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@Khaled.K High Fantasy doesn't dictate a specific story, rather it specifies a common aesthetic and typical themes.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I wondered why halt was broken (i.e. it didn't shut off the system) on new Debian versions
I thought APCI was broken
It turns out it's systemd's fault
For a half a year I was turning off my computer with reboot and then pushing the physical "switch off" button on POST screen
It's never systemd's fault
It's either the distro maintainers, or you.
This is probably the smallest complaint one can have with systemd, but it's the one I have personally experienced
Oh, "distributions without systemd" is a common google search
Huh. Can any of you illuminate me on this: coliru.stacked-crooked.com/a/83eda283b3546dbe
@caps this is less roundabout than doing it the other way around
@LucDanton Is there any particular reason I saw the template overload form suggested here rather than the simpler form? : stackoverflow.com/questions/25573996/…
@caps it’s a type-level (aka metaprogramming) analogue of doing return b; vs if(b) return true; else return false; if that helps
@caps it’s not comparing the same thing
i.e. it’s not doing return b;
@LucDanton I can see that. I don't understand why.
@LucDanton What do you mean?
in your version compile_time_if<b>::evaluate contains code for both computations, in the other version it contains exactly one
@LucDanton I'm sorry, I should have been more specific about which answer I was referring to, I had forgotten that the other answer was higher: stackoverflow.com/a/25574825/2025214
@caps yes that’s useless
@LucDanton Okay, so there's nothing wrong with the alternate way I listed at the beginning of my coliru sample?
well, maybe it does shut up warnings as claimed
@milleniumbug systemd was controversial at the time
@caps it’s entirely redundant and pointlessly confusing imo
people don't like that it goes against the UNIX philosophy
also a lot of people don't like Leonard Poettering :V
@LucDanton To do the struct at all? Or to do it one way over the other way?
@caps it’s a metafunction that, given b, computes b
not really useful, is it?
I’d really hope there’s a better way to handle those warnings
@LucDanton Only useful as a way to remove stupid warnings.
@LucDanton Well, pragmas, but I'm trying to do something that we won't have to redo when this code goes cross-platform.
@LucDanton There are several takes on ways to silence the warning in that SO question, but most of them are even more heavyweight.
@Ell and that time is now
@caps FWIW it’s a more roundabout of doing the same thing as OP
i.e. turning a constant into a runtime thing
just use a variable if you’re willing to do that
@LucDanton Dang, it's turning it into a runtime thing even with constexpr?
That's part of why I wasn't just imitating the OP.
@caps nah I was looking at the original answer, which doesn’t use that
The other reason is that moving an evaluation like that outside of the if and then checking the result seems less elegant than just keeping it all in the if.
But I certainly understand the argument that creating a struct like I have is less elegant than just doing the evaluation before the if.
template<auto Const> constexpr auto constant_to_runtime_because_reasons = Const;
the joke being that that requires C++1z but if you have C++1z you have constexpr if
@LucDanton Heh
The funny thing is most of these ifs are only half at compile-time.
if(template_param == something && n == 0)
//give such and such error
if(template_param == something_else && n != 0)
//give such and such other error
funny stuff
@StackedCrooked Downright hysterical
@StackedCrooked thanks for coliru, btw. Fantastic tool.
Thanks :D
these fucking stupid conjectures
The year is 1742. Some random mathematician writes "Any even number greater than two can be written as the sum of two primes"
no one has fucking proven it
i'm not saying it's easy to prove
i'm saying it's insane that stuff that simple sounding can be so hard to prove
it's been checked to hold up to 4x10^18
i wrote a program just for the lols with a random algorithm
i may look for some pattern layer
A: I blew it I think? I put my cheddar in my kitchen cabinet

