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GoF Design Patterns predate Java.
I'm sure they are very popular outside of Java
They are popular in curly brace languages, as far as I can tell.
lol what
what's a curly brace language
Adapter is general enough it applies everywhere, though with type classes it probably isn't needed as often
is that a language that has curly braces in it
maybe with badly implemented type classes (see 2-tuple implementing Functor)
Okay, so Builder => Lens, Adapter => Type classes.
What about composite, what is it?
I need to make HQ9++{}
@BartekBanachewicz sigh... just me being too lazy to write "C++, Java, C#, D, Scala..."
@fredoverflow no one gives a flying fuck about java patterns in C# and scala as far as I can tell
@BartekBanachewicz there's already an OO HQ9
(not joking)
in C++ people use static polymorphism mostly
What are Java patterns? Again, GoF predates Java.
@Ven yes that's HQ9++
@BartekBanachewicz ah ok, ty
@fredoverflow the patterns that are only used in java
C# people replaced factories with "managers", because it's more entreprisey.
@BartekBanachewicz Which ones are those?
but they have different set of rules than java and thus are completely different
@fredoverflow how do I know
do I look like someone who writes java for you
do I
last time I tried to use it to iterate over a pair of strings and map an operation over that and fold it and gave up after an hour
Cobartek would write Java.
By the way, RAII is also considered a Design Pattern. How would one pull RAII into a library? :)
It's not a design pattern.
that's like saying "using substr to get string substrings is a design pattern"
@fredoverflow you're still not getting it do you
those wiki pages are mostly written by java users
literally no one else cares
your design patterns are absolutely inapplicable to pretty much any code I write
if/else is a design pattern in assembly
@fredoverflow you realize RAII literally has "In Design Patterns: No" :c?
they're irrelevant outside that little closed world of java
@BartekBanachewicz Are you sure? Because half the code in GoF is written in C++ (the other half being Smalltalk).
I don't write in C++ or smalltalk
and when I did write in C++ i still didn't need those patterns
because, shocking, C++ actually has generics that work, for some definition of work
@Ven "In Design Patterns" means "In GoF"
and functional primitives that can actually be used
@Ven That's just a reference to the GoF book. It's not like there haven't been any new Design Patterns discovered in the last 20 years.
@milleniumbug ah ok
the definition they use could be applied to 2553535357 different things
the whole definition of "design patterns" is pretty much nonexistent outside of java again
sure bad C++ books will have them
especially ones written by people who think C++ is like java but low level
they also use raw pointers
I could say that putting methods on classes is a design pattern, instead of just calling a function with the object as the first argument
@BartekBanachewicz When did smart pointers surface in C++?
in C++98?
Okay, so way before the GoF book.
The C++ code in that book is really terrible, btw.
also reminder
Languages of the 90s, sorted by awesome. #curryon @silverSpoon https://t.co/3kuuJiwKSi
(fuck the order, note the dates)
@KretabChabawenizc anet at it again
java was years behind the cutting edge by the time first hello world was written in it
Java was never meant to be cutting edge.
well then they succeeded at that
overcame expectations I'd say
Is "Monad" a design pattern? Because SPJ says it is.
Maybe just as an analogy for the OO crowd...
managing state definitely is
@nwp ye, that
@milleniumbug State is not a pattern either
neither is MonadState
a pattern would be something like type MyM a = forall m. MonadState MyState m => m a
now this could be eliminated as well, but it's so small that noone cares
@milleniumbug "Monad" and "managing state" is not the same thing at all, is it?
@fredoverflow yep, it's not
I haven't played with Haskell in years. Maybe it's time to change my avatar...
or write some haskell :P
lol good idea
in imperative languages the state is just there
@fredoverflow It is
@Shoe it's not
Monad isn't a design pattern, using it to achieve something could be
anything that is named and defined as any language recognized construct is not a DP
Monad has its own type class which means that it's, well, a type class, not a pattern (at least in Haskell)
@BartekBanachewicz What do you mean by "language recognized construct?
@Shoe something that names a language primitive or composite
The new imgur design is so fucking awful
like a type, a type class, a value etc
BTW, in the meantime, in better languages
> struct Point { x: float; y: float; }
> for k,v in pairs(Point.entries) do print(v.field, v.type) end
x       float
y       float
@BartekBanachewicz So if we encode the iterator concept in C++ it stops being a design pattern?
@Shoe yes, in context of C++
I disagree
you're wrong
Like how can you go from having a decent design that everybody loves to that shit
A new user-defined type is created with the following call:

    mystruct = terralib.types.newstruct([displayname])
this is just amazing
@Shoe trololololo
lots of assumptions there
Don't tell me you like this
@BartekBanachewicz Will there be an Iterator Concept in C++17 (or C++20, dunno when Concepts are ready)?
oh you didn't mean that iterators are a decent design that everybody loves
Oh sorry, no I was talking about imgur
@milleniumbug What do you mean? Favor Ranges over Iterators?
