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@sehe Ah, so that is another thumb pointing down?
@sbi I'd need to review it. Me just skimming it might just mean it isn't my area of interest. CS is usually not my focal point
Ah, Ok.
On the left :)
I think I've only ever had 1 book on C++. lol
and I never opened it.
@Mysticial Stroustrup?
That's the problem with google...
@sehe Don't remember. It had some purple on the cover though...
@Mysticial That's the problem with books: they're in proprietary formats and cannot readily be indexed or FT-searched
A: Cost of Polymorphic calls - C++

Luchian GrigoreThe cost is negligeable. It doesn't matter how many classes you have, or how many levels of inheritance, the cost of a polymorphic call is a simple addition - the pointer to the vftable plus the offset of the specific function (not standard mandated, but on most, if not all, implementations this ...

I've personally found books on particular problem areas, ie games, have proved more educational for me. I find it easier to learn when it is put into context
I'm tempted to try to write a benchmark that shows the cost of a virtual function call...
@Mysticial My Stroustrup was on the second row and it is not purple. I think it was one of the (maybe) 5 C++ books that I read front to cover. The rest is really for casual reading and reference
The problem with me is that the only things I read for casual reading are typically about black holes...
You'd have to agree that there is no reference that comes close to the Josuttis book for e.g. iostreams reference.
Name your iPod 'Titanic', plug it into the computer, "Titanic is syncing", press cancel, feel like a hero.
Don't virtual calls cost a deref and a branch miss?
Now, these days, SO is a good reference for 'good practice' type of advice mainly because the C++ community is relatively strong on SO
@Pubby A virtual call adds up to 2 levels of indirection.
Two derefs then
virtual calls cost inlining, that's the major problem with'em
@Pubby Calls can be devirtualized. It depends. It could make sense to split workload according to runtime type - if possible.
Am I being silly in taking the view that polymorphism is a nice tool to have, but if you can avoid relying on it, you are usually best to
@Pubby Yes, one to load the pointer to the vtable. Second to load the function pointer from the vtable. And then finally calling the function pointer.
Virtual functions can be inlined
Parallellize homo-morphic loads per core.
@Abyx They will be inlined if the compiler can devirtualize them (and their body is defined in the TU, i.e. in-class)
@Pubby in simple cases. Often they can't
@thecoshman Yes, that's silly.
@thecoshman depends on what is meant by polymorphism. I agree for virtual functions and inheritance
@sehe does any existing compiler devirtualize them?
@Pubby If you mean "you can avoid" as in "you are capable of thinking of ways to", then no that wouldn't be silly.
@jalf Couldn't it inline into several dynamic casts everytime though? (Which is a horrible idea)
@Abyx I think every existing compiler does so when it is able to
Given the amount of literature I've seen on the subject. Sadly, I can't name a compiler that does.
@jalf yep, but if it's never able to do it, it doesn't
@Pubby assuming it know which function ends up being called. Which, is usually the point in virtual functions, that you (and the compiler) don't have this information
It would be silly to 'avoid polymorphism' just because you fear it might hurt performance. Ever heard about premature optimization?
I mean, if you have the option to store one array of objects of base type or three arrays each of a derived type, it is probably better to use the three arrays of derived type
Take code like this: Foo f; f.bar() -- assume bar is a virtual function. I'd hope and expect that every compiler is able to inline that, assuming the function is defined in the same TU
@jalf Do you mean method pointers?
@Pubby Huh?
As that comment by David says, discussing the cost of virtual functions (or any other feature, FTM) is meaningless except when profiling it against some alternative solution.
