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I meant you want to achieve transgendering?
achieving is a big word.
look what happened to rightfold.
@Rerito Doesn't mean much to me. I only want to have a less masculine body overall.
That's pretty much it.
Oh so you're just trying to lower your testosterone level
Not raising oestrogen or somth
I'm also raising the oestrogen levels, otherwise I'd have an hormonal imbalance.
And probably many problems.
Then you must be on hormone therapy permanently to maintain the targeted balance right?
Intuitively I'ld say if you go cold turkey, your body will slowly get back to your natural levels
Like e.g. bodybuilders after a steroid cycle
@Rerito Right.
doing hormone therapy by intuition sounds like a terrible idea
Staying depressive forever sounds like a more terrible idea :D
@nwp Throwing a roid rage heh?
@Morwenn how did you make the connection between depression and testosterone?
@nwp I didn't like the masculine parts of my body (body hair, losing my hair, slowly evolving shape of the face, etc...), and it happens that getting rid of testosterone solves these problems.
how about the dick
I like not having to sit down to pee
I personally consider any dick chopping a serious crime against him-anity.
tiens donc, l'ami
@BartekBanachewicz That's orthogonal
yes, i've seen aplenty females not sitting down
@Ven Tiens, mais c'est robert
@CheukKinSing ca va martine ?
On fisse aller
Tu susses te comporter dans la discorde ?
@BartekBanachewicz The dick is fine. I've got no problem with it.
@Morwenn I prefer when it's thick
@CheukKinSing Welcome.
@Ven Il faut voir par soi même :noel:
"big dick mystic known to hypnotize – i can end you with a whisper to your wife" (Putin)
@CheukKinSing vais ptet devoir pour l'uncon
arrétez de split les communautés T_t
@Ven Epic Rap Battles of History!
@Morwenn <3
@Ven on splitte rien du tout l'ami
aaaaand this is why you're the best
@CheukKinSing CA ME DOUTE
Also arguing with commies on fb is ughgh
arguing is losing
> commies
> fb
> arguing
so many things are wrong
well some wealth redistribution is necessary to a balanced society
I guess discord did have a Bartexit...
absolute equity in terms of revenue is a bad thing
see: every communist country ever
I just got told that if I don't want to give away my money I shouldn't be surprised if I'll get stabbed.
Camarade bourgeois ...
@Ven je sais pas si t'as très bien compris pk on est partis sur 10 cordes en fait :w
@BartekBanachewicz If you replace "stabbed" with "fined and eventually imprisoned" you have tax, and that is generally seen as fairly reasonable.
@CheukKinSing bah si j'ai compris, mais y'a encore des srabs ici
des quoi
des fratés /cc @Rerito
tjr présent wesh
ah mais vouèye mais je vinsse quand même de temps à autre pour vous bénir de mon AUGUSTE présence (cc @Luc) mais de toute façon le chat est bloqué au boulot
et surtout (j'en ai déjà parlé) vu que j'suis arrivé tard(™), avec un truc fermé comme discord j'aurais pas pu venir
@BartekBanachewicz That's how it works with muggers.
@Ven raison de plus :noel:
(je suis d'accord que c'est fermé mais that's another topic)
pk la méchanceté :(
tu me ferais quand mʼeme pas payer :'(
et l'autre prob' c'est que je me vois vraiment pas ambiencer discord au taff.
Muggers are one of the worst attackers to fight back: in their world, they will get your wallet. Whether you will be bleeding for it or not is your choice.
I was delighted to learn today that 'spell' in English comes from the shortening of Old French 'espeller' which itself comes from Old German 'spell'. git revert as milleniumbug would say.
git spell --abort
j'adore le piment d'e-speller.
@CheukKinSing "spell" doesn't seem like Old German.
It'd be "spellon".
> from Proto-Germanic *spellam (source also of Old High German spellon "to tell," Old Norse spjalla, Gothic spillon "to talk, tell"), from PIE *spel- (2) "to say aloud, recite."
found the robot
Though you can simply back to (reconstructed) PIE and it's the same.
