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> Is the United States on the brink of a political revolution? -- (No. We don’t have enough teenagers.)[quora.com/…
^ The answer to the question is quite interesting.
WTF does it not like about the Markdown link?
WTF? Are people really that dumb?
it's a troll
@jaggedSpire You have too much faith in people. :)
I am not so sure.
I'd say it's more that on this front I'm willing to be blissfully ignorant
and willing to very carefully forget that time I saw "Sky Pegasus" on the baby name board at the hospital
@jaggedSpire lol. We have rules here, IIRC, that disallow you to name your kids on birth certificate in a bad way. IIRC, you have to prove that the chosen name is real name elsewhere or such, if you choose one highly unusual.
I have just realized that I have ordered a film on BluRay without having a single BR drive to read it on.
would be surprised that shark can digest plastic
@sehe woah
@Telkitty They have strong acid in their stomach, IIRC.
@Mysticial he since commented on it. Strangely I think I've known about this before - but I can't put my finger on it
> loops are used for their bodies
this is blatant loop objectification how dare they
the stakes of ski reports have never been so high
Hey guys, I just wanted to know if there are other places as well where I talk about C++

C++ Questions and Answers

Solve problems and approach solutions. Just ask and lurkers wi...
@LucDanton that's amazing, is Death casting a spell on the tightrope walker?
is that Death or just a wizard with a mean sense of humor?
There are many questions here
> The 0.5 release was originally intended to include a large number of disruptive array changes, collectively dubbed “Arraymageddon”.
in the end the changes were much less disruptive, leaving only a minor Disarray
It frustrates me when I give advice about something I know extremely well, somebody jumps in and says "No, that advice is wrong", then proceeds to give exactly the same advice...
@Aaron3468 Sounds like SO FGITW.
I'm having a situation where a Broadwell is slower than a Sandy Bridge of lower frequency, for the same pure-compute task... ._.
@LucDanton TIL loops are female
@Mysticial Yeah, pretty much. Sooner or later those people make somebody important very angry, rather than impressed.
@SpongyFruitcake You honestly think women don't pay attention to men's bodies?
@JerryCoffin They might but men are not used for their bodies by women. >:D
Or are they?
@wilx Yes, definitely (at least part of the time).
@JerryCoffin OK. :)
@Konrad found your reddit account :Ð
@JerryCoffin only men are sexist pigs!
presumably women are sexist sows
@LucDanton Sows? Is that females of pig? :)
@wilx you rape what you sow
class BodyObserver(Man m)
@Rerito Can't. It is in gibberish,.
@wilx That's actually spanish
gibberish is spoken in gibraltar only
> Noraj. Mot-valise formé de no rage (« pas de rage »), issu des jeux vidéo en ligne, et servant historiquement à provoquer son adversaire après une victoire en lui suggérant sur un ton moqueur de digérer sa défaite.
comme jerry de cette définition en français limite soutenu XD
top qualiter
top... kek ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
@Rerito t'as dit khey sale islamofacho
@Ven qui est un mot arabe. on marche sur la tête :D
@SpongyFruitcake The SJW one is good too
@Ven stop haïr mes arabes
They didn't quote "gauchiasse" though, this is half-ass work
> Shitposting. Littéralement, « poster de la merde ». Désigne tout message à fin humoristique, parfois parfaitement inoffensif, comme des comparaisons potaches entre la forme de l’Australie et le visage du personnage de dessin animé Scoubidou. Le plus souvent, il s’agit toutefois d’un humour corrosif, volontiers malveillant, qui peut prendre la forme de l’insulte et du harcèlement moral.
The dudes who wrote that article must be some speshul snofleks
> This post started off as an April Fools joke that accidentally compiled correctly for reasons which I cannot explain.
> Variant of "lol" used historically by the Horde factions (the bad guys)
epic fail
@Puppy Yep that shows a total lack of understanding of the root of "kek"
unsure if sarcastic
buy kek stock asap
they gonna be BIG
disregard idiots
@SpongyFruitcake Love the cycles.
them wanting to ban a guy just because he's into BSDM would be "kink shaming" if he were a minority and it's thus retarded
who cares about stocks, raise chickens! buy 10 and end up with 100 (mostly) baby chickens
coz u totally need exponential growth to be better off
@Telkitty there's a slight asterisk to this plan: you need at least one rooster :P
chickens comprise hens and roosters
emu is where its at
I only have 1 hen at the moment. She's occasionally allowed into the house because she might feel lonely otherwise ...
@Ven And BDSM is fun but Drupal is pretty bad, so there's that.
s/would be "kink shaming" if he were a minority and it's thus/is/?
@Mikhail how long have you been watching this?
@R.MartinhoFernandes I mean SJWs would defend him
I got a 60 drive ZFS pool, open the box, pull out one of the drives, check the zpool status and the disk I'm holding in my hand reads as "ONLINE". wtf zfs.
it takes some time for the bits to cross the air gap but they eventually make it
So, it looks like the errors are detected only after you run scrub (parity checker)
In hardware RAID a high pitched whistle would go off.
@rightfold oboy, keep this from the sight of @Bartek
> Are you the only _____ ________ web developer? Help find out and celebrate our diverse community at [...]
I'm not a web developer!
Yet, the man still weaves a web of lies
@SpongyFruitcake maybe "one who is not a" fits in there
@SpongyFruitcake TFW
@SpongyFruitcake geez such a mess
What compiler were you assigned at birth?
cough also, topic starters picture looks amusing at least cough
@SpongyFruitcake Most of the time, I'd rather check an « it's irrelevant » box and answer actually meaningful questions.
Don't you dare
it's that kind of attitude that makes people from all origins and sizes and shapes and allocation patterns feel unsafe and harassed on the web
