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@sehe :D
@jaggedSpire :D
@Borgleader :D
@jaggedSpire Somehow I think you'd really enjoy watching kemono friends
@Mysticial But it does in TBB (which is nifty) also in Thrust (cuda)
Python code keeps dying, needs more gc.collect()
I am watching a show that is named after me. It is called "Genius".
@Telkitty That bird is creepy
I know right, if someone keeps sharp knives under his/her arms at all times, (s)he must be a psycho
It's more the facial protrusions that scare me
Hmmm, I bumped into a cool phenomena that was later named after the guy who made this video
2 hours later…
@Aaron3468 That's seriously cool.
1 hour later…
@Aaron3468 Pretty cool. What I find cooler is that there is even a body of knowledge about chain movement.
@wilx I love how once they understood the logic behind it, they were able to create a more effective and less effective version. Reminds me of how poor storytellers retell a great story they heard, but great ones can make a new story great.
1 hour later…
Found this lost on youtube
Pretty awesome
> Hillary Clinton is confident: “Macron will win”
@rightfold Not that her confidence is a reliable indicator of election results
@Rerito You might like it when you stumble onto the floppotron
@Mysticial Indeed :)
@Mgetz Yeah, that one was fun.
@jaggedSpire @Borgleader Too much cute D:
But still :
@Aaron3468 Nice
1 hour later…
@Rerito very tempted to make a set of plasma speakers :D they just so cool
@Mysticial Removed from standard
I mean, it didn't even make it in.
@rightfold You're pro Le Pen right
@RudiantoPrasetya You don't want to go down that road
@RudiantoPrasetya BTW did you vote on the first round?
is cicada really french?
@Telkitty No, he's auvergnat
hi, I need a new nick name. Any suggestions?
@edition errata
> My name is Name. Nick Name.
Boaty McBoatface
@R.MartinhoFernandes yay!
@Xeo I never had trouble with this: every time something like this happens, I just pop out one of the random quests I have prepared and turn the random NPC into a hook.
(Or, more likely since I don't prepare that much beforehand, I just make up something on the spot and make the NPC into a hook)
@Puppy Equally well? Stock market traders performing worse than chance is really not uncommon.
Is Nomic ded
Maybe? Sorry, I was on vacation until yesterday.
I guess it is my turn.
@Puppy Like cats? Cats have spread everywhere. Therefore cancer.
@Puppy The Bioware choice is your friend. You give the players a choice, but the choice they make doesn't change what happens.
Since they cannot make both choices, they won't know.
Of course, you need to make sure it looks like it makes a difference.
I.e. no "do you want to kill this guy?" "Yes" "Ok, he comes back to life".
Another trick I used one time was to have so many parties involved in the "main" plot that whatever they did would only influence which party came out ahead of the others; they might completely ruin the necromancer's plans, but by doing so they let the mindflayer's plan come to fruition.
(Spoiler alert: of course, they still fucked that up by not foiling anyone's plans and unwittingly advancing the archdemon's plan; end result: the sun god is dead, the archdemon is now a god, the Material Plane is now its new layer of Hell, and the PCs were cast onto the first layer of Hell and have their souls bound to the lowest of the archdemons.)
I hate it when that happens
bad Monday morning
@R.MartinhoFernandes screw that, if the PC's keep ignoring the plot hooks they find themselves in Ravenloft after wandering through the mists
@RudiantoPrasetya it had been a while
lol, "enjoy your desktops"
The Takbeer of Guild Wars.
@Mgetz It's not that they ignored the hooks. They simply utterly fucked up.
@R.MartinhoFernandes that's usually how various places end up in Ravenloft, and thus the unavoidable plot hook for the party finding themselves trapped in the demi-plane of evil
In any case, the whole catastrophe was a great change of pace and resulted in some of the most memorable moments we had. Pity we got separated IRL and never finished :/
that happens
@R.MartinhoFernandes No worries
I don't have much time as well
So, I have been dealing with extending our web UI testing to other browsers and newer versions of the existing ones.
To get newer Chrome working you need newer chromedriver.
