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00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

@Borgleader I've heard about that. Never thought about it as a vector of attack.
@Borgleader After reading the article, it seems like not-bullshit.
I had forgotten about Intel Management Engine.
Yeah the article made sense, I guess it was just a click-baity title.
template transport of a member function is about == calling it by name
(which worked cuz... i clicked it)
so my previous theory is incorrect
There is a penalty for serialization and the like, though.
Which is probably the primary difference between OOLua and Sol
There's also a marked difference between using a runtime Member Function Pointer (even if it's something that can reasonably seen as a compile-time constant, since it can't be marked constexpr in its context).
So, of course, templates / by-name is King.
oh my god the chatroom is empty
I haven't seen the chatroom empty in years
@StackedCrooked haven't watched the newest one yet, busy busy in Poland Uncon'ing :p
@Xeo Is cat with you ppl?
tfw you're doing school bullshit and wouldn't have the money to allocate to Uncon
I desperately wanted to meet Cat too.
I actually just want to find out whether cat is willing to socialize with ex-loungers :p
ugg, this rooms needs more L1-norm
why is there no place to report cyber crimes?
@Mikhail feature extraction?
of course thiscord is dead
> thiscord
Are you making fun of my spellification?
@Telkitty Apparently telling the police and notifying sysadmins seems to be the best out there right now. A few antivirus companies have archives of cybercrime data, but I haven't really found any group to handle cybercrime reporting, investigation, archiving, etc. for the public.
quite thiscordant
@Aaron3468 Actually funny you said this. I'm currently interning at Symantec right now(Norton antivirus)
Oh, sounds fun!
their corporate-facing strategy is to sell the cybercrime data that is somewhat relevant to the company in interest
@Nooble what gives you that impression, nooblet?
Fucking antiviruses.
so they have a huge database of whatever cybercrimes have been commited in their hadoop db lying around
@Telkitty But it looks like the FBI accept complaints if the crime is financial in nature
@jaggedSpire :(
Now if they were public-facing... then that would meet your needs, but I think they would lose a ton of revenue :)
@Nooble I'm just messin' with ya
I'm gonna cry right now.
@Aaron3468 Do you have link where I can report phishing emails. I am done with their spamming
You can block them.
With your email client
yes, but I would rather report them
@Telkitty No :( Block the email, and send a message to the email provider of the phisher to ban/delete the account
I honestly get the feeling that the internet has grown so fast that most of it is still unregulated.
that's what makes it fun, like the Wild West
pew pew
If you can keep incriminating data out of security records, you're pretty much free to do anything xD Sometimes they don't even audit their records
btw, what purpose does hashing serve? Faster comparisons?
Internet is not that new any more, I am amazed that there is no organization specialized in handling cyber crimes.
I'm actually curious now. Was there an organization specializing in leaked telegraph data?
I can understand why phone phreaking was such a big deal now.
Wow... chat's changed a lot since I last joined this room (be nice warnings, the "yesterday standard time" labels on timestamps stand out)
whoosh rush of insight
@Aaron3468 wikileaks?
@Telkitty -.- 'specializing in (responding to) leaked telegraph data'
Syntactical ambiguity, and semantic arguments are the world's most tedious things
FBI >_< ... a branch in the FBI to be more specific :p
Speaking of which, I would hate to be a lawyer; their job is hairsplitting technicalities in rules
Can a graph have multiple maximum spanning trees with the same weight?
In theory, if a loop(?) exists in the graph and it is not symmetrical around that loop, there can be multiple similar maximum spanning trees by removing one edge of the loop if another edge in the loop has the same weight.
In hindsight, it probably also works with symmetry around the loop
2 hours later…
have you guys tried the latest version of Eigen with MSVC2013?
no why did it do something terrible again
yeah, different version don't build
like be msvc2013
idk, could also be the code
Different version die at different points
yeah, the code could be doing something silly, like assuming the compiler used is actually compliant
I assume you've checked the build instructions because you are a competent person
or it might have been written for a compiler that doesn't exist
its template only
except for the tests
do the tests fail?
fuck, I figured it out
the nvcc wrapper was causing it to fail
all of my problems are due to nvidia
and here I was about to suggest they stopped supporting MSVC2013 because supporting MSVC2013 is like wrapping a chain around your code's neck and yanking real hard
Well, nvcc is a tool-chain
I can't even find a way to report the bug to nvidia, fuck this shit
^ I wish I could have this right now.
But I'm too lazy to go to the pâtisserie and the weather is ugly.
Coffee is fucking disgusting.
Image not found ... but you could always click & see the image
@rightfold Don't you like to drink hot water poured over powder of coffee grains partly digested by random animals?
I should try & feed my chicken coffee beans :p
Drinks must always be cold.