ReallyNiceGuyYou are fucking retarded just die in a fucking hole

point is, the prime numbers that are being summed get bigger and bigger, and there being infinitely many primes, it's obvious that it will continue forever
the problem is how do you write this in formal math?
@orlp lol
that's awful, but also comical
@ChemiCalChems With infinite sums?
@orlp and it was from a ReallyNiceGuy, I wanna see what happens when he has a bad day
@nwp No kidding, lol
@caps i don't think you understand the conjecture
Goldbach's conjecture is one of the oldest and best-known unsolved problems in number theory and all of mathematics. It states: Every even integer greater than 2 can be expressed as the sum of two primes. The conjecture has been shown to hold up through 4 × 1018, but remains unproven despite considerable effort. == Goldbach number == A Goldbach number is a positive integer that can be expressed as the sum of two odd primes. Since four is the only even number greater than two that requires the even prime 2 to be written as the sum of two primes, another form of the statement of Goldbach's...
@ChemiCalChems I understand the conjecture. I have no idea how to prove it. But I'm sure the mathematical notation to describe it does involve infinite sums.
chat turned a 10¹⁸ into a 1018 :(
@nwp Well done chat
Hello all.
I am having troubles building this open source app. Anyone could help me please? Instructions look super simple but I am a noob with cmd commands and qmake cmake stuff :S and it is not working for me..
@R.MartinhoFernandes a clone of the onion?
@caps I'm sure not. I'd say it has more to do with divisors and structure of numbers, rather than infinite sums.
@FirstStep rtfm, hth
call the puppy, glass ME
this fucking conjecture is insane
you can't provide counterexamples either, because there would be infinitely many prime number pairs to test
well, not really
yeah, counterexamples can be provided
@Abyx no "Your hope did not help" and I am "reading the fkn manual"
@FirstStep You can post your problem description in the C++ room, someone, sooner or later will look at it
I did @milleniumbug but trying here as well. I think I will wait :) Thanks
Guys! I need your help.
Somebody from Germany or German speaking.
Would you be so kind and find out for me how many members of political parties in Germany (major ones) are women?
Pretty please.
@nwp Isn't that just those in the parliament but not all members?
it is parliament, not parties, maybe not what you were asking
meh, no diversity
@wilx that one is for party members
@nwp Thank you!
Here, this info is totally buried in bits and pieces in various papers and theses. Not even the Czech Statistical Office has it.
Pretty sure there's a full list of members somewhere.
630 people is too much.
It's waaaaay above Dunbar's number.
@R.MartinhoFernandes ...and keep in mind that although it's usually expressed in terms of a number of people, Dunbar's number is really about the total number of relationships between people, so instead of ~4x, we should probably think of this as more like 16x the limit he expounded.
Q: C++ Abstract a templated type, keep T (virtual)

zeluispingI have written a set of two classes to help with polymorphism, more specifically in cases where we'd have a collection of pointers to a base class where we store derived classes. There are two implementations, one in current use and an experimental version. The current implementation works at ru...

wow Object and runtime reflection system
Are you lost and accidentally crossed over the border of Javaland
Completely lost over what to say there
1 hour later…
@R.MartinhoFernandes just encountered an article you wrote
you rock <3
@Ell Outside of flamingdangerzone?
inside, but linked from elsewhere
@milleniumbug His question is actually fairly complex to answer well (probably beyond the scope of an answer anybody can post here), though I've made an attempt and provided a reference that may be useful when (probably not if) he runs into problems.
Also worth nothing that (at least IMO) Java did not answer this question very well at all.
@JerryCoffin I like that extra h in there
@nwp Oops--Freudian slip if ever there was one...
An answer is, however, possible, even though it's probably more complex than he'll like.
A: C++ Abstract a templated type, keep T (virtual)

Jerry CoffinYou seem to be trying to build something very similar to the Smalltalk hierarchy, where each class has a metaclass (which is itself an object--i.e., an instance of a class). In Smalltalk this was handled with a structure like this1: In this, solid lines depict inheritance, and dashed lines in...

> I've redrawn it
@JerryCoffin what did you use?
@AndreasPapadopoulos completed fractal lvl 100 \o/ not that challenging though as it turns out
@LucDanton Visio.
Okay, now that everybody's had some time to recover from vomiting after the mention of Microsoft's crappy flow charting "tool", perhaps we can return to our regularly scheduled flaming pogrom program.
I think you want pogrom
@AndreasPapadopoulos btw that backward matchmaking is really annoying, every time we party up to play the games are uphill battles with unhelpful pick ups, we’re hovering around 50% winrate. whereas I played on my own today and won 6 games in a row
also now I am a pro pvp ranger
@Mikhail I am definitely opposed to all pogroms. Well, any that might target me, anyway.
If they target my enemies, they're not really pogroms though, just justice carried out by the people.
Well, JS developers aren't people...
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