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00:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

Caffeine high!
@Morwenn well hey.
I never pretended my life wasn't sad!
Though tbh, atm I'm reading the No Game No Life novel, not the C++ draft
That was waaaay too much caffeine.
So yeah, I had the maximum recommended daily dose of caffeine in about two hours.
What an idiot.
Closer to overdose than high
are you on your own?
What happens if you try to counter a caffeine overdose with a sleeping pill overdose?
Does the person just drop dead or something?
No, I'm with friends
Got shakes, am dizzy, and sweating like it's summer instead of -10°C
That'd be pretty annoying.
Dafuq did you do? Drink a pitcher of coffee by yourself?
I kinda forgot Club-Mate has caffeine
I went out with my teammates yesterday and we had too much alcohol, so today I went with Club-Mate instead of alcohol.
Bad idea.
God typing is hard
It's getting better
@R.MartinhoFernandes drink water, pee a lot, etc.
don’t ask me if it would help but it’s something to focus on while it lasts
IoS been busy
Ear free headphones. First the headphone port and now my ears https://t.co/mwySbKxRrt
@Xeo impressive
@Xeo Honestly, I'm interested in these headphones.
I think they're a thing already
and they supposedly work unexpectedly well
Cochlear implants apparently yield good sound quality. I'd give something not to have the annoyance of things on/in my ears
It's obviously ultra-not-sound-cancelling, tho
as long as you can hear it over the other voices in your head am I right?
@R.MartinhoFernandes I just woke up from a super weird thing
I suddenly felt freezing cold and could not stop shivering
Plus pounding headache. Managed to sleep for 2 hours with my dressing gown on and woke up boiling hot of course :V
did you go to bed right after eating or something?
I will admit I had a toasted bagel with butter.
Well it wasn't right after, half an hour or so after
I'm gonna try to sleep again anyway. Night!
Why are simple things so tricky.
Spending way too much time getting a making periodic-task facility using boost asio.
I can use all of c++14, Asio + coroutines, yet it's proving tricky to make sure shutdown goes well
It's the age-old "simple things" fallacy. The hard things never overrun the planning. The "simple things" do.
struct StackExchange {
Just wrote this code.
Nice. What for :)
(inb4 exchanging stacks/stack content)
A packet for exchanging a card stack.
Well, token stack. I've changed the terminology away from card games.
Abstraktion muss sein
Rust's built-in JSON serialization support is cool.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Not language level support surely?
I guess C++ lacks the reflection capabilities to do the same?
There's a special attribute that makes the compiler generate a default implementation. Slap #[derive(RustcDecodable, RustcEncodable)] on your type and json::encode(&obj) and json::decode(&string) work.
You can implement the traits by hand if needed.
Do you know if Rust has good parsing capabilities?
Not sure what that means.
Any facilities to implement a language parser (maybe not boost::spirit level but something in that direction).
Damn, would have given me a nice project to learn Rust with :(
But this looks cool github.com/Geal/nom
Never used it.
Oh, this looks promising :)
For PBMX I'm just sticking to JSON for everything.
No reason other than trivial support from the compiler library.
the little effort you save by using external library is likely to be paid back when library's next version comes out
template <typename F, typename D>
  void post_periodic_task(D delay, F f) {
      spawn(_io_service, [=](boost::asio::yield_context yield) mutable {
          boost::asio::deadline_timer dlt(_io_service, delay);
          std::atomic_bool done(false);

          _rpc_server_live.on_expire.connect([&] {
              done = true;
              post_io([&dlt] { dlt.cancel(); });

          while (!done) {
              dlt.async_wait(yield); // throws if timer canceled
Finally arrived at something that doesn't stick out like a sore thumb. All that much.
@Telkitty What.
I do feel dirty for abusing signals to register lifetime signals (so background tasks can be discontinued when the owning service is exiting)
It's so much better than the cruft we had accumulated over the years, though.
how come you have to post the cancellation, is that blocking?
@R.MartinhoFernandes I mean that if you use external libraries to handle movements or parsing in your software, when the next version of the library you use comes out, a lot of functions or classes in it are likely to be changed so you have to update your software to reflect that
@LucDanton It might happen on a foreign thread. In some far distant future.
Posting through the single io thread¹ is a cheap way to avoid threading issues. (The one _io_service is being run on)
(I'll rename f to task, by the way)
@sehe isn’t it unsafe though?