Otherwise instant disgust.
Most expensive coffee in the world:
cat poop?
Kopi Luwak poop.
Most delicious coffee in the world:
come on don't leave us waiting
Civet poop actually.
@StackedCrooked that's the joke domme Belg
Q: How can I #include like heirachy

ZankoLets say I have 5 files // File1.h #ifndef FILE_1_H #define FILE_1_H #include <map> extern std::map<uint8_t, uint8_t> map1; #endif // File2.h #ifndef FILE_2_H #define FILE_2_H #include <map> extern std::map<uint8_t, uint8_t> map1; #endif //-- and so on for 3 , 4 , 5 Is it possible to make an...

That title.
@fredoverflow omg swap abstraction
Hey, that's a huge step for beginners ;)
At school we had to com up with a swap algorithm
I think that's a nice exercise indeed.
In Python you can simply say a,b = b,a or something, can't you?
Yeah, that creates a tuple and then unpacks it
@fredoverflow That's what I said to my teacher back then but he said that was cheating because he wanted us to explicitly use a temporary variable.
You can also do a, b, c = sorted([a, b, c])
@Morwenn At least he allowed a temporary variable ;) Apparently, some teachers prefer the XOR hack.
Like, seriously?
A classmate came up with a way that used multiplication and division, but it failed when the second number was zero 😂
Swap lookup table. No temporary needed.
Now you need a permanent.
Haskell is better than C++. It can swap two values that have different types.
@Morwenn Maybe I confused teachers with interviewers:
void swap(int& a, int& b) { static int tmp; tmp = a; a = b; b = tmp; }
It's still in wide use for showing off and bad interview questions; that's about it. — Michael Borgwardt Jan 9 '13 at 14:40
@Morwenn Why static?
@fredoverflow Is it a temporary variable if it's never destroyed until program termination? :p
Thread unsafe you fool
you can write a lib function to swap two values that have 2 different types in C++ too
What is this? strtok?
@rightfold Ok, change static to thread_local then.
Slow you fool
What is this? Python?
Avalanche of XOR SWAP questions... Why are people so interested in this?
Because look I'm haxx0r
Can't you just use a local variable instead of static or thread-local?
They don't even know what XOR does
@EtiennedeMartel Yeah... you're right... Not every operating system supports sockets so having sockets as part of the standard defeats the goal of platform independence. In the meantime, I'll use QT's libraries
COBOL had static locals before they were cool.
@fredoverflow why are you linking to Google?
void russianRouswap(int * a, int * b)
    // Use trial and error to detect which line crashes the least on your system:
    // int * c = a - 1;
    // int * c = a + 1;
    // int * c = b - 1;
    // int * c = b + 1;
    *c = *a;
    *a = *b;
    *b = *c;
@rightfold Because Google finds more stackoverflow results than stackoverflow? I dunno
Lol in COBOL you can call strings and it'll interpret them as function names
PHP does that too. But COBOL is statically typed.
I want to be cool.
Define cool.
Today I'm gonna write a parser in PHP for the first time.
@fredoverflow < 15°C
Be like COBOL, but get rid of the B.
Luckily the grammar is LL(k) so it's super easy.
@fredoverflow C# was initially called COOL
C-ish Object-Oriented Language?
Perl 6 has a class named Cool that shittons of built in classes inherit from.
@fredoverflow C-like, probably
It stands for common object loop
Even Any has another base class? Wow
Yeah, Junction is the other subclass of Mu
We live i a strange world if C++ looks better on paper than Java yet Java was supposed to be the C++ without C
If you write a function like sub f($x) it'll accept Any, and it will automatically parallelise on junctions. If you want to accept junctions as arguments instead you have to write sub g(Mu $x)
So f(1 | 2 | 3) is f(1) | f(2) | f(3) and g(1 | 2 | 3) is g(1 | 2 | 3)
@MoonOwl22 How does "C++ look better on paper than Java"?
You can ask whether the square root of any of the given numbers equals five: sqrt($x | $y | $z) == 5
Quantum operators?
@fredoverflow I am reading some code that was written for one of the senior projects. It's less verbose and more readable at the same time
Or maybe it's the author of the code
It's printed btw
Or a prime check: n !%% all(2..n-1) (%% means is divisible by)
@MoonOwl22 You can write beautiful code in any language, even C++.
@MoonOwl22 C++ > Java
If you want beautiful/non-verbose code for the JVM use Scala
@fredoverflow I'd always been told C++ was the worst thing to ever become popular and I'm realising it's not as bad as I previously thought
A fried-brain sandwich is a sandwich that is generally served as sliced calves' brains on sliced bread. Thinly sliced fried slabs on white toast became ubiquitous on menus in St. Louis, Missouri, after the rise of the city's stockyards in the late 1880s, although demand there has so dwindled that only a handful of restaurants still offer them. However, they remain popular in the Ohio River valley, where they are served heavily battered on hamburger buns. In Evansville, Indiana, they are still offered at several "mom and pop" eateries, specifically the Hilltop Inn, and remain a favorite dish, featured...
