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@Telkitty 50 whole pages?
6 books, so like a couple thousand pages?
@Telkitty Huh. What is that?
@orlp Simple: compiler does it's usual things, so when it statically detects that a call can't possibly succeed, it inserts the (constant) result, without actually calling asin.
@JerryCoffin the odd thing is, that happens before the linking stage
how does it know that asin actually is libm's asin?
@orlp You are not allowed to override standard names in any way hence they know that conforming code will be using asin as asin.
@wilx huh? source?
what if I want to link with a different math library?
e.g. one that's faster or more precise?
@orlp It would still have to be one where asin is asin. :)
@orlp Any standard function can be implemented as inline, so including the header defines it completely (and including any standard header can include any or all the others, so...)
@JerryCoffin but I didn't include the header
(or any headers)
@orlp I'd have to look more carefully to be sure, but in that case the implementation might not be conforming (at least with the flags you used).
~/golf/ λ echo "asin(n){return n*n;}" | gcc -w -xc -c -o libasin.a -
~/golf/ λ echo "main(){return asin(3);}" | gcc -w -xc -L. -lasin -
~/golf/ λ ./a.out || echo $?
shouldn't this echo 9?
compare with
~/golf/ λ echo "f(n){return n*n;}" | gcc -w -xc -c -o libf.a -
~/golf/ λ echo "main(){return f(3);}" | gcc -w -xc -L. -lf -
~/golf/ λ ./a.out || echo $?
@orlp I think that [reserved.names] applies. You find it in C++11 standard in chapter 17.
@wilx C++? this is C
@orlp It has similar provisions.
Reserved names are fun
Isn't goto reserved in Java, even though it's unused?
@Darkrifts 7.1.3 and 7.1.4 in C99 standard.
@wilx I'm looking at 7.1.3
I don't see anything there that reserves asin
in fact
> Each identifier with file scope listed in any of the following subclauses (including the
future library directions) is reserved for use as a macro name and as an identifier with
file scope in the same name space if any of its associated headers is included.
that seems to suggest that reserving asin if I haven't included <math.h> is non-conforming
Well, I prefer works over conforming
@orlp Add in §7.1.3/2: "No other identifiers are reserved." and it does a lot more than merely "suggest".
This is the icon for eclipse
this is the icon for bittorrent
Am I the only one thinking that bit torrent icon maker just took the eclipse icon, rid of the yellow bits, dragged the three lines down and twisted them a bit?
Maybe Eclipse did the inverse?
both created in 2001
hard to tell ...
What is "bit torrent"?
BitTorrent is a communications protocol of peer-to-peer file sharing which is used to distribute data over the Internet. BitTorrent is one of the most common protocols for transferring large files, and peer-to-peer networks have been estimated to collectively account for approximately 43% to 70% of all Internet traffic (depending on location) as of February 2009. In November 2004, BitTorrent was responsible for 25% of all Internet traffic. As of February 2013, BitTorrent was responsible for 3.35% of all worldwide bandwidth, more than half of the 6% of total bandwidth dedicated to file sharing....
Important I guess
DuckDuckGo is pretty nice. Fast answers for junk :P
Tor ... torrent
Coincidence? I think not ...
Wait, what logic would only result in (true, false) being false?
Any other combination is true
@Darkrifts A IMPLIES B
The IMPLY gate is a digital logic gate that implements a logical conditional. == Implementations == IMPLY gate can be implemented by 2 memristors. == See also == AND gate NOT gate NAND gate NOR gate XOR gate XNOR gate Boolean algebra (logic) Logic gates == References... ==
@Darkrifts C (or C++) comma operator. Also XOR.
@JerryCoffin XNOR?
@jaggedSpire That would also have (false, true) as false
@jaggedSpire Oops. Yeah.
It's apparently IMPLY
@JerryCoffin figured :P
@jaggedSpire But I didn't read the next line.
Oh, that and
@Darkrifts This implies that designers, project managers, and sysadmins are capable of rational thought, putting it into the "obvious nonsense" category.
May 15 '15 at 20:43, by Jerry Coffin
@EtiennedeMartel You know my attitude about letting facts get in the way of a joke.
I guess that means QA is logical
@Darkrifts Not necessarily, but at least in this case the inability isn't a foregone conclusion.
Does this mean developers are always rational?