So calling a virtual function is, what?, two indirections and a branch miss? Or is it one or three of them? What matters: If you don't use virtual functions for this, what's your alternative? Obviously, you have to branch at that point in your code. Virtual functions are just one way to implement that — but they are a damn good way. In order to replace that with something else, that something else better brings very significant advantages.
@jalf I dunno
@sbi sure. But some people think it's more OOP to make everything virtual just because you can, and so that it can be overridden later in a subclass. In those cases, the alternative is simply not doing it
@sbi "Up to" 2 indirections. If you're calling multiple virtual functions on the same object, the pointer the to vtable only needs to be loaded once.
Likewise, if you're calling the same virtual function on the same object, the function pointer only needs to be loaded once.
@Pubby my example was just meant to illustrate that in simple cases, it is trivial for the compiler to determine which function is called by a virtual call.
@jalf Whether a member function needs to be virtual is a question of design more than anything else.
@sbi yup
@jalf Yeah, I got that. I was wondering where it can't be determined though.
@Mysticial Sigh. My answer meant to convey that this doesn't matter — unless you compare it to a concrete alternative.
@sbi again, inlining. If 90% of virtual functions looks like void foo() { m_x.bar(m_y); }, it can significantly decrease performance
@jalf I'm not try to defend that practice, just curious here. If I have a function in a class test that I mark as virtual, if I have an object of type test and call my virtual function, the compile knows I am calling the function on a test object so there is no need to worry about the virtualness
@Abyx No. You can't say that without context. Or even without profiling. Of course, 'can decrease' is a blanket statement if ever I saw one, so if you pull that argument, of course you are right.
@Pubby void foo(Bar* bar) { bar->baz(); }, for example. We get a pointer to a Bar or some subclass, and we don't know which. So we can't be sure which function is going to be called
The biggest (overall) performance hit I've ever seen from a polymorphic call was about 20% - which isn't that bad considering there are a billion other things that could make it worse.
@jalf Inserting a dynamic_cast for each class wouldn't work?
@Pubby how would you know which class to cast to?
@sehe everything can decrees performance :P
`foo(Bar*)` might be inlined and the ->baz call devirtualized.
Depending on context
@Abyx You, too, totally missed the point. If you need a virtual function at that point in your code, then that means you need to branch there. ("Let's see which foo() we need to call here.") If you don't do this through a virtual functions, you have to have some other means to do that. And you need to measure that cost against a virtual function.
@jalf Every class in the inheritance tree?
@sbi +1
@thecoshman As @sbi says, first and foremost it's a question of design, not performance: do you want users to be allowed to swap out this function by deriving from the class? That might be useful, or it might merely enable new ways to break your code.
@Pubby And how do you think dynamic_cast is implemented? :)
@sbi Magic!
@sbi no, it's not. I can use virtual functions for some kinds of TDD, like "need-driven development". Then nearly every class will have an abstract interface.
@Pubby No, actually I think all compilers implement it through the type's virtual table...
@jalf See e.g.
Bar* myBar = new KnownBarSubType();
helper.foo(myBar); // inlined **and** devirtualized
But second, any time you use a pointer or reference, the compiler is going to have to do some dataflow analysis to even try to inline it, and often it won't be able to, so if you care about performance, virtual functions are often a problem
@Abyx Then that is your design that warrants that. If this is your point, then let's take about efficient designs, rather than optimizing implementations.
I think I need to read up on exactly how virtual functions get called... the more I am thinking about this, the more I am confusing my self :P
@sehe er, which function is supposed to be virtual there?
@thecoshman Do you reckon the subject of cogitation matters in that respect?
@jalf It was a response to your code snippet.
@sehe erm... elephant?
@sehe I still don't understand it. If foo in your case is a virtual function, and we don't know the dynamic type of helper, then knowing the dynamic type of the parameter doesn't help us
