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> My 'folks just got me a lockpick set for my birthday, so I've been practicing on house doors all weekend.
@RMartinhoFernandes Ha, I just read that too
@Xeo Um, where?
Learn to Pick Locks for Fun and an Increased Understanding of Security http://j.mp/92ub56
@RMartinhoFernandes Thanks!
@sehe @je4d Installing GCC 4.7 fixed it :) Thankfully
And the upshot is, I pushed a new revision for GCC to Homebrew
@KonradRudolph Weehoo
@KonradRudolph Woah
So it was probably doe to what @je4d and I discussed yesterday after you left – namely, I compiled & installed with a prefix X and later moved it into another location, Y
not a good mix
still doesn’t fully explain the weird paths that otools or dyldinfo showed but well
@KonradRudolph Doesn't sound like the Smart Thing To Do (TM) indeed
@KonradRudolph Oh, that's just OSX :) (<-- i sneer at it because it is too expensive for me)
Yes, I realise that now ;)
well, that was my own fault, I compiled it manually
@RMartinhoFernandes Feynmann and Bruce Schneier have been advocating knowledge of lock picking. It seems akin to, e.g. promoting FireSheep for awareness, IMO
@RMartinhoFernandes soooo.... did you think I misread the question? I think I was the only one who addressed the actual question (and that was before the OP posted the code seen now)
@sehe Hmm, I don't quite get the question. "Tractor".Contains("acto") should be true, assuming no weird culture is involved.
@RMartinhoFernandes My answer specifically addresses the part that describes a deep text search:
> So I have a list with Materiel-objects. In Materiel I have 15 get and set methods. I want to construct a search-method that loops all the objects in the list, and all of the variables in each Materiel-object
Nobody else seems to care about that, just saying 'Contains' and 'IndexOf'
Amazingly, the nice extension method was already accepted before I could even post my answer
@sehe Hmm, yeah, that's what I would do.
@RMartinhoFernandes Thanks for confirming my sanity :)
(Though I wouldn't answer the question and would be stuck trying to understand why "Tractor".Contains("acto") was returning false)
Which I am now.
csharp> "Tractor".Contains("acto");
@RMartinhoFernandes He never actually said that. He implied it, but he didn't show actual code (before). IMO in the code shown, he just swapped the needle for the haystack
@RMartinhoFernandes Woah overkill. We know that, in fact this is why I knew the claim was bullcrap and ignored it (took it as French-language-barrier-induced-nervous-confusion-about-question wording)
Did I mention that I'm starting to love the Mono C# REPL?
@RMartinhoFernandes Starting to? I use it everyday. Though I still have to push myself to use the gsharp GUI version
Could a 10K paste this so I could read it?stackoverflow.com/questions/385297/…
Ok, thanks.
Does anyone here use google mock?
I was wondering if it was a better idea to hold unique_ptrs to interfaces or use templates all the way down.
Any WPF experienced:
Q: Setting Color Property as System Color

XaadeI'm trying to dynamically set properties (code behind), and I want to XAMLWrite the result out to load later. However, the problem I'm running into involves colors and brushes. I can use a system color/brush to set a color/brush property, however, after it's set I'm worried that it will output a...

@EthanSteinberg what do you mean by "hold unique_ptrs to interfaces"?
The idea of class foo{std::unique_ptr<NetworkInterface> myNet; public: foo(std::unique_ptr<NetworkInterface> && anet) : myNet(std::move(anet)) {} };


template <typename NetworkInterface> class foo{NetworkInterface myNet; public: foo(NetworkInterface && anet) : myNet(std::move(anet)) {} };
But I realize now that templates would kill my compile time. Unique_ptr will have to be the way to go.
oh wow
slow compile time vs. horrible maintenance; battle... set.... go
@EthanSteinberg shouldn't it be myNet(std::forward<NetworkInterface>(anet)) ?
@EthanSteinberg I don't get it. Using the unique_ptr approach (your first example), NetworkInterface isn't known, is it?
hm... or I just don't get moving again =(
TIL: Friend functions defined inside class declarations are not considered in the scope of the enclosing class; they are in file scope.
A: GAE is any good ? if yes then JAVA or Python?

Matt JoinerJava is on the way out. Stick to Python and C++. Update0 This. Is. Sparta!!