@Shoe lol I didn't get that either
triggered by the word "design"
@fredoverflow my point is that I could find a person that doesn't like iterators
so the assumption that everyone loves iterators is faulty
Andrei Alexandrescu doesn't like iterators.
Even cat hates iterators IIRC
table.insert(Point.entries, { field = 'z', type = float })
this is amazing
why isn't everyone using this
I mean you don't have to get that far
@BartekBanachewicz Is this static or dynamic typing?
@fredoverflow static
well I mean
What's that?
Variables and Assignments
I'm going to stop right there :P
> terra f () var p : Point; p.z = 5; print(p.z); end
> f:disas()
definition      {} -> float

define float @"$f1"() {
  ret float 5.000000e+00

assembly for function at address 000000980F260048
0x980f260048(+0):               movabs  rax, 653089177664
0x980f260052(+10):              vmovss  xmm0, dword ptr [rax]
0x980f260056(+14):              ret
I guess it optimized my struct away :P
@Shoe wut. What's wrong with that in particular
<insert functional mumbo jumbo here>
it's a super low level language
it just happens to have a compiler of itself in its runtime
In addition to these modes, Terra code can be compiled to .o files which can be linked into an executable, or even compiled to an executable directly.
there's a function .saveobj that literally creates an object file directly from shell
there's also terralib.includec that allows you to load C headers as well
it's like writing code in the middle of a compiler
Have all of trump's daughters had plastic surgery?
they all look plastic
It could be good genes, but the probability of plastic surgery surpasses good genes at rate of 99:1
i just downvoted that
@Borgleader also needs <functional> <utility> and <valarray> for good measure
and <windows.h>
Don't forget "stdafx.h"
Amazingly, the answer was equally badly formatted, or worse: Code is for humans. Make it readable. Formatting is step 1
@fredoverflow well played
@Ven though paterns are a communication device and convention drives the vocabulary
Yes the codes working.Could you give a memoized version for this. — Taha Jiruwala 2 mins ago
@sehe [tw:design patterns]
Problem solved. Excellent. Despite downvotes everywhere x)
@BartekBanachewicz lol. You have a real knack of this don't you. "State Pattern" is the name of a pattern. A pattern that separates state from logic. You should be happy.
@Ven Yup. Providing Sloppy Jargon Since 1994
@TahaJiruwala Lol. Did you really just say that? SO is not a code-writing service. If you cheat at coding challenges, you're worse than Melania — sehe 13 secs ago
who's Melania
@KretabChabawenizc sheesh I had to dig around to remember what that was about
@milleniumbug It's your daily google exercise :)
@milleniumbug that girl with brown skin
Very thick.
@LucDanton quelle humilité dans la célébrité
@sehe ah, the trump card
@LucDanton How's LS#3 looking
Should I finally resign yes/yes
Also @EtiennedeMartel is playing SJW on twitter again
Well someone has to argue with Status Quo Warriors like yourself.
6 more days
@EtiennedeMartel sure, I'm open. Please tell me why don't DDoS protection companies work by telling people "don't do DDoS".
@BartekBanachewicz Do you willfully misunderstand what I say?
@EtiennedeMartel Frankly everything you said in that thread was super vague
What do you actually want to change?
There's an ongoing problem with Twitter where hate mobs can go and harass people off the site unchallenged. Twitter itself even admit it.
@EtiennedeMartel Also the sky is blue and water is wet
@EtiennedeMartel Sure. That's the problem with literally every open platform that allows people in ever.
So what do you want to change in that?
And I noticed that we shift a lot of the responsibility on the shoulders of the victims ("just block them")
@EtiennedeMartel lol
@EtiennedeMartel that's what we say to people who protect their servers on the internet
My tweet was about that: that when you're the target of a distributed attack, you can't be expected to go and individually block each and every one of them.
(again following your analogy)
@EtiennedeMartel that's why whitelists exist
@BartekBanachewicz But the majority of people are decent. Going with a whitelist implies you consider harassers to be the normal case.
the idea in distributed attack is that it's hard to repel
that's why they are so effective
That's also why CloudFlare is in business.
@EtiennedeMartel then hire people to blacklist harassers from you on twitter
sounds like a sound business model
Again, why should it be your responsibility?
Une carte qui montre par département quel aliment s'écarte le + de la moyenne de conso nationale #infographie #FR https://t.co/ZYLXOYLzdo
look at all that caviar
@EtiennedeMartel The fundamental problem here isn't the users though: it's the design of twitter. In fact, it not only allows such behavior, but pretty much encourages it. Despite pious sounding hints to the contrary, I'm pretty sure that' exactly how Twitter wants it. Contention generates a lot more traffic than reasoned discourse.