Have you seen me before?
Just because you can be rational sometimes doesn't mean you're always so.
@Darkrifts No. The truth of a proposition implies the truth of its converse, but not of its inverse.
Of course, you have to be careful there: different groups of mathematicians attach different meanings to "converse" and "inverse" (and "contrapositive", etc.) and by some of those definitions, that statement is also false.
A -> B means B' -> A'. It does not mean A' -> B'
where -> is implies, and B' is true where B is false, and false where B is true
So B` = !B?
I was actually taught with ¬B but oh well
@Nooble Ewww no shorthanding
Any other logical gates?
this fancy ice cream is really good, but I'm not sure it's $4.50/pint on sale good
So, how about a lambda implementing a Processor/1 (or similar) environment, with the registers persisting after running and carrying over?
Ykw, that would be a rather large object, and should probably not do such a thing. 2kB just for the registers :P
Here's an actually programming related (ish) image
(warning: shitty website)
@LucDanton I'd have gone a bit further than that: written by a narrow-minded twat who's convinced that the route he took to learning is the only way to really learn it correctly. To me, it sounds indicative of what I've thought about theoretical physics for a while now: it's no longer really about physics. It's become a club of insiders stroking each others egos, and the problem these outsiders had wasn't lack of real education, but simply not knowing the secret handshake.
Don't get me wrong: they may well have been ignorant (to some degree or other) of the physics too, but he makes it pretty clear that this is secondary--it's the "secret handshake" that really counts.
@JerryCoffin that’s very silly
the garden variety physics crank will stonewall behind nonsense, it’s hopeless
as the author mentions, there is a self-selection at play here: the people she ended up interacting with were the ones that actively sought out a dialogue to begin with
I really don’t think that not wanting to engage with Time Cube-level drivel makes you a club of insiders
@JerryCoffin and yes, it’s the maths that really counts
(it’s not, but it’s faster that way)
If maths is so universal, why do physics problems have boundary conditions?
@LucDanton In itself, no. But the reality is that a lot of (supposedly well educated) physicists strongly believe in things like string theory (and have done so for decades at this point), that aren't really falsifiable, so they're not really science either. In short, the dividing line between "real" physicists and cranks isn't about science vs. pseudo science. It really is about knowing the secret handshakes and having followed the accepted rituals.
All I am saying is that physicists derive most things from maths, but a lot of know physics problems have boundary conditions. If you extend the ability of maths equations beyond those boundaries, fantasy will become 'truth' .
And I put up a note on my blog offering physics consultation, including help with theory development: ‘Talk to a physicist. Call me on Skype. $50 per 20 minutes.’
she did put her rate out without commenting on what kind of talks are accepted ...
@Telkitty I'm not sure I follow what you're trying to say. Physics certainly has to recognize physical limits. Just for an obvious example, it's obviously trivial to plug a speed of, say, 6 million kilometers per second into an equation and say: "at that speed I could travel this far in that amount of time." As far as we know, we can't actually exceed the speed of light; plugging that number into an equation doesn't make it truth.
Let me rephrase, my point is that science most of us know of is more or less a two way street: observe, form theory, then use other evidence to proof the theory some other ways. A lot of the advanced theories lack this rigorousity. Those theories can not be proved through other methods because our technology is not advanced enough ...
That is not to say they are not correct
But there is a not insignificant chance that they can be incorrect
@Telkitty I see what you say. an example is string theory. either it's completely right or completely wrong, and we can't verify it for now or probably not in this century at least
or general relativity
@Telkitty Wasn't that proven via gravitational waves?
I mean, Einstein came to that conclusion based on GR, so if gravitational waves exist, GR should exist.
And it's not the only example.
Gravitational lensing is too, I think.
gravitational wave itself was never thoroughly proven
@Telkitty They were proven to exist, and they were described as a direct consequence of GR.
> Predicted in 1916 by Albert Einstein on the basis of his theory of general relativity
I understand it's not necessary that gravitational waves derive from GR in the real world, but it's the most probable case.
@ChemiCalChems String theory has much bigger problems than that though. In theory, the LHC (for example) is the sort of thing that can do some of the right kinds of experiments that should confirm or deny actual facts about the sorts of things that string theory deals with. But won't confirm or deny string theory--and a bigger, better one won't either. The problem here isn't inability to do experiments. It's that string theory doesn't make definite enough of predictions that it can be disproven.