@SpongyFruitcake At least ask me about my fetishes in surveys before anything else then.
@Morwenn Is it true you are a auto thing() -> T fetishist and why do you feel good about it
if you put a spongy fruitcake in front of a drove of pigs, you do expect the spongy fruitcake to be violated
it's all within the nature order of things
@SpongyFruitcake It's complicated.
gender $ \x -> x
so I'm in Austria again
omg Australia MATE
seen kangaroos yet
in Tyrolean hats
Trollian hats
> __shitty__ __ass_____
@SpongyFruitcake Yeah. I worked so hard for my completely conformist social image, it's just slanderous for it to be ignored! I didn't sacrifice my true identity for nothing
@SpongyFruitcake that pattern is fascinating.
@Mikhail The point is IO errors are not problems. Indeed, errors with data integrity are only reported if they occur (which can be on spontaneous read, but by all means, scrub once in a while).
@Mikhail You didn't offline it, and you didn't have udev/whatever OS you use integration to make that happen on hotswap. What is the OS?
Gentoo? I just pulled the thing.
Ugh, so there's a new generative mechanism for emoji flags to support ISO 3166-2 that significantly differs from the mechanism used to support ISO 3166-1 :< 🏳
@Mikhail Yeah. Gentoo spells ZoL and it doesn't have this kind of event integration (though scripts exist that e.g. do ZFS-es automatic replacement from spares. This is one of the original Solaris features that I think didn't find their way into other OS-es (except maybe Illomus which I don't use))
For fun, what does "ZoL" mean?
ZFS on linux
The point is, unless you have explicit integration, no filesystem drivers will magically know about hot swapped devices, AFAICT
Its definitely a missing feature compared to hardware RAID
No doubt.
It's also an expectations thing.
I'm sure ZoL community has these scripts floating around.
(I've had automatic onlining and offlining of externally attached drives on a home ZFS system even in the zfs-fuse era)
So, I got another weird ZFS issue. I got some reasonable benchmarks for sequential write on 24x8tb using an Ubuntu LiveCD at around 550 MB/s (actually this sucks but I'm out of money...), when I switched to Gentoo rates went down to 200 MB/s
Everybody on the internet who tells you to use software RAID is full of shit
Anyways BackBlaze is also full of shit, their server pod has 60 drives and can barely saturate a 1GB link, backblaze.com/blog/open-source-data-storage-server
ZFS is like the javscript of the data storage world
Is making screen layouts that support both the iPhone and iPad driving you to the brink of madness? Despair no longer, I bring you good news!
@Mikhail It's a trade off. In general s/w just buys flexibility. And ZFS comes with a set of constraints that trade that very flexibility for integrated volume management and increased fault tolerance. Basically
@Mikhail That'd be BtrFs.
I'd rate ZFS the Haskell of storage.
Lets wait for something that resembles natively compiled PureScript of storage
@sehe Darcs
@Mikhail What is the pool setup (ashift, dedup, compression, raidz3 I take it etc.). Then have you checked any tweaking guids (mostly L2ARC tuning and perhaps ZIL slogs on ssd)
@sehe pure11
@rightfold huh. You mean Dart?
Darcs is the source control, right
@rightfold Looking
@sehe Darcs is a version control system (= file system) written in Haskell.
Well. I see some minor feature abysses then
ugh pure11 maps Char to char instead of char16_t
> PureScript arrays are implmented using std::deque
;_; y u do dis
they're immutable, why'd you not go with optimal storage
@rightfold Because you don't want to implement it as immutable data structures because they are horribly slow. You just want an immutable interface and do mutability under the hood for which a deque is more suitable.
You can't do that.
There is no "mutability under the hood."
You want to change an element? You have to copy the entire array.
@rightfold in that case I agree with y u do dis
There's no COW because there's no W.
@rightfold because they don't intend to support MSVC
Does (f)(x) compile faster than f(x)?
Because it doesn't have to attempt ADL.
> #include <boost/network/protocol/http/client.hpp>
huh cool
So, yes, it does compile faster, or at least as fast.
@rightfold isn't that cppnetlib
TIL Boost has a HTTP client library.
@sehe It seems like it.
Not boost
Just in the namespace (ugh)
The way I remember it's not the best interface. I used parts (just URI parsing) and wrote my own based on Curl+Asio before
It has cutesy pantsy request << header << stuff << body styles.
Don't remember specifics (memory...)
It was probably the basis for the URI proposal too.
Not sure whether they didn't try to include it in the Networking TS.
@Morwenn IIRC, it has undergone some rewrites more than once. It is or at least was not that stable.
Oh, I thought it would have been stable by now.
> Be aware that not all features are stable. The generic message design is under review and the URI and HTTP client implementation will continue to undergo refactoring. Future versions will include support for other network protocols.
> Please do not drag chess pieces into discussions about emoji right now.
Not sure if April Fools.
emoji chess is an as awesome idea as emoji cheese
The question was tagged boost. The questing text says "is this something possible with the use boost ?'. Old gcc versions will work fine. Perhaps you can use an older version of boost as well — sehe 7 hours ago
I'm not paid for mind-reading. Oh wait. I am.
mind-reading is a core competence of a programmer software developer
though it can make things easier when it is your own mind you need to read, depending on your mind
like ... you write your mind in the code and I read the code and try to figure out what you are trying to do?
The email renderer is confused about what language it should use
your collective faces
@Shoe Haskell
@sehe Shocking.
Q: Boost::mutex is taking less time than without mutex for a program

