signaling APIs
send them the message to the process, then let the user worry about how to deal with it
The problem is that signals introduce a whole new context where we need signal-safe functions and all that nonsense.
It's so much easier to just dedicate a thread to listening to signals and reuse all our existing thread-safe technology.
@littlepootis I figured out a workaround. while input == '\0': input = stdin.readChar. So basically assuming that readChar will produce empty garbage for a few seconds after the last time it was called.
@Mysticial Historically, there was a real problem with threads not servicing the messages. This got solved by better implementations, but other systems that implemented the exact same thing, like OS/2, that lacked good implementations would crash, all the time.
I'll have to let nim's author know that it's probably making a mess by only accepting one particular newline combination. If I recall windows does CR LF while linux only does LF
Unfortunately, OS/2 had a crucial flaw in its design: a Synchronous Input Queue (SIQ). What this meant was that all messages to the GUI window server went through a single tollbooth. If any OS/2 native GUI app ever stopped servicing its window messages, the entire GUI would get stuck and the system froze... Some enterprising OS/2 fan wrote an application that polled the joystick port and was supposed to unstick things when the user pressed a button. It rarely worked.
good evening gentlemen
01:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

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