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i never did get clang to work :-(
It doesn't work on Windows.
Several regulars in this room have clang running on Windows.
well it doesn't do exceptions so i didn't try too hard
@RMartinhoFernandes They're lying. Ask them to compile some code that uses exceptions.
@Fanael: i think those are different definitions of "work". i would not call that lying...
Apparently I don’t understand C++ at all.
I can scan multiple errors and fix them in batches, so that's not really a problem.
This is the friend problem that I have, minimised:
@KonradRudolph That function can be called only through ADL. But it has no arguments, so, well...
@KonradRudolph That makes the function part of the interface of the class, but doesn't make it accessible through the namespace.
@KonradRudolph Defining it out-of-line will make the code compile.
@Fanael But I don’t wanna :(
ah well
@KonradRudolph Why?
C++ fucked up here
@Fanael lazy ;)
Well that was messed up - i could only type with non shortcut keys :L
Have you tried typing with your hands?
Will anyone get mad asking C# questions here? Something odd is happening..
@CatPlusPlus lol
C# is a good note
no one will get mad, they will only ignore you
@LewsTherin I wont but I don't know c# :L
rdakdghjsfrhgeklr Compile dammit!
C flat is good too
@TonyTheLion xD
@LewsTherin Alivia will.
@TonyTheLion actually people have got very mad in the past cough @DeadMG cough
ask on Stackoverflow.com
Ask on the C# room.
@Fanael Damn.. may have to find someone else
I'll going there now.
@Ell he's an angry puppy, which has socially awkward tendencies
I'm off to the cinema. Watching the hunger games
@RMartinhoFernandes cool thanks
@RMartinhoFernandes It does? I use it and never noticed.
@Ell Oh tell me how it goes later
I saw the The Avengers yesterday
good movie, worth seeing!
@TonyTheLion I heard it was brilliant.
@LucDanton Try an overload resolution error. It doesn't list the candidates. Piece of crap.
Wish I saw that instead of the other one I saw.. horrible
(Unless they fixed it for 4.7, which I don't think I have tested yet)
@RMartinhoFernandes Is it really any better not to use it though? Output can already be quite long.
@LewsTherin I wouldn't really say brilliant.
@LucDanton do you ever do anything else but C++?
@RMartinhoFernandes Scarlett is in it.. it has to be.
@LucDanton But it annoys me that I need to re-run without that to see the candidates.
when you're here, I've never seen you talk anything but C++
OK, follow-up just so that I understand correctly: if foo had been a template, I’d have to declare the friend explicitly as a template as well, right?
(not doing so doesn’t work – I just want to make sure that the error isn’t elsewhere)
@LewsTherin So what? She's on The Island too.
@TonyTheLion Look closer!
I rest my case.
@LucDanton lol
@RMartinhoFernandes Haven't seen that movie before.. but wasn't referring to her acting skills lol
oh now I know who Scarlett Johansson is, she's the girl who had nude photo's all over Reddit
@KonradRudolph You mean if you want an out-of-line friend?
@TonyTheLion What? Where? url please! Lol
@LewsTherin a few months ago, there was some leaked pictures
Yes Clang works, and if you use it with a dw2 GCC, even exceptions work. That will limit you to 32-bit though.
just google it
64-bit is completely borked cause it now tries to link to the dw2 functions, which aren't in any 64-bit GCC.
@rubenvb Didn't work for me last time.
@TonyTheLion How did I miss that.. Bloody hell. Ah only kidding. Will see enough of her in Avengers next Friday
@LucDanton Yes
@Fanael what's your "work". Mine's basic hello world testing.
Is it possible for Vis Studio to cache file reading? It gets faster each time.. May need to get an average
@rubenvb And mine's is basic throw "hello world" testing.
OS caches files.
@LewsTherin FTR, there's isn't much fan service in that movie.
@KonradRudolph If the friend has to accept a foo parameter then yes. A non-template friend could e.g. use foo<int>::bar where bar is private, to give you an idea, but that's not what we're after.
Don't put a TVTropes link there, @TonyTheLion might click on it.
@CatPlusPlus I'm talking about reading a a huge file.. like a line at a time.
@RMartinhoFernandes mmn.. what about The Island?
ok, thanks for the clarification. Unfortunately, in my case this implies code bloat pure :(
@EtiennedeMartel oh, but I have some tropes links open :P
Also, about averages, I just reread this few hours ago.
