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@Prismatic Electric shock. Put its head in an electrified pool.
That's how it works.
I think it would be hard to stun them compared to how they use bolt guns on cows and stuff
@Xeo You never smoked?
@Xeo yup; FUCK people who bother me with fucking cigarete smoke
@Jefery no
@Xeo I totally understand that :(
I used to like the smell of cigarettes when I was little, then I smoked for a while, and then I quit, and now I hate the smell
I hate it
seriously if you're fucking looking to ruin your health I don't give a fuck but leave me out of it
I don't know, I don't feel it
@ScarletAmaranth lol
@Xeo install a smoke detector.
Though tbh now cigarette smell just reminds me of Europe from when I studied there
Damn you guys love your cigarettes
cigarette smoke smells gross
@Nick People of my age barely smoke anymore.
people who vape are also super obnoxious
It's not the rage anymore.
The smell of cigarette is okish. The smell of cold tobacco is plain horrible.
I'd rather smell a roadkill skunk than cigarette smoke
@Nick It depends. When I was in engineering school, there was only one smoker in my class.
I know about two people of around my age who smoke, and one of them only smokes joints.
@ScarletAmaranth lol, I'd take the smoke any time compared to dead animal. :D
@Elyse I knew one like that as well.
tbh, I feel like I'd be Cigarette-Hitler if I ever gained power, so I try not to.
My college experience was all about the spliff.
Imaginary hats? So you're saying they don't exist and what I'm seeing on the screen is a figment of my imagination? — Borgleader 8 secs ago
lounge-represent #pedantry #disgusted
@JohanLarsson The kick in the beginning reminds me of N'to. Good one.
@Borgleader I was just gonna post that
lounge depresent
@Xeo lol, the small things that keep us from conquering the world! :D
Spliffs burn cooler than joints and taste better.
Where do you guys get so intoxicated with smoke
@TonyTheLion <3
floofy minds think alike
I live with a group where I'm the only one non-smoking and I'm never in any pain
I know more occasional joint smokers than regular cigarette smokers.
le floof
I don't want to use a hat
Time for sleep.
it would ruin my beautiful visage
Aren't you maybe overreacting to this?
@Morwenn think I have spammed this, similarish.
@Jefery Says the guy on a crusade against Puppy as RO.
Few months back I actually had a bit of urge to get some weed but since I know nobody who could supply it I did not get any and the urge passed.
A cigarette can be quite relaxing in stressful times
@TonyTheLion But the habit!
@Xeo ☑ told ☐ not told
why do you need a hat
@JohanLarsson I'll listen to it too, but man, the first one is so bouncy :o
@Prismatic to keep your head warm
@Xeo Do I have to reply to that? Like are you expecting a reply?
I have a friend that just started smoking.
Ok, good
He's kinda like Kevin in that Reddit thread @TonyTheLion linked.
nice friends
smoking is bad mkay
Ah Nooble!
we need you
lets talk about something else
to diffuse this rather tense conversation
Nooble diffuses any stress by smoking eucalyptus
3 mins ago, by Xeo
Time for sleep.
I don't understand how some of you go all crazy over cigarettes but alcohol is somehow fine
I smoke alcohol
@Jefery Some things just aren't meant to be understood, I guess
@Jefery Does alcohol give you cancer?
@Jefery Alcohol might damage you, smoking damages the people around you. (Drunk driving is something else again.)
@Jefery I don't think alcohol is fine at all.
but alcohol has a safe dose, and smoking does not
1. alcohol doesn't smell like shit
2. there's no such thing as second hand alcohol
3. alcohol doesnt cause cancer (though I guesss it can cause liver damage)
@Prismatic mütze glatze mütze glatze
@Xeo Trust me, alcohol damages the people around you even without driving
@Jefery ok i trust you
I was surprised to see that the majority of my coworkers (and all of my team mates) were non-smokers
AFAIR, passive smokers actually inhale more toxic components than the guy smoking the cigarette (if it's a filtered one)
@Prismatic Alcohol causes cancer
@Nick That's when you use weed and vodka for your hookah.
nice change from the past two workplaces where going for a smoke was the thing everyone did all the time
(and as a result I was the weird one for not joining)
@Xeo no that's probably bullshit, becuase the guy that's smoking is also standing in his / hers own smoke
lalall land
@Borgleader It gives you cirrhosis.
> Every year, alcohol causes 4% of cancers in the UK, around 12,800 cases.
When I tell you I cycle to and from work every day, I don't smoke, and I don't drink, you must think I'm very healthy.