@JerryCoffin Yes, harassment drives engagement.
@EtiennedeMartel Well, why should it not? Should twitter be required by law to hire people to filter attacks on you?
viennoiserie surgelée
otherwise close business?
Honestly I don't have a solution to that problem. But I still know there's a problem.
graisse à frire
@EtiennedeMartel Anti-DDoS companies are a solution to that problem, but using them first requires acknowledging that harassers/attackers did, do, and will exist.
Twitter, AFAIR, was never meant to be a safe, moderated space on the internet.
if you want a better example, take 4chan.
@KretabChabawenizc décadence morale etc.
My DDoS analogy was only used to serve as a reply to the whole "well just ignore them" bullshit.
@EtiennedeMartel Nobody forced you to go on Twitter in the first place. If you join twitter and are surprised at harassment, that's not honest surprise; that's a shocking disregard of reality.
Do you know that sticker "online experience may vary" they put in games?
Ils auraient du utiliser cette carte pour les nouvelles régions.

Région Rillettes. RÉGION RILLETTES.
I'm pretty sure Twitter ToS have it too
Twitter's ToS actually says you can't harass others.
that’s a really good point, end all the Brittany/Normandy nonsense by having Cidre and Calvados.
but you don't only have to rely on ToS when joining
you can read others' opinions on Twitter
Milo, a prominent alt-right journalist, got banned yesterday after months of unrelenting abuse. Why did it take so long? Because he had 300k followers and sure generated a fuckton of revenue for Twitter.
and make an educated decision whether you want to join or not
ew opinions
@EtiennedeMartel So what?
Milo was banned?
OPinions are OPpressives
What abuse was he banned for?
I am pretty sure Twitter's ToS are so vague it will totally fly the way they want it to
again, no one forces you to use twitter
Sending his fanbase at that black actress who played in Ghostbusters.
it's not your personal page
it's not your personal community
That's so out of character
@Shoe (he really didn't)
he more or less said what I'm saying right now
@Shoe What? He's a massive troll who takes pleasure in harming others. When he tweets abuse at someone, he knows his followers will do the same.
and of course people who feel entitled to get something from Twitter got super upset about that
if you don't like something about twitter, file a feature request
But anyway. He violated Twitter's ToS, so he got banned. His fanbase is already saying his "freedom of speech" got violated.
I don't care about his ban personally.
Freedom of speech doesn't hold on Twitter, a private platform.
I only care about your preconceived ideas about what twitter should or shouldn't do
maybe I should spell it out
I think they have a responsibility, as a platform for human interaction, to ensure that the platform doesn't get weaponized.
you're not entitled to free harassment protection on twitter or any other place on the internet
@EtiennedeMartel they also have every right to not give a flying fuck about what you think
Oh, so in order to give my opinion about something, that thing has to care about my opinion?
Then why say that?
What purpose does that serve?
Lord have mercy...white people shit
for one, I think your public opinion diverts attention from actually useful means of dealing with harassment
I'm sorry, what
and perpetuates the sense of entitlement
So the "purpose" it does serve is reminding you and everyone that might read what you write that it's just your personal opinion
which is as valid as every other personal opinion out there
Huh. It's always my personal opinion.
and certainly not legally or in any other way binding to twitter, as people seem to suggest
That's why I say it on my personal Twitter account.
I also think that throwing demands and accusations at the platform you're on is a dick move
and I'd ban those things first before harassment, if I were a mod on twitter
And that's why you're not an owner here.
I'm not an owner here because I joined a year or two too late
an established structure of ownership is hard to crack
but yeah, if you think that is an argument for your moral superiority then let me laugh in your face
anyway, boring
You always assume so much.
I thought you actually have something meaningful to say
@EtiennedeMartel You say attacks suck. That doesn't mean Twitter can fix it.
@EtiennedeMartel Erm. That's both ways
Yeah, I guess so.
I think it's interesting. The debate should be about the problem. Is it Twitter's problem? Is there something Twitter can do that doesn't open the door for the same trolls/counter trolls?
Right! That's what I should have said.
You're better than me at this.
It's interesting that I can't find what Milo said or any tweets to that regard in the papers
lol jalf joined
Isn't there something fundamentally entitled when people cry "help I'm not guaranteed equal access to twitter" (implied: if I voice my beliefs, backgrounds etc.)
hilarity ensued
Hilarity levels over 9000, I trust. Not even gonna look
yeah I think it's better not to
I called him a racist in the first response, hopefully it will defuse him for a while
@sehe It's their problem only if they lose money on that.
hilarity clinton
Assholes, hatred and harassment generate massive revenue for twitter
@BartekBanachewicz Well. That depends on their goals. But it's a safe assumption this is in their core goals
oh, a drama here
Not at all. Read first
yeah I don't see them being a company with a mission really
they're not like Facebook sending internet to Africa
I bet every time a shitstorm like this happens, twitter's sales team high-fives each other
@BartekBanachewicz well...