ISTR a footnote in Lippman's Inside the C++ Object Model citing some guys who made real-world measurements for the costs of virtual functions vs. other means (switch over enum?) to achieve the same goal. IIRC, virtual functions came out pretty damn well in that comparison, either not slower, or even faster than alternative solutions.
And if myBar is supposed to have some virtual function then we don't see the call to it, and then it's kind of hard to reason about what it'd do
What about virtual vs CRTP?
@jalf If foo() can be inlined, its code runs in the context of the function that knows KnownBarSubType.
@sbi lets not forget that it is probably a lot easier to develop using virtual functions. Runtime is not all there is
@sbi oh right
For that matter, shared libraries (at least in Linux) take a performance hit for much the same reason.
@jalf You didn't specify that foo was virtual, and it doesn't matter: it might be devirtualized just the same
@sbi erm... I'm missing your point there
@sehe Yes, and you've just showed me a longer version of the first sample I posted: that if the type is known because it's declared unambgiguously on the line above, then it can be inlined
I still don't see the big revelation in telling me what I just said
@thecoshman My point was that I already said what you said.
In other words: just compile stuff. If you worry about devirtualization make your pointers/references as specific as possible and group initialization close to invocation.
@thecoshman The point is, don't let the "illusion" of a virtual performance hit prevent you from using inheritance if it makes sense to.
@jalf Why does everything people say have to be a revelation. Meh.
@sbi I often to fail to pick up what points people are making when they get this technical :P (in here at least)
@sehe well, I assume that when people tell me something as part of a dsicussion, they have a point to make.
@jalf Well, if that is what you wanted to say... I think if you reread that message you might come to agree that it isn't quite what it says
but in the real world, the type is often impossible to determine at compile-time (in which case some form of dynamic polymorphism is needed), or it requires so extensive dataflow analysis that the compiler won't do it (even though it theoretically could), and then it won't be devirtualized, and can't be inlined. But a nonvirtual function could have been inlined
@sehe I posted two snippets. The first one was an example of a call that could be virtualized
the second, which you just linked to, intentionally does not have any context. It does not show the definition of the object on which we invoke a virtual function. So we can't inline it
Jalf, the discussion started with concerns from people saying that virtual functions are a bad thing for performance. We (apparently both) argue that it doesn't need to be bad (because of inlining + devirtualization) and, when I backup the claim with a concrete sample, you start lecturing me on virtual methods, and how you cannot always know the actual runtime type?
You got to remember in which direction your arguing with whom :)
@sehe It's a pretty blanket statement to claim that "virtual functions are a bad thing for performance". I bet I can create benchmarks showing both ways. lol
@sehe no, I'm saying it is generally a (small) bad thing for performance, because in many common cases, it can't be inlined because the dynamic type is not obvious
@jalf I can agree with that. Although, if you know what you're doing you can alleviate the situation.
6 mins ago, by sehe
In other words: just compile stuff. If you worry about devirtualization make your pointers/references as specific as possible and group initialization close to invocation.
There are trivial cases where the compiler can easily deduce which function is called, and devirtualize it, but if you're passing around references or pointers, the compiler quickly gets lost (either that, or it has to inline the calling functions as well, to account for them being called from multiple places with potentially different argument types
@sehe If you worry about devirtualization (and even if you don't), just don't make stuff virtual unless it needs to be virtual
Or it might be completely impossible to determine it:
    Base *ptr;