At an old workplace, we got a cool new boss that smoked a lot
Lots of people picked up smoking...
This conversation gave me cancer
@ScarletAmaranth True enough, I guess. Though wind n stuff.
I also eat about a whole bag of crisps and a whole pack of cookies a day.
@Elyse bernie und ert
@Prismatic yes! :D :D :D
I just don't understand how you can go like "Ho ho, stupid! You smoke! Ha ha! Give me back my beer"
@Elyse naughty
@Morwenn If you take insane amounts of it only though no?
@Morwenn But actually, i've always been weirded out by this
@Jefery When your friends drink alcohol in the same room, you don't smell like alcohol for the next twoo weeks. It's already a big difference.
Something that flammable should not be so close to something on fire
particularly when there's nobody around with their head on quite right
@Morwenn Who the fuck smokes inside in 2015?
@Jefery in the U.S., people that go to casinos
@Jefery People.
people who smoke
I guess non-smoking people are still not a substitute for terrible friends
@AlexM. thanks :)
@Jefery In Casinos in Vegas, you smoke inside, even in 2015
@Borgleader Or if you're unlucky.
@Jefery Who the fuck smokes right in my face when there's designated smoking areas on the platform? vOv
and no it doesn't smell like smoke
@Nick Good thing :p
@Prismatic I love when he says "Kokain? Nein auch nicht, ich habe keine Nase."
@Elyse lol
Yeah, you guys have issues over there
@Xeo In the UK you can't smoke on the platform, at all
Here nobody I know smokes inside. Even in their own house.
I know some that smoke in their own house.
@Jefery When you're with friends and 80% of them smoke, you can be sure that they'll smoke inside without even opening the window. At least if you party at their home.
@TonyTheLion We generally have that too, 'cept for open-air big platforms
People don't care, though
In fact it's even illegal to smoke in closed buildings that are open to the public (like pubs or any other building really).
Oh, and in most cigar stores, you can smoke inside
Also love the intro.
@Morwenn All my friend's group (about 20 people) smoke and never smoke inside
@Jefery That makes only half of the parties.
I am going to name my animation easingi curve class Tween
@Elyse I found some with english subs, this is pretty hilarious
Smoke smell damages the property
The worst part about quitting smoking in the end wasn't the nicotine, it's the sudden lack of a reason to hang out on your porch at random hours of the day and night
Felt that that kept me sane more than the nicotine
@Jefery It depends on people. I know smokers who never smoke inside and other ones that don't want to go outside (which is pretty understandable where I live). Sometimes I'm almost the only non-smoker.
Well, non-smoker as long as there are no joints.
@Nick Start going for walks
one more time
fuck you wiki
@Nick I know what you mean. I often go out for no reason when I'm at work :p
I don't know, it seems like the problems you guys have have more to do with people being assholes than with the smoke itself.
@Prismatic I started, it's just not a routine
And then I get the urge to do something with my fingers and lips
@Nick Start going for walks in the red light district
@Jefery When it's rainy and windy inside and you're the only non-smoker, you can't really consider that the other people are assholes (even more so when you party at their place).
jefery doesn't meet people
step numero uno - don't party with people who smoke in their house
Honestly, if it wasn't the the smell, I think that I would be pretty ok with people smoking inside at parties.
So you would be fine with the health issues it causes?
if people like to smoke then let them who cares
@Morwenn I feel like an asshole when I tell my dad not to smoke in my apt, especially if he comes to help me with stuff but I just don't wanna get to smell any of his smoke anymore, 20 years was enough
OK, poll time, how many funny comments/retorts do you not post to Lounge?
the earlier you die the less you have to suffer from this horrible world
it's been easier now that I've moved to a 0 floor place with my own yard
so smoke
@Elyse I love you too :)
@Jefery I don't party with smokers everyday so I would be pretty fine. The amounts of alcohol I drink are probably more of an actual problem.
@AlexM. Nah, you have every right to request that. My mother asked me the first time and was going outside since then automatically.
@Morwenn alpa doesn't count /cc @wilx will know ^^
I won't drink alcohol until I find an alcoholic drink that doesn't taste like shit.
I have learned the whole Fear of The Dark
.... except for the solo :|
@wilx The question is less about having the right and more about still feeling like an asshole.
why iz solo hardz @Scarlet
why oh why
@wilx yea it's better now, at my prev place he was going outside as in the stairwell to smoke lol
@ScarletAmaranth I don't even know what that is.
@BartekBanachewicz I don't know dat song ;(
I was at the 3rd floor IIRC
@Morwenn yeah I was afraid so :(
@Puppy yes this one //cc @scarlet
@Elyse How will you know it doesn't taste like shit if you don't try it?