What is?
does post_io do what the name suggests and more or less return immediately without blocking, leaving the task to be run at some later point?
You mean the race between a missed timer cancellation and the work itself?
well, the 'missed' part is your suggestion—can anything be missed at all?
That's where the _rpc_server_live.observe_lock() does its dirty magic: paste.ubuntu.com/23755818
@LucDanton Yes. If the cancellation doesn't happen while an async timer operation is pending :)
It's unlikely, but can happen. In which case locking the lifetime_observable (still not happy with the name) will throw that exception
50 mins ago, by sehe
Why are simple things so tricky.
I thought I had it figured out at some point but now it’s gone
omfg, i washed my credit card for the n+1 th time
@LucDanton You mean, for yourself, or my code :|
@sehe hey now, no need to be personal
we’re both up Friday night at 4am so who’s really got anything figured out for themselves huh?
o.O I totally expect you to mean "I had it figured out in my own code base once"
@LucDanton :)
anyhoo I meant the code
Woot, implemented shuffles.
Time for bed.
@sehe naw, that kind of (quasi) non-deterministic destruction I file in the 'here be dragons' category and actively try to avoid
It will still be like that in case of timeouts
I genuinely don’t know how I would tackle a situation such a yours
Me neither. I just found out it's trickier than I like.
@R.MartinhoFernandes nighty nite :)
can there be a race between making _rpc_server_live expire and the loop starting the .async_wait, and is that a concern?
Nope. All lifetime-related events throw, so the loop exits.
@sehe I don’t have experience with the deadline_timer, but the docs suggest it’s not okay to touch shared objects
Ah. The dead line timer is a local. It's local to the coro, which implies a strand. It's fine :)
and also in relation to wherever the cancellation task is run by post_io, right
(Besides, the dead line timer currently lives on a service that runs on a single thread only, but that logic would allow us to drop the post_io wrap too)
@LucDanton ^
@LucDanton Just noticed a flaw. Due to posting the work to a separate queue, the previous execution of the task might still be in flight if it takes longer than the delay. That's certainly not as intended.
also what you are doing is not executing a task, say, every minute on the clock but with a minimum delay of one minute in between completing the previous task and starting the next one
I didn’t mention it because that’s standard timer stuff
Also, if task is e.g. a lambda that captures things, then if done is set from within the task it might lead to references becoming dangling (because the coro has the copy, but the coro exits; The task completion handler has a reference to it ...)
@LucDanton yes, that is by design
Or should I say, was the intended behaviour
I'm strongly considering just posting the coro to the work-pool (_work_service) instead and letting the tasks hog a thread there ... It's going to be tricky to resume the coro only after completing the task run.
I could do it "cleanly" by posting a fresh coro to the io queue when the task completes. However, this wrecks the procedural flow of the coro (with the loop state).
Likewise, I could hack it with an "infinite delay" which would get purposely canceled. Hmm. That'll do
@LucDanton Kijk en huiver: paste.ubuntu.com/23756008
That infinite timer trick is from Tanner stackoverflow.com/a/17029022/85371
huh, that’s not reliable behaviour guaranteed by the docs though is it?
Yes, as I understood. Tanner's advice is also usually solid.
(note the shift from expires_from_now to expires_at for an absolute timepoint)
@sehe The Chaiscript guy?
Nah. You mean Lefticus? I'm p. sure he's not Tanner Sansbury?
Thats who I was thinking of (Turner/Tanner)
swift is better
2 hours later…
swift on security
1 hour later…
I am uploading another retarded video onto youtube
about magpie eating noodles
but apparently my not so large audience love to see aggressive birds instead
8 more minutes
then you can see my hilarious magpie eating noodles video
hello everyone , I have some question about algorithms and I couldn't find a suitable chat room for it ...
Is it an interesting question, or is it a homework assignment?
@Mikhail homework assingment
Okay this isn't the place
@Mikhail what if it's an interesting homework question?
Then no, do your own fucking homework
that was quick
oh thank god, I was getting the cancer
@Mikhail I just need some advice ..... bye
@mahsa graduate school is for loosers
that will be 5 cents
what if I am only attracted to loosers? bird of a feather ... something something
why you are talking like that ??? what's wrong with you?
So, Garmin decided to write its own programming language for its line of smart watches. developer.garmin.com/connect-iq/monkey-c. Why, what potential optimization can they do? The technical and business case boggles the mind.