@набиячлэвэлиь Scala is way too complicated for the average joe.
@fredoverflow I'm yet to meet an average Joe in computer science
@fredoverflow But programming is easy :D
By definition, about 50% (give or take) of Joe's are sub-average.
Most people I've met in computer science are far from the average Joe
It's not like everybody can be at least average.
@MoonOwl22 In what direction? :)
@fredoverflow Cannot reproduce, tbh
If I am able to comprehend (and proficiently use) Scala then anyone is
@fredoverflow The right :)
I don't think learning programming languages is difficult
I don't think learning how to build is difficult. However, I think civil engineering and architecture are more challenging
An average Joe can build a simple CRUD app given that everything is defined for him to just glue together
What an average Joe can't do is build what he is gluing
Or even knowing why one function is better to use for his purpose than the other
Most people I've come across are not like that however
Programming is easy for someone who has already programmed for more than 5 years
like driving is easy for people who has driven for 5+ years
average joe can build the CRUD app but he can't maintain the CRUD app
@fredoverflow 50% of people are of below-average intelligence
I.e. dumb
@Puppy and supreme joe can build the CRUD app but he doesn't want to because it's a boring CRUD app
Nobody can make maintainable CRUD apps
@rightfold Can we call him Supreme Joseph?
@rightfold That's why a lot of people build on their own and hire someone else to maintain
An illegal prime is a prime number that represents information whose possession or distribution is forbidden in some legal jurisdiction. One of the first illegal primes was found in 2001. When interpreted in a particular way, it describes a computer program that bypasses the digital rights management scheme used on DVDs. Distribution of such a program in the United States is illegal under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. An illegal prime is a kind of illegal number. == Background == One of the earliest illegal prime numbers was generated in March 2001 by Phil Carmody. Its binary rep...
/cc @jaggedSpire
cute <3
such floof
@Telkitty :3
mocked by your dogs :D
@Telkitty Haha, no. What happens next? Do they eat the kid? :D
@fredoverflow I believe explaining values and pointers via websites and URLs is the way to go
that said I didn't watch the video yet
they didn't, they let the baby live so they can continue mocking the kid and make the shame long live in the kid's heart
@nwp URLs are a nice analogy indeed!
Why is dereferencing in C different from dereferencing in C++
Are the two different beyond the syntax difference?
@MoonOwl22 it isn't
inb4 pointers vs references
@milleniumbug Thanks for the reminder
that wasn't supposed to be a reminder
The propaganda machine is running wild on the state funded TV channels in NL
ASAN: still broken in GCC6.
Use Rust. It has a static ASAN
address santiser?
thats what i assumed it was
Yeah, ASAN usually refers to Clang's Address Sanitiser.
@fredoverflow Why does skorbut not have a run button?
^(select|values)\s.*?(?=\.) :3
@milleniumbug you mean "inb4" doesn't mean "inbred, 4 u:"
Even better: ^((select|values)[^a-zA-Z0-9_].*?)end\2.
@nwp It does? The run button has the word "start" written all over it.
but start doesn't run the code, you still have to click step all the time
maybe I just didn't see it right
Have you tried sliding the speed slider to the right?
Another PHP killer feature: instanceof has higher precedence than !.
> >PHP
> >killer feature
Killer feature? More like killer bug...
! always returns a Boolean. It would be retarded to use that in an instanceof check.
instanceof having higher precedence is much more useful.
A: Error in function from project euler when using largest signed int value

fluterThe result was too large to be fit into the int type, you should use unsigned type since there is no possible negative result, also change the format specifier to %u for printf: unsigned int getsums(int v) { unsigned int sum = 0; int i = 0; for(;i<v; i++){ if (i%3 == 0 || i%5...

can someone please assist? I'm not sure whether his answer is correct
the PE expert is Rapptz but hes not around
@MoonOwl22 the difference is that in C++ you may not dereference a null pointer, but in C you may
@Borgleader ah has he solved some problems?
(from his SO profile)
wow that's a serious level. i bet he's a smart one
@JohannesSchaub-litb Earlier on I had confused the addressof operator with the dereference operator. Please forgive this noob
Funfact: <!DOCTYPE html><title>x</title> is a correct HTML 5 document.
@Puppy Yes, that one.
@ThePhD It's not Clang-only :p
What's up lounge? :-)
@rightfold's cock
@набиячлэвэлиь but you can handle it, I presume
I'm not going anywhere near her cock, mate
Seemed to be important to you, why else mention it? ಠ_ಠ
Old habits die hard :D
Not much up though. It's a bit sad.
