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you know
sometimes I feel harassed by SJWs
you can't be harassed by SJWs
you can only harass SJWs
I know it makes me a hypocrite but I'm never prepared to the crap they're throwing at me
there is no such thing as "reversed harassment"
they always manage to surprise me
got a question, is there a general way to instantiate objects, if we don't know their constructors?
@ChemiCalChems what do you know/have?
for example, i've got
template <typename T>
void instantiate() {
T test;
but that will fail if T has no constructor that takes no args
@ChemiCalChems and rightly so.
of course
some Ts might not be constructible at all
do you want your class to still work if they're not?
i want to use this to compare the types of two objects
What is the result of the comparison?
Just if they're the same?
well, i'd like to be able to feed a type and an object, and gimme true of false
@ChemiCalChems why can't you use typeof?
@ChemiCalChems typeid(T) == typeid(o)
@BartekBanachewicz because typeof requires an instance of that type as an argument
std::is_same<T, decltype(o)>::value
ints shouldn't be default constructible
@ChemiCalChems decltype fixes that
way less types should be default constructible
So int x; shouldn't compile?
fine by me
Did someone remove the StatusStack feed from this room? I hasn't seen it post anything about the current outage.
@fredoverflow I think it shouldn't
@BartekBanachewicz trying that
getting some strange uniqueptr bullshit which should be fixable
@ChemiCalChems what Fred has might be better.
@Mysticial StatusStack feed is probably offline as well ;)
@fredoverflow trying it
@ChemiCalChems Is o a unique ptr to a virtual base? Then std::is_same can't possibly work.
@fredoverflow no, but the class has a vector of uniqueptr
lol @R.MartinhoFernandes
both methods give me the same error, so now i've just gotta understand it
@ChemiCalChems Do you want to find out the dynamic type of an object?
@fredoverflow possibly
std::is_same works at compile time, so it can't work in your scenario.
@fredoverflow so going for typeid(T) == typeid(o) is the only option right?
So you have to use Bartek's approach.
Yes, but if o is a pointer, you probably want typeid(T) == typeid(*o).
what do you expect from a guy who haven't even posted a problem statement
@fredoverflow yeah, thats granted
Of course, hard to tell without seeing the definition of o.
any class xD
@fredoverflow It's just a twitter feed. Unless all feeds are down in chat.SO.
It looks like someone removed it. I don't see it in the feeds list anymore.
@ChemiCalChems How does the vector of unique pointers come into play?
@fredoverflow it shouldn't, it's just a member of a class im testing against
2 mins ago, by milleniumbug
what do you expect from a guy who haven't even posted a problem statement
10 mins ago, by Bartek Banachewicz
I didn't XY hard enough
But what is your purpose on this planet?! Why are you sentient?!!!!!
it seems like the problem comes from trying to typeid the object with uniqueptr vector for some reason
@BartekBanachewicz the fuck does xy mean?
got the problem
i was taking arguments by value, so i was copying the uniqueptrs which is of course impossible
taking arguments by reference works
thanks bois
the problem is just that i wanted to get a working instanceOf
thats it
problem is, now i dont remember for what
instanceof is retarded
@milleniumbug it was necessary
now it doesn't seem to be since i can't figure out what it was needed for
also typeid comparison doesn't even remotely resemble Java-style instanceof
@milleniumbug i don't care, it works, so
also you don't need it anyway since you can do exception-free downcasting
unlike in Java
I've been just told by SJWs to delete my account
we should fight such harassment
@BartekBanachewicz i'm in the fight
what to do?
@milleniumbug there was some reason to do it
in fact that was my first approach to the problem, dyn casting, and if i got null i knew it wasnt true
...but I forgot it along the way
but it didn't work for some reason
@fredoverflow :D
@fredoverflow lol
it's brilliant
Q: How to calculate stress levels using iPhone camera?

Mohammad.IsmaailHow can i detect stress level using iPhone camera while placing the finger on camera? Thank you.

@ChemiCalChems Passing unique pointers by reference is rarely useful. Why don't you simply pass a raw pointer by value?
