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Hmm, I think I will use the assembler code without the Sleep() to show up that it degenerates into an infinite loop.
Sleep for synchronization sounds incredibly stupid.
Yes. :)
@CatPlusPlus be a nice kittie and show me an example using functional
I did. std::map<std::string, std::function<base_type*()>> funcs; funcs["foo"] = []{ return new concrete_type; };
[] -> base_type* { ... } if it doesn't convert. Didn't test, so dunno.
It converts.
std::function can be constructed from practically everything.
Good day.
Wee, ghc-mod installed.
how does one run an .exe file from cmd line that is in a completely different dir to where one is?
@RMartinhoFernandes fork clang. :)
@TonyTheLion C:\foo\bar\foobar.exe?
because just the dir with the exe name after it is too simple for MS
@classdaknok_t nope
That's exactly how you do it.
@TonyTheLion try without .exe
@TonyTheLion Perhaps you're missing quotes?
Windows' file handling sucks.
Paths with spaces need them.
C:\> Users\Tony\Documents\DEV\ImageMagick-6.7.4\convert
'Users\Tony\Documents\DEV\ImageMagick-6.7.4\convert' is not recognized as an int
ernal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
@TonyTheLion prefix it with `C:\`.
Does it exist?
Is it an executable?
@classdaknok_t same thing
@TonyTheLion try dir Users\Tony\Documents\DEV\ImageMagick-6.7.4
@RMartinhoFernandes yes, because I can call it when I'm in said dir
@TonyTheLion Execute C:\> dir Users\Tony\Documents\DEV\ImageMagick-6.7.4, please.
Stupid AV heuristics.
@sbi thanks :)
Only things that trip it up are the ones I compiled.
why can't MS ever do anything simple?
@CatPlusPlus "AV"?
@TonyTheLion No, you should execute it and show us the result.
@TonyTheLion Not smart enough.
What just happened?
@sbi it converts JPG to TIFF files
not much to see
dir just lists the contents of the directory, you know.
I meant my convert.exe
not dir
@TonyTheLion You can use an absolute path or a relative path, or you can add the relevant directory to the PATH environment variable.
@TonyTheLion Dammit! You should execute the dir command, so you can see whether there's an convert.exe file!
We know what convert does.
Are we bashing MS because of a PICNIC?
@sbi your command with the convert.exe after it works
so I'm happy
@RMartinhoFernandes wut?
@TonyTheLion I have no idea what you're talking of.
I'm completely lost.
@CatPlusPlus I think everyone except Tony is.
1 min ago, by R. Martinho Fernandes
36 secs ago, by Cat Plus Plus
35 secs ago, by sbi
@TonyTheLion I have no idea what you're talking of.
animals are trying to run file on Windows
@Tony, what have you done.
I called it first!
@Abyx Singular. It's just one animal which is trying to do that.
now I'm confused
@TonyTheLion There's 35 users in this room. 3 have expressed confusion.
the results of your dircommand
subst m: C:\Users\Tony\Documents\DEV\ImageMagick-6.7.4
just like "using" in C++11
Also, you're probably missing \bin.
Or not, because IM doesn't use it.
It's a directory with IM source, silly.
Go get binaries.
@TonyTheLion You posted the command line Users\Tony\Documents\DEV\ImageMagick-6.7.4\convert, which apparently doesn't work. I told you to execute a dir command on the parent of convert, so that we can rule out that it's a stupid error where you mistyped the path and no executable exists. Then you thank me and tell me it works now. And then you ask "WTF?"
probably utilities, not bin
@TonyTheLion Well, there's no convert.exe.
@sbi I'm sorry for the confusion, here is what you asked for:pastebin.com/RYaPDdji
@TonyTheLion It's actually that simple: When there is no executable, you cannot execute it. There's nothing in this to bash MS for.
@sbi i guess, I was wrong, meh
Problem In Chair, Not In Computer.
@TonyTheLion And because such problems are usually that simple, I wanted to rule that out before we start to really investigate.
@sbi well, turns out that was a good idea
@RMartinhoFernandes Between chair's backrest and monitor, to be precise.
Ohmy, I've been using vim for 5 months now.
@TonyTheLion Who'd have thought?