@BartekBanachewicz Is there some "global" twitter shitstorm? I like to know becuase then I can stay away for the day
ah, just some twatter shit. meh
@sehe yeah, #FreeMilo
~300k follower account banned for not much really
What did he say? You posted three tweets from him and none of them were terrible. I don't get it.
compared to regular twitter business that is
@BartekBanachewicz Well, it's Twitter's choice, ya know. They can do anything they want.
nationalize twitter, make it a human right
Of course they can
The best trolls never cross the line, they trick you into doing it and then let their moral high horse trample you.
This is the end for Twitter. Anyone who cares about free speech has been sent a clear message: you’re not welcome on Twitter.
@EtiennedeMartel sure
just like SO moderators
or chat room owners
I can disagree with them, but it's them having the kick button
@EtiennedeMartel What did Milo said exactly that warranted him a ban?
@BartekBanachewicz lol, censorship of criticism. Well done.
@R.MartinhoFernandes There's a difference between criticism and mindless shouting
You're welcome to provide feedback through dedicated channels
@Shoe A bunch of insults, mostly. The problem is that in his case, whenever he insults someone on Twitter, a bunch of his fan join in on the fun. He argues that it's not his fault if his fans are trolls and jerks, but what I think, personally, is that he's fully aware of that and revels in it.
you're also welcome to have a reasonable discourse on meta topics
@BartekBanachewicz "Mindless shouting" is not worth policing.
@Shoe So the question is: did he start a hate mob? If so, then he deserves a ban. If it's accidental, then no. At this point it all boils down to what you think of the man.
Because it's not like we're gonna get a clear answer.
You said he insulted someone. Where do you got those tweets?
I can't find them
Buzzfeed archived them.
Do you have a link?
@R.MartinhoFernandes never said moderator's choices are easy
@EtiennedeMartel So, he said that he didn't like the movie and that she is not a good actress and he gets banned?
jalf: where did I sign off my right to not be harassed
ToS: You understand that by using the Services, you may be exposed to Content that might be offensive, harmful, inaccurate or otherwise inappropriate
jalf: that's a fundamental misunderstanding of the nature of (distributed) online harassment
According to Twitter, it was Yiannopoulos who led the harassment campaign against Ghostbusters actor Leslie Jones — an effort that inspired the SNL cast member to leave Twitter. The barrage of tweets, many of which decried Jones for being black and a woman, were the final straw for Twitter, which is working to try to solve its harassment problem.
Twitter's take was that he launched the mob.
The barrage of tweets, many of which decried Jones for being black and a woman, were the final straw for Twitter, which is working to try to solve its harassment problem.
Can't find those tweets
Twitter nuked his account.
No account, no tweets.
Not even archived ones
I guess Milo can just post them if he thinks they'll help his side.
@R.MartinhoFernandes that's actually super sketchy
they could've kept them on as archive
@BartekBanachewicz The tweets probably still exist in their database.
well that hardly does any good for everyone else
@BartekBanachewicz What for.
they're probably in some web archives
They're not accountable to you.
@R.MartinhoFernandes so that people like jeff could form their own opinion
You just spent at least an hour defending Twitter's right to do whatever the fuck they want.
As long as Milo can get to them, there shouldn't be an issue. He's free to post them if they'll show how evil Twitter was.
And now they're going maybe a bit too far?
it's just my opinion ;)
@BartekBanachewicz They're not accountable to jeff either.
Fun-fact: Borat's brother is also called Milo.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Nobody said they were
people at risk are prepared for harassment - Jalf, 2016
clearly absolutely 0 butthurt
lol jalf
They have the right to do whatever they want. It's would be nice if they could keep the archive
cheers and hth. - jalf
Also I can't believe that a tweet from Milo was not recorded by anyone
stack overflow is down
@Shoe They probably do, worst case for legal protection.
Public archive
down for maintenance?
@Shoe Not even by him!
All his tweets are likely archived by a third party already anyway
@R.MartinhoFernandes Probably because it never happened
any of us know OsDev here?
the internet never forgets
@R.MartinhoFernandes What's funny?
@user5600875 don't do osdev unless you don't value your sanity
sanity as in neat code @milleniumbug ?
your OS won't be Gentoo so it'll suck
As in mental sanity
wait that statement dosent make sense
@Bassie wow... ruudde xD
man I can imagine how hard jalf must be typing right now
almost as hard as me coding c++
strong typing

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