Our team moved into new office
The whole team can see my screens now
I need to grow the lats and shoulders to shield my screens /cc @CheukKinSing
@R.MartinhoFernandes yeah except he talked about the whole society
apparently the majority are muggers who'd rather steal from the rich than work
reaching some breakthrough observations here
Jan 3 at 16:04, by ProblemSlover
Multitasking.. (second attempt)
@R.MartinhoFernandes well unless you win the fight
@nwp imgur is blocked here
eh all of those conversations just make me want to get a gun
basically no matter how you look at it, the majority of people is horrible
filthy peasants
@BartekBanachewicz I hope you don't get mugged.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Well I certainly hope so too, not sure why you'd say that.
(It's not about "winning")
It's fight or flight, duh
most of the times it's best to run
@BartekBanachewicz Because you'll get stabbed.
9 mins ago, by Bartek Banachewicz
eh all of those conversations just make me want to get a gun
but yeah I guess I'd get stabbed
Playing the hero is hardly the best option if you're mugged by someone who has a knife (or any weapon)
Which means you don't argue, you don't fight
but in a stress situation you need to make an immediate decision
Easy, you comply
last time some honked at me when I was on the road and shouted at me I shouted back
I guess I'd beat the shit out of him if he got out
there's the peaceful option but somehow it rarely occurs to me in the stressful situations
@JerryCoffin Spot on lol
@BartekBanachewicz Yeah, but they're not likely to go nuts on some rando who shouted back.
Different attacker profiles.
I guess
@JerryCoffin lol
@BartekBanachewicz Which would be a terrible idea for more than a handful of reasons :)
OTOH beating shit out of muggers might be seen as a benefit to society
certainly more than just giving them your wallet I suppose
@BartekBanachewicz You mean by burdening them with two patients to take care of?
@R.MartinhoFernandes well the mugger would be less likely to mug afterwards, no?
@BartekBanachewicz They could sue you and get even more than what was actually in your wallet at the time of the mugging
also well the gun is maybe an overkill
but say a taser
I mean a proper one like policemen have not the toys
@BartekBanachewicz I wouldn't bet on it.
I am not saying that this is the best way to deal with muggers in general FTR
If they still mugs afterwards, they'll be even less likely to be complacent.
A weapon works better as a deterrent, but if you don't carry it in plain sight, then it doesn't work as one.
I suppose the idea is you pull it out once the action starts
As something to fight back with, not so much.
@BartekBanachewicz And you're stabbed.
@BartekBanachewicz If there's an assaillant with a knife close to you, you have no time to do that
@R.MartinhoFernandes not a very successful deterrent then
@BartekBanachewicz It works if you carry it in plain sight.
The mugger will just pick the next victim.
that should naturally lead to everyone carrying their weapons in plain sight then, no?
It's not like they want to hurt you. But they'll do it if you don't give them your wallet.
They'll try to.
So if they can pick someone who is less likely to cause trouble, they'll pick them.
If you're unprepared to fight, giving them yourwallet and/or flight is the best
IOW you should be prepared to fight and look like it
Dress like a thug.
That could be a problem in case of the cop intervention though
much less likely to pass as an innocent civilian
esp. if you're a black person in the US, I guess
@BartekBanachewicz A mugger will attack you where flight is not an option. It's essential for their plan.
true enough. Staying away from such places would be a priority
esp. because there could be multiple muggers and then you're p much shit out of luck regardless of your preparation
unless you're wearing kevlar suit 24/7, are heavily trained and armed
and even then it's potentially a dangerous situation anyway
muggers aside, I can't decide if I should go and see the Triumph bike
All those ideas for deterrence and avoidance and orders of magnitude more effective than carrying a gun.
there are voices in my head that are telling me that it's too big for the first big bike
and that regardless of the machine capabilities, my personal capabilities should be the prime factor
it's extremely hard to assess how much "headroom" in terms of skill level I should get
maybe you can borrow it somewhere and just try it out
@R.MartinhoFernandes yeah, prolly that's why I'm not getting a gun in the end
If you take away their ability to pick (you as) the victim and the situation, you're already much safer than if you added the ability for you to shoot them in response.