@Fanael Clang trunk with a Dwarf2-eh-model GCC?
@rubenvb Yes.
The Island is a Michael Bay action flick disguised as a would-be-interesting sci-fi movie. I don't like it.
What'd you expect from Bay film?
Orange, blue, explosions.
@RMartinhoFernandes Don't link to tvtropes. It's like a black hole.
Oh, and if you're obsessed with naked Scarlett, she offered to do a nude scene on The Island. Bay said no.
@RMartinhoFernandes Something must be wrong with that guy.
@LewsTherin Why?
if I want to see naked women, I will load up a porn site.
hmm. My documentation generator is almost working.
documentation generators never generate anything of value
Depends on the way you document your code.
*nix systems have a built-in documentation generator. It's called /dev/urandom.
@DeadMG I suppose it means something that produces documentation documents out of documentation you put in your code, not something that produces the documentation itself.
nullptr_t doesn’t overload operator <<?!?!
@RMartinhoFernandes exactly, from documentation comments. À la Javadoc.
@KonradRudolph What? nullptr << 5?
@Fanael No, std::cout << nullptr
I like when my stack size is bigger on Windows than friend's one on *nix.
@user1131997 Yeah, "and what's your stack size?"
does std::function have operator==?
@DeadMG like a real man :P
@thecoshman How could that work?
Yes, but only to compare with nullptr to check if it has a target or not.
@RMartinhoFernandes is it the same function being called on the same object
How useful is that?
@RMartinhoFernandes yo dawg, I heard you like documentin your document
To me, using such an equality comparison, screams bad design.
maybe I am going about this problem wrong. I want to do an 'onEvent' set up. I want to be able to have more then one listener, so I figure std::vecotr<std::function<void(const node&)>> would let me store them, the on event, I just loop through the vector and call each one. I also figure that to remove the list I could loop through and if it matches the std::function, I could remove it from the vector
Use Boost.Signals.
Subscription tokens for removal are much better.
Well, not necessarily. But that's the kind of functionality it provides (at least that's what I expect). It's problematic to bring this functionality to something general-purpose like std::function though.
@thecoshman When you add one, simply return the iterator or index or someshit like that to the position in the vector that it's in.
although I'd recommend using deque instead.
then pass said iterator to removal function
@RMartinhoFernandes as in, when you call the set listener, it returns a listener ID and then I can just match the ID when the listener wants to stop listening
Works even if you use non-comparable objects.
Like say, []{} and []{}.
the idea of giving the listener an iterator sounds a bit funny to me.
not the listener, you moron
the guy who called the addListener function
the listener neither knows nor cares WTF you've done to implement this stuff
would you not call the object that calls the addListener function the listener?
the listener is the std::function
@thecoshman That's the subscriber.
too many different ways to name these objects :P
that's because it's some bullshit needless design pattern and I have never, ever, seen any good code which requires it
Is anyone here proficient with XSLT?
@DeadMG how would you go about events then?
what event?
@classdaknok_t I've used it for a few things
@classdaknok_t Erm. raises hand :(
@LucDanton did you try the ... trick Johannes mentioned? I'm trying to understand if it doesn't work for some C++-related reason or some GCC-related reason.
a node has many 'events' that other objects will want to know when the happen. for example, onEnter and onExit.
Nice, it's raining.
@RMartinhoFernandes I haven't, no.
@thecoshman You only need one std::function for that.
It borks on invoke for me.
@TomW @RMartinhoFernandes I have an XML document that contains tags which have text. In some of those tags the text ends with a semicolon, in others it doesn't, for example:
Event is a signal. Receiver is a slot.
How can I remove off these semicolons?
but many objects can subscribe for an event, and may only want to know about one of the many events. So each event type needs an array of std::function
In pub/sub terminology, what sends an event is a publisher, what receives an event is a subscriber.
@thecoshman That's where you're wrong.
@CatPlusPlus Qt terminology?
@classdaknok_t Ugh. XSLT isn't great at manipulating free text - but it can be done, it's a Turing-complete language
And Boost.Signals.
the only object which can subscribe to an event is the object which owns the object which triggers the event.