But newer Chrome driver works only with newer Selenium.
I see where this is going.
To get Selenium 3.2+ working you need Java 8.
To support building with Java 8, we had to update all of our build infrastructure and Jenkins jobs.
Then it turned out we cannot use Microsoft Edge browser and the latest driver because Edge browser only works with one specific version of the said driver.
So we had to update all of our Windows 10 VMs (actually redeploy from updated template).
So you start testing Edge and it turns out it does not support multiple sessions, so you have to limit the parallelism per Windows 10 machine to just 1 instance.
Also, we have chosen Selenium 3.3.1 because that was the most current few weeks ago.
It turns out, Firefox in later versions (we have FF 36 installed on VMs) does not support the Selenium Firefox driver any more due to their new multiprocess feature, which FF 36 does not use, but they have switched default driver to something called marionette/geckdriver. So Firefox testing does not work any more.
Apparently, you can add some property (I have not tested that yet) marionette=false but it turns out Selenium 3.3.1 has a bug where they are requiring the geckodriver.exe anyway. So we will have to move to Selenium 3.4.0 because that is fixed there, supposedly.
This is not all.
Chrome driver only supports a range of Chromes and Selenium only supports some Chrome drivers. We want to update Chrome and Chrome driver to get around some issues. However, since we have it pre-installed and some of the VMs are pre-deployed, we will be breaking everyones test suites any way because it is impossible to both commit the change and update to all new Chrome driver+Selenium and at the same time re-deploy all the VMs.
@Puppy Note that there is a difference between acquiring new skills and just practising existing ones. The brain games bullshit is mostly the latter. There is a consensus that acquiring new skills triggers changes in the neural systems associated with those skills, but there's no such thing for the claim that training induces changes beyond those of the learned skills or any of the other bullshit they claim.
@Columbo "damaged" is definitely the wrong word here. Brain plasticity manifests throughout the whole life span; younger ones seem to have an advantage, but that applies across the board, regardless of having learned a language or not. There's no actual "damage" from missing the good window; just a missed opportunity.
But learning a language as a child has a lot of other factors in play that make this point really weak. Children don't learn a language if they can get away with not learning it. Well, make that people. FWIW, it's been surprisingly hard to prove that children learn languages better than adults.
Children learn faster, at least partly because they heal more quickly physically ... & mentally when they fail
@wilx very good fun :\
@Telkitty They learn seemingly faster because they can devote almost all the time to learning it, and they have the strongest motivation (they cannot communicate otherwise!). Many studies were done on this and haven't been able to conclusively show that children really are better than adults.
In fact, children won't learn a language if they can get away with not doing it.
people tend to take childhood for granted as a learning period but fail to consider that it's almost 2 decades of just learning stuff
a good decade of which is literally a full-time job of just learning
more than 2 decades - if you go to uni
@ratchetfreak And they forgot how hard it was for them to learn e.g. their first language. You know how we find "cute things kids say" amusing? Amusing as they may be, those are not manifestations of having it easy; quite the opposite.
@thecoshman Yeah.
If you live to 75, learn at 5, you get to use it for 70 years, learn at 40, you only get to use it for 30 years
learn it at school and never get to use it ever
deserve to be cooled and binned
should be your CPU sitting in a pool of liquid nitrogen if you are hardcode
Yeah.. also your kitties..
@LucDanton lol
VS2013, how I did not miss you.
Something went wrong, CDB hits a breakpoint, the call stack is just an infinite loop of functions that don't show me the code that was actually responsible for going into the breakpoint.
