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@ProblemSlover should be russian hackers
@milleniumbug OP reacts to his own post with a heart
@thecoshman I check every day :)
@rightfold Even with SSL?
hi folks
@milleniumbug he :heart:'d his own post.
@Shoe probably is that email hops from server to server, and you can't ensure that every hop is secured
Damn, this stock cooler looks cooler than aftermarkets.
@MarkGarcia Ryzen?
@Abyx looks like Wikileaks is under heavy ddos.. 502/ 500 errors errors are floating around..:/
@Abyx pleonasm
@thecoshman I see
@Shoe afaik the only "secure" way for me to to email you is to encrypt the message contents itself. But even so, it is fairly public that I am emailing you
That's not always an issue though
god damn markdown sucks
Knowing that A is speaking to B
@Shoe privacy is though
because if I am known to have a certain view and help others with my cause, a third party could look to stop my emails
Yeah, but sometimes it doesn't matter. That's all I'm saying
For example, knowing that you are speaking to your mum via email is not that interesting
And I could assumed you do that anyway
Don't worry. Email is secure. - US top-level officials and politicians
email is secure in diverting your information?
@Shoe fine, I'll just block the emails people try to send that are not public about who they are sending them too, those must be the ones about criminal stuff
@MarkGarcia Need a mathematical proof.
@rightfold :)
today in rightfold misses the joke
> [CS2] I want write CoffeeScript 2 syntax support for JetBrains IDEA.
> One question: The syntax will not change any more? Or is everything still in development?
more issues from our "favourite" issue submitter
> In general that, that you knew, EXACTLY I offered to translate Coffeescript in es6.

It was I who came up with a way to implement private members of the class in Coffeescript. And it is I who am now entering the team that develops for them the official standard #privates
What's up with SourceForge download speeds?
@milleniumbug #privates
does anyone have access to p0618r0?
@Mgetz What is that?
@wilx removal of <codecvt>
I want to read the justification as that breaks quite a lot of my code
@Mgetz Ouch! Is there a replacement?
@Mgetz Yeah, same here.
I don't know yet, hence why I want to find the paper or file a defect
what happened to backward compatibility
@milleniumbug the library maintainers said "NOPE"
Well, if there is a good replacement, I do not mind, much.
are we disregarding it? can we then remove rand, implicit integer truncation, header files
@wilx I care in the interim as I have multiple platforms to support not all of which move at the same rate
@milleniumbug everything else mentioned in your short lived repo
oh, can we remove std::vector<bool> then
@milleniumbug that's already happening IIRC
and bucket interface in unordered_meow
oh, and std::initializer_list
@wilx A full fledged unicode/i18n library. Which is not even on the priority list. :(
and fix RNGs so that generator.seed(42) isn't valid anymore
@ratchetfreak Having a predictable seed is sometimes necessary.
@ratchetfreak Or why should this not be valid any more?
@wilx then feed it through an explicit key strengthening algo
@wilx because it makes the incorrect idiom std::mt19937 rng{std::random_device()()}; too common
@ratchetfreak you can thank STL for that one
@ratchetfreak Well, too bad. But being able to generate the same random numbers two times is not uncommon requirement in testing. You simply have to be able to do it.
there should at least be a way to create a std::seed_sequence from a std::random_device without having to code your own
the point is to remove the .seed(unsigned) overload and leave the .seed(SeedSequence) one
if you then create a seed_sequence to take a single int and expand that out with a key strengthening you haven't lost anything
either way I take it that nobody has access to the paper?
@milleniumbug BUT MY 20 YO CODEBASE
@BartekBanachewicz ...is running your PC now.
Doesn't mean it has to be piled on for 20 more years
can we get rid of The C Programming Language already and write a kernel for x64 in something sensible
@R.MartinhoFernandes some of us have to support windows
@MarkGarcia inb4 including ogonek in standard library
@wilx the resulting code to properly init a mt19937 would then be std::mt19937 rng{std::make_seed_sequence(std::random_device())}; and if you want something predicable std::mt19937 rng{std::make_seed_sequence(42)};
@Mgetz I know; I was laughing at the preposterosity of the proposal.
@R.MartinhoFernandes The fate of the C++ world depends on you now!
I wish the fate of C++ depended on me instead
@BartekBanachewicz I am glad it does not. Phew!