    if (rand() % 2 == 0)
        ptr = new SubTypeA();
        ptr = new SubTypeB();

Of course. It's called programming: you have to tell the compiler/computer what you're doing and, if performance matters, how.
@Mysticial sure, but that's a case where the indirection is unavoidable, We can't just eliminate the virtual call there, the overhead has to be incurred one way or another
@jalf Once we're discussing performance of virtual functions, I accept virtual functions as a given.
@sehe Well, once virtual functions are a given, I find it pointless to discuss the performance of virtual functions ;)
@Mysticial But that could usually be redesigned by splitting workload in chunks (separating randomly) and then calling just one statically known function each time. It is about design, even if virtual functions are a given
as far as I'm concerned, the interesting part was "what is the performance cost of making things virtual when they don't need to be": can it be devirtualized and inlined as frequently as if it'd been nonvirtual?
@jalf ^ it's not pointless. Like, it is not pointless to discuss the impact of shared pointers on cache locality. To me, it isn't a useful strategy to avoid such constructs because you are afraid of what it might do to performance.
@sehe I get it today :P
@sehe but if we're in a situation where a function needs to be virtual, it doesn't matter how expensive virtual functions are, because you need them anyway
So if virtual functions are a given, it doesn't matter what they cost
@jalf Well, duh :) That's what sbi has said long time ago. Of course.
Are people still developing in environments where the 'cost' of virtual functions really matter?
@jalf So , my point is, you can still redesign your program flow to remove/reduce the penalty. And you don't have to avoid virtual functions to do that (although, like you say, you can do the same without virtual functions).
@thecoshman Every day. And more so every day. My guess
@thecoshman I'd say rarely it matters. And you're hearing this from someone who does primarily HPC.
@Mysticial But you never use virtual functions.
@Mysticial I didn't think so
The worst case I've seen of virtual functions gone bad was 20% slow-down over a simple if-statement that tested to see which of the two possible subtypes it was.
@sehe Yes I do. But not often. And typically only in very high-level code - that's at least 5 layers of abstraction above all the loop-unrolling and SSE hacks that I talk about.
In which case, if the function is gonna take a million cycles anyway... I really don't care if it needs an extra indirection and a branch miss...
@sehe my point is you can only do that in extremely simple situations. Most of the time, if a function is virtual, the compiler will not be able to devirtualize it
So in fact you agree that the cost of virtual functions matters :)
It matters enough that you won't use them near the grunt level of your code
even if it is theoretically possible to do so at compile-time
@jalf Okay. I'll trust my profiler. But then again, I already avoid virtuals, if only to simplify designs and reduce dependency/coupling
The argument type might be a reference passed through 3 or 4 other functions, in which case they also have to be inlined in order for the final "leaf" virtual function to be devirtualized and inlined. If it hadn't been virtual, we coudl inline the leaf without the rest of them
@sehe That's one way to put it. But I treat normal function calls and branches much the same way - that is to, bump them into higher levels of abstractuib,
The cost of virtual does not matter. Because if you remove them you have to replace them with an alternative. The alternative will not be any cheaper than virtual functions and because the compiler is not doing the work much more buggy. Therefore you gain nothing and the cost is bugs.
@LokiAstari That is assuming the function was made virtual for a reason
Assuming the function needs to be vitual
We are (I am, at least) talking about cases where a function is made virtual when it didn't need to be
or "when it need to be virtual for dependency injection", including unit-testing with mock/fake objects
It would have to be in a very tight loop and repeated a lot of time (and profile showed that it was a bottle neck before I cared a lot). The actual cost is minimal and with the Vtable most likely to be in the cache next to nothing.
I can't believe I come back and you are still exchanging the very same arguments we already made more than half an hour ago.
...and I don't think that "drop unit-tests and replace IFoo with CFoo" can be an option
That's all I wanted to say. You may continue chatting.
@Abyx how is "needs to be virtual for dependency injection" not a subset of" needs to be virtual"? ;)
@jalf uhm... you can write high coupled code without DI, so, you don't really need it.
@Abyx but if you want to have DI then you need it.
@sbi welcome to lounge<C++>
@jalf it depends what I actually need. If I need to write Clean Code (tm), I need DI. But also I can write Just A Code, without DI.
@thecoshman you might have history reversed a bit
yeah, but really, it still boils down to this: either you need to make it virtual in order to achieve your design goals, or you do not need to make it virtual in order to achieve your design goals
On that note, I just learned that The Netherlands (we) have been at war with England (the Scilly Islands) for over 335 years.
and if you do not need to make it virtual, do not make it virtual
The Three Hundred and Thirty Five Years' War () was a war between the Netherlands and the Isles of Scilly (located off the southwest coast of Great Britain). It is said to have been extended by the lack of a peace treaty for 335 years without a single shot being fired, which would make it one of the world's longest wars and the war with the fewest casualties. Despite the uncertain validity of the declaration of war, peace was finally declared in 1986. The war Origins The origins of the war can be found in the Second English Civil War, fought between the Royalists and Parliamentarian...
@sehe huh?
DI is either among your design goals, or it is not
@thecoshman sbi has been a chat user for 10 days longer than you. at least :)
@sehe I was making a joke ¬_¬
Oooh I wouldn't know anything about that, of course
Awesome, Pelles C has got Generic Selection!
@IntermediateHacker what is "Generic Selection"? Is that Darwinist?
@sehe: No, since evolution tends to produce organisms specialized for their environment. :-)
@IntermediateHacker: But seriously Google is failing me. What's "generic selection"?
@TonyTheLion: Mow'n
Q: Do we have to delete QUpdSockets?