@Shoe sorry, got distracted by silliness. tweetsave.com/Nero
Have we really descended so far that we're not just arguing over Twitter nonsense, but even stooping so far as to actually re-post that dreck here? I move that we add a new rule prohibiting (or at least strongly discouraging) cross-posting anything from Twitter, quoting from Twitter, etc. We may not always be particularly kind, gentle or necessarily even intelligent, here but we should at least make some attempt at remaining at least somewhat rational, literate, and tasteful.
@fredoverflow it works with references, and don't fix it if it ain't broke
but fuck me
class A{};
class B : public A {};
A* test = new B();
std::cout << typeid(*test).name();
@R.MartinhoFernandes you mean harassing people on twitter ;)
expected output= B
output = A
@JerryCoffin hah, fair enough
let's keep twitter dragons in their twitter caves
@ChemiCalChems Does A have a virtual destructor?
making it polymorphic? no, let me test with a virtual destructor
A class without virtual methods has no vtable.
And hence typeid won't behave polymorphically.
fucking hell
that's why dynamic cast didn't work either!
@JerryCoffin I like STL's tweets :(
so i wasted 30 minutes of my time on this shit, which i don't even know what to use for
Welcome to the Lounge!
If you had posted that code 30 minutes ago, we could have told you right away.
fucking hell
lesson learned
@ChemiCalChems [expr.dynamic.cast]/6: (summarizing): If you use a dynamic_cast in a way that isn't basically a static_cast, the type must be polymorphic.
@fredoverflow Puppy would do the classic bin-kick combo
@JerryCoffin i did learn that with google, but i thought there could be another solution
turns out not
@fredoverflow Okay, we have have a whitelist of the few specific types of Tweets that are allowed.
this is the only tweet that should be allowed
I don't think that I'll see anything better on Twitter ever
@BartekBanachewicz Maybe if they were polar bears.
lol that edit
@BartekBanachewicz I agree. And it is utter garbage.
world is doomed. We'll waste our natural resources arguing whether black people can be racist and die on a cold, sad earth
@BartekBanachewicz Maybe you will. I'd as soon argue the differences between existentialist and extremist philosophies with a brick wall.
I only used figurative "we", I'm going to spend my life driving fast things, drinking beer and eating as many steaks in my lifetime as I can
maybe building some things for the humanity in the process
hm pearlescent paint looks so much better than metallic
holy fuck that was like five levels of XYing
how much of a badlet can you be
dat flag
what was flagged?
What looked like the cover of a game called "Spin on my cock"
it was cropped
I don't know why people leave it open but it looks so sexy
@BartekBanachewicz Seems like you've answered your own (implied) question.
@Mysticial A) That comment was epic B) Whats the point of using the camera if youre blocking it with your finger?
Determining how stressed you are
@Borgleader prolly looks at vessels or someshit
@Borgleader It's based on a misunderstanding of how Android phones measure stress, based on the fact that they (most of them, anyway) put their pulse sensor near the camera lens (they detect stress based on variability in your pulse).
@JerryCoffin TIL phones have pulse monitors
Hey guys - do you have any good resources to read on templates? I realized my knowledge of it is pretty limited
@OneRaynyDay The proper way to learn templates is to stare at it. Bang your head against the wall. Stare at it again. Bang your head against the wall. Rinse and repeat until you get it.
Is the repeating because you lost your memory of you trying to learn it before?
But god damn that's a better method than what I'm doing right now - which is desperately trying to google something I can't describe
If I want to enforce the fact that the template type has to have a template type of someClass, is this correct? template typename<T<someClass>>
Just don't use a template :P
But then how do I make generic containers?