@nwp the thing is that it's winter right now
which means a) cheaper bikes b) p impossible to do what you're proposing
also it's hard to tell after one ride if I'll be able to quickly ramp up my skills
like I'd like to be presented with some challenge
I think that it's quite likely that I'd feel the need for a bigger/faster/whatever one too quickly
maybe do one of those driving courses where they send you on a safe race track so you can figure out the limits of your vehicle and also make the track wet to show how it changes in rain
though I guess that is harder with bikes and also not an option due to season
@BartekBanachewicz What do you lose from just going?
@R.MartinhoFernandes the difficulty of not just buying the thing right there I suppose, especially if the dealer offers an additional discount
@BartekBanachewicz an expensive one?
quality bartekscussion
> Un rapport sexuel entre un singe et une biche observé au Japon
@Ven tes parents s'exhibent en voyage ?
Monument to Polish WWII massacre victims desecrated with fascist symbols in #Ukraine https://on.rt.com/7zzl https://t.co/8n0bEJnnD3
Glory to Ukraine! o/
Must be Russian separatists
who else?!
yeah that's what I thought too
@CheukKinSing stoi la biche
Since there is the word "saviour", is there a "damnor" as well?
Just a random thought.
@Abyx Possibly somebody trying to make Russian separatists look bad?
> There are many differences between a man and a women - aside from their organs.
@JerryCoffin ugh seriously? it wasn't on separatists' territory. (ex-)Polish lands are more to the west.
@Abyx Separatists can move
But you're right it's kind of weird of them to be there
@wilx It actually comes from an old French word: "Damner" which derives from the Latin "Damnare". That said, it doesn't look like either of those actually refers to the person doing the condemning, only to the condemnation itself.
@CheukKinSing Fuck, what am I supposed to do now?
Both respect people and not punch them? D:
@CheukKinSing I like "Men need to be respected, women want to be needed"
lol @wilx
Like what.
@Morwenn That's the opposite strategy Bartek would adopt!
@Abyx I have no idea how likely that really is--but sometimes it's better not to jump to an obvious conclusion until actual facts are known.
@CheukKinSing What did he say that got him flagged?
@R.MartinhoFernandes "what retard flagged this?" IIRC
@wilx Oh, one more slightly interesting point: the religious overtone is a relatively recent addition. Until the 14th century (or so) "damn" basically just meant a guilty verdict and punishment that came with it.
@JerryCoffin Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!
@R.MartinhoFernandes ...unless they've watched too much Monty Python. :-)
> women are more likely to get pregnant
@fredoverflow Nice, thanks! //cc @rightfold
@R.MartinhoFernandes nothing really
it's just kinda weird to go there not really knowing what I want to buy
like I'm not sure how much just sitting on one will change
I'm considering getting something really cheap to basically plan to change after a shorter while
so that I can figure out what I really want in practice
like this
OTOH no ABS then
the other option is to basically spend more upfront hoping that throwing more money at the problem will ultimately get me something I'll be more likely to be happy with
@BartekBanachewicz Go for the cheaper cycle, and a faster internet connection so you don't need to travel as much. :-)
@CheukKinSing Based on that and the flag that just showed up, I can say that the JS room is not very progressive. lol
@Mysticial Given that JavaScript has been one of the biggest impediments to progress for the last 20 years or so, that seems fitting.
@BartekBanachewicz If you want to learn from my experience from buying a TV: buy the most expensive model you can afford.
Unless you're not even sure you want a TV/motorcycle at all.
@JerryCoffin I took a quick glance at the JS room a few minutes ago. And within 1 min. I found like 3 different people posting sexist/misogynic shit. lol
@Mysticial just like the internet
One of them just got banned for 180 days. lol
@Mysticial You're assuming they're regulars and not idiots that showed up just now.
Or even regulars that are just being highly vocal atm.