SACHIN GOYALI have executed below program where I have created 100 threads to execute concurrently. Please note this is a sample program made. I understand multiple threads are not required for below program but my intention was to test mutex. class ThreadPool{ public: ThreadPool(int num = 10); ...

Ill-indented, poorly formatted, new, and uninteresting. I'd give this question four downvotes if I could.
Arguably questions are not intended to be interesting to you
Just realised that ios lagged behind android for at least 2 year when dealing with layouts in regards to different screen sizes
android probably dealt with the issue when it first came out because it's open source and catered for many different screen sizes
@Shoe No "arguably" about it.
@Mikhail I think the question is often: "compared to what?" If you compare to the RAID hardware built into an average motherboard, software RAID may not look so terrible. If you're comparing it to dedicated RAID hardware, it doesn't look nearly so good.
Ugh, I'm implementing a "simple" feature in cpp-sort that changes half of the library's files, and slowly filling an A4 page of small things that don't seem fully correct and need to be changed :/
And tested -____-
saw that
@wilx yea, it sucks
I say it is 50:50 chance some Ukraine nationalists did it or some representatives of the religion of peace did it.
I won't eat my hat if it is some 3rd party.
there's too many speculations already
@login_not_failed I do not hesitate to add more! :)
It could also have been related to those corruption & opposition thingies.
well, for me it was quite a stressful middle of a day because about 3 of my friends were near the explosions, and cellular network got overwhelmed pretty fast after that
Well, I could watch this for a while: facebook.com/mylfl/videos/10155110329037103
@rightfold Why do you give a downvote for "new"? Or are the number of attributes and downvotes just coincidental?
@Telkitty arguably only having 1 resolution or at least aspect ratio is the better solution
Nuke new from orbit
well, it's not really only news issue, it's how most of people use it… makes me throw it away too
ah, never mind, I mistook new for new
@JerryCoffin Yeah, we're not talking about Intel "fake" RAID. Compared to an Adaptec 8805. So if you use an Adaptec RAID card + expander it costs about $1100, if you use a software raid solution with 3xA540 cards its going to cost about $500. But the speed of the drives is almost 2x worse. Here the cost of the storage is over $10k (which is the target for ZFS demographic). So, basically all the Linux ZFS 100+TB plus servers are getting insanely bad performance.
ZFS seems to be easier to expand and manage, in some ways, but at the cost of 2x performance...
@wilx dunno the well known terrorist groups GRU and FSB could be involved
@Mgetz False flag operation? :)
@wilx too early to tell, I wouldn't make any assumptions yet. That said if the FSB blames any of the Baltic states or Poland then I'm going to go with a provisional 'Yes'
more than likely they'll blame the chechans though
@Mgetz I.e., the religion of peace.
@wilx As separatists, I think it's unfair to lump Chechens with your average Western Europe muslim terrorist.
@JerryCoffin I've never actually used RAID built into the mobo. Are they really that bad?
@Mysticial No, they're much worse.
Don't even think about using that crap, like, ever.
Use software RAID or proper RAID card.
@sehe block pointer rewrite~~
I have a template function template <typename T> foo(T&& t) auto { return &t + 1; } that I call with auto ptr = foo("bar"); so that T is deduced as char const (&)[4], but I get garbage when I then invoke *ptr. :/
well, duh
is there something special about the lifetime of string literals that do not decay to const char* ?
sizeof(T) isn't what you would expect it to be
&t + 1; is a pointer to an array.
@gnzlbg &t + 1 points to the byte past the string
that should have been std::begin(t) + 1, sorry :/
@gnzlbg nothing special, look elsewhere and/or take a look in the debugger
@gnzlbg That should work.
wait i'll post a self contained gist
gist: char ranges:, 2017-04-03 15:17:20Z
/// Is \p c an end-of-line character?
/// On Linux `\n` and on Windows `\r\n`.
template <typename Char>
constexpr bool is_eol(Char c, Char n = Char{}) noexcept {
  return c == '\n' || (c == '\r' && n == '\n');