@JerryCoffin But the definite predictions it does make, are either the most epic advancement in science of history or the biggest flop.
@ChemiCalChems I suppose that's open to definition. It's sufficiently divorced from practical life that even absolute confirmation of some particular version of string theory probably wouldn't change much of anybody's everyday life much (though the experiments to do that confirmation conceivably could).
Ugg, why?
@JerryCoffin I thought it was more that string theory is influenced a lot by some constant parameters, and even if string theory is true, we don't know what the parameters are. So it's less that it doesn't make predictions, and more that we don't know which predictions are for our universe instead of some other universe.
Fuck, i'm doing experimental physics and some theory, I can tell you that most theoretical physicists are are over sexed bastards who just write bullshit that can't be verified, and is most often wrong. The worst part is that they think they are doing real work but they are wrong.
@Mikhail Sounds like the internet.
Please give me more statement so that I can produce some "constructive" response to your reply.
But fuck thought, I hate most theoretic physics PhD students. They have little understanding as to what their assumptions mean.
90% of their work is complete bullshit, but they don't have to do spend weeks doing experiments to justify their research papers.
When I speak to them, I tell them that their assumptions are wrong and then they say " oh well, I'm glad I don't care".
and then nothing works
Probably because it too hard to get a couple of black holes near each other to observe them merge.
By comparison, most CS papers are backed up with some sort of program.
CS is a different beast, when you (your professor) makes shit up nobody cares. In the biology shit I got myself into, literally 3 or 5 people are going to falsify experimental data to match the the PI's narrative.
Then society wonders why we haven't cured cancer, or the next "block buster" drug failed.
When I got into academy, I thought people were lying to get their papers published, but after 4 years deep, I realized people were lying to establish a new reality.
They probably watched too much Anime.
Academia has no concern for reality
is it like this everywhere in academia? :V
Q: c++ can't find detected memory leaks

MauravanI'm fairly new to c++ and i'm having some difficulties. I'm trying to build a String class that wrapps around c-strings Now after some time i realized that there are some memory leaks in the heap, but i can't seem to find the mistake. This is my Header: #include <iostream> #include <memory> u...

@Ell To varying extents, you only realize that academia is narrative driven bullshit as you go deeper. But how deep you're allowed to go depends on the field. For example, in my field you need 3+ first author papers, so you go deep quite quickly. For other majors, such as those specializing in "machine learning" you only need like 1 paper every 4 years, so when you falsify your data you think you're the exception.
are these papers not peer reviewed though?
I was told by the editor of a top-tier journal that you "roll your eye", and accept the paper if you think the narrative is strong.
@Mikhail OMG.
Peer review is a joke, if I wasn't a bitch I would show you how comical, and non-technical my own paper's peer review reposes are.
but doesn't that depend on the journal too?
if you get published in Nature
surely it has to be properly peer reviewed?
LOL, no. You should see the shit peer review comments I got from Nature X. Basically, they asked for control data, which is trivial to agree with our incorrect narrative.
well that's kinda disappointing
Indeed, there are too few people who are in principle qualified to peer-review, and even fewer who are willing. In the few cases I have seen the authors honestly criticize the work - we (my PI) has taken personalize offense and shock. Indeed, I'm going to resubmit a paper that has genuinly reviewed.
The failure of the academic system is a focus on narratives in the form of research papers rather than outcomes.
but you're takeaway should be that peer-review is bullshit and that most published work is falsified.
@Mikhail It is at least something.
I have recently read this Mindless statistics paper/essay. The author mentions how peer review of journal editor made the reviewed paper's statistics better or more expressive.
@Mikhail why did he take personal offence to that?
@Ell Academia, regrettably, is a combat of narratives to which your PI has invested his future (an possibly his spin-off company). The narrative become the primary outcome of your work, if somebody says "the stuff you're been doing for the past 10 years is bullshit" - understandably you're going to be sad.
I suppose
@Mikhail This is why reproduction is important.
90% of the time nobody cares to reproduce, more interestingly, as is the case with my work, the written reason (what I was forced to write in the paper), has little to do with the actual reason behind the outcome.
@Mikhail Write a book about the rotten academia and become a best seller. :)
Its kinda obvious when you hit the halfway point on you're PhD. Everybody knows it.
