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That's why I don't ask questions on stackoverflow any more - because anything that have answers for, I have already found them out. Anything I need to ask a question for, no one can answer.
I think I've finally found a file format that may (in at least a few ways) compete with Photoshop files for being the worst designed format in history. Let me quote two sentences to give at least some idea of what a mess it is:
The integers and double-precision integers that make up the data description fields in the file header (identified below) and record contents in the main file are in little endian (PC or Intel®) byte order. The integers and double-precision floating point numbers that make up the rest of the file and file management are in big endian (Sun® or Motorola®) byte order.
Wh... why (I still remember laughing my ass off at "PSD is not my favorite file format")
Admittedly not everyone is sober.
@Mysticial It's times like this that I wonder if I may not have missed out on something by refusing to do drugs when I was a teenager. These people are apparently still feeling some pretty serious after-effects.
Small little bugs I keep introducing with these sweeping changes.
Add tests, dont make sweeping changes ;)
I have lots of tests, this one just wasn't going to manifest properly unless I did something weird, which was "reset" the lua state by overwriting it several times while at the same time registering multiple different usertypes.
Even that summary seems to understate the level of insanity this format reaches. The file header alone has 8 integers in big-endian, 2 integers in little-endian, and 8 doubles in little-endian.
@ThePhD Well I hope you have a test for that now :)
@JerryCoffin ... What... what monster designed this?
@JerryCoffin photoshop file format sucks in what ways? If it works, it works. End users wouldn't care how it's implemented.
@JerryCoffin Ensuring ones employment for years to come (and hatred from colleagues)
@ThePhD A company named ESRI. The format is the "shapefile" format, which is used for lots of 2D maps and similar GIS data.
@Telkitty The file format affects end users in lots of subtle (and sometimes not so subtle) ways. Photoshop itself sometimes creates a file that it can't read. A complex format also tends to reduce the number of other tools that can read/write/use that format (though a really good publicly-available library for the format can mitigate this to a large degree). In short, users may not explicitly care about the format, but they are certainly affected by it.
So far as I am aware of, photoshop has very complicated tools. Saving a picture that has many layers each with it's own attributes is different from saving a plain text file.
@Telkitty What nonsense! Next you're going to try to convince me that water is wet!
user image
@Telkitty To put things in perspective, compare (for example) PSD to XCF (the GIMP's native format). XCF certainly has some warts, but compared to PSD it's a model of elegance and simplicity (while supporting roughly the same features).
The pokemons in this room are only for people who have read The Rules.
@JerryCoffin photoshop's first release was in 1990, gimp's 1995 ... if I see a boat tipping in front of me, I would try to avoid the area too :p
@Borgleader Lord Helix help me I just spent another hour and a half chasing pokemon
OTOH I do have a meowth and a magikarp now
and a jolteon :3
met a nice 60 year old couple starting to play the game, and continued establishing a pokemon-based friendship with a hotel worker who works near five pokestops
@Telkitty Pretty sure PSD format wasn't publicly available at that time. Everything I know says that XCF was designed entirely independently, without input about PSD to avoid its mistakes.
I tried pokemon go for a little while and sees nothing fancy about it. It reminded me of goecaching & how I got dragged into hunting for some log book in the middle of the night across a cemetery because of it.
I like it because it gives me a cool level up swirly thing and increasingly big numbers the more time I put into it
@Borgleader I'll star your rules post bby
1 hour later…
South China Sea situation interesting, but firework unlikely for the time being
when I talk about firework, I really mean this
@KretabChabawenizc Living Story Season 3 on the 26th
> I hope Lion's Arch gets detroyed again. I like to change the appearance of that city as often as I change my underpants.
oo may come with a new fractal
there’s a trailer but it’s a mash up of existing cutscenes and it’s extremely spoilerish so I won’ bother linking
Q: NetUserSetInfo:"User name could not be found"

Richard_GI was writing c++ program that could change the password of a use logged in (one user) the program I have been writing will run as a service in that machine, I found a method NetUserSetInfo for doing the job and the reason I chose NetUserSetInfo is I don't want to feed the old password,find my co...

can someone help me on this
1 hour later…
@Telkitty That actually looks nice. :D
from across the water, yes
@LucDanton I guess they are not using Ada to do their programming.
Another flag somewhere on the chat. I find 99 % of the flags invalid.
Wow, I didn't know Seagate employed so many people!
err, they produce whole lots of hard disks
@sehe computer algebra system
the "discard answer" button seems to have vanished
oh, it is back... weird
Is anybody here using Foobar2000 to play music?
I just tried to enable playback over WASAPI at 24 bits and I can hear significantly more bass than in playback over DirectSound.
Now, I wonder if it is due to the 24 bits or if there is some hidden equalizer setup somewhere that does it.