/// Remove EOL characters from the \p line.
template <typename CharStr,
constexpr auto strip_eol(CharStr&& chars) noexcept {
  auto eol_it = ranges::adjacent_find(chars, [](auto&& c, auto&& n) { return is_eol(c, n); });
  return ranges::make_iterator_range(ranges::begin(chars), eol_it);

{  // tests:
    test::check_equal(strip_eol("  a b \n"), view::c_str("  a b "));
    test::check_equal(strip_eol("a  b  c \r\n"), view::c_str("a  b  c "));

    test::check_equal(strip_eol("  c d\n"), view::c_str("  c d"));
    test::check_equal(strip_eol("c  d  e\r\n"), view::c_str("c  d  e"));

    test::check_equal(strip_eol("  d e "), view::c_str("  d e "));
@Mysticial Back when it was new, my boss of the time wanted to use the RAID 1 capability provided by the motherboard to get extra data protection. I was a little leery of it, but that even at worst, RAID 1 was pretty harmless. I was wrong. After a couple of months (or so) we had to reformat and start over, because even the RAID 1 was so broken the machine was quickly dying. I guess I can't say with certainty about newer mobos, because I haven't use the built-in RAID capability since.
ok not so short, but I get garbage in the last line and thought it might be because the lifetime of the array might have expired
and I am retuning iterators to a dead object
@gnzlbg It's static, it doesn't expire until your whole program does
thanks guys, i'll look elsewhere
@gnzlbg yeah that’s the sort of stuff I use a debugger for
it's the kind of thing I would try without templates first
@nwp Code that uses new anywhere is instantly 100% unreadable, and unreadable code does not belong in a Stack Overflow post.
@nwp Treating rightfold seriously, LUL
What exactly is std::launder for?
2 hours ago, by nwp
ah, never mind, I mistook new for new
@Fanael a good trick for confusing programmers esp. once it’ll be deprecated
@Fanael language lawyer fapping
@milleniumbug I prefer actual porn for that, though.
@Fanael which part of the explanation is unclear?
it sounds like it's to wash of the tax of const qualified members when doing placement reconstruct
to avoid the compiler optimization that assumes const members never change
@ratchetfreak More generally, to tell the compiler that when you're reusing the same address for a new object, that it needs to forget what it thought it knew about the object at that address and start over (but yes, a const qualified member of a union would probably be the most obvious example where it's necessary).
Until recently, unions could only contain PODs. They can now contain full-blown objects, complete with ctors, dtors, and so on. launder is largely to support that.
@R.MartinhoFernandes What's the N/A?
is this essentially checking whether the country has non-zero population
It's a joke
I'm guessing Kosovo has no data because the dataset doesn't recognize it (so it's included with Serbia) but the map has it as separate.
Or maybe there hasn't been a census yet
Kosovo is disputed territory.
Wikipedia lists a 2014 estimate and a 2011 incomplete census
Only 2014 people per person?
That's not a lot.
That's when it was done
@milleniumbug OTOH, consider the American south before our civil war, where (depending on how you defined "population" and "per capita") you might well have had numbers other than 1...
@JerryCoffin Did the 3/5ths thing die during the war? Or sometime afterward?
Oh, it was later.
That was only for the vote, and only the federal one, obviously they counted people and then did they 3/5
Hey be happy, I won't be there for almost two weeks.
@sehe What Vim status line do you use?
@Mysticial @StackedCrooked hnnng, the latest LWA episode was great again. Next up, Spring Season starting off with Alice to Zouroku...
@rightfold powerline
I'm not at all attached to it. I just mildly like the visual style and the way it "integrates" with other status lines (tmux, bash)
@Xeo Shit, I have a lot of catching up to do.
I admit I /never/ use any of the information that is on display (coworkers point this out to me on occasion)