1 hour later…
@Mikhail The only thing I can think of is licensing and control issues.
1 hour later…
Morning :)
> The Monkey C compiler does not verify type safety, and instead causes a runtime error if a function mishandles a method.
@Morwenn That's a strategy to increase battery life.
@MarkGarcia If it's a compiler, can't they just check types at compile time?
A program that stops running doesn't consume energy anymore. :p
I've been thinking about this for a few minutes but i could n't come up with a good reason to not do type checking in C compiler
> I've been thinking about this for a few minutes but i could n't come up with a good reason to not do type checking in C compiler
@peter compile time
Ah, @nwp ignore me I thought Monkey is a C compiler.
Monkey C as in monkey business?
Monkey Connect maybe
When you steal a sorting algorithm and it works out-of-the-box, projections included, and you only to make trivial changes to make it work with proxy iterators and to make it accept pointer to class members as projections.
I love it.
@sehe discord
I tried to create patterns that would trigger vergesort's worst cases, but it didn't work...
One of its hypothetical worst cases even performed better than the fallback algorithm.
> I've been thinking about this for a few minutes but i could n't come up with a good reason to use C compiler
always check the types of the types.
I want to try to play the shakuhachi now.
might as well spend all my time developing for android
Morwenn <3
Why do the play/pause buttons display the action we want to do, while the sound buttons display the state of the sound?
good question
because consistency is not a thing
Q: Volume control and Pause/Play toggles are inconsistent, why?

ZilI'm facing a UX struggle that I've never noticed before, and even though the behaviour is what everyone expects, feels right, and is fine, in the end, it's just not consistent. Let me explain. You have a music control, say, in any playlist app. You have the Play/pause button, usually a volume...

@Morwenn basically "it's what users expect"
@milleniumbug Eh, I can't say I'm surprised that the question has already been asked on UX.SE :p
@milleniumbug Well, it's history then.
2 hours later…
@TonyTheLion In my experience, people usually do more damage aiming for it than getting there could ever achieve.
TV channel reports on girl who used Alexa to buy a dollhouse. TV report then causes viewers' Alexas to do the same… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/817725359357628416
IoS again :V
@Borgleader LMAO. :D
@Borgleader I fear stupid law makers will figure that the TV channel is responsible for the damage, putting anyone who makes sounds of any kind into danger of getting sued.
rules got unpinned
oh wait, I'm a room owner I can do something about it
"Follow the rules" - Aldor Peacekeeper
Fair enough
@Borgleader Not bold enough
Rules created to break them...
can I use crtp to make mixin constructors? it doesn't seem possible without UB
@zounds WTF is mixin constructor?
it's a mixin for the constructor
i dont think adding "for the" will help him understand anything
What's a computer mouse? Its a mouse for the computer
mixins are base classes which just have a few functions for a concept, like "addable" or something, and then you use crtp to add those functions to the derived class
thanks dude
oh, 90k rep
@zounds And since you mentioned UB, you wanted to initialize the derived in the base/mixin ctor, right?
@zounds Well, been there, done that, failed the same way. :D
and i was so excited when i learned that they added the whole using base::base constructor forwarding
@Xeo Congratulations.
How should the mixin base even know how Derived needs to be initialized?
there's a bit of convention there
basically i'm trying to turn c++ into ada
or my idea of what ada is rather, since i really don't know anything about ada
i have a ton of different integer types, and i want static type checking to enforce differences between them
like units, but even stricter, like i want to enforce a difference between a time and a time duration
you mean like TimeSpan vs DateTimeOffset?
yeah, except generically
like a time T1 - a time T0 = a duration dT
then you can do like
dT1 = 2 * dT + dT /2; T2 = T0 + dT1
but T1/2 is invalid, or T1 + T0 is invalid
@Xeo girls in Dies Irae seem to have an issue with their tops - they seem to be missing their lower half
@Ven of course you'd find that picture, lol
@Xeo i just wanted to see what you tweeted about
now I know :D
@Xeo It's the first result if you google Dies Irae and go to images
also TIL there was a nekopara anime/OVA kickstarter
@zounds So... chrono's duration and time_point
@Ven *is
@Xeo Overfunded x5! Pretty nice :o
and if you'd check the #waifu-wars channel on Discord, you'd know
@Ven 500k is 60mins
@Xeo I stopped reading that channel long before I left discord :)
@Xeo yeah it costs a lot
@R.MartinhoFernandes So I've been playing with nom for the last few hours (reading the doc + tutorials, interspersed with actually learning rust xD), seems neat so far
@R.MartinhoFernandes wut
@R.MartinhoFernandes He's not wrong about one thing, though- welcome to open source
@Ven More than just the lower half
@Puppy well, I expect the nipple to be around the middle of the breast
maybe google does?