@Bassie goedemorgen
@wilx the latter
@Borgleader well played
@sehe Where?
@wilx tis what I use.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I am back to DS playback. WASAPI apparently blocks all of the other apps which is annoying.
Which sorting algorithm is used in sort() present in algorithm.h ?
What the hell is algorithm.h?
it's the successor of algorithm.g
Klaus Kinski quote from that Herzog AMA. "One should judge a man mainly from his depravities. Virtues can be faked. Depravities are real."
^ I like the quote. :D
@user6119874 Dude, you should be using <algorithm> instead. Also, in GCC's implementation it is introsort.
lol look what I found
WinAPIOGLWindow* window = static_cast<decltype(window)>(reinterpret_cast<void*>(GetWindowLongPtr(hWnd, GWLP_USERDATA)));
past me wrote funny code
@wilx thanks man
@BartekBanachewicz Better use auto window = static_cast<WinAPIOGLWindow*>(...)
Is there a licence like AGPL but that prohibits binary redistribution?
I only want to allow source distribution and network services.
yeah otherwise this is just silly
@StackedCrooked true
also fun fact
I just locked myself out of my stock trading platform
It's for the best
because LastPass didn't sync my password and didn't tell me about it
so the only way to reset said password is to email support and wait, and I quote, "around 5 days"
that could be insurance against claims ("We never said quick password reset service is supported")
This whole platform is terribly designed
I had to confirm an order for 0 moneys to get access to realtime graphs
and the longest I could order said graphs for was two months
so I suppose I'll have to renew my free subscription
@BartekBanachewicz Makes a little bit of sense.
Brexit, US social unrest, China south sea, so much smoke, let's see which one burns half of the world down first
@BartekBanachewicz It tells you they are afraid of their capacity for scaling
@Telkitty Demagogues and doomsday preachers. Let's see who doesn't jump overboard and just keeps running their ship a steady course. Ffs
People are literally that bored that they just want to see Rome burn
@sehe no it doesn't -.-
it's like
the whole system is technically under the umbrella of my bank
which has superior internet access
but then the further away i go to the stock trading tools, the worse it gets
not sure why that was worth starring
@BartekBanachewicz Time delays are a common scheme to prevent abuse.
I have been watching and reading news from Australia, the U.S. and China in regards to the south china sea, it seems that western media are as eager at spreading propaganda as China's communist party. Only that they are on the opposite sides.
@Telkitty Not at all. They have almost literally said nothing about this all, until China responded to the UN statement. That came... years late?
@Telkitty What kind of propaganda are you talking about?
Pretty much the only thing reported by Western media is "court rules against China".
That's a bland reporting of events.
@R.MartinhoFernandes uh abuse of what
If you think that's propagandistic, you need to get out from under your chauvinist rock.
it's a password reset not a quota
@BartekBanachewicz Not from you, but from malicious users.
Password resets are common attack vectors.
trump won nomination, brexit, enough said, if you think you are beyond media propaganda, you are definitely an idiot
@Telkitty How's that propaganda about the South China Sea?
I'd rather they supported 2FA when logging in
my bank access is way better protected than that platform :/
@Telkitty Idiots have a tendency to be unable to make two coherent statements in a row.
and obv to place an order you still need to confirm it with an sms code
@BartekBanachewicz If the password reset is easy, 2FA is meaningless.
Password resets are targeted because they're often the weakest link.
@R.MartinhoFernandes well, they could require the token code for password reset
and obv a password for token reset
The system is only as secure as its weakest part.
@BartekBanachewicz lol, and repeat ad infinitum?
@R.MartinhoFernandes well, no, you can reset one or the other at once
if you have a token but forgot the password you can reset it
@Abyx lol
@BartekBanachewicz But now you just turned 2FA into 1FA.
well the password reset sends it to an email right
Two-factor authentication is a lie if you can gain access using only one authentication factor.
ueh then at least provide me with emergency codes
or someshit
@R.MartinhoFernandes Obviously it's not lawful for you to plant a tree in front of your house if someone thinks that the land doesn't belong to you, but it's okay for 2 stalkers to stand in front of the house all day long
@Telkitty How's that propaganda about the South China Sea?
@Telkitty Get curtains.
because a few countries claims it's theirs and western media targets china
Also, how's it propaganda from Western media if you're the one saying it?
why targeting
what about claims from other countries
you don't hear those right?
so what is it if it's not propaganda??
because you are brain washed into thinking china is the only one doing it
Of course chinese government spreads its own propaganda
> doing it
@Telkitty You're conveniently neglecting to mention the islands have been annexed to exploit for military purposes. These land-winning operations are not cheap and do not resemble "planting a tree"
if you are only able to afford a house, you can only realistically thinking about planting a tree, if you have a country, you will realistically thinking about building islands
Still neglecting the military bases.