@CatPlusPlus ?
PEBKAC Errors are my favorite
I've been using vim for years. So what?
@RMartinhoFernandes Just noticing. Also, tried ghcmod-vim?
Yes, I had that on Windows.
I have been using VS for 12.5 years. Before that, I used BC, then BCB, for 6 years. And you young whippersnappers boast about using an editor for not even half a year.
Still haven't installed it on this system.
Notepad is good in the department of unchanged UI
@sbi BC? BCB?
Borland Nightmare Compiler.
@Collin Borland C++. Borland C++ Builder.
@CatPlusPlus Actually they had a damn good compiler for many, many years. Of course, they wouldn't have let you play with it while you were in kindergarten. But not until VS2003 became VC better than BCC.
@Tony have you installed the ImageMagick binaries?
@sbi I've been using vim for ten years. Before that, I used TP7 for three years. There's also some Visual Studio in there (since VS6).
I've used BCB6 and possibly 5.
Also Delphi 3.
@CatPlusPlus BCB was well past Borland's prime. At its time, BC5 was the best IDE/editor/project management tool money could buy.
Bah, there is no boost/atomic.hpp in 1.42.0?
TP7 was awesome. Until it started crashing because of CPU speeds.
Oh, that was hilarious.
But annoying as heck.
Patching crt as a daily routine.
Because it wasn't TP7 that crashed, but your executables.
Most Borland-esque C++ compiler suck too much.
@RMartinhoFernandes I had given up on Pascal while TP still was a DOS program. :)
TP was ever not a DOS program?
@sbi TP7 was a DOS program.
Oh, I remember now. Your executables crashed with division by zero.
@RMartinhoFernandes Opps. When was that?
One out of say, twenty times it would run properly.
I think it was Delphi after TP7, and no non-DOS TPs.
@sbi For me, about thirteen years ago. I have no idea how recent it was at the time.
> This code fails on processors with a speed greater than about 200 MHz and aborts immediately with Runtime error 200
@CatPlusPlus There was a Turbo Pascal for Windows.
I feel really stupid today, so just to make myself feel less stupid about the situation here is what happened. I have a huge code base, and there was this technology that was using this one component over and over again. So I decided "Lets re-factor it", make it simplier and straight forward to use.

So after, off I go on my wonderful journey of refractoring this component to make it simplier to use. I find that this part of the engine uses this component in this unique way. Then I say "great I will add this little addon onto the new system". Rinse and repeat and finally after 1 month, I lo
@RMartinhoFernandes Yeah, there definitely was TPW. I remember that.
It probably sucked.
@Chad Huge codebases are doomed to be unrepairable.
@RMartinhoFernandes Oh. Well, I switched to TC somewhere in the early 90s. Probably around '92? It was TC3, back then, also in DOS mode. (Turbo Vision!)
Vision was so cool.
@CatPlusPlus This code base was pretty good, though I sometimes think if i had a good overview of the technnology and how it all fit's in together i would of thought harder about undertaking the task.
@CatPlusPlus TASM supported object-oriented programming. I thought that was very cool. :-)
@CheersandhthAlf yes now I have
@sbi Guess what, TP7 was released in 92!
Damn, that was really old when I used it.
We really like our Prime Minister: smackstephenharper.com
@RMartinhoFernandes I think I used TC6, and I think there was a TC 6.5 or something. Those where the ones with OO extensions. Then I had to program in Ada for my studies. When I started to work on my own again, I used TC.
> For destroying Canada's reputation on the world stage.
Canada had a reputation to be destroyed?
You need to get out more.
One more reason to love Canadians: the definitely-not-a-spoof Canadian Avalanche Rescue Cat Association. http://carca.ca/
TBH, I'm not sure this is true, though.
@sbi As a cat owner, cats would be TERRIBLE at this job
@sbi I've been trying to decide if "definitely-not-a-spoof" is sarcastic or not ever since cstross retweeted that.
@Collin I know. It's nigh impossible to train domestic cats.