@Mysticial Well get to it, then.
@sehe Really? I generally use the current Python virtual environment and current Git branch information.
I hardly see it. I do admit that I glance to see that /a/ venv is active
@Xeo Not that easy since I'm still moving.
I'd have no trouble doing echo $VIRTUAL_ENV or whatever
The more I move, the more shit I have. Each time I open a drawer, I go, "When the fuck did my mom buy all this shit?"
@sehe But it's already right there :o
Yeah. I admit I know this subconsciously
Looking forward, that doesn't bode well at my new place. Because whenever I move out of that, (I don't intend to stay there forever), there's twice as much space for my mom to hide her shit.
@Mysticial don't invite parents, problem solved
I'm a control freak and I dislike looking at screens. Or looking for information in general. I prefer querying for info
Hehe :D
also just throw everything out and burn down the condo
I don't think there's much that can be burned. It's all metal and hardwood floors. Perhaps the wall paint?
At my apartment, it was carpet all over. So that's easier to burn down.
Though I do intend to get a very large carpet mat to put in the bedroom. Apparently the previous owner redid the place to put hardwood floors everywhere - including both bedrooms.
There's hardly any carpet where I live.
Partly because I had/have allergies to almost everything.
@Mysticial Matter of viewpoint. The constitution wasn't amended until later, but as soon as Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation, there was nobody left in the group who counted as 3/5 of a person.
Which isn't true because the Emancipation Proclamation didn't affect slaves in many border states. Wikipedia says it affected 3 of 4 slaves.
The Proclamation did not compensate the owners, did not outlaw slavery, and did not grant citizenship to the ex-slaves (called freedmen).
Well, yeah, "nobody left" is an exaggeration. It only freed slaves in the states that were officially in rebellion (where, of course, the federal gov't had no way to enforce it at the time).
@sehe ok
user image
@rightfold lol
Q: Is there a documented way to reset the lambda parameter on an existing std::exponential_distribution object?

merlin2011When I look at the documentation for std::exponential_distribution, it does not seem to expose a standard way for changing the lambda parameter at runtime. There is a param method, but it takes the opaque member type param_type, and the only documented way of obtaining an object of this type is...

Apparently there's something about C++ that makes obvious solutions non-obvious.
@Fanael It's probably because we love mutable objects in C++. Immutable assignment doesn't come naturally ^^;
@Fanael The problem isn't in the language, it's in the programmer going "OH MAH GERD PERFORMUNCE!" at every turn
@Puppy And no sane person would choose C++ if not for performance, so it is in the language in a way.
@Fanael Masochism is orthogonal to sanity.
@JerryCoffin My point stands, though, no sane masochist would choose C++.
@Puppy Which is amusing because C++ is one of the best languages to not care about performant code. I have far more problems with allocation and data race bugs than I've ever had with performance.
@Aaron3468 The only problem with allocation I've ever had in C++ was when I was writing my own allocator, because the system one was übercrap.
TBF most system allocators are hilariously bad.
Yeah, mostly silly things like forgetting to allocate memory for libraries that don't do it properly, or occasionally myself when I have to wade into the c end of things.
Most of my problems with memory allocation were also from the whole "build your own allocator" stuff. This was from early versions of my pi program where I avoided explicit allocations to solve both the page-zeroing overhead and the non-thread-safeness of the early allocators.
That mostly went away when I threw the whole thing out and approached it mathematically.
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