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In theory, congress can overturn a president's declaration of a state of emergency, but I'm not sure that's ever happened. They did start to once (after Hurricane Katrina), but before they got very close, the president had already rescinded it (though it's hard to guess whether it was really because the emergency was over, or because he thought congress would rescind it, so he did it to save face).
Can I get some quick code/style review? pastebin.com/Fh8drrPR
@Mikhail It looks like code, therefore it sucks.
Does HyperCard support templates?
Okay, at least semi-seriously. 1) instead of just Iterator, you usually want to use something like InputIterator to (roughly) specify a concept for the iterator, even if the compiler won't enforce it. 2) I'd rather see it written like a normal algorithm, where the output is also written to an iterator instead of being returned in a pre-defined container (std::array in this case). 3) of course, input as 2 ranges instead of 4 iterators would look cleaner.
@Mikhail I generally avoid Apple stuff.
@JerryCoffin Whats the way to pass a range?
@Mikhail Depends (a little) on the range library you use. Eric Neibler's Ranges V3 is probably preferred (i.e., the least of the easily available evils).
Hmm, guess iterators for now, until it becomes standard
Are static var's initialized as 0?
as far as I know, yes
aweosme thanks!
@thepiercingarrow They're value initialized, which is 0 for arithmetic types, null pointer for pointer types, default construction for types that have constructors.
@JerryCoffin great, thanks! (Also IIRC NULL is just a macro for 0)
@thepiercingarrow It is, but it's deprecated. nullptr is neither a macro nor deprecated.
Huh? I read online its good practice to use 0 instead of nullptr...
@thepiercingarrow Probably want to be sure you didn't get that backwards. If you didn't, that author did.
float foo = nullptr
Hm, apparantly {0} works to clear var's on the stack
@Mikhail why not *foo ?
@thepiercingarrow So does just {}.
@JerryCoffin or is it just a C++ feature?
@Mikhail shouldn't compile. nullptr can't be assigned to a non-pointer type (that's a large part of its intent).
Also its missing a semicolon
@thepiercingarrow Yes, {} for initialization is only in C++, not C.
@JerryCoffin I suppose we're gonna gloss over aggregates again?
@sehe Probably.
Someone wants to know why his Spirit wankery keeps coredumping.
To be frank, I have no clue. I think you're overcomplicating and I don't see justification. For fun, here's something that does work: coliru.stacked-crooked.com/a/0d6a71c4ef6c5e00sehe 27 secs ago
Sensible chuckles for the night. /cc @JerryCoffin Sleep well
@sehe Made me smile anyway. Thanks. And good night.
Does the app contain any Nazi symbols, references, or propaganda?
I did nazi that message come
question when submit an android app
Android pls
abject pyrophobes after extremely graphic pamphlets were mailed nationwide by the government
I'm bad at this whole "governing" thing
goes to fireproof home by turning off google chrome
Is there any way I can see what the next character in a stream is without consuming it from the stream?
@LucDanton pd ramen toi dans le 92 jte pet la g ok
Marc est développeur GCC, mais Marc n'a pas mis ses pneus neige. On dit que Marc...?
@Telkitty Most of the National Socialist symbols were copied from other groups.
@AndreasPapadopoulos Marc reste à la maison manger des chips à regarder des séries
c’était facile
@LucDanton why are you magenta
@jaggedSpire oh yeah I keep forgetting about that because of caching/inconsistencies
Q: Why did my avatar change?

barronMy network-wide gravatar identicon used to be a pleasant blue, now it's bright green. I didn't change my email. Did Stack Exchange change its email hashing algorithm or something?

@qaispak what you mean like peek
@LucDanton huh
wonder what percentage of gravatars it affects
Marc est développeur GCC, et Marc est chez lui à manger des chips en regardant des séries drôles. On dit que Marc...?
1 hour later…
he doesn't stop talking about solving problems, YOU FUCKING HYPOCRITE
@AndreasPapadopoulos je pense plutôt qu'il regarde des films d'horreur et qu'il rigole, parce que des boyaux c'est bien moins gore que les entrailles de GCC.
@sehe i didn't get #20 :(
@Ven c'est un jdm pour @Luc tu peux pas test
lol my colleage wanted to install Visio but installed Visual Studio
what's an alternative to assigning a double pointer => new double[]; ?