I'd just spend the time doing something actually beneficial for the world and let it die off
that was my reaction too, I'm trying to find P0618r0 which is the paper for the deprecation so I can read the WHY
@BartekBanachewicz so all the legacy code would have to be rewritten?
I don't see any possible justification, really.
think of the cost
or rather all the code that would stagnate
@DrPizza The class std::codecvt is unaffected. The header <codecvt> (std::codecvt_utf8 etc.) will be deprecated. Hopefully removed soon.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I linked a few above, basically they are creating std::u8string
I know what <codecvt> is
and are moving the various versions over
It was added in C++11.
In fairness, it's a fucking mess.
But wat.
Unlike rand: it doesn't make it easier to write bad code, and it doesn't have a superior replacement, in fact, not even an equivalent one.
Heck, not even a bad one.
@R.MartinhoFernandes honestly as long as they left in std::wstring_convert I could give less of a crap insofar as I can do UTF-8<->UTF-16
@R.MartinhoFernandes I think you're letting it off a bit easily. As I recall, roughly half of what it added was specified so it can't possibly do its job.
@JerryCoffin lol
@JerryCoffin How so?
It's essentially a mishmash of random features with little rhyme or reason, and has glaring holes, but it actually works.
@Mgetz I don't see how that's related.
Like, at all.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I'm going from memory, and can't recall the details. Given that it's deprecated anyway, I'm not excited about spending much effort on it though.
@R.MartinhoFernandes because the paper that introduces that explicitly says it's moving the facets for UTF-8 and UTF-16 conversions into a separate header and typing them for std::u8string
@Ell of the cost of getting rid of shitty code?
Yeah, I am thinking of it
given that's pretty much the only thing worth using in the <codecvt> header... that basically gives the committee license to remove the rest
@BartekBanachewicz it's very high
oh no I missed it
@Ell we have practically unlimited time as humanity, but that doesn't mean we should keep moving it for later and later
@BartekBanachewicz Might be interesting if it was readable.
@Ell Bartek's not the one paying it, so it's dandy.
@JerryCoffin it's SSTV, that's the whole point. It's readable if you zoom in though.
@BartekBanachewicz I guess I'll take your word for that.
@Mgetz This is in, then? Do you know what they did about conversions?
@R.MartinhoFernandes no, hence why I'm trying to find the paper
I mean char8 <-> char conversions.
Aperture Laboratories BBS
* Single analogue phone line in a designer's kitchen (phone systems in Valve office too modern)
* Old PC running Linux, attached to a 2400bps modem from 1987 (via USB serial adapter)
* ragetty(?) to handle calls; custom PHP script looping through plot fragments and home-made ANSI-art conversions of Portal 2 artwork
* Transmitted about 20MB of data in total
* Phoneline constantly engaged!
* Several spare modems in case one died - none did
* SSH backdoor for updates and monitoring (possible to watch exactly what people were seeing as they dialed in)
Because near the top it reads "no provisions addressing backward compatibility are currently present in the wording. The proposed changes effectively bring the standard to the state the author feels it would likely be in had char8_t been added at the same time as char16_t and char32_t were"
@R.MartinhoFernandes still no, again trying to find the paper
@BartekBanachewicz Okay. How is this "super interesting"? Or even mildly interesting, for that matter?
@JerryCoffin Check out the "In popular culture" on the Wiki page I linked as "Context"
they really went out of their way for that puzzle
@BartekBanachewicz I stopped paying attention to Russian Propaganda a long time ago
@Mgetz don't make @Abyx sad
@BartekBanachewicz Ummm...okay. I guess maybe if you were a huge fan of Portal (or Portal 2?) this might be slightly more interesting than watching paint dry, but it still doesn't strike me as even mildly interesting.
Well I am a fan of Portal and I didn't know about that
also the idea of making a custom BBS is fun
@Mgetz guess you switched to Western propaganda.
@BartekBanachewicz We wrote a snake clone: youtube.com/watch?v=bYTckgWqqOw
@Abyx it's slightly less BS. It's like Propaganda lite.
Are we not getting an UTF-8 string in C++ eventually...?
@Mgetz it's hard to compare, but in my opinion, Western stuff is more grand.
west has much more money after all
@Abyx depends on the source. The western stuff has to have at least a 60% reality correlation because the various news outlets will rip it completely to shreds (rather than just apart) if it's more than that.