All these answer have arithmetic overflow on the shift correct? Because the 32bit value is shifted then cast to a 64? stackoverflow.com/questions/5919699/…
@Mysticial Should we invite him to get banned from The Lounge as well? ;)
@Mysticial Suppose there was no one in Lounge at some point in time, except Abyx and... whoever else gets kicked often for being a dick.
@Mikhail Does SetThreadAffinityMask take a long long? Then 1LL would probably be better.
@fredoverflow What if you have more than 64 processors/cores?
@fredoverflow unsigned long long. yeah
> On a system with more than 64 processors, the affinity mask must specify processors in the thread's current processor group.
@Mikhail 1ULL it is then
@fredoverflow and if there are more than 64 processors in a group?
@ratchetfreak I would assume that by definition, there cannot be more than 64 processors in a group, but I don't know.
@JerryCoffin Interesting!
@Mysticial I just posted a picture in the JS room, let's see what happens :)
@fredoverflow That's correct (and the 32-bit versions of Windows only supported 32 processors).
Speaking of 32 bit, does Windows 10 still come in a 32 bit edition?
@fredoverflow yes
@Mikhail No--they're saved by the fact that the biggest shift they use is 12 bits). But yes, if you used the same code on a system with more than 32 processors, you'd need to fix the code.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I don't know if they are regulars or not. I admit that my sample size is only 1 minute.
@JerryCoffin Which is not uncommon. So, the code is actually broken.
Ah I was not aware there was another room
my apologies
@Mikhail The code's broken, but the bug isn't apparent within the specific context of the question.
dammit I cannot believe it's 2017 already
when do I get my ISO/IEC 14882:2017 ?
January 2018 again?
@JerryCoffin Wouldn't it already be broken for 31 processors? Or is it allowed for a positive number to become negative due to shifting?
@fredoverflow Isn't that UB if that happens with a signed integer?
@Mikhail If the OP has 32 cores, the code is technically wrong, but will work anyway on Windows. If the OP has more than 32 cores, OP is fucked.
@fredoverflow Yeah, that would give UB.
Oh right, it's technically broken even on 31 cores.
really we need an std::bit_mask_no_whammy<T>
@Mysticial How will it work? I would assume that 1<<32 is the same as 1<<0 so 1, but 0 would be the desired value, wouldn't it?
@fredoverflow You subtract one and you get a full bit mask.
1-1 = 0
Oh shit, no you're right.
Because x86 only uses the bottom bits for shift.
But who cares, 8 cores ought to be enough for anybody, right? ;)
@fredoverflow Windows has a limitation where you can't have more than 64 cores in a scheduling group. And 32 on a 32-bit system. Probably because they use a word-sized integer as a bitmask.
Which from a performance perspective makes a lot of sense since you can atomically read/write the mask.
And you get fast access to bit-scanning and stuff.
At the same time, the 64-core limit is a pain in the ass from the developer standpoint.
Because it forces you to be aware of it.
Yeah or just use cilk. But yes
Intel's Cilk works pretty well. But it does have a bug. It doesn't always correctly register the main thread. And sometimes it gets it in the wrong processor group.
So you may end up with one group with 1 extra core and the other group with one fewer core.
Not a big deal if you have 100+ cores, but a big deal when I was testing it on my 4770K with a bootcfg setting to force the OS to give me 2 processor groups with 4 logical cores each.
I can't believe fundamental things like this are still buggy these days?!
I wouldn't call it fundamental. This 64+ core processor group thing is not something you hit unless you actually have a box with that many cores.
So... guys like you? ;)
Which I don't. I had to jump through hoops to write code for them without ever having access to one.
Are you a descendant of Ada Lovelace?
Though at one point, I had access to a 44-core 88-thread box which basically showed that I still had no idea what I was doing even after emulating an environment with multiple processor groups.
Woooo interview in 4 hours
My body is sort of kind of maybe ready.
Interview for what?
A9.com - subsidiary of Amazon, "Large Scale Distributed Systems".
@ThePhD Wow, good luck!
I wish I had some of sehe's knowledge right now, but I think I can do it.
... I think.
@ThePhD Do it!