Do not ever use new
But absolutely NEVER use delete
well yeah that's what i'm trying to do
Code that uses delete doesn't pass code review
i'm trying to update some old opencv code and on my previous attempt it started giving me heap corruption :c
and when I asked about it on the c++ help chatroom one of the things somebody said was never use ''new''
you can get a pointer to a set of doubles from vector<double>::data()
will remain valid until the vector resizes
I guess I could use vectors yeah :/
well well well
Restarting chemo tomorrow and quite looking forward to it. I've missed the nurses at the day clinic, they're such fun.
This guy
is it me you're looking for?
not really looking for anybody
@Telkitty how should we know the answer
came to say hi
There's no porn, sorry
@jv_ Quite frankly, trying to navigate all these pitfalls with copy and whatnot seems like building a house of cards in a tornado zone. (That's why I side stepped that hot mess). — sehe 7 mins ago
Spirit is NOT a nice library to play on the edge with
do you still livecode?
@TonyTheLion Nope. Not principally, but - cooled off after a period of "no time for that"
ah right
@TonyTheLion Hi :)
\o/ @Morwenn :3
What's up?
currently bearing a lean startup class.
I didn't even know those existed.
I wish I didn't.
but my school wants me to re-learn about lean startups.
Even though we know it's shit because statistically, exactly 0% of the lean startups that year worked.
You probably didn't like it and forgot about it. Let's learn it again.
hi morwenn
Spirit is NOT a nice library
Yes! That's right!
So what other parsing library would you recommend?
...in C++ I mean
@TonyTheLion I just ate a small raspberry pie. It was tasty :p
that pun
@redspah faux-combinator!
@Ven 1 repo per language :clap:
@AndreasPapadopoulos yeah it's too hard to make libraries for package managers otherwise...
@AndreasPapadopoulos at least it's not 1 org per lang
I'm no rightfold.
@Luc You know I don't make puns for you to ignore, right?
I already answered
The second one
wow that luc avatar
PG-18 indeed.
ah ben j’étais parti
9 hours ago, by Andreas Papadopoulos
Marc est développeur GCC, et Marc est chez lui à manger des chips en regardant des séries drôles. On dit que Marc...?
Marc réagis ?
c’est pas très drole
je vous merde et je rentre à ma maison
@Ven I am
poor you.
is there a name for a type that is not copyable and not movable? Something like brick-type?
I call 'em non-movable
I suppose everyone knows that non-movable kinda implies non-copyable
everyone here, definitely
a move can be implemented as a copy
and types that are copyable but have a deleted move constructor just get ostriched
they're "why the fuck would you write it"
i.e. in the same category as declaring copy constructor with A(A&) instead of A(const A&)
for the glory of satan of course
or having const members in your class
I have tons of const memberz
don't puppy us into deconsting our code
maybe if the destructor cannot handle a moved-from object
what's wrong with const members?
though that's typically easy to handle
@redspah some people hate const
@redspah they basically make assignment operators impossible which makes your type not well behaved
aren't const members static by default?
just hide them behind a getter or sth
@redspah no
They are in C#, got me confused
const is a weird thing in C#
it's more similar to constexpr
and they can't be in C++ because mutable exists
@redspah this kind of thing is my excuse for not learning more languages
yea, the closest thing c# has to C++ const is readonly which can only be modified in the constructor
another difference is that readonly/const in C# applies to variables, const in C++ applies to types
on one hand the approach C# makes is limited to checking whether you use an assignment operator
I can kinda see merit of both
@nwp non-relocatable
immutable masterrace
il a plus de bail
OTOH the approach C++ makes is also limited because there are many aspects of constness and with custom types you get only one of them
(think const ptr<T> vs ptr<const T>)
so Java/C# decided they won't go with the half-ass solution, and instead rely on the user making separate types for non-mutable collections
Fuck, how do I tell nim to "read as much as possible". What a twat.