@RMartinhoFernandes upvoted.
It's a terrible answer.
Because he thinks the same of Java as I do.
You mean JAVA
@daknok_t +1 is not "I agree".
I don't care if what he thinks matches what I think. It's just unsubstantiated opinion.
It’s also patently untrue
see Android
Does anyone know if there is any color range for RGB values which generates bright colors ?
@angryInsomniac step 1: define "bright". step 2: everything higher than that, per color.
HSB might be easier to work with, depending on the situation.
@daknok_t Interesting ! cant use anything else without some behind the scene math which I dont want to do
I'd just convert to HSL and work from there.
Convert back to RGB in the end, if needed.
does anyone know if excel has a limited amount of characters you can print to?
@Eric since it's a Microsoft product, probably yes.
@Eric AFAIK you can print as much as you want in Excel.
@Potatoswatter It's obvious that the answer should be ><. Introduce a new operator >< and make that concatenation. Then allow it to concatenate numbers as well..... int i = 5; int j = 4; int k = i >< j; // 54
@RMartinhoFernandes That's a unary operator.... NOP
I actually find many uses for concatenating numbers.
Q: Get processor architecture of computer

Tono NamI bought a computer claiming to be: Note that it says that it has an Intel processor. Meanwhile running a script that determines your computer architecture it returned AMD not Intel. Also by looking and researching on the internet people mention that you can look at the architecture of the ...

"little indian processor"
@awoodland On it's cover is a emblem resembling a Japanese flag.
But not for the purposes of associating with Japan
@angryInsomniac To human perception, green > red > blue for brightness, and any combination of primary colors is brighter than the values of its components alone. So to determine brightness, you can set a scalar that sums the values of the RGB components with weight on the components that match human perception.
Q: Formula to determine brightness of RGB color

robmericaI'm looking for some kind of formula or algorithm to determine the brightness of a color given the RGB values. I know it can't be as simple as adding the RGB values together and having higher sums be brighter, but I'm kind of at a loss as to where to start.

Select a value on this scalar that is satisfactory.
@Xaade an easy way to do it is to use a colour space like CIE L*a*b which is perceptually uniform and has a specific luminance value
@Xaade so you're saying bias the color generation to favor green ?
@awoodland cant use the HSL scheme !
@angryInsomniac Go look at the link, it describes the biases.
It's not like you always select green
@angryInsomniac Lab is not HSL.
@Xaade checking , thanks !
Lab will generate more vibrate colors, whereas HSL tends to generate washed out colors.
Luminance > Lightness for the purpose of selecting attractive colors.
@awoodland I saw L and assumed you were talking about HSL , have no idea what Lab is !
@Xaade attractive colours is a harder problem since it's also cultural
But for a basic understanding. To generate vibrant colors instead of bright colors, bias towards colors that avoid equivalent values for all three colors.
@awoodland I'd disagree in the general case. Attractiveness of colors is pretty much a natural response. Preference to specific attractive colors is cultural.
Most people find green attractive in a natural setting.
They favor blue for a calm setting.
@Xaade or ... set a luminance value as my floor and bias values to always have a higher luminance than that !
And red for a strong emotion.
@angryInsomniac What is your exact objective?
I agree with @awoodland that an algorithm for "attractive" colors seems to be a misnomer , I'd just like colors that are varied and bright enough that black text is clearly visible on them
right now I just use random color values from 0-255 , but sometimes it generated wierd colors
@angryInsomniac Then favor HSL.
HSL will give you better contrast
you can always convert back to RGB from another colour space that makes the problem easier to solve
Lab will give you better imagery....
Yeah, just because you have to set the value in RGB, doesn't mean you can't generate another space and calculate RGB.
The formulas for either space are a google search away.
Here's a sample output from my program to give you a better picture of what I'm doing and why I cant use white imagebin.org/205702
I'd just use a fixed palette for that
pick them manually and then just take a lookup
@Xaade true :) Its just an ancillary feature , I wished to devote less time to it , might end up using another color space though
@awoodland there can be any number of nodes
in practice the limit that can be easily distinguished visually is quite low
Its defined from a text file
once you get past about 32 I'd bet you can't figure out the different shades
@awoodland possible , but I guess the labels would help , as I said I just want them to be reasonably different , similar colors in a large graph wont hurt
posted on March 28, 2012

I would like to continue this series by discussing the notion of moving, rather than copying, values.

A: Is it legal to define override in C++03

KlaimWhat you are doing is 'legal' (as it's outside the language, because it's in a macro) but you are doing something very dangerous. For example: int Value = 0; float overrideValue = 2; // error: you're defining Value twice! It can generate very obscure bugs. I would be you, I would either not u...