Back to the stone age I go, printf debugging only -.-
Maybe your stack was smashed?
it probably was, but I can't tell
> qopenglext.h:1405:17:
error: typedef redefinition with different types ('long' vs 'int')
note: previous definition is here
and that beauty is back too
lol rip
do a manual inspection of the stack?
Stack Smash Bros 64
I think you can increment the stack and frame registers in the debugger until you get something sane
though I thought that windows uses stack canaries during debug to fail early
> le domicile de petits vers munis de pattes
Y'a une contrepèterie...?
@RudiantoPrasetya un serpent muni de mains
omg mod abuse
deal with it
@nwp you can use windbg or even vs2017 to do the debugging
@Mgetz I must link to a VS2013 dynamic library.
The correct solution would be to wrap the library and communicate via sockets or something and use a proper compiler for the rest, but effort and I'm only supposed to be writing documentation.
the problem was that Qt told me that only the GUI thread can create GUI things and the message handler tried to give me a nice popup window displaying the problem, which happens to be a GUI thing which triggered the warning again
so it wasn't an infinite loop after all
recursion is a loop
I mean the stack trace wasn't a loop, it would eventually have ended in the original GUI call from a non-GUI thread
but CDB/QtCreator didn't want to show me more than 50ish functions of depth into the call stack so I didn't realize that at the time
Is rudianto cicada?
Dr. Cicada
@JoSo no. First of all, ordered containers do not care about equality at all, they are only ordered. Second, all these objections reason outside compiler optimization. E.g. for int, we get no runtime difference - unsurprisingly looking at the assembly godbolt.org/g/yUt0J0sehe 12 mins ago
I love those sites. And nonius. @StackedCrooked missed opportunity for Coliru to include nonius¹ :)
¹ not really of course; nonius isn't really well suited because (1) it's compiler heavy, like spirit (2) there's no convenient way to share e.g. generated html reports
It also takes too long to run, which Coliru isn't fond of.
it could be a Coliru Prime™ feature
I'm already a Premium Member. I haz the backdoor key
I like that it takes too long to run by design. No performance improvements required.
Most developers optimize for benchmark costs anyways. By completely omitting it
@sehe FWIW, it's easy to construct a scenario where a single <=> call is better than two < calls.
But it's also easy to construct one where a <=> call is worse than a single < call.
Indeed. That was my point. The key is whether it is relevant to the ordered containers. And I think my two samples quickly dispell most of the doubt.
I was reading some asm the other day, thought I saw you sehe. But it was sete iirc.
Did not google what it did.
@wilx Better in what way?
(Also, wtf is a Sand Script preprocessor?)
I forgot what the name is of that nefarious "home network security" device that I ran into last year.
@JohanLarsson Sets a register with/depending on the value of the zero-flag godbolt.org/g/yUt0J0
Found it:
Dec 17 '15 at 13:29, by sehe
So guys. What's worse? Ultimate4Trading or Cujo-device http://www.start-up365.net/Pages/Top10/Ultimate4Trading.php
So, Cujo still exists and seems to be selling.
> Blazing Speeds (1 GB)
@Puppy He's right that systemd is cancer, though :D
@R.MartinhoFernandes Did I write "sand"? I meant Sanskrit/TeX document preprocessor.
@wilx Oh, no, "Sand Script" is just a r/badlinguistics meme. I meant Sanskrit.
@R.MartinhoFernandes So that potentially small sets of characters get better code generated than a call to strchr.
I have ended up coding it with array parameter with N templated size with find_if(). It unrolls the loop and produces few comparisons instead of loop for short lists.
@Ven You only need virtual destructors if you delete via a polymorphic base.
> The greatest mathematicians never had their work reviewed because they had no peers on their level. It is the same with me.
let's play spot the jackass
There was some guy in physics.SE that acted the same. Don't remember his name.
This quote about mathematics is from one John Gabriel.
He refers to "mainstream mathematics" as "mythmatics".
Q: Why is #include<string> preventing a stack overflow error here?