@wilx he didn't ask first tho :P
it was a "NOOOO PUT THAT DOWN" moment
@BartekBanachewicz dunno I just play Free Bird-ish solos
@ScarletAmaranth lol
@ScarletAmaranth That's brave
@Puppy I love that
@AngryShoe that's what you do when you don't know it :D
@AlexM. oh god no how to unhear
so the question is
@BartekBanachewicz I know it's long as fuck
because there's always the question
@AngryShoe thankfully broken into separate pieces
Even air guitarring it was difficult
@BartekBanachewicz you cannot
so the question is do I sit down on the solo, or do I go to Clapton
I can't imagine with a real guitar
I have a Cream tune that I want to learn as well
@BartekBanachewicz You're supposed to have an eargasm during the solo.
and I'm not sure whether I should get a 100% achievement on the Irons first
my favorite iron maiden song is wasting love
lounge halp
followed by the reincarnation of benjamin breeg
@Morwenn I dunno, it sounds a bit wonky
My favourite Iron Maiden song is probably a remix by Rhapsody.
@BartekBanachewicz I vote for 3rd option.
one bit is nice, the one that starts with double 13th bend
@wilx ma vobec niekto nieco podobne ako alpa este ^^? alebo je to len Ceskoslovenska vynaliezavost ako predavat alkohol detom :)
@Puppy saw that already
doesn't help meeeee
@ScarletAmaranth Hehe. Netuším. :D
I mean I am not sure if pushing my shredding skills is what I want to do atm
We wrote a folk metal remix of Hallowed Be Thy Name with by band... but never actually played it. I still know most of the recorder parts though.
@BartekBanachewicz Learn from Buckethead :p
buckethead is, sorry, imho, shit
Motorhead, on the other hand...
oh wait, still shit
not my type at all
heh motorhead ain't exactly shredding
Oh lol, Buckethead released 115 albums this year.
yeah they just share a suffix ^^
@Borgleader D'awwww <3
@Morwenn so they're the EA of music?
@BartekBanachewicz Some good songs though. And he is skilled, whether you like it or not.
@AlexM. It's one guy.
Q: c++ could not create a simple txt file

PhoenixI am learning c++ and oops. I have two files and in one i have created simple class : #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <string> #include <time.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <conio.h> #include <unistd.h> class myclass{ protected: int ima,imb,imc,tm; fstream f...

I wonder if Animations should be a component for my entities
@Prismatic step 1. open unity
step 2. see how it does things
step 3. copy it
step 4. delete it
must not use kick-mute button
step 5. do it in a sane way
That sounds like it'd take a lot of time tbh
@Puppy please at least bin :P
inb4 he bins my steps
please help me on that question
@Phoenix People here read the main SO site, there's usually no need to post a link to your question.
@Prismatic yes, but it's worth it
oops sorry but dont vote down.... that is intresting qusetin
never have I used something as nice to make games in as unity
@AlexM. you haven't seen nice things then :( you're being deprived of beauty
@Morwenn a class below other pros
How am I going to understand how Unity does stuff architecturally 'just like that'? Its it an opaque drag and drop editor with some scripting thrown in
@BartekBanachewicz That's a random statement. You'd have to define « class » and « pro ».
@BartekBanachewicz Does your Google Chrome like eat the whole CPU when watching a youtube video?
On mac
@ScarletAmaranth yea, no
that looks like it doesn't even have a visual editor
> A functionally reactive game engine
o ty for voting down
@Morwenn there's nothing he can play that Satch, Petrucci or Gilbert wouldn't play better
> Install the Haskell Platform and then install Helm using the Cabal build system.
r u speaking about android ?
@Prismatic use Stack
@ScarletAmaranth Haskel? Heh.
@BartekBanachewicz Never heard of those guys, but well, probably.
yeah I guess that's why you asked me to define "pro"
Yeah :D
Petrucci is the shit
dunno if any good
What about John McLaughing? :o
@Prismatic Why?
@Morwenn not a shredder last time I've checked
haskell looks scary
It's way less scary than C++, that's for sure
@Prismatic throw away your preconceptions and make a leap of faith
@BartekBanachewicz I guess he could have been one if he had tried.
I managed to get a fully functional tile-based world (with an editor) together with things in it and pathfinding in less than 10 hours especially because unity had a nice visual editor I could use to see my tiles on top of the world and get quick feedback while playing dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/17635452/gee2f.gif
join us
I'm sure Unreal Engine could match it, but aside from these two, I can't really take other engines seriously for getting games done quickly
@AlexM. Frrrrrrrostbite
@Morwenn We could live in the world of guesses and what-ifs, and we could actually look at what every single one of those is playing. I'm not denying that John is a great player. But we started with shredding, so I really think it makes little sense to mention him here.