"C.A.R.C.A. is officially investigating allegations that a recently displaced Avalanche rescue dog and handler team are responsible for planting a story in the Calgary Herald that C.A.R.C.A. is a fictitious group. We feel that, if this proves to be true, that this desperate act to protect an inferior practice from impending obsolescence to be both unethical and irresponsible. CARCA, is still very real and maintaining a group of dedicated Feline-centric Avalanche Rescue Teams."
that can't be real
@RMartinhoFernandes It reminded me of this one: newtechusa.com/ppi/talent.asp
I especially like Cathleen: "Our first .NET-ready primate. Has domain experience in banking and brokerage apps."
"For only $25.00 if you are trapped in an avalanche with several other people, and a CARCA team responds, you will be given first priority to be rescued." -- Yeah, CAN'T be real
@sbi That's Pebbles.
"Please note that we are a small organization staffed primarily by cats. While cats have proven very adept at avalanche rescue duties, they have struggled with office work."
@RMartinhoFernandes Ah, you're right. Well, it's a girl, I judged from the looks, anyway. Never mind her field of expertise.
Pity they exceeded their API quota soon after that was tweeted all over.
> This ape is a Certified C#.NET Alpha Geek. — PPI
@RMartinhoFernandes Seems to be working for the moment
I turn my heating on but it's still cold
> The report, written by Peter Styles, professor at Keele University, Brian Baptie of the British Geological Survey, and Christopher Green, an independent fracking expert, found that fracking "should include a smaller pre-injection and monitoring stage", which did not take place at the existing sites, and called for "an effective monitoring system to provide near real-time locations and magnitudes of any seismic events [as] part of any future fracking operations".
That sounds awesome.
"an independent fracking expert"
I have no idea what this is about, but if you watched BSG, it's well worth a read.
For the lulz.
> the controversial practice of fracking
It's like that xkcd about replacing 'keyboard' with 'leopard', but funnier.
> The government's own data revealed serious questions around the safety of fracking in areas of known seismic activity,
> We don't need earth tremor-causing fracking to meet our power needs
TL;DR: sex is dangerous.
When did the topic change? :.
Fracking can release noxious gases, it's no joke.
I changed it a while ago.
1 hour ago, by R. Martinho Fernandes
It converts.
Oh, that's why I couldn't find it.
by the way
can repositories get very big?
if I've got N files and M changesets, I'm smelling O(NM) in terms of repo size?
Depends on the VCS.
SVN stores only diffs, Git stores every changed file completely, AFAIK. Of course compressed.
using Mercurial
@DeadMG can, yes. But they usually don't. Every sane VCS either stores only the diffs, or uses compression which basically eliminates all the redundancy anyway
If you check in completely different content with every changeset, then you're right, it'll grow
@DeadMG I guess Mercurial uses the same approach as Git.
> Mercurial uses SHA-1 hashes to identify revisions.
Git does that too, but I never used Mercurial. :P
Yes, because using SHA-1 is very relevant to storage size.
I didn't add any files, but my repo used to be 120KB and now it's 5MB
so in practice, no, repo size won't be a problem.
I forgot how DVCSes invented compression by SHA1.
@DeadMG so what did you do?
I committed some bugfixes and stuff
not in big binary files?
Mercurial stores deltas and compresses base files, so it shouldn't grow too fast, unless you put in undeltable/uncompressable files.
caught a file I added by mistake
it might just be some kind of prealloc scheme. Allocate a few mb so it has room to grow?
ah, that'd explain it :)
it's hard to search a repo
Prealloc in VCS storage?
because there are 999999 large files in those directories which aren't technically actually in it
It's not a single blob. :P
now I need to ... fuck, what was it again?
Don't search the dot directory, duh.
@CatPlusPlus There are still lots- like Visual Studio Intellisense and PDB files and such things
@CatPlusPlus I know, but they could conceivably allocate a single large file and then fill it out with content gradually. I agree it doesn't seem very meaningful, but it seemed like the most obvious explanation for "my repo jumped from 120kb to 5mb and I didn't really do anything"
personally, I'd always bet on "The user made a mistake", which I DID
@jalf More than "I think I didn't really do anything, but I really did"?
@All Hi
It's also DeadMG and VCS.
@CatPlusPlus With Fossil it is. :P
Shenanigans will happen.
honestly? Mercurial and Visual Studio and me don't really mix
Hi can any one help me how to configure MSDTC ?
i am getting error MSDTC unable to read machine.config
I think of my repo as the whole directory, but Mercurial does it file-by-file and Visual Studio loves to insert 99999 things in there
The new Visual Studio 11 inserts only 95891, they did some optimizations.