But otherwise use SFINAE
@OneRaynyDay well specifying vector isn't very generic
My bad, too many layers of templates - I meant just SomeClass
I guess I'm confused then
Some class isn't very specific
I have a container of some kind of map containing something mapped to a generic container containing someClass - sorry for the headache in advance
well, if it helps, the someClass is always the same class
I just want the container containing someClass to vary.
also ugh
Euro 4 regulations made Yamaha discontinue XJR 1300
@Ell checked it out - looks legit! :D Thank you, didn't know it was called this
hmm.. to be honest the more I read about SFINAE the more confused I get
@OneRaynyDay that's an expected outcome
@OneRaynyDay the rules of C++ are very complicated so that it behaves the way one would expect. It doesn't always work perfectly, but just using templates without worrying about how SFINAE works may be more viable than trying to understand SFINAE. (occasionally you miss stuff when you do that, like template template parameter, but oh well)
SCINE Standard Comprehension Is Not Expected
I'd swap out expected with required
Gotcha - so it would behave how I would logically want it to behave, so really it's just getting me confused about something I'm already thinking about
god damn writing C++ is like talking to your girlfriend and asking "what's wrong", and they say nothing when really you both know what's wrong
maybe you expect something they didn't expect you to expect and it doesn't actually work ... but that is headachy again
I had fun making an ECS. It uses a ton of templates, is fun and not too difficult.
Interesting :) I'll check it out a bit more after work! Thanks man
Hey everyone! I'm now working on some text-processing tool that should process data line-by-line. So, I have to read a file line by line. To speed things up, I decided to read this file by chunks of several lines. Here's the code (sh*t, the path has leaked). The problem is, I can never reach the end of file, and I'm always failing to unget() a character. Could anyone please help?
Actually, this 'text-processing' tool is a hash cracker :P
You are likely not speeding things up at all
Just go with the simpler option
OS and caches will "speed things up" for you. Just let them.
I was using ignore(std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n'), and the debugger was showing that the majority of work was happening there, and the reading speed was something like 5 MB/s, so the cracking speed was sh*t compared to the attack mode when the words are generated on-the-fly
Sh*t means ~5 MH/s compared to ~40 MH/s
the reading was done by getline into a pre-allocated buffer (which was much faster than reading into a std::string). Is there any faster way?
I think the underlying implementation has a buffer size large enough to be more than a couple chunks
@ForceBru pretty sure you can cut ~90% of the code without losing functionality and may even get a performance increase
When you're reading a line and it "cache-misses" but in a buffer sense it loads a big chunk
that chunk is probably dynamically allocated with dynamic size optimal for speed
it's probably more efficient than a constant size chunk that you try to read in
@ForceBru that is surprising. Did you throw away the string? If you use the same string repeatedly it should basically only allocate once and thus have the same performance of your preallocated buffer.
@nwp, no, I was working with the_string.c_str(), so it didn't go away. I also thought it should be allocated once, but the speed was relatively low compared to reading into a char * buffer.
@ForceBru what I meant has nothing to do with string.c_str()
@nwp, I understand. I mean, it's a member of a class which is 'alive' during the program's runtime, so it shouldn't be (re)allocated each time
did you turn on optimizations?
Anyway, even if that reading by chunks is not so effective, at some point of execution my program fails to ungetsome characters before the latest \n in the buffer.
Nope, all optimizations are off (-O0)
I would not worry about the performance of unoptimized code unless it becomes effectively unusable
I read that unget works with sungetc, and in my case it's returning NULL. It can return NULL only if pbackfail is called. And it gets called when there are no putback positions available at the get pointer
@EtiennedeMartel important news
Which is odd as the error happens at the beginning of the file after some chunks are read
@BartekBanachewicz mayo-hem
@EtiennedeMartel please
I'll need better than that to de-stress after today's round of twitter harassment against me
@BartekBanachewicz pretend you're a girl and call everyone sexist
@nwp actually
I was going to say that lately everything I say has been discriminated against because of my race
well and gender as well
@ForceBru what the hell is this supposed to do
@ForceBru Absolute shit code
and what is it doing
@BartekBanachewicz, it's supposed to read file by chunks, but fails to unget after a few successful reads
Hint: the fact I had to ask the first question is a problem. The second one is a consequence.
If the call to sungetc fails, the function sets the badbit flag. Note that this may happen even if the function is called right after a character has been extracted from the stream (depending on the internals of the associated stream buffer object).
it can fail
next problem
Yeah, I've already read this, but it didn't really help :(

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