We're (I'm) eagerly waiting the results of next week's committee meeting.
I guess it's summer and nice weather for most of the loungers.
We even sent a lounger to Oulu.
Cool, who?
@ArneMertz I live in Brittany. Nice weather is a myth.
@ArneMertz Griwes.
@ArneMertz Have you ever heard of "memes" or "injokes"?
injokes are jokes that are currently "in"
like jokes about terrorists or something
I hope you're trolling rn
@набиячлэвэлиь of course I have. But that joke is old and limp and not very in :P
In other news I'm still struggling with templates.
I guess I can use std::is_callable to simplify some things.
@Morwenn with templates in general or something specific?
@ArneMertz Many specific things.
I've got issues :D
@Morwenn only a few :-)
Still more open than solved ones.
there are days when I hate blogging -.-
@ArneMertz Why?
@Morwenn no idea what to write about, or when I do, it only goes slowly. Sometimes I'm overly critical and erase text again and again..
@набиячлэвэлиь nope
@ArneMertz I only wrote a few articles, but I just keep modifying them even once published.
Like a documentation.
I've been writing one post each week for almost 18 months now. I won't stop now :D
Wow o_o
but i've been on vacation and automatically published posts I'd written before, so I haven't written sth for weeks. Bit hard to start again
That's pretty cool.
It payed off after a while :-)
current topic? question?
@GNACBetombo good day
@GNACBetombo you should see the previous messages if you scroll up a bit :-)
what 's the name of your blog?
I should write another article too, but meh.
write an article about me(t)h
you'r good .
@KretabChabawenizc it starts here and now it’s catching on
@Morwenn the blog got me a better job, an interview at CPPCast and invitations to speak at several conferences, how's that for an incentive to write? ;-)
@Ven I have an article about Gray code incrementation/decrementation to write and two articles about Gray code additions (but those ones will be copy-pasted from Code Review).
@ArneMertz Honestly, none of those motivate me enough :/
> Variables that are declared constexpr are, as the keyword suggests, constant expressions
It would help if terms weren't intermixed like that
@Morwenn you... dont want a better job?
@Borgleader I'm fine with what I have.
@LucDanton o_O
@ScarletAmaranth best enjoyed with a side salad made with home-grown ingredients
@LucDanton that's beyond incomprehensible to me
@ScarletAmaranth fine, it doesn’t have to be a salad
funny they barred a guy from his own property to stomp on his cauliflower facepalm, that will show him
@Morwenn You'd be even finer with a better job.
By definition.
@Columbo Well, I'd have to define what's a « better job » to start with.
Defining is_stable for hybrid_adapter and container_aware_adapter will be a horrible mess...
Eh~, I can't make the relative links work in Jekyll :(
i asked about support
> [...] to have an intuition about the implementation of the incrementation and decrementation operations.
Programming rap.
for installing sfml library
i am doing the installing now
anyone care to make some money?
No, you're having trouble using SFML, I don't have much faith in you being able to pay if I'm honest.
highlight.js does not highlight constexpr decltype(auto) correctly, because it parses decltype as a function name(?)
I love C++
I need to come up with a sneaky hack to compare two type lists
@NaCl Such as comparing the types that those type lists are (encapsulated in)
Or to be more precise, as comparing is trivial (because it's solved by the compiler), I need to check if a specific predicate holds for both lists for every element. Basically, to give a better idea, the same thing as p(a[i]) && p(b[i]), where a and b are some arrays, but with type lists
I already got something to get those type lists seperately, as you can't simply do template<typename ...Args0, typename ...Args1>, I'd start from
    template<typename... Args>
    struct Foo
        template<typename ...OtherArgs>
        static constexpr bool cool() noexcept
            return true;
@NaCl Use a fold expression
I think I got something
However, I can't get it to compile, sadly
I just can't access this thing, whatever I do :(
@NaCl use python instead
@nwp Thanks, great help, appreciate it
@LucDanton qualiter
BTW I installed Arch and broke it enough so that it doesn't boot anymore, all withing a time span of 2 hours.
2016 year of the linux desktop
ye that's why you don't use Linux
ye that's why you don't use Arch
No, seriously you've chosen the "geek rolling edge cutting release distro"
Get Ubuntu or Fedora maybe
or windows 10
really good out of the box experience
compatible with a lot more software than linux
quality stuff
@ScarletAmaranth incompatible with clang and valgrind, so not an option
@KretabChabawenizc s/linux/arch/
i think elementary is good too.
Your fault for not installing Gentoo.
@rightfold what's gentoo?
Another "geek rolling edge cutting release distro"
00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

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