AZorrozuaI'm programming an application that uses QUdpSockets. As I'm getting memory problems due to creating sockets with the operator new I would like to know if it is necesary to delete them after closing it. Code below: socket = new QUdpSocket(this); socket->bind(); connect(socket, SIGNAL(readyRe...

These kinds of questions make me realize how much I hate Qt.
Qt isn't that bad. It just happened to originate before the Modern C++ era.
@StackCrooked: Oh, don't get me wrong, it's fine for making applications.
But a library shouldn't have to make the programmer worry about memory management this much.
The fact that almost everything in Qt is meant to be new-ed gives the perception that it's required all over the place in C++ code.
Indeed. It could return std::auto_ptr<T> to indicate ownership is for the user.
But right it's not very consistent indeed.
Qt provides smart pointers, but they don't use it consistently in their API
@sehe I frigging love sarcastic responses to sarcasm
Q: Is there a way to instantiate objects from a string holding their class name?

Gal GoldmanI have a file: Base.h class Base; class DerivedA : public Base; class DerivedB : public Base; /*etc...*/ and another file: BaseFactory.h #include "Base.h" class BaseFactory { public: BaseFactory(const string &sClassName){msClassName = sClassName;}; Base * Create() { if(msClas...

I don't understand the typedef in Johannes Schaub's answer.
typedef std::map<std::string, Base*(*)()> map_type;
Base*(*)() ..what?!
after a day of battling to get help from the support team, they are now trying to offer me so much help it is annoying
@Nils: Base*(*)() = pointer to a function that accepts no arguments and returns a pointer to Base.
@Insilico or, as I prefer to call it, "you evil person, don't fucking do that"
@Insilico and how do you read this?
@GManNickG Hi. No, I wasn't there :) What's up?
@Nils: Think Base* foo()
Replace foo with (*) and you have a type that represents a pointer to a function.
To be quite honest function pointer declarations are a pain in the ass to read
I still get wired template errors when trying to instantiate it.
typedef map<string, Base*(*)()> map_type;