Unity has the best deal wrt license too IIRC
@ScarletAmaranth that costs a fortune
@AlexM. and the one from Crytek?
On the other hand, I almost never listen to solo instrumentalists. No wonder I don't know about the best ones :/
@Morwenn Each of the 3 I've mentioned has/had at least one band
@BartekBanachewicz Because he's cool :D
@ScarletAmaranth didn't they go bankrupt? also no, cryengine is not as easy to use as unity and UE from what the internet says
@BartekBanachewicz Oh. Never heard of them though.
@AlexM. did they go bankrupt? what?!
Gilbert played in MR.Big, Satch in Chickenfoot, and Petrucci in Dream Theater obviously
I'd add Ritchie Kotzen / Winery Dogs to that list of "superbands"
(where every single person is basically top 0.01% in the world-skilled)
Now you say it, Petrucci and Dream Theater actually ring a bell in my head when associated.
The other bands I never heard of.
Among somewhat skilled guitarists, I guess that the ones from Angra and Rhapsody aren't bad, but I wouldn't put them in the most skillful ones.
@AngryShoe unless you want the black theme :P
they knew everyone wanted the black theme
so they still made it pro only
even when buffing free
@Morwenn nah, not on that level.
I mean I know it's highly subjective and stuff
I mostly rate based on technical proficiency
You still have to share like a percentage if you win the lottery and your game becomes awesome
Or do you?
I still do have one big problem with unity
inb4 cat's game becomes a bestseller
But, well... skill is an instrument is worthless anyway if the music does not have a good atmosphere. It's impressive but that's it :(
why is IOC no issue in the c++ world whereas there are bazillions of frameworks for java and c#?
and unity gets even richer because of him
games in unity somehow tend to look shit for one reason or the other
i thought revenue sharing was ue4
@TobiasLangner IOC?
@TobiasLangner there are many DI frameworks though
@BartekBanachewicz Nah, great skills in an instrument are less subjective than great music :p
Inversion of control
What the fuck does that stand for
Let's hear it
@Ven could you name some?
@ScarletAmaranth yes, it doesn't have everything UE has visually
@Ven how about BHG frameworks and DNN?
How many fucking times do you write Inversion of Control during the day?
c++ isnt as enterprisey as java and c#
Do we really need a motherfucking acronym for it? (No, we don't)
@TobiasLangner boost.di, fruit, etc
@AngryShoe who?
@TobiasLangner Because C++ programmers don't need no stinking libraries for passing arguments to functions.
@AlexM. it doesn't have anything :-\ they always somehow manage to look everything shit (unless you go for super stylized I guess)
@JohanLarsson The Tobias guys
@Morwenn woah, this guy has some gear
@ScarletAmaranth for unity's current targets it's ok, they're working on the graphics, obviously
but most unity games are targeting mobile platforms
@Elyse I thought the same - until I manually assembled an object that depended on objects which depended on objects.
@AlexM. yeah and they have made many compromises as a result
@Ven thx. Any experience with them? I did a short search about a year ago and the ones that I found there looked immature or deserted.
Really who gives a shit.
6 is already pushing it
@BartekBanachewicz Yeah, the most impressive part is that he's rather skilled in many instruments. The black metal drums part in the end looks difficult.
also wtf this puzzle ibanez o.O
where is that from
We have a 200 line wiring main function and it works just fine.
holy fuckshittles
the FF VII remake is done in UE
@BartekBanachewicz I love that guitar :D
@Morwenn I've never seen anything like that and I'm the brand fanboy p much
I am playing L4D2 and the survivors locked the tank in the saferoom.
It's easy to maintain.
I think because square enix engine was crap and they saw this when they made ff xv
@BartekBanachewicz I don't know anything about any brand, but it looks so cool.
The inner-platform effect is the tendency of software architects to create a system so customizable as to become a replica, and often a poor replica, of the software development platform they are using. This is generally inefficient and such systems are often considered by William J. Brown et al. to be examples of an anti-pattern. == Examples == Examples are visible in plugin-based software such as some text editors and web browsers which often have people creating plugins that recreate software that would normally run on top of the operating system itself. The Firefox add-on mechanism has been...
@Morwenn well every consecutive one is easier to learn I suppose
fuck me and it's a Prestige
@BartekBanachewicz Even though. It's really clean.