airborneThis is my sample code: #include<iostream> #include<string> using namespace std; class MyClass { string figName; public: MyClass(const string& s) { figName = s; } const string& getName() const { return figName; } }; ostream& operator<<(ostream& ausg...

^^ ahaha
Ah, ADL and implicit conversions are great features.
1 hour later…
@Puppy dung
I acquired some long-nose pliers and safety goggles, but the rim of the bulb is actually just weak glass that just breaks when I try to yank the bulb out
@Puppy So, now you have a broken glass light bulb screwed in a socket and you cannot get it out?
@R.MartinhoFernandes It's a bit too successful to be a myth methinks
yeah I heard about the cut potato thing from a few sources, but I do not possess a potato
also some folks made the entirely rational argument that I do not want potato juice inside the fitting.
Also, that assembly output is of no help given the obfuscation of the C++ input. It doesn't show anything. I agree that it's not much slower on random strings, since typically only the first character of each string has to be compared (unless they're equal), so function call overhead dominates. — Jo So 3 hours ago
Those people.
template <typename T, typename Cmp = std::less<T> >
bool ordered_eq(T const& a, T const& b) {
    return !(Cmp{}(a,b) || Cmp{}(b,a));

template <typename T, typename Eq = std::equal_to<T> >
bool unordered_eq(T const& a, T const& b) {
    return Eq{}(a,b);
That's obfuscated these days. If anything, that's exactly relevant to inspect the generated assembly, because that's what standard library containers will end up doing.
/end rant
@wilx LOL. That's some irony that it should be a PDF download :)
@milleniumbug I found him. Wait, how many?
@sehe I just copy pasted the Markdown link of the page without editing it.
So. PDF is still a prime example of something that leads by virtue of popularity, to a large degree.
More so for "Acrobat Reader", specifically
@sehe Oh. I did not get. I am thick.
Fun experiment. Will randomizing the currency sign for Coliru's "Donate" link affect the number of donations?
At least it provides a nice bit of visual variation.
At least not less, IYAM
@sehe that’s enough negating less for today
Don't think less of it. There are greater sins
oh god the puns
I type puns, gcc restricts aliases
^ Cool stuff.
Unrolling that takes into account the instruction latency. And minimizes the number of used registers based on that.
Q: Farmer Ivan was allocated N square objects of a sowing area, write the algorithm

James AdamsonFarmer Ivan was allocated N square objects of a sowing area. For comfort Calculations of the land cadastre distributes the area square areas, the parties Which are measured by integers. What is the minimum number of sites Ivan? Input from the file INPUT.TXT. In a single line there is an integ...

/cc @Mysticial
Lucifer makes me so happy
would recommend
@nwp you can still debug using alternative tools
@Borgleader Damn, I googled part of the body and I can't find the assignment online.
Yo 'sticial, managed to watch any anime?
Fuck. I was watching basketball last night and arranging for the shipper to pick up my car from CA to deliver to Chicago.
Fun Fact: Shipping a car sucks. Not entirely sure how they're gonna deliver to downtown Chicago. They said "Chicago is no problem. Just not New York City."
@StackedCrooked I used to do that. But it never mattered since the hardware does it anyway and the compiler never plays along.
And I keep running out of registers.
I see.
How hardware help here?
The hardware's OOE.
But that still requires loop unrolling in the source code, not?
It does, but trying to micromanage the pipelining never works.
Hm, I suppose this is exactly what OOE was invented for.
> This message was created automatically by mail delivery software.

A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of
its recipients. This is a permanent error. The following address(es)