Except Amazon is a terrible place to work
@Mikhail Everyone says that, but the way I applied was through someone on the inside, and their experience doesn't quite line up with the reports.
Granted, I think the report talks about both Amazon's high and low level workers.
thats how they get you
That is, they include packagers and shippers, not just developers.
Except all the HN articles
I know two people working at Amazon. The guy who does "researchy" stuff with robots is happy, the guy who works cloud computing isn't.
@Mikhail HN?
@Mikhail I wouldn't be too picky about my first job.
Get the job first. Get some experience, then start thinking about hopping.
It's usually not a good idea to get stuck in the, "I want a job, but I have no experience. But they only hire people with experience" cycle.
hello all
@fredoverflow lol, nice.
> Senior Development Lead at CGI
That explains a lot.
@EtiennedeMartel Never heard of them, what do they do?
@fredoverflow They're the kind of consultants you'd hear of on The Daily WTF if the names weren't changed for legal reasons.
@EtiennedeMartel Do they change CGI to NOD to protect the innocent? ;)
What do you guys thinking about python binding for cmake?
@ShmuelH. What does that even mean?
@wilx Writing CMakeLists in python
@ShmuelH. Isn't that what SCons does/effectively does? :)
@ShmuelH. Well, some of the CMake syntax is odd but can Python actually improve the situation? I guess I would have to see it to make an opinion.
Well SCons has not worked even once for me so
@wilx hmm, I think it would make it cleaner
CMake is a programming language that hasn't been designed to be a programming language.
I think that python would do a better job. But you're right, it is an opinion.
Flagfest in the JavaScript room again. FFS.
What's happening?
@Morwenn Somebody is flagging everything.
I'm trying to find the poles of this transfer function
@Morwenn Work on your ep to get in on the fun. :D
and the answer is incorrect but I get the same one every time I do it :V
I had no idea what I'm doing wrong :( so frustrating
@wilx But SO was cool because at least I didn't have to see flags while I see them in the rest of the network's chatroom ç___ç
@Ell Try Poland.
now I realise
How did that work? I didn't even rubber duck :P
well colour me surprised, I made a mistake taking the reciprocal :O
And now, do you have the correct behaviour?
Yes, now I do have the correct behaviour
it was a lot of labour to get it correct finally
Meanwhile in the codebase of an operating system which will remain unnamed... https://t.co/90pNPyirC7
Oh God.
@StackedCrooked one of the side effects of trying to avoid that simple rule and instead invent universal/forward references
@StackedCrooked huh? T&& is valid C++03?
Nah. The slide is bad.
It illustrates a C++03 thing using C++11 syntax, lol.
I was watching supergirl, and they had an episode to be continued on flash, so I had to watch that until that episode and it continued on arrow, so I had to watch that and it continues on legends of tomorrow. I don't want to watch legends :( #firstworldproblems
Sometimes the pun responses make weird scientific findings even better
@user2357112 So your time is too precious to contribute, but not quite precious enough to refrain from snarky comments? kk — Benjamin Lindqvist 2 mins ago
^^ /cc @Borgleader
@Mysticial lol
@Mysticial Nice but probably already deleted.
@wilx Apparently so, anyway.
40 minutes to the interview.
I think I'm ready. I looked up my interviewer. He's all about that Machine Learning. I don't know any Machine Learning right now.
I hope I can cover the basics... ahhh. ;;
What timezone are you in? Seems like an odd time for an interview.
Is it a phone interview?
machine learning = dimensionality reduction
also over-fitting
Rewriting history with git as if there was no tomorrow.
use the force
@Mysticial Phone interview, yeah. With a whiteboard.
Amending shit until it works.
Here's what we know about Volkswagen's closing in on a $4.3bn US criminal settlement of its emissions scandal http://on.ft.com/2jAn1vT
Man, that's a lot of money.
"the nation that invented the car cannot walk away from it"
Oh, I have to subscribe to read it. RIP.
@ThePhD Click the link, not the FT logo. If it doesn't work the first time, try a few more.
Oh, there we go.
Thanks @JerryCoffin!
Also, interview time in 5 minutes.

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