I don't know of a particularly straightforward or idiomatic way
@classdaknok_t There's a substring function.
if you have some other object except it's owner doing it, then your design is wrong
@RMartinhoFernandes and I can check if it ends in a semicolon using xsl:if, right?
but your suggesting only one object can be be notified about a onEnter event, I want to be able to notify many
@classdaknok_t Yeah, something like that.
std::vector<event1> event1_subscribers; std::vector<event2> event2_subscribers; ...
@thecoshman Why? Does your object not have a clear ownership principle?
something like maching together contains() and substring()
What if it has shared ownership?
Basic idea of slots and signals.
Just use Boost.Signals.
HeaderDoc y u no be consistent with semicolons in ur XML output.
@RMartinhoFernandes thanks, I'll try something.
@RMartinhoFernandes Then that's the problem of the sharing object(s).
what? a node will get into a condition where it wants to notify other objects that the event has happened. it does not care who is listening, or how many
aah...there's a function called substring-before()
@classdaknok_t Weren't you writing your own generator? Y u waste time on some Apple crap?
Still, I don't see what's so wrong about broadcasting.
it violates ownership and encapsulation
@CatPlusPlus I'm writing an XML to HTML converter for HeaderDoc. I like HeaderDoc's XML output.
Good enough for me.
@daknok, can you guarantee that the semicolons will only occur at the end?
@RMartinhoFernandes you mean the node just notifies everything?
if so, <xsl:value-of select="replace(., ";","") /> could work for you
@thecoshman Oh, right, I meant multicasting.
@RMartinhoFernandes erm... notifying all the things that have requested to be notified?
bah, missing quote
@RMartinhoFernandes kind of what I am trying to do already then
you get the idea though
You can build multicasting on top of unicasting with something like: [&listeners] { for(auto&& l : listener) { l(); } }. Why would building this functionality right in be a bad design?
@RMartinhoFernandes so my node class it self handles the telling those who are listening? Seems like the sensible way to do it too me
@thecoshman Right, that's what I'm arguing (you were not the one that called "wrong design" on it).
@RMartinhoFernandes actually that was Dead who called it a bad design
Though I would take that responsibility into a separate class like boost::signal.
I came here because I am was trying to fumble my way through all the fancy new C++11 stuff :D
Anyone with 10k rep? Need help with approving an edit.
We're not edit approval brigade.
Pretty sure it only takes 3K
But I was told that anyone with 10k rep can help. (I mean, approve an edit)
@TomW xmlXPathCompOpEval: function replace not found :/
@classdaknok_t Hrm.
It's supposed to be in the default impl
@EtiennedeMartel Can you help?
well, the 'do I want to notify my listeners' obviously would be part of my class. And the handling off the listeners is fairly simple. I can see why you might argue it should be separated, but it's an intrinsic part of my node
Edits usually get approved pretty quickly
@geekpanth3r Yes, but you don't need to come and ask for it.
@geekpanth3r For what?
Interested people with 10k can see pending edits and handle them.
No need to publicise.
@CatPlusPlus We're the something something something brigade.
@TomW replace is only in XSLT 2.0, but xsltproc only supports XSLT 1.0.
Crap. W3Schools lists XSLT 2.0 features - depends what version your lib is compliant with
xsl:version: only 1.0 features are supported -_-
@EtiennedeMartel Approve an edit. I have to ask the answerer a question regarding his answer, but before that I would like my edit to his answer approved... because if he plans to edit his answer, it will override mine.
room topic changed to Lounge<C++>: The something something something brigade. [c++] [c++11] [c++-faq]
@RMartinhoFernandes It's definitely not 10k. I think its 5k. Not that it really matters.
Meh I might fix this later. It's more a stylistic issue.
@RMartinhoFernandes plz see my last reply (i.e. prior to this)
Patience. That's a programmer virtue.
Okay, looks like the edit has been approved.
@RMartinhoFernandes hmm...
@RMartinhoFernandes No it isn't.
@LucDanton Shush. Don't bring Larry Wall into this.
@RMartinhoFernandes No. Being good with Google is.
Thanks @RMartinhoFernandes and @EtiennedeMartel
have a good one
Ha, I did sweet fuck all.
¬_¬ ADHD?
@classdaknok_t alternative would be substring-before()
difficulty with that is that it will return "" if there's no semicolon
OMG, the UK is going crazy like the US. bbc.co.uk/news/uk-17884897. The virus has crossed the ocean.
oh man, giving the listeners an ID code is going to be a pain...