Even Joe Biden talked about how academia was bullshit
@Mikhail The public does not.
But Joe Biden knows
Well, you must be producing some useful output, still.
@Mikhail I don't wanna believe this
@Ell Yeah, when I was 21, and heading out for a PhD I though everybody was stupid and I could out C++ them. Then I realized that, no amount of C++ would sway falsified narratives and invented realities, and actually the people I worked with weren't stupid but rather were unable to do the correct work.
couldn't you publish things showing the previous papers to be falsified?
Nope, my advisor wouldn't let me
and if somebody finds out you falsify a paper, won't you be banished from academia land for eternity?
@Mikhail How much power do these advisors have?
@Mikhail Do you have to let him know?
@Mikhail Be a Rogue One!
Well you're advisor is your boss, so I write something and he says its "unacceptable". Eventually, he writes his own few paragraphs. Then I write my comments in MS Word and he discards them. Afterwords it off to publication.
But whats terrifying is that you realize everybody, and everything is done like this.
Including most medications that you will, or do currently use.
Can't you find a better adviser?
I tried, everybody is like this
Eventually, if you publish a few papers in Science (I got to a really good school), you see people who reject bullshit - but they don't publish anything
Academia is a battle of narratives, in industry we have a battle of narratives but people are concerned about truth because it translated to financial viability. In academia there aren't such pressures.
There is a fun book called "The Trouble with String Theory" that touches very well on some of my angst about theorists.
@Mikhail what exactly do you mean by "narrative"?
The narrative is traditionally written in the abstract of the academic work. For example, my method X addresses problem Y.
In my case it might be that white light improves optical sectioning. More sectioning is good. Nothing I do agrees with this hypothesis that temporal coherence plays a roll. On the other hand, the different system, I've build improve sectioning. This is due to the spatial coherence properties rather than the temporal coherence. And only maybe, 100 people in the world know that the de-coupling between spatial and temporal is an approximation - and fewer will actually contest the claim.
The same with your next drug
@Telkitty Creepy. OTOH, isn't it better that they do it with dolls than real girls?
what prevents them doing it to real girls after they do it to dolls?
this argument is like saying 'porn prevents rape'
Its non-trivial to find real girls?
@Telkitty Being satisfied after doing it to the doll?
@Telkitty It does.
Also porn does, indeed prevent rape
stats plz
@wilx I think so too
But it is quite unsettling
@Telkitty here
But honestly, can asian people actually correctly tell the age of other asian people. As a non-asian, I really can't. geekinheels.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/…
@Mikhail Haha. Yeah, especially with thick makeup.
You're not from an Asian culture.
@wilx did you look at the results?
answer is: no
I cannot agree with "I don't like your sextoy, you cannot have it".
@Mikhail No, I am not. I am just agreeing with your "As a non-asian, I really can't" and the picture. :)
@Telkitty The answer is definitely not such resolute "no." At worst it is "maybe" in articles before 2010.
This one seems convincing.
Its trivial to find that internet access is inversely correlated to rape: slate.com/articles/arts/everyday_economics/2006/10/…
@wilx how is pornography illegal?
@ScarletAmaranth It used to be before 1989.
@wilx ah, so it's an old thing, right
I thought it's "current affairs"
No impact
@Mikhail I can't do that with whites.
Or anyone at all
@R.MartinhoFernandes: so it is like whitespace that gets ignored always. right ?
It's been useless for years now.
is it true for C also ?
Why did you delete your question?
it's 12:15 in the only timezone that matters
The two consecutive concerts went fine. Not our best ones overall, but you finally got to play on stage outdoors :D
Next one in two weeks if I'm not mistaken.
@Puppy The only one that matters is Universal Greeting Time, and it's morning there :)
lol people being upset about verbing "medal" and "podium"
Godel-Popper rule: No freedom to the enemies of freedom No rights to the enemies of rights No democracy to the enemies of democracy Kapish?
Jesus Christ
@milleniumbug Morning (0533 LUGT)
It's "Capisce" not "Kapish"
other people shuck oysters, me has no skillz, so used a hammer instead ~_~
@Shoe Italian vs. Yiddish... but Kapish probably doesn't mean what he thinks it does
might not be too pretty but not too bad either ... right?