@redspah For example, you can't have const std::vector<const T>& pointing to std::vector<T>, because they're actually different types due to how templates work
sure, std::vector<const T> is disallowed because const T is non-assignable
but that's beside the point
would const std::vector<T>& work?
but this would miss one aspect of constness
constness of the collections vs constness of the elements in the collection
const const const vs boys boys boys
@redspah so in C++, with std::vector you get all or nothing
const boys are dull boys
@milleniumbug well, not for the example you picked
not sure what are you referring to specifically
there would be no difference between std::vector<T> const& and a putative std::vector<T const> const&
well you could always assign to the specific position, but you couldn't do .push_back
you cannot either way (barring immutable assignment)
@LucDanton but that is only because const is limited, not because you really can't
in this particular example, (im)mutability is logically transitive from container to elements
but it shouldn't be
i.e. container_type const already dictates mutability of the elements
there should at least be a way to specify that you don't want that transitivity
@nwp of course it should be, and thankfully it is
@LucDanton sure, that's how C++ does it
but it wouldn't need to mean that in general
@milleniumbug that’s how the interface of the containers was planned and how it was acted out
@milleniumbug then it wouldn’t be a container. like I said: poor choice of example
vector<mutable T> const?
sure, C++ can't really handle it, and so was standard library designed to make the most of it
@milleniumbug okay let’s start from scratch
an imaginary vector-like class for a different language could expose mutability of a container and mutability of the elements
transitive mutability is desirable to make something as banal struct foo { int thing; }; the simplest thing that can work
containers follow that trend but with more things
if it doesn’t do that, it’s not a container
so you should pick a different example
really just pick the smart pointers
@LucDanton except you can't add/remove things here
only modify the existing ones
neither can you from std::array
@milleniumbug so your point is invalid
maybe first decide what you want before designing an interface for it
whatever::vector<int> a;
const whatever::vector<int> m = a;
m[0] = 6;
m.push_back(42); // compile error
whatever::vector<const int> n = a;
n[0] = 6; // compile error
yeah that’s not a container
because you wouldn’t be able to do that with foo
should a language make a distinction between these concepts?
it’s not the language here
it’s a deliberate API choice
use the smart pointers
hmmm, that would actually be wrong, so I corrected the above to make copies instead
see, change to a smart pointer and have .reset or whatever as the mutable op and you have something that (kinda) works already
the (kinda) is where this is really about language design
yep, I can have T** converted to const T* const*, but I can't have std::vector<T>& converted to const std::vector<const T>&
and I don’t see the C++ community changing their minds over the matter
because const T and T in a template argument make this different types
@milleniumbug irrelevant
@rightfold not found
@LucDanton so why do we have two aspects of immutability in smart pointers, but not in containers
API design choice
surely someone would find having a mutable collection with immutable elements handy
compare mutability for structs, arrays in relation to their members/elements on the one hand; and pointers in relation to their pointees on the other
I personally favour consistency
I don't find this a suitable comparison because arrays don't have mutating operations on themselves
so they're effectively const without declaring them as const
it’s the relationship I want to draw attention to
OTOH std::add_const_t<T[]> would make the elements const (AFAIU), so maybe you're on to something there
i.e. what’s interesting is not how they are effectively const whatever that wolud mean, but how they are effectively as (im)mutable as their elements
@milleniumbug yeah that’s what I mean
same deal as struct foo { int thing; };
decltype( std::declval<const foo>().thing ) is int const
so are we shifting the discussion to "should const array<T, n> and array<T, n> be the same or not"
@milleniumbug I’d sooner you justify it for foo
can we move these into here
@sehe pinging because you're the only owner present
4 messages moved to bin
ok, this works as well
@sehe dude, why would you do that ?
Oh Didn't really see the request well. Don't have my enhanced script r.n. Sorry for the rush
@BOTJr. Because this is not the place, "dude". Have you read the star board messages?
@milleniumbug but really, I’m not. by drawing attention to the relationship between 'containing thing' and 'contained things' and the API design choices that it entails, that could segue well into what, exactly, the template parameter of std::vector<T> should mean
@LucDanton C'était "glousse", au fait.
@AndreasPapadopoulos je suppose que ça en dit long sur ce que tu regardes alors parce que j’associe pas forcément glousser à regarder des trucs
Oui, mais Marc glousse.
