it’s the radio silence that’s driving me crazy, they’re not saying what they’re up to but it’s fairly obvious another dragon expansion is coming (without spoiling LW3)
@jaggedSpire Online community versus social media. There's overlap, but social media is where you form bonds by interacting with the same people and not a revolving door
@Xeo I just finished marathon catching on up Youjo Senki. The thing that bothers me a lot is that I can't find out who voices Mary. That voice, I feel like I've heard it a million times before. But I can't find out who the seiyu is. And it's killing me.
Hey do you know why a bitshift to the left might segfault? I'm shifting a bit all the way to the 32nd, 8 to bits 31-24, and the rest tacked on the end (using ORs in between). Visual Studio likes it, my ARM compiler doesn't...
The studio that made a mess of Aldnoah Zero is working on a show called Clockwork Planet right now. It seems not too bad, but it's only the second episode and Aldnoah was pretty good early on.
The ones I finished are: Youjo Senki, KonoSuba, Seiren, Akiba's Trip, Schoolgirl Strikers, Masamune-kun no Revenge.
I pick up an old show (Houkago no Pleiades) mid-season and marathoned it over 3 days. Terrible show though, I checked it out because I came across the OP on SoundCloud.
Ah, I see. I kind of assumed Naoto would be like Tokyo Ghoul in terms of character development. They might fix his character, but with what they did to Slaine, I don't expect much.
Re:Creators, aside from the 're:' in the title seems interesting. But I can't see how there'll be anything except a generic ending. Any other animu this season worth watching for sure? Not a lot of big titles dropping lately
Other than Re:Creators (and LWA continuing from last season), I'm following Rokudenashi (make sure to watch at least ep2), Tsugumomo (I heard good things about the fights, and the animation is nice), Alice to Zouroku (fluffy, with a chance of drama), DanMachi Gaiden - Sword Oratoria (for the twins and moar DanMachi world), Zero kara Hajimeru Mahou no Sho (nice world building and characters, also good animations) and lastly SukaSuka (just watch ep1, it draws you in)
Oh yeah, and half-heartedly following Clockwork Planet to see how much more they're gonna fuck it up
Also Busou Shoujo Machiasomethingorother as this season's guilty pleasure. It's a silly high school battle harem, but at least the MC isn't a wuss.
cc @Mysticial @StackedCrooked
I think I haven't listed it all in one place so far
@BartekBanachewicz I felt like it was a canned markov-chain answer for a while, before I realized who it was. Took me a while to also remember what ML was.
> It can be argued that this is an unfair comparison, since the C implementation is not able to do this optimization, and since this optimization cannot be done for all stencils. However, it was felt that the fact that a general purpose library is able to exploit these special cases is a benefit of the Haskell approach, and that artificially disabling the Haskell optimization was equally unfair.
> Interestingly, the problem as originally written used a stencil of all ones, with the result that the compiler stack was able to eliminate all of the stencil multiplies entirely.
I'm often inheriting from trait classes like std::is_arithmetic<T> for my own type traits. I'm not sure whether it's ok or whether inheriting from typename std::is_arithmetic<T>::type is more sensible.
@Morwenn I suppose inheriting from typename ... would result in an inheritance diagram of your_trait : integral_constant<bool, value> instead of your_trait : is_arithmetic<someT> : integral_constant<bool, value>
Gorean subculture is a fandom based on the philosophy espoused in John Norman's long-running sword and planet novel series Chronicles of Counter-Earth.
== Background ==
Gorean subculture developed independent of Norman's involvement, particularly starting as a fan network after the publishing houses ceased printing new editions of the novels, allegedly due to the controversy and pressure from feminist circles, and Gor books went out of print in the late 1980s. It does not have a uniform following but encompasses different groups of varying views and practices.
== Gorean concepts ==
@Abyx That's the first time I hear that one. Maybe a few extremists do, but for the most part feminism mostly wants women to have a say in that matter.
The whole "I don't need feminism because I want to stay at home and raise a family" bullshit shows a clear misunderstanding of what feminism is.
Feminism doesn't care if you want to pursue a more traditional role. All it cares is that it was your choice to make, and that it isn't your only option.
@EtiennedeMartel not really. I follow @jalf on twitter and he often reposts quality feminist bullshit, straight from feminists themselves. And of course I don't read any right wing outlets, why would I
@Abyx I'm not blaming you for anything, aside maybe for jumping to conclusions.
If you start from the idea that "feminism is bad", you're always gonna see proof of that everywhere. It's easy to find examples because humans are assholes and feminists are human. My point is "feminism is mostly good" and oh wow I can also find examples of that everywhere.
Supposedly getting to 10k is easy if you just abuse the association bonus from the gazillion site. But I'm not sure if it goes away if you delete those accounts.
SE knows internally that Docs is a miserable failure, but they aren't willing to admit that it's a complete loss and aren't willing to accept that they can't salvage it since they put so much time into it. IMO, it's a sunk cost. Accept that it's a complete loss and move on. You can't win all the time. (unless you're Trump :P)
I remember reading in the comments here that they don't want to publicly say that is a failure out of respect for their co-workers who work on it.
ty all. I want to start and try to answer questions as something that would set me goals and therefore I could learn. But I dont want to run around and cause a mayhem so thank you for your insight
You can't cause mayhem when mayhem is the standard and is expected of all users.
@nwp TBH, I think the way Docs is being handled right now is probably a management thing. I've done a number of projects myself both at work and personal. And there have been large projects I worked on and put many hours into that simply didn't work out. And at some point you need to realize that what isn't working out isn't going to work out, and you need stop wasting resources and terminate the project.
This is especially the case with R&D stuff. You really don't know if it's going to work. So you need to learn when to give up when it becomes clear it's not going to work.
From my personal projects, I've terminated probably 2 or 3 "large-scale" experiments (involving 50k+ LOC + many months) when it became clear that it wasn't going to achieve its goals. And I'm about to terminate a 4th one, though I'm gonna let it sit around until Skylake Purely arrives to confirm that it isn't worth continuing.
Maybe the people responsible haven't just wasted time as it seems, they probably made plans how to fix everything, it just isn't quite done. Especially for something like which can morph into lots of different things I can see how one would just let it run because it doesn't cost much and the low chance of a miracle reviving docs is worth it.
SE/SO has done it correctly when came to subjective questions with the whole programmers.SE and such. And in the end, they nuked the whole thing (programmers.SE became so different from it's original goal that the original was as good as dead).
@Mysticial from what I heard on the SO podcast that was mostly community driven and they have a hard time killing sites because even the failed sites have a core of awesome people who don't hurt anyone and don't cost anything
it is not easy justifying killing sites or even docs
@nwp Right, but I don't think Docs is as cheap to keep as the zombie SE sites. Especially since it spills over onto the main site and causes problems there.
I'm on a Zombie SE site myself (A&M). Few people know it exists, and it doesn't cause issues anywhere else.
@Abyx turns out they aren't. I used duckduckgo and when I was unhappy with the results used google instead, but every time google search results were garbage too.
I think it is because when google doesn't know you because you only use it once a month or so it has nothing over duckduckgo.
unless one logs in or has gmail, but I don't have any of that