So it was probably doe to what @je4d and I discussed yesterday after you left – namely, I compiled & installed with a prefix X and later moved it into another location, Y
not a good mix
still doesn’t fully explain the weird paths that otools or dyldinfo showed but well
@RMartinhoFernandes Feynmann and Bruce Schneier have been advocating knowledge of lock picking. It seems akin to, e.g. promoting FireSheep for awareness, IMO
@RMartinhoFernandes soooo.... did you think I misread the question? I think I was the only one who addressed the actual question (and that was before the OP posted the code seen now)
@RMartinhoFernandes My answer specifically addresses the part that describes a deep text search:
> So I have a list with Materiel-objects. In Materiel I have 15 get and set methods. I want to construct a search-method that loops all the objects in the list, and all of the variables in each Materiel-object
Nobody else seems to care about that, just saying 'Contains' and 'IndexOf'
Amazingly, the nice extension method was already accepted before I could even post my answer
@RMartinhoFernandes He never actually said that. He implied it, but he didn't show actual code (before). IMO in the code shown, he just swapped the needle for the haystack
@RMartinhoFernandes Woah overkill. We know that, in fact this is why I knew the claim was bullcrap and ignored it (took it as French-language-barrier-induced-nervous-confusion-about-question wording)
I'm trying to dynamically set properties (code behind), and I want to XAMLWrite the result out to load later. However, the problem I'm running into involves colors and brushes.
I can use a system color/brush to set a color/brush property, however, after it's set I'm worried that it will output a...
@Potatoswatter It's obvious that the answer should be ><. Introduce a new operator >< and make that concatenation. Then allow it to concatenate numbers as well..... int i = 5; int j = 4; int k = i >< j; // 54
I bought a computer claiming to be:
Note that it says that it has an Intel processor.
Meanwhile running a script that determines your computer architecture it returned AMD not Intel.
Also by looking and researching on the internet people mention that you can look at the architecture of the ...
@awoodland On it's cover is a emblem resembling a Japanese flag.
But not for the purposes of associating with Japan
@angryInsomniac To human perception, green > red > blue for brightness, and any combination of primary colors is brighter than the values of its components alone. So to determine brightness, you can set a scalar that sums the values of the RGB components with weight on the components that match human perception.
I'm looking for some kind of formula or algorithm to determine the brightness of a color given the RGB values. I know it can't be as simple as adding the RGB values together and having higher sums be brighter, but I'm kind of at a loss as to where to start.
But for a basic understanding. To generate vibrant colors instead of bright colors, bias towards colors that avoid equivalent values for all three colors.
@awoodland I'd disagree in the general case. Attractiveness of colors is pretty much a natural response. Preference to specific attractive colors is cultural.
Most people find green attractive in a natural setting.
I agree with @awoodland that an algorithm for "attractive" colors seems to be a misnomer , I'd just like colors that are varied and bright enough that black text is clearly visible on them
@awoodland possible , but I guess the labels would help , as I said I just want them to be reasonably different , similar colors in a large graph wont hurt
What you are doing is 'legal' (as it's outside the language, because it's in a macro) but you are doing something very dangerous.
For example:
int Value = 0;
float overrideValue = 2; // error: you're defining Value twice!
It can generate very obscure bugs.
I would be you, I would either not u...
@Xaade I didn't block anything ! its a freaking digraph manager :D miniscule compared to what you guys are capable of ! maybe the image bin blocks or deletes after a certain time :)
@Xaade I can still hit the link and see the image though !
@Xaade My workplace is the same ... and heres the kicker , they block pastebins and shit but they keep sites like xp-dev , which provide svn hosting completely open :D
@Xaade apparently to them it is , but seriously , how much code is someone going to screenshot :D
> Virtually all viruses will kill the host cell on the way out. Of the hand-full that don’t, your own immune system will try to kill those infected cells.
Oh yeah.... some viruses pop the cell wall to build it's own wall
Viruses are a strange thing....
It's comparable to lines of code that automatically move themselves to wherever their "needed".... by not.... acting normally.... but none of these actions are done by the virus strand itself, but by the body.
Essentially.... a virus.... is a broken line of code...
the thing that always worries me about ideas like that is "what effect will this force have upon the future evolution of viruses? will it eventually lead to unstoppable super viruses?"
@RMartinhoFernandes But won't you get linking errors?
> You could even concievably give someone the gene for the DRACO so that their cells would just permanently produce the DRACO, and they would naturally be resistant to almost everything.
If a class is derived from two classes. Both base classes have same named function(same args), is it a compiler error? if not how can deriving class pick which function to use? (what if both base classes' functions are virtual?)