> Yvelines: Un rhinocéros du zoo de Thoiry tué par balles par des braconniers et sa corne tronçonnée
That's a new low.
@Mgetz s/more/less/
@R.MartinhoFernandes derp, you're right
@R.MartinhoFernandes looool
@R.MartinhoFernandes That's really cool
@Morwenn Can cpp-sort handle external sorting?
extern "sort"
@BartekBanachewicz It's in Lua, btw.
Visual ICE 2017 released :) finally
@AldwinCheung I am installing it as we speak.
I actually did not know it was released today. I thought it was released earlier and I just did not notice.
@R.MartinhoFernandes fun!
@wilx Was released a couple dozen minutes ago I believe
> Configuration change performance is now better for C++ native projects and much better for C++/CLI projects
Irrelevant but: the installer UI is pretty cool.
Also wow, Linux development.
doubles check year
switches to manual breathing
@AldwinCheung That was announced earlier, IIRC.
Yes, but still feels unreal.
> We've enabled the new experimental feature for C++ projects ‘Faster project load’. The next time you open a C++ project it will load faster, and the time after that it will load even faster!
@AldwinCheung Well, they have MS SQL server running on Linux as well. :)
Indeed, that's also miraculous
But hey, 5 years ago you'd have told me that one day you could step in VS through gdbserver, I'd have laughed heartily.
Yeah, and maybe in a few years the Linux ecosystem will get a broken C++ compiler (CL.exe)!
Well, this is interesting. I pulled a couple of memory sticks from my Haswell box and put them into the unstable Ryzen box. It hasn't crashed yet after 5 min.
@Mikhail It already has 2.
The memory I've been trying to use is on the certified list, whereas the memory I'm testing right now is not.
@Mysticial after 5 min -- is this a good thing? :)
@AldwinCheung and yet still no UTF-8 support in the CRT
@Mgetz widestrings are the future!
@wilx I'll probably need a whole day testing to say if it's actually stable or not. I'll start a stress test before I head to to work today.
@AldwinCheung They have structured bindings, and large template parameter packs don't crash the compiler.
I can't use this memory because it belongs to my other box. But I just wanted check if there's something incompatible between my existing memory and the mobo. (and they are supposed to work since the memory is on the QVL list)
@Mikhail Last I checked, it's not about size.
@Mikhail Well, gcc has broken pack expansion in some cases, so it's not perfect either (also ewww that codegen). clang I don't use much.
I've managed to crash cl.exe with virtually any pack size.
Well, I am not going to reboot right now. Maybe on Friday.
Still pretty disappointed by the codegen of std::function on gcc :w
clang generally manages to make them majeekally disabear as gor would say
@R.MartinhoFernandes There is a technique to obfuscate strings using C++11. While it works on all compilers, in MSVC if the string is too long the compile times become astronomical. This made me sad. blackhat.com/docs/eu-14/materials/…
security through long compilation times
Large compute times are the underlying premise of modern security, so I feel this is a valid strategy.
Time to write a compile-time constexpr Bitcoin miner, I guess.
@AldwinCheung Already exists, it's called Boost.
Has constexpr transformed C++ into an interpreted language?
Okay, so 2 x 16GB sticks from y Haswell box lasted 20 min. Gonna start a stress test with 4 x 16 through the work day.
I really value reputation, and I believe that those with the highest reputation are the smartest people, and those with low reputation are stupid.
@Mysticial Borked memory sticks, is it then?
@milleniumbug No, it's never been among the goals.
Also I don't know shit about external sorting.
luckily I do! ama
@LadyGaga Well that is very true
ohh, wait, no, I can't...I only have 65 reputation
@LadyGaga Don't try that magic sarcasm.
@Fanael They aren't borked. I've been using them for 2 years in that Haswell box. But there's something about them that the AMD mobo doesn't like. And interesting part is that it's in the QVL, so Asus certifies them as working. Whereas the (brand new) memory that I'm testing right now, is not certified on that mobo and it seems to be working.
@ScY Quiet, I have over double the reputation you do, worm!
cicada is that you
But I can't use that memory since I need it in my other box. So I'll need to try out a different kit. But DDR4 is so expensive atm.
Yes you are twice as smart.
yes :)
oh god let's not calculate how much smarter mysticial is
@LadyGaga 42
probably close enuf
I'll use the opportunity to extend my superoptimizer tables to 64GB. If it goes through that without crashing once, I'm calling it stable.

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