@Telkitty most people don't want shell fragments in their oysters
I was just happy that they are open
@Mgetz have you ever tried to shuck oysters before?
@Telkitty nope, don't eat em
I cut my finger trying to open them
small cut
that... is why if I was going to eat oysters I'd go to an oyster bar... professionals
got 3 dozen opened ones from an oyster farm, then bought 2 dozen whole ones
youtube videos are kind of misleading ...
only if opening oysters are really that easy
^ Not sure if I agree..
@StackedCrooked what is that from?
Alderamin on the sky
ah, this one. I tried to read the manga and dropped it
The anime is easily digestible.
@Telkitty I was told if they don't want to open they are not good and you leave them be. You are not supposed to force them open.
yeah, should be another stupid shounen
Anyway, time for Arslan.
Ha, those patch messages are golden :D
@Shoe I had no idea "sc" = "sh" in italian
Sometimes it's "sh" sometimes "sk"
"capisci" is "ka-pee-sh-ee"
I guess it depends on the following vowel.
"cascata" is "ka-ska-ta"
Handling locales is boring.
@R.MartinhoFernandes "I would have gotten away with it if it weren't for those podiumming kids..."
"pesca" is also "pe-ska"
yeah I was thinking pesca
so I would have thought "capisci" ~ "kapeeski"
well, let me think
I'd say e, i -> sh, and a, o, u -> sk
there, you know more italian than me
I know next to nothing about Italian, but we have similar rules in French where the following vowel has influence on the sound of the consonants.
Sometimes it appears to be random though.
Now i can do sort(sequence, case_insensitive_less) and sort(sequence, case_insensitive_less(locale)) :D
oh nice
do you use ICU or sthng for the case insensitivity?
nah, s(he) is just a jerk to cases
Right now I only use the standard library, so it uses the given locale's toupper :/
But case_insensitive_less is a custmization point, so you can reimplement it for your library's unicode strings.
Not sure whether I should make the default std::locale() or std::locale::classic() though.
std::locale() I guess.
@Columbo That's old
Six years, yep
okay time to design UI lib :D
@Morwenn Yes--a user is likely to find it surprising (and annoying) if they've set a global locale, but you ignore it and use the "C" locale instead.
Yeah, and C locale doesn't handle many things.
On the other hand, I likely won't have users :D
Ahh, who need users.
They all just complain about software not working
@Morwenn So think of it as a coding exercise you're doing purely to practice better coding (since...well...that's apparently what it is, for the most part).
That's right.
@Morwenn You know what, screw that and use jQuery instead!
It handles all things and is much better than the rest of the universe.
@Columbo That's when you tell them to read the copyright part where you say you're not responsible for anything and then you start to insult them.
Feedback is good
@Shoe Negative feedback is good. Positive feedback often leads to oscillation or other instability.
@JerryCoffin Too late, I've already implemented cppsort::probe::osc.
@Morwenn Well, they are noobs. Why are they offended when I tell them?
I also tell them to use jQuery instead of their girlfriend, it is more efficient and has a cleaner interface
But at that point they stop listening for some reason
@Columbo Obviously due to bad phrasing on your part. Talking about "use [...] their girlfriend" makes you sound misogynistic. You need to be more careful to use phrasing that's respectful toward women instead of talking about using them.
"Love jQuery instead of your girlfriend. It has more use cases."
Fuck, I screwed up again.
@Columbo Screw, I fucked up again.
"Trust me, when I started my relationship with jQuery, it felt like I was 17 again"
That's better!
also javascript is 21 years old
JavaScript (/ˈdʒɑːvəˌskrɪpt/) is a high-level, dynamic, untyped, and interpreted programming language. It has been standardized in the ECMAScript language specification. Alongside HTML and CSS, it is one of the three core technologies of World Wide Web content production; the majority of websites employ it and it is supported by all modern Web browsers without plug-ins. JavaScript is prototype-based with first-class functions, making it a multi-paradigm language, supporting object-oriented, imperative, and functional programming styles. It has an API for working with text, arrays, dates and regular...
if you want to feel young, you need to start a relationship with C#, she is only 16 ;)
@Columbo In my case, claims about it being like when I was a teenager get replies like: "what, mankind died off and dinosaurs ruled the earth again?"
your teenage time must have been very weird
@JerryCoffin "That's about an accurate description of my dick. Problem?"