@Elyse yes - if you've located everything at the same place. Sure. But if you've your objects distributed, you might care. That being said - I still think that IoC is one of the fastest way to make your program unreadable.
I just wanted to know the current status in C++
@Morwenn yeah certainly a lot of effort put into it
I'd like to learn cello one day
@TobiasLangner What are distributed objects?
But @sehe's remarks stopped me from buying one so far :D
I'd like to learn how to play the flute. It has a sound I really like.
I guess that in a few years from now I'll be able to pretty much pick up a cello and at least play in tune
my hearing has definitely improved over the last couple years
@AlexM. I was surprised by this. I don't know why they would use their own engine for FF15 but UE4 for FF7 remake. I guess they are testing out UE4 with it
@Elyse a buzzword he has heard somewhere in some context and someone has had a problem with!
@Elyse 1) if you pass factories around and then you start making a framework out of it you basically have an IOC framework (if you generalize enough). 2) I didn't talk about distributed objects - that would have been something corba like. But I tend to create my objects where I need them and not at main.
@Prismatic if you looked at the history
Playing in tune without frets seems horribly difficult.
@Prismatic same; wtf really, their new engine looks spiffy
FF 15 was laggy in demos
and it's been delayed to hell
@Morwenn dunno really, bends are "without frets" and you have to do them anyway
The only generalisation for factories you need is called "function types".
Because factories are nothing but functions.
Every factory is a function and every function is a factory.
I personally think they are using it as a test bed to see if its worth switching
@BartekBanachewicz Well yeah, but not having visual markers seems really tough.
could be
A function that returns an object of type T is a T factory.
@Morwenn noobs use stickers :D
Capcom used UE4 for street fighter V as well even though they generally stuck to their own engines (past gen was MT Framework)
at least for the 5th
@Elyse now you make a factory-function where someone can register the actual type that is being generated based on the base class that is being requested and you have your IoC framework.
Why would you do something that horrible?
yes let's just have them return an Object
I guess after a while you get used to the instrument and find the place instinctively
I think some of the japanese game dev companies want to see if it makes more sense economically to use UE4 than to continue developing in house engines. I haven't even heard about Capcom's phanta rei in forever
that will bring salvation
If you need a T factory and a U factory, pass two factories.
@Elyse because you might want to configure your objects to use different kinds of internal objects (e.g. for testing to use mock objects, ...)
and I still don't know whether to learn that damn solo or not
also rip fox engine
I want 100% achievements
let's do this.
@TobiasLangner ... that's why tests pass different factories than main.
@Prismatic yeah well UE4 seems great until @ElimGarak comes to crush your dreams about its goodness
That's the whole point of passing factories around.
Doesn't Elim work for Crytek
@Elyse that's what an IoC framework manages - creation functions. Nothing fancy - just a name.
@Elyse some people don't understand the idea of passing functions
There's no reason to use a framework to create functions.
Programming languages already allow you to create functions.
Even old and primitive ones like COBOL do.
@Elyse unless your language makes working with functions a pain
@BartekBanachewicz as demonstrated by @TobiasLangner
this wasn't meant to be that personal
but yeah I despise the idea of creating a "class" or even an "object" if you just need a function
goes both ways ofc
objects are tuples of functions
single-method objects are therefore functions
I dislike the idea of delegating everything into an Object-like type and then hoping for the best
I guess now we're getting to the answer of my question. Nobody uses them because you have way more possibilities in C++ and not everything is an object.
@Elyse And data
@Elyse after some... partial application to say the least, if you want to avoid using "context" :P
Well, everything is kind of an object in C++
@AngryShoe Data is (getter, setter) pairs, which .. are functions.
Except types I guess
I don't use IoC containers in C#.
C# has methods, parameters, and arguments.
@Elyse but you know the "dark" side of programming. You know c++
therefore there is no need for IoC containers.
@AngryShoe Functions aren't objects.
The standard specifically says so.
@TobiasLangner We're using fruit at $work. no docs, insane errors
Note that above where I said functions were objects, I wasn't referring to the C++ definitions of "function" and "object".
@BartekBanachewicz Same problems when you play the recorder.
how do you play 2 notes at the same on the recorder again
With two recorders.
Or you can blow really hard for a second.
@Elyse have you written many nontrivial apps in c#?
To get an harmonic for a second.
@JohanLarsson No. :v
Only one.
:3 :3 :3
You can also hummm while playinh but it sounds like shit. Or you can try to beatbox your way through it.
@JohanLarsson have a star my friend
@JohanLarsson you suck

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