4 messages moved to bin
bin is full of friendly people who will tell you
you just don't know how to use this user interface
just be persistent
you don't have to, I already did
passing on the fruits of my knowledge
the Bin is full of helpful people
it's a bug
if you want help ask a question on SO
that's what it's for
oh, you are?
well, you should know, being question banned means being banned from asking questions
did you follow the instructions to get unbanned?
we'll never know
no great loss
ohai @sehe, how are you?
tired, mostly :)
"Waiter... there's a hare in my pancakes!" https://t.co/QiJhMOeaw0
/cc @jaggedSpire
@Borgleader That cat makes the picture
They have some really great ones :)
@marshalcraft You think you do, but you don't.
@Borgleader KOT BLINI
@Ven Hah!
I was not aware of that meme.
@Ven Oh, I see. The hare ruined the composition.
Or, rather obscured the composer.
@Borgleader oh man
have a good nerd rage and enjoy your little chat rooms
/cc @Borgleader @TonyTheLion @ThePhD @Ven @Xeo
that teddy bear is possesed
@jaggedSpire Today is Boomtime, the 7th day of Chaos in the YOLD 3183
@jaggedSpire Just in time
we need more barrel processors
@TonyTheLion :D
@R.MartinhoFernandes thank you, TIL
@jaggedSpire I'm a genuine pope of Discordianism, so I know this shit.
Today I also Learned
@Borgleader Kill it with fire.
I hate winters.
It was around -8 ℃ today.
@wilx It was -14C yesterday, -12C right now, and will be around -20 tonight
@Borgleader Heh, I am glad it is that at your place! Enjoy! :D
18℃ out here.
8 F here
It's -20 deg C most of the day
They threatened -20 here as well but so far in Prague it was not that bad.
last year it was -25 F one night
what's a F
good for seeing stars
@marshalcraft Please use units
what units?
are acceptable for you?
@marshalcraft Any units of temperature
what is F?
a capital letter
not a known unit of temperature as far as I can tell
anyways, i was using my 5 inch focal length ed refractor
that's what she said
then i drove about 4 miles to the store
I said use units so use units
sorry, converting inches to smidgens
what the FUCK is a mile
might as well say you drove 67 kabidjaloos
@CheukKinSing Eight of them is a movie
1.6 km
I too can make up meaningless words
well if something is exactly so many inches, it would be a rational or irrational amount of milimeters?
You're halfway to using units, good job
now fix the first part of your sentence before Cacadi gauges your eyes out
oh you're using imperial "units"
they're not units by any measure
actually customary
this narrows your nationality to 1 possible retarded option
a unit in a field?
or a ring?
@Mikhail Nobody in England is retarded enough to use imperial => USan
nasa uses imprerial
Well, not where I worked
@marshalcraft not surprising for a corporation that faked a moon landing
only because most company's in us use imperial
@CheukKinSing lol
but it's probably no problem for them to change units and do the whole significant figures
hell i got used to unit changes in 6thgrade elementary physics
I blame Tom Wolfe for killing the metric system
thats why russia, china, google have all confirmed it
Haha faked moon landing. Come on @CheukKinSing
@peter how else would they land a capsule using imperial units?
science? equipment? physical materials? human action?
they knew how to do long division
'Hello World
do euro's make everything in multples of 10?
no, 2€ coins are only a multiple of 2 and 1
whats the current topic about?
I'm pretty sure its closer to 1.05
there are 5 EUR banknotes as well
1 counter example is generally enough
how about those bitcions
should have sold them at 1150
i have .42 btc
@ArthurM. how retarded imperial units are. (according to the others)
It's retarded that there are still so many differents units D:
thx for answer ;D
yeah it's like at first glance you would think si are much better but then you realize it really doesn't matter, or some realize that and others don't and here we are today
It would all be easier if we had one unit foreach stuff out there
However, why are you talking about such a topic in such a channel xD?
you always are changing units, some are good for really large some really small
00:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

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