Expose several internal modules through Cabal (as requested by Edward Kmett). These remain completely unsupported.
seems legit
wow Nim is fucking retarded
I want to read "as much as possible" from the server, but there's nothing I can do. if it doesn't get exactly N characters, it blocks (or time outs). Who the fuck designed that?
people who are "good with abstractions", Java people probably
just read one byte at a time and ignore any performance implications
@nwp I do not know when the answer is done
so basically I'd need to loop-read() with timeout=0, until I get a timeout exception.
@Ven I think in that case you are screwed either way
without distinguishing between "message ended" and "internet died" you probably cannot make anything sane
internet died will read length=0
I know the server won't send me another message until I replied.
what happens if you reply before the answer is complete?
i can't act if I don't know what the server sent me
@sehe :(
If a full line is read \r\L is not added to line, however if solely \r\L is read then line will be set to it.
wtf is \r\L?
hey bois
so i'm gonna change machine in the next month or 2
and i've got a problem
the machine will come with a 1 tb hdd, problem is, i dislike hdd because they are fragile, and i tend to be quite aggressive with my equipment
the laptop may fall, or may get hit by my anger
at the moment in this machine i have a 120 gb ssd, which is enough for what i normally do
play some csgo and be a noob, code, watch youtube videos, and it's mostly empty
@sehe could you please shed some light on why sometimes in boost::spirit::x3 one has to explicitly state the attribute type? see stackoverflow.com/questions/39230186/…
so learn to control yourself if you can't get an SSD
@milleniumbug that is not an option, sadly
what i was thinking was placing this drive in the another machine, and using the 1tb hdd that it comes with as extra storage
problem is, say i have to load games from the hdd, which will be the most probable configuration
what, you have neurotic problems or sth
not diagnosed, but it is possible
@Ven they probably mean \r\n for carriage return line feed
idk, i just get fed up with the people in my class and my friends make it worse by picking on me
so i unleash with my computer
@nwp i thought so too, until I looked at the source code
so, what do i do? games would take ages to load from an hdd if connected via usb
take up crocheting instead
@ChemiCalChems that's an expensive punching bag
@ChemiCalChems pick a different game
i was also thinking about raiding the 2 drives together, but i've learned that they would go as slow as the hdd and only have double the size of the ssd
@milleniumbug at the moment, not at all, but in the future it will
@nwp that doesn't solve the problem
Every game has some discovery, then some mastery, then it's really fun when you get good at it. Just pick C++ as your game. Sure the graphics suck, but it does tell some interesting stories.
@nwp i'd play gaem before playing c++
but if i change machine and have a machine that can open games, well fuck, i'd like to play them
especially when i have some awesome games in my steam library that i've never even played
if you play multiple games at a time you are not properly addicted and therefore not a real gamer
just install linux, that will remove every hope of ever playing something decent
@nwp i don't play multiple games at once, but i'd like to play cs:go without having to wait for years
@nwp i have linux, i feel you
i think the easiest thing is going to be learning to control myself
but fucking hell, you don't know how hard it is for me
also a case of motion sickness helps make all ego-shooters a nauseous experience
even those not-really-shooters like skyrim
@nwp i don't think i understand
@nwp Nim's doc has \l line feed. But no \L.
Motion sickness, also known as kinetosis and travel sickness, is a condition in which a disagreement exists between visually perceived movement and the vestibular system's sense of movement. Depending on the cause, it can also be referred to as seasickness, car sickness, simulation sickness or airsickness. Dizziness, fatigue, and nausea are the most common symptoms of motion sickness. Sopite syndrome, in which a person feels fatigue or tiredness, is also associated with motion sickness. "Nausea" in Greek means seasickness (naus means ship). If the motion causing nausea is not resolved, the sufferer...
you have it or you don't, can't really do anything about it
@nwp that's what i didn't understand
@nwp well, that's not my case
first-person perspective makes nwp sick
oh shit, that must suck
it sucked a lot when I was addicted to half life was new and cool and I soooo wanted to play it but couldn't for more than 10 minutes without puking
so, spend some time learning to chill, or spend some time waiting for my games to load?