Yup - and if you do, you will realistically consider the diplomatic implications.
don't worry, neighbours here fight for centimeters over a fence
not us, the other 2 neighbours
You mean? Don't worry, our politics can be as petty as bad neighbours? Reassuring :)
hm I wonder if the Rust support for embedded targets has improved since last time I tried to use it
council sent staff over 6 times to check on our next door neighbour when they were building a new house because the neighbour on the even further side reported them
@Telkitty What claims? AFAICT it's all in your head so far.
@Telkitty No Western nation has territorial claims there.
but US and Australia have sent plenty of military vessels/aircrafts there many times
of course you have not heard about it
@Telkitty I have made no assertions besides this chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/31673384#31673384. You're the one asserting that Western media is spreading propaganda on the subject.
one way of spread propaganda is misleading
another is purposely no disclosure
@Telkitty You are now giving out unprompted justifications for China's actions.
what actions
The ones you're justifying if your house analogies.
you are telling me it's okay to have 2 stalkers in front of your house?
@Telkitty No. I'm telling you that your attempts to justify those actions were unprompted. No one questioned them before.
I questioned the claim that Western media is spreading propaganda on the matter, and you started trying to justify China's actions.
I didn't say China's action is right or wrong
But yes I am telling you that you are brainwashed without knowing it all the times
@Telkitty But you did say that Western media is spreading propaganda about it.
@Telkitty I'll take your word for it.
misleading, no disclosure
@Telkitty Example?
The real question is: shall we give the Sudetes to Germany?
@R.MartinhoFernandes obviously you knew that other countries have overlapping claims and western military vessels and aircrafts were there very often right? you knew that before I started this conversation I presume?
also robot arguing with telkitty again
no disclosure equals lying sometimes
If a company tells you it has 1 billion dollar assets without telling you it also has 1.5 billion dollars debt, then you are obviously not informed the whole picture.
Typical boring conversation, I'm out .___.
@Telkitty yes, I did. I fail to see the relevance to media.
@Telkitty and how's "court rules against China" misleading? Did it not rule against China?
law has country boundaries
International courts are... Er... International.
brexit, haha
@R.MartinhoFernandes reminds me of coalition and Iraq
very smart ... smartass I mean
why idiots think they are so smart
if there is not such a dumb international court, there probably would not be so many refugees
communist party is shit, western media is crap, I suck ... so I shall take my leave (to do more productive things I hope ~_~)
In the world of DnD, how is half-orc born, who mates with whom? Anything I can think of sounds like hentai. :D
self-check completed
quack quack goes the rubber duck
@AndyProwl And the result?
> SS Badass
-1 no Boaty McBoatface
ueh so CraftBukkit seems very dead
> A petition calling for Sir David Attenborough to change his name to Sir Boaty McBoatface "in the interest of democracy and humour" soon received over 2,000 signatures.
lol TIL
@LucDanton glad to be of service
@Telkitty well well. They should make a silver bullet, right after they make the magic-international-court-that-prevents-mischief
Why you get so annoyed with smart people.
long story short I thought a utility to turn an alias into a metafunction would be useful, but I guess the compilers thought otherwise
@sehe smartass != smart ass(donkey) != smart people
Coalition have routinely bullied weaker countries (Iraq, Afghanistan etc)
refugees remember refugees
caused by 'justified' wars
@LucDanton Try replacing using demo = int; with struct demo {};?
but don't worry, communist parties are even worse
@Telkitty in what way?
brainwashing people under their control
@Telkitty refugees are the lucky one who managed to get out. most of people are still in those ruined countries
@Telkitty no, not really.
@BartekBanachewicz Now that sounds kind of cool.
@Abyx tell that to @sehe & @R.MartinhoFernandes
@wilx yet another beginning of the death of C++
but yeah i think it's great
the only problem is that after 7 years Rust still isn't really usable
@BartekBanachewicz Every day is the first day of the rest of your life, etc.
@Telkitty I mean that propaganda is not brainwashing, and all countries do it to some extent
I think the change is in the right direction, but it's super slow
@BartekBanachewicz Mozilla backing it can change things, I would guess.
@wilx Mozilla started backing it 7 years ago
@BartekBanachewicz OH.
if that shows anything is that mozilla's influence is really minuscule nowadays
and in decline
Dunno maybe I should write some Rust
The problem with it is that if you start treating it as a functional language the lack of curry-by-default and easy composition is really annoying
Most of the people that find Haskell "undreadable" or "weird" or "mathy" or w/e don't realize that it's precisely that what makes it so easy to write and read.
for example, look at how easy it is to add some form of composition to Rust
struct Wrapped<T>(T);

impl<'self,A,B> Shr<&'self fn(&A) -> B, Wrapped<B>> for Wrapped<A> {
    fn shr(&self, f: & &'self fn(&A) -> B) -> Wrapped<B> {
actually was because it all changed obv
@Telkitty forgive me. I hadn't realised much difference in your response
@BartekBanachewicz oh look. They made a language with more contrived syntax than c++. Shame they missed the mark on quirky semantics
@sehe Forgiven - it's not your fault. I have lived in many countries, experience has given me broader knowledge.