@nwp Not all that weird. They're just exaggerating a bit about my age. Dinosaurs weren't really dominant yet when I was a teenager.
@nwp if they are not open they are alive
now I am feeling bad for killing oysters ...
I thought dinosaurs died off and mankind ruled the earth, but I never paid much attention in history.
@Telkitty maybe the closed rule only applies to cooked oysters... the non-oyster oyster types ... english is hard
> `Attribute ()`
> Constructs an invalid attribute.
bad api :V
@Morwenn If nothing else is available, then tolower is more likely to produce correct results than toupper.
@Ell No dessert for you tonight, you naughty little api.
@R.MartinhoFernandes How come? :o
@Morwenn Won't screw up a German "ß", for one.
Oh, good example.
On the other hand, the character-wise nature of std::lexicographical_compare over strings probably means that it will actually screw up "ß" anyway :/
@Morwenn Just statistics. Both will get things wrong occasionally (e.g. tolower weirds out with sigmas), but there are less weird cases for tolower than toupper.
@Morwenn Baby steps...
@R.MartinhoFernandes Funny. Well, kind of...
Thanks for the insight :)
@nwp He should follow my advice. It would save him so much trouble with that pesky school work.
I'm afraid you would have attempted to prevent him from ever having to do school work again.
@nwp Who...me? I can't imagine how you could make an accusation that was so low, mean, and accurate.
Wait a minute. "vile". Yes, that's the word I intended.
That fits much better than "low".
@Morwenn std::toliver_wist
In somewhat related news, that guy eventually implemented the solution himself. There is hope for more people than one realizes.
@nwp If I didn't think there was still hope for many people, I wouldn't bother dredging through the SO cesspool and sometimes even posting answers.
Comparators that learn about the type to compare at comparison time (e.g. std::less<> vs. std::less<int>) are handy but I'm probably facing a performance problem with locales. I never thought it would be a problem.
With the current comparators, I've got to call std::use_facet at every operator() call while I should be calling it once before calling the actual sorting function :/
nothing forcing you to use those comparators, surely
Yeah, but they are handy.
My new avatar is so cute, I think everyone is going to hit on me now:
is it seriously cute? :p
Bearded white-haired evil-eyed creature with a red nose? Totally.
Christopher Lee when he's drunk?
@Telkitty it looks evil
@Morwenn how come you have to call std::use_facet at every operator()?
@Ell Where else would I call it without it being visible from the user?
why do you depend on random side effects in your comparator?
is that safe for use concurrently?
Apparently standard library locales are safe to use concurrently.
There's reference counting under the hood.
@Morwenn can't you do it inside the sort function?
hmm well
good question :p
I'm probably have my sorting interface call a compare.refine<T>() function prior to the sorting when such a function exists to get a type-specific comparator that knows the type of the objects to sort at construction time. Then it will use that comparator instead of the type-agnostic one.
And I can do the same for projections.
why do you even need locales during your comparator?
Because case-sensitivity is locale-dependent.
@Puppy David Kim just talked about some of the balance changes they want to make.
(spoiler: DTs with Blink)
yeah I've been watching.
DT with Blink was a great idea and a great change.
I'm too terrible to comment on the quality of the changes, but they do seem to make sense to me and I'm looking forward to seeing how it pans out.
Also, I was at the even on Friday, it was pretty sick. (Except for the internet outtages, sorry)
once again the fashion industry sets unrealistic expectations for women https://t.co/TpGMxZrUtl
Underdiscussed memetic action: famous people publicly arguing with halfwits in their mentions, using them as strawmen to reinforce opinions
Why is this not a comment? You know it's supposed to be a comment if it starts with "Just a note". Also, it's a blindingly obvious, and doesn't answer the question. — sehe 16 secs ago
@sehe why do you make those comments? He is at 79 rep, meaning he cannot comment. Telling people to use comments who are not allowed to comment is a dick move.
Pretty sure he can comment
comment anywhere is a 100 rep privilege
check your privileges man!
It's 50.
You silly goose.
It is 50
oops, ignore me
I could have sworn it was 100
"It's only censorship when the gov't does it." Literal thought police. @DaytimeRenegade @Daddy_Warpig @voxday https://t.co/5lK6wQlrQn
@wilx terrible
@Ell No shit :)
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