@nwp why is that?
i could think it's better to invest in my mental stability, but man, you don't know how fucked up my surroundings are at school
@ChemiCalChems because puking ruins your aim
@nwp why does motion sickness happen, i mean
I heard it is because your brain has a 3D model of the world and places you and the world into it depending on what your senses tell you. When you go around a corner in a game you expect to experience some force, but you don't, so the model thing doesn't work anymore and somehow that makes you nauseous. Or something.
@nwp damn
contradiction of the senses
I heard that's why we have cool flight simulators, because pilots have that too and behave differently in simulators than in real planes, because simulators cause motion sickness and planes don't and that destroys the point of putting pilots in a simulator.
so they makes those cool moving simulators that remove the motion sickness effect
I want to have a motion sickness removing gaming chair
who wants to start a startup!
@nwp engineer it then
i'm sure many people, even if the don't suffer what you do, would love to have that
i would at least
fucking el
Q: create a program in Java

BanthatileCreate a program that will calculate the expected tuition fees in 10 years time if the fees increase by 6% every year. The current fee is xRand. The program should include the following: 1.A parametirized method that receives the current fee amount 2.The same method should be used to calculate th...

^^ Tuition must be too high... /cc @Borgleader
Here is my code: package tuitionfees; import java.util.Scanner; public class TuitionFees { public static void main(string[]args) { int xRand = 0; int currentFees = xRand; Scanner sc = new scanner (system.in); System.out.println (" please enter the current fees "); } thefees fees = new theFess (); int currentFees = fees.fees (0); System.out.println(" calculated fees in 10 years time: " + fees). I created a second class called currentFees in order to call the method that will display the calculated fee. The code doesn't run and I don't know how to formulate the formula to calculate the fees — Banthatile yesterday
my eyes hurt
What's the official term/right spelling for a new, inexperienced novice? Newbie, noob or newb?
@Telkitty newbie is the original term that was used in the military i think
lemme check
@nwp I'm not a real gamer, apparently. Really interesting discussion about motion sickness. There's only this one game that triggers mine, or driving a vehicle at highway speeds with a window open, but nothing else really.
@Telkitty newbie is the proper term, newb the abbreviation, and noob is the vulgarity/offensive term
@EtiennedeMartel lolwhat
@milleniumbug (Context is here).
Here is my code — Banthatile yesterday
And n00b tends to be the parody of the offensive term
Hahaha apparently OP is as bad at SO as they are at programming
A lot of social conduct boils down to:
1. Seek permission to push boundary
2. Back off if permission is not given
I don't understand why I see so many clueless people when it's that simple :(
@Aaron3468 bad education by parental figures
too bad it doesn’t have the LW releases as well on it
@EtiennedeMartel why bring such sexist shit here?
Oh, Abyx. Don't you ever change.
I ship it. It's official
@EtiennedeMartel no, really. it's as much sexist as that "mansplaining" thing.
@Abyx To starshame it :P
@Abyx everyone with a brain is able to have a laff at it instead of getting all pumped up over it
@Abyx If that hat fits...
@EtiennedeMartel what do you mean?
@Mysticial Maybe. I think a lot of companies want young rockstars.
@Abyx I mean, why is that sexist? Nobody's saying all men are approaching women wrong. Why do you feel that criticism of assholes is an attack on your gender? What does it mean about your perception of your own gender?
@caps I always wondered exactly how the term "rockstar programmer" (or anything similar) came into use. Would any programmer who was worth anything actually want to be associated with "poorly educated, untalented hack who gets by on his looks"?
@EtiennedeMartel I've seen people tweeting about this. I don't know what the hullaballoo is about. And just as with "virtue signalling" I am perfectly content to carry on not knowing.
@JerryCoffin rockstars trashing hotel rooms because they can afford to
@JerryCoffin That's a fair critique of the term, but I don't think that's what it is typically used to mean.
@caps Basically, some guy from the manosphere wrote a dumb article and it was so dumb people turned it into a meme.
I feel that there's a missed opportunity here to discuss about how some people, a lot of them men, seem to treat other people's, a lot of them women, boundaries as mere suggestions.
@JerryCoffin I think the adjective rockstar has a more positive connotation than the noun, indicating that they've somewhat diverged from eachother in common usage
@ratchetfreak While I can see wanting enough money to be able to afford to do what you want, why would you want to hire somebody who's irresponsible, but has enough money to get away with it.
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