@Ven hello
how' sit going
only because you said hi twice today :p
well it was in the morning (:
@sehe sigh
people can't make languages
@Telkitty lolwut. You are, as usual, just throwing around completely disconnected statements as if there was some sense to be made out of them all.
@Telkitty Experience living in many countries? I don't think living in many countries was the subject matter.
@BartekBanachewicz you mean the lack of HKT ;)
I wish someone invested 100 million dollars in Haskell development
you really don't
to get 3 versions of GHC out in a year
going for a jog before too late
"avoid 'success at all cost'."
to fix records
to get deptypes in
@Ven there's not nearly enough manpower for haskell now
@Telkitty And they're not an international court, and more importantly, they're not a court for any organization that China takes part in.
one thing is success
another is actually having enough devs to move forward
I want them to fix ghc's speed before adding new features that are going to feel wonky.
with the huge spectrum of places and targets and problems a modern language has to meet you just need a lot of people
that's why puppy's Wide could never become a thing
well, one of the reasons for that
Dec 7 '14 at 5:07, by R. Martinho Fernandes
> In June 2011, the Philippines renamed South China Sea as the West Philippine Sea to strengthen the country's claim on the contested areas.
@Ven fix records first
And instance exports
those are my personal two biggest gripes
- fix records, ghc are still slow, ths lenses are still slow.
- fix ghc speed, records are broken but lenses are fast
If anything, Western media panders to the Chinese side in this since it refers to the region as South China Sea.
lenses should become a part of the standard
then their compile speed shouldn't matter
too bad GHC has the same policy for core features as C++
"it's great as a lib, aintit"
haskell records are on C levels of badness
updates are terrible, names aren't scoped, there's no real way to extend them
if you use Lens for records it basically means "the only thing we can salvage from current records is the syntax"
and even that's bad
frankly I'd write a lib that would use a simple list of pairs (name, type) and build types out of that
(A name which was also chosen by the international organization in charge of those matters, so it's also questionable to claim that the media is propagandistic that way)
and it could work equally well with Lens
you want HLists
Records are absolutely awful
> People wrote Haskell for a couple of decades before I put together lens, though.
yes Edward they did
did they
so what
people did write assembly
kmett does pretty nice
@Telkitty hah. and a superiority complex :)
@R.MartinhoFernandes "troll" - as opposed to "elite troll"
@Ven I'm gonna miss his visit in Poland
it really sucks beyond everything
@BartekBanachewicz well I'm not gonna miss anything because I've never seen him :P
> We will have Edward Kmett visit us for this meetup!
Monad Transformer Lenses
@Ven I was supposed to speak at that conference
that'd have been nice
I was supposed to talk about TMCs
stay with us badlets instead
It would be amazing
Our talks would complement each other
I could talk to him
It sucks.
@Ven you badlets don't want to write in Haskell
I write in many languages
though bad code, for sure.
every code is bad code
I need to setup a minecraft server anyway
not much time for coding
still not decided on my PC vs a VPS
I found a site that offers servers dedicated for mc
$6/mo for a 1GB server
and 1Gbit link
there were some hiccups with internet in my home in Poland lately
some other ISP is moving in nearby
and apparently fucks up everything else
who're you going to play with anyway
my GF and two friends right now
4 people isn't bad
5-6 is optimal I'd say
@sehe :) /cc @jaggedSpire
so there's this bash quote right
<saylan> I just set up port forwards to defense.gov
<saylan> anyone scanning me now will be scanning/attacking the DoD :D
<renderbod> O.o
<bolt> that's... not exactly how port forwarding works
<saylan> ?
now, I'm actually wondering
@Borgleader curious why jagged needs to know :)
can you only use port forwarding to machines in the local network?
I mean, assume a datagram comes in. It's meant for <your outside ip:port>.
Nope. But forwarding is routing. It'll still come from the last hop
you're still shown as the one doing the scanning
It's not like "the attacker" will somehow scan the DoD
so scanning you will have you scanning the DoD
@Ven s/still //g in this scenario
@sehe right
I was just constantly wondering about whether he meant routing to remotes
10 hours ago, by jaggedSpire
@Borgleader I'll star your rules post bby
I could have made 2 different messages containing :) but...
@Borgleader is it just me or this doesn't make any sense stackoverflow.com/questions/38350834/…
> vies with the White House as being the most important political building anywhere in the world in the modern era
lol yeah right
@BartekBanachewicz they are missing a "before the brexit vote"
after the brexit vote it would be Angela Merkel's accountant

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