[email protected]:
SMTP error from remote server for RCPT TO command, host: aspmx.l.google.com ( reason: 550-5.1.1 The email account that you tried to reach does not exist.
Wait what
@Mysticial tch
@Mysticial Car from CA to Chicago. Try getting a car from CA to Sweden =) About $1.5k shipping on the boat. About $1000 in tolls and taxes. A nightmare I tell you.
Oh, wait. I can't reply to that mail.
@Mysticial I think the tricky part is knowing the optimal number of iterations that you need to unroll. (Apparently 6 in above example.)
@StackedCrooked OOE was invented for shitty code. It works so well that it's often impossible to get optimal performance without "using" the OOE. The micromanaged piplining in that video (even if it worked) tries to not rely on OOE at all.
The main problem is that if you try to write it in a way that doesn't require OOE, you'll often need a lot more than 16 registers.
The processor has hundreds of "renamed" registers internally that can only be utilized by means of "using" OOE.
And if you want max performance, you need to use those "renamed" registers.
Does anyone recall the room for c++ learners/questions?
check the rules, it's listed there
@CaptainGiraffe Don't do that. :) Just sell and buy.
You: Doctor, how do I drive to Hawaii?
Doctor: Use Google Maps
@Mysticial Now you tell me... I needed that advice in 1998.
@Mysticial Does that require special code?
Or do I simply need more local variables (and not worry about register spill).
@StackedCrooked One method is not to unroll the loop. (or unroll less) With less unrolling you can fit into registers. And the hardware will parallelize the computation across different iterations.
@Mysticial Wow
So if one iteration needs 10 registers and 10 instructions. But you need 6 iterations to fill all the execution slots, don't unroll at all. (or at least not "horizontally") Let the compiler run the 10 instructions x 6 iterations sequentially. And it will reorder those 60 instructions in a way that will achieve more-or-less the same parallelism as if you were to write it all out without relying on OOE.
Of course there are limits to how much reordering it can do. And that's part of why it's difficult to optimize because the "default" code (which is not to optimize by hand at all) does pretty well already.
If you need to unroll, or you run into a situation where the dependency chain is so long that even the processor can't sufficiently reorder it, then you need to rely on other tricks to do it.
Such as splitting the loop so that each iteration is smaller.
Ah. Loop splitting something I've read a few times about. Now I see how it can help.
Or writing the code in a "source-sink" manner of variable usage. Meaning, if you can identify a block of computation that needs 10+ registers, but it only has 2 inputs and 1 output. Then really, that entire block only needs 3 registers to run. And if you're careful, you can unroll it 2x.
GCC 7 has a new loop splitting optimization pass.
If you spill vector registers, VTune will recommend splitting the loop if possible - no matter how ill-advised it actually is. It's just a generic thing they throw on it.
@Morwenn Determining when and how to split a loop is probably non-trivial. Not sure what they do. It needs to identify the minimum "bisection point" - the point in the loop body where there is a few live variables as possible. And the cost of spilling them is less than gain of splitting the loop. And don't forget the analysis needed to prove the legality of the transformation.
I believe the minimum "bisection point" problem is probably a special case of the graph coloring problem which may still be NP-complete.
@Mysticial I surely don't have any idea how they do it :p
Time to sleep.
1 hour later…
I seem to have successfully stirred up a little controversy (if somewhat slowly). Two successive comments on an answer I wrote years ago say:
It's a good thing I did not have coffee, cola, stout, or some other dark-colored fluid in my mouth. You would owe me a computer screen, @JerryCoffin, were that the case. BEST ANSWER EVER! — David Hammen Jan 24 '16 at 18:01
And then:
stackoverflow.com/questions/2192547/… Ah well, what's life without at least a little disagreement?
@JerryCoffin Those answers are boring, the only interesting one is: stackoverflow.com/a/40633758/314290
@Mikhail Not particularly exciting. Just meant Aztec kind of combined the compiler with a linker/locator.
@JerryCoffin The correct answer is that it is included for backwards compatibility, and was originally added because reddit.com/r/C_Programming/comments/4tuxvv/…
Its like a semicolon in Python
Also my research paper on colon cancer was accepted...
@JerryCoffin On the topic of spitting on your computer monitor, Knuth again comes to mind. about pronouncing LaTeX -When you say it correctly to your computer, the terminal may become slightly moist
@Mikhail That doesn't respond to the question he asked though. He didn't ask where it came from or why it existed, but where it is used. It hasn't been used for B compatibility for decades (in fact, so little B was ever written that it's questionable whether it was ever used for that enough to notice).
@JerryCoffin It's a goldmine.
My personal fav is "static auto my_car;

which requires a diagnostic according to ISO C." apparently I read this three years ago and upvoted accordingly.
@JerryCoffin Except it was used for B compatible, whether or not this is a good idea is another question
@Mikhail Point is, he asked a present-tense question: where is it used. It's not used for B compatibility, and hasn't been for decades. Anything related to B compatibility is strictly past tense ("ancient history", more accurately).
@JerryCoffin However, it continues to see use (as of 2014) on GCOS mainframes,[9]
Have any of you seen a B compiler? or B source?
Yeah, but only in the last 15 minutes researching the auto keyword
@Mikhail Sure--but the people who are still using B aren't interested in compiling it as C, or they'd have written C.
One day, those systems will migrate to C
or Javascript
B backend with a node.js front
needs more docker
I'd be fascinated to see B in a docker =)
@CaptainGiraffe I've looked at the B reference manual, and (if memory serves) around 2000 or so, somebody wrote a new B compiler. As I recall, like the original, it generated byte code that needed to be interpreted (but probably not the same byte code as the original).
@JerryCoffin Neat. That would have none of the paper requirements that I wanted Mikhails answer to have. Like Fortran 77. 7 chars for labels. code must be 8 spaces in etc, col 77 is to indicate line continuation and such cruft that we actually had to deal with.

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