map_type map;
with vs 2008
@Nils: Have you tried typedefs?
typedef Base* (*FuncPtrType)();
for the function pointer?
typedef map<std::string, FuncPtrType> map_type;
Yeah. See if that works. It's way more readable anyway
So typedef Base* (*Blahfunc)();
then blafunc is a ptr to a function with no args which returns a ptr to base?
Yes. An instance of blahfunc is a pointer to a function that takes no arguments and returns a pointer to a Base.
Have you heard of cdecl.org ?
ah yes
but already forgot about it
Use that for the more gnarly type declarations (although it's C only)
Ridiculous Fish :)
@Insilico I prefer to typedef the function type, and then just add pointers: typedef Base* FunType(); /* reads like a function declaration */ FunType* fptr;.
However it can't read Base*(*)()
@RMartinhoFernandes: Eh, I don't use function pointers often enough for that to be a real issue.
(which is probably a good thing)
@Nils: What can't read Base* (*)()?
Oh, don't get me wrong, I don't either. Mostly, I use function pointers to explain them to people. :)
so and how do I get this code to compile?
@Nils: typedef std::map<std::string, Base*(*)()> map_type; compiles fine for me
> error: must #include <typeinfo> before using typeid
Let me try the paste
Other than that, compiles nicely on GCC.
@Insilico what compiler?
What error message is VS spewing?
@Nils: VC++ (the 2008 version, I think)
same here..
"Microsoft (R) 32-bit C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 15.00.30729.01 for 80x86"
The paste works just fine for me on the VC++ compiler
I thought they had 11 on beta.
@RMartinhoFernandes: The one that comes with VS2008
Crazy version numbering schemes.
No, the compiler version is different from the visual studio version
VS2005 had version 14
VS2008 had version 15
VS2010 had version 16 I think
So, error message?
I get C2784
on map_type map;
@Nils: You say it like I memorized all the Visual C++ compiler messages.
You also seem to say it like I can read your mind as to the exact error message. :-)
Really, paste it somewhere.
ok just a moment
(You can put it here if it's short, but since you mentioned "template errors", it's probably better to do so off-site)
well crap is I have a german version :(
@Nils: You did #include <string> somewhere, right?
sorry for that
So that works? :-)
Microsoft: making sure you can't get help by localising error messages since 1975.
@Nils: Surely, you can translate one of the error messages, no?
Presumably the fact you're using the German version of the compiler means you at least dabble in German. :-)
well it was because <string> was missing
@Nils: The reason why it worked for me because I #include <string> in some other file that was included by the source file and I forgot about it.
Well it wasn't my idea to use the German version of it.
Apparently GCC #includes <string> in either <map> or <iostream>.
@RMartinhoFernandes GCC is really bad at that stuff ime, it gets a little better over releases, but it's still far from ideal
I want modules.
I want clang on windows.
I want food
@Nils: I think someone managed to compile Clang for Windows way back somewhere in the chat transcripts.
yeah sure
@TonyTheLion You're in the developed world. Food is plenty and all around. Stop bitching.
@Insilico awoodland
but I want a one click msi installer or something
@Nils: Then go ask awoodland for said installer. :-)
@TonyTheLion eat somebody :)
@RMartinhoFernandes u in a bad mood or something?
@RMartinhoFernandes I thought Tony was in Africa
ur a Lion after all
@Nils lol
@Insilico will do maybe
@Pubby wut?
@TonyTheLion Maybe in the Serengeti.
Serengheti spaghetti
you guys are stranger as each day goes by
Hello restaurant microwave!
@RMartinhoFernandes I think you're in for a long wait then
@Nils: The restaurant microwave?
Don't you have a microwave of your own? :-)
Deal, I can wait. Now can I please have my modules now?
@RMartinhoFernandes: You're going to have to wait for C++22
In other news, I realised that the following is not a proper UnaryTypeTrait according to the standard.
template <typename T>
struct some_trait {
    template <typename T1>
    static big test(blah);
    template <typename>
    static little test(...);

    static constexpr bool value = sizeof test<T>(blah) == sizeof big;
@Insilico if we extrapolate linearly, it should be C++24
When compiler writers manage to fully implement the C++11 standard
@RMartinhoFernandes: What does the standard have against some_trait?
How come the standard isn't released incrementally? Like a feature a year or something?
@Insilico Doesn't derive from an integral_constant.
@Pubby: Because it's an ISO standard
@Pubby That's actually the plan for the standard library.
And ISO takes a long-ass time to publish anything
I once read that Sylvester Stallone eats healthy during the week and unhealthy on the wekends
it's the opposite for me
ISO sucks
10 years between releases is about typical for ISO standards
That's nowhere near fast enough for technology stuff
That's why there are things like technical corrigendums and TR1s and stuff
@RMartinhoFernandes about that, is there any resource of what the next plans for std currently are?
They also talked about that in one of the GN panels.
How does the modules proposal interact with things that depend on #include to work?
e.g. The Boost preprocessor library?
In particular, check N3370.
> In a change from past practice, the committee is processing multiple library work items in parallel, and any resulting domain specific technical reports will ship when ready rather than waiting for completion of single large technical report.
@Insilico Vandevoord's proposal doesn't kill #include. It's still left for macros and stuff like that.
You can always write a header that is nothing but import my_module; + macros or whatever the syntax is.
@RMartinhoFernandes: That makes sense.
That also provides a transition path: code that used headers can change to modules without modification with such a thin wrapper header.
Will modules speed up compile time?
The current proposal has them work somewhat as precompiled headers do, so yes.
@RMartinhoFernandes just like in Pascal, there are modules, but also there is {$include ...} directive
Aw. While, I think, correct, this strikes me as a slightly painful comparison

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