@thecoshman Just keep some counter around.
> But estate resident Brian Whelan said firing the missiles "would shower debris across the east end of London".
because he's an expert?
@RMartinhoFernandes ffs - most likely the media wharrgarbling over nothing as usual
and a plane crash wouldn't?
@RMartinhoFernandes 'merica.
@TomW And what about a plane crashed by one of those missiles!
@RMartinhoFernandes would you suggest I use a raw int, or typedef somehthing like onExitID?
I expect what it will be is that someone has seen the MoD's list of contingency plans
where they've been expected to consider everything, and quite rightly, it is someone's JOB to suggest everything, so that bad ideas can be discarded and good ones used
@thecoshman Internally, I'd use an unsigned (because overflow is well-defined). For the return type I'd expose a typedef.
connection_id or subscription_id or whatever floats your boat.
Anyway, Starstreak is compact enough that they could put it anywhere they wanted and nobody would notice
The more descriptive the better.
any way, thanks guys. Best get back to work fun
@Fanael I just built ToT Clang with MinGW.org's dw2 GCC, and catching exceptions works
There's just a lot of crappy include dirs you need to get right
cause I only fixed Clang in that respect for MinGW-w64.
I'll see if I can get a 32-bit MinGW-w64 with dw2-eh for Clang specifically.
It would make the world a nicer place IMHO.
Is there no interest in Clang on Windows or something?
There's no people interested in helping Clang devs make it work on Windows.
@RMartinhoFernandes I wonder why.
Because Windows devs stick to MSVC?
(But whyyyy?)
There's a GSoC project for a bunch of Windows ABI stuff
It looks promising
Because none of the other tools around work?
@TomW MinGW works.
@RMartinhoFernandes Windows devs are mainstream.
Intel works too
As if MSVC works. Nice joke.
Intel is wrapped around MSVC.
I probably don't need to clarify that I wasn't serious, but just in case...
@TomW damn. Forgot my sarcasm checker.
@RMartinhoFernandes It's not that bad.
What? I thought Intel was a separate compiler. Are you talking about the VS integration?
@EtiennedeMartel Just like the other tools are not that bad too!
@Pubby Doesn't it depend on link.exe and stuff? As in it only reads cpp and writes obj files that get linked together by MSVC tools?
But I was just struck by the statement that "X doesn't work properly. Why does everyone use Y instead of X?"
@rubenvb I dunno
It works on Linux though, don't think it's dependant
@Pubby that's my point, on linux it's a bit more like GCC.
the two versions of icc are very different in the frontend... end.
Doesn't GCC delegate to the system's linker as well?
@LucDanton Yes, the GNU Compiler uses GNU binutils. Which is pretty much the same pile of <blank>.
and if GNU ld isn't available, it uses whatever more poo it was built for.
Oh ya, I misread who said what.
bin is a funny word
I have a website bin.xxx
no adult material on it yet though. Planing to sell it for money
bin.xxx would be for rubbish porn
no its a place to store your porn
Password protected so your mom cant find out =)
that sounds like a good way to set yourself up for OMFG LAWYER RAPE
So your mom can't find out what? That there's porn on the Internet?
Wait, so if you're stuck in the woods, with no Internet, then you can't watch porn?
why would it be a lawyer rape?
Because it's all on the Cloud?
If your mum doesn't know there's porn on the internet, she must be living in a cave
@EtiennedeMartel 4G will solve that
@rubenvb Yeah, if it ever comes here.
Weaklings. It's already here!
most file storage don't allow adult material. so bin.xxx will fix that
how did you get the TLD .xxx, I thought they were really expensive to get?
it is only 100/year
@TonyTheLion .xxx was approved last year.
but right now I belive the bin.xxx will sell for more than 100$..
maybe even 200$.
just doubled my pocket change =)
Doesn't seem like a smart investment to me.
oh, it's you.
@RMartinhoFernandes is it really safe?
> Everyone will find Islam
Well, I wasn't expecting that.
OMG my eyes!
Well, that .xxx thing was mostly a money-grab.
lol 30,000$ for weed.xxx
Is C++ ever used for creating websites?
not directly, but it's used for backend stuff
just ask Google and FB
I wouldn't write a frontend for a website in C++, that's setting yourself up for a loss

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