@DeadMG ignore rules... ;)
now how is it, again, that I remove files?
tell mercurial to ignore all those VS filetypes
@classdaknok_t Meh, I don't particularly like VCSes based on SQLite.
hg rm, proably?
or hg remove
hg rm and hg remove are synonyms.
doesn't that only remove them from the current changeset?
and you still have them in the repo in case you roll back?
hg forget if you don't want to remove them from working dir.
Ah, filtering files out is trickier. You need to use either MQ or hg convert with a filemap.
@CatPlusPlus me neither.
last time, I think I just cloned the repo and recommitted the changes without the bad file
and then I had to do 99999 things with push --force or some such rubbish to update bitbucket on the new state of things?
hg convert --filemap map your_repo your_new_repo
push --force is not a good idea, unless you're pushing a new branch.
Eh, gotta go. Read about strip.
@CatPlusPlus but that was effectively what he was doing
<face palm> I go to edit a script that compiles a report.html based on a load of log files. It's a perl file, but all of the writing to file is done as a system call, using echo and piping it into a file. (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
push --force is okay if your intention is to trump over everything.
which it is
since I want bitbucket to forget the bad file permanently now and forevermore
@RMartinhoFernandes he he he, 'trump over everything'
@RMartinhoFernandes I am sorry.
@thecoshman What?
@sbi That's a bit old.
@RMartinhoFernandes sorry, being English means everything is a potty joke to me
@sbi Oh, it wasn't my intention to offend you.
@RMartinhoFernandes Hey, look at the ID of that message!
@sbi :O
@sbi Why did you find the Internet puppy only now?
@RMartinhoFernandes I was just browsing antipope.org.
I love how he just rolls along with that silly domain name.
can I go back and edit the commit message for a given commit?
of course not
oh well
Mercurial isn't very happy to mess with the past.
Git is more temporal paradox friendly.
it should mess with what I tell it to mess with :(
Sounds like git.
oh no
I've heard 9999999 rumours about how bad that thing is to use
by the way
how do you handle external library dependencies in your repositories?
git is easy
I'm still not sure if I prefer putting dependencies in the repo or not.
well, you could have a script in your repo that will pull the correct version down as part of the build process, or just put the .dll (or what ever) directly in it
you just have to know what you're doing
@rubenvb It's DeadMG we're talking about. ;)
for Lua I just added the Lua source directly to the repo
I think it's good to stick the theory that your repo should not include things that can be reproduced, so built binaries should not be in source control
but for some of my cross-project classes I'd want to keep their source separated
does that mean that I'd need to create a repo for them, and then write some build script BS to pull them and build my projects?
you could keep them in one repo, and the other repo will download/checkout the right version of them
actually, since all my projects go in one repo anyway, then I just need to move them out of the project I wrote them in
@DeadMG You can use subrepos or whatchamacallit.
yeah, git help submodule
Never tried it with hg, but it worked fine in SVN and git.
sounds a bit messy
Basically, it's a folder in the repo that stores nothing.
The repo keeps track of the URL and version of the subrepo and when you pull, update, etc, that folder gets pulled, updated, etc from the correct URL+version.
then what does it do? is it just a place holder?
so it's really two repos, but some clever mechanism to allow the one repo to make use of a seconds repo?
I could branch my current repo, I guess
@thecoshman Yes, two repos, but one keeps a working copy of the other in a known folder.
and have one branch for Wide and the other branch for my game code
@DeadMG do you mean fork?
Honestly that sounds more like two repos.
I get a bit confused with the terminology my self as well
but I wouldn't necessarily want to lose all my existing history
a git pull should also update the submodule sources, so you don't have to go updating all the dependent projects
@DeadMG keep it in an old branch
I think if you clone the repo then, and delete the content that no longer makes sense in the new repos
create three repositories
if you have three projects
one for Wide, one for Dark Sky, and one for all my utility code
then mark utility code as subrepo of the other two
yup, sounds about right.
yeah, but one of those will just be a continuation of your existing repo

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