@Shoe afaik the only "secure" way for me to to email you is to encrypt the message contents itself. But even so, it is fairly public that I am emailing you
@Shoe fine, I'll just block the emails people try to send that are not public about who they are sending them too, those must be the ones about criminal stuff
> [CS2] I want write CoffeeScript 2 syntax support for JetBrains IDEA.
> One question: The syntax will not change any more? Or is everything still in development?
more issues from our "favourite" issue submitter
> In general that, that you knew, EXACTLY I offered to translate Coffeescript in es6.
It was I who came up with a way to implement private members of the class in Coffeescript. And it is I who am now entering the team that develops for them the official standard #privates
@ratchetfreak Well, too bad. But being able to generate the same random numbers two times is not uncommon requirement in testing. You simply have to be able to do it.
@wilx the resulting code to properly init a mt19937 would then be std::mt19937 rng{std::make_seed_sequence(std::random_device())}; and if you want something predicable std::mt19937 rng{std::make_seed_sequence(42)};
@R.MartinhoFernandes I think you're letting it off a bit easily. As I recall, roughly half of what it added was specified so it can't possibly do its job.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I'm going from memory, and can't recall the details. Given that it's deprecated anyway, I'm not excited about spending much effort on it though.
@R.MartinhoFernandes because the paper that introduces that explicitly says it's moving the facets for UTF-8 and UTF-16 conversions into a separate header and typing them for std::u8string
Aperture Laboratories BBS * Single analogue phone line in a designer's kitchen (phone systems in Valve office too modern) * Old PC running Linux, attached to a 2400bps modem from 1987 (via USB serial adapter) * ragetty(?) to handle calls; custom PHP script looping through plot fragments and home-made ANSI-art conversions of Portal 2 artwork * Transmitted about 20MB of data in total * Phoneline constantly engaged! * Several spare modems in case one died - none did * SSH backdoor for updates and monitoring (possible to watch exactly what people were seeing as they dialed in)
Because near the top it reads "no provisions addressing backward compatibility are currently present in the wording. The proposed changes effectively bring the standard to the state the author feels it would likely be in had char8_t been added at the same time as char16_t and char32_t were"
@BartekBanachewicz Ummm...okay. I guess maybe if you were a huge fan of Portal (or Portal 2?) this might be slightly more interesting than watching paint dry, but it still doesn't strike me as even mildly interesting.
@Abyx depends on the source. The western stuff has to have at least a 60% reality correlation because the various news outlets will rip it completely to shreds (rather than just apart) if it's more than that.
> We've enabled the new experimental feature for C++ projects ‘Faster project load’. The next time you open a C++ project it will load faster, and the time after that it will load even faster!
Well, this is interesting. I pulled a couple of memory sticks from my Haswell box and put them into the unstable Ryzen box. It hasn't crashed yet after 5 min.
I can't use this memory because it belongs to my other box. But I just wanted check if there's something incompatible between my existing memory and the mobo. (and they are supposed to work since the memory is on the QVL list)
@R.MartinhoFernandes There is a technique to obfuscate strings using C++11. While it works on all compilers, in MSVC if the string is too long the compile times become astronomical. This made me sad. blackhat.com/docs/eu-14/materials/…
@Fanael They aren't borked. I've been using them for 2 years in that Haswell box. But there's something about them that the AMD mobo doesn't like. And interesting part is that it's in the QVL, so Asus certifies them as working. Whereas the (brand new) memory that I'm testing right now, is not certified on that mobo and it seems to be working.