@angryInsomniac Blocked.... Personal Storage.... What am I going to take screenshots of the code and upload?
@Xaade ?
@Xaade I didn't block anything ! its a freaking digraph manager :D miniscule compared to what you guys are capable of ! maybe the image bin blocks or deletes after a certain time :)
@Xaade I can still hit the link and see the image though !
@angryInsomniac No, I mean my work filter blocked it.
@Xaade ohh :D Overactive workplace filters
hi all
@angryInsomniac Overparanoid.
Personal storage makes sense for data storage.... but really... corporate espionage is that much of a concern?
@Xaade My workplace is the same ... and heres the kicker , they block pastebins and shit but they keep sites like xp-dev , which provide svn hosting completely open :D
@Xaade apparently to them it is , but seriously , how much code is someone going to screenshot :D
@RMartinhoFernandes Filtered..... category..... sex????
@Xaade It mentions AIDS.
Maybe that was it?
Anyone else notice that it .... kills.... the cells.
So, if I have enough cells infected.... I die?
@Xaade If not the virus, your immune system kills them anyway.
<Now coupled with a stem cell therapy>
@RMartinhoFernandes huh?
Wait.... if I have an infected cell.... it will die?
What if the virus doesn't kill the cell
@Xaade that's not what viruses do
@Xaade Your immune system does.
> Virtually all viruses will kill the host cell on the way out. Of the hand-full that don’t, your own immune system will try to kill those infected cells.
Immune system kills cells that have viruses
Oh yeah.... some viruses pop the cell wall to build it's own wall
Viruses are a strange thing....
It's comparable to lines of code that automatically move themselves to wherever their "needed".... by not.... acting normally.... but none of these actions are done by the virus strand itself, but by the body.
Essentially.... a virus.... is a broken line of code...
I don't know about "broken"
Well.... viruses themselves aren't alive.
Hiya all
They're malicious code that spreads through the body altering the cell's natural process.... for no apparent reason.
Is there a c++ function for getting the current working directory?
They aren't alive any more than a line of code is alive.
@Xaade they have as much reason as anything that's alive has for existing
It's a double RNA strand....
If it fell out of the body.... it just lies there....
1 min ago, by Moshe
Is there a c++ function for getting the current working directory?
it's more like a security bug in most living things that they're able to get injected in the first place
@Moshe platform dependent. I think there was a proposal to make boost filesystem "official" though in the next standard
On OS X?
@Moshe It's called delete harddrive, install something else.
@Moshe POSIX has getcwd()
@awoodland thanks
2 mins ago, by R. Martinho Fernandes
.... no I mean... I don't get viruses.
@RMartinhoFernandes lol
viruses are.... what.... mistakes.... malformed code... or intentional. If they're intentional.... how the hell did that happen?
What intends viruses to exist.
> I’m not tempted by colds. I’ve had very bad stomach viruses and I’ve been tempted to give myself the stuff to see what would happen.
@RMartinhoFernandes I think regulatory shitstorm is what would happen
No one would have to know ;P
@RMartinhoFernandes So we've created a virus.... to kill viruses.... but sooner than viruses do.
So a faster killing virus that doesn't spread, and only acts if it discovers a virus.
Sounds like that, yes.
It doesn't reproduce though.
dots... four dots....
What if it decides to spread.... then mutates to act if it sees human DNA.
@Abyx lol
the thing that always worries me about ideas like that is "what effect will this force have upon the future evolution of viruses? will it eventually lead to unstoppable super viruses?"
@Xaade That's why there will be lots of testing before this is used.
@RMartinhoFernandes Rise of the Planet of Apes..... seriously..... five dots.....
Oh, forgot to put on mask. Whoops coughed on air pilot. One dot.
Q: should we move #include into namespace?

q0987// Method One #ifndef XXX_H #define XXX_H #include <iostream> #include "myhead.h" namespace XXX { /... } #endif OR // Method Two namespace XXX { #ifndef XXX_H #define XXX_H #include <iostream> #include "myhead.h" /... #endif } When we define a new namespace XXX, s...

@RMartinhoFernandes AGAIN! .... Why are these, so reoccuring....?
What about the .CPP definitions aren't in namespace, don't people get?
It's an interesting idea.
Like, you get "crappy_c_library.h", and then you get crappy_c_library::foo(), instead of polluting the global namespace.
But that doesn't quite work, and ultimately it's easier to just treat the global namespace as worthless and forbidden.
> Anyway, reputation numbers aren't that important to me. At the end of the day, this is the only encouragement I need: i.imgur.com/POZmt.png
@RMartinhoFernandes But won't you get linking errors?
> You could even concievably give someone the gene for the DRACO so that their cells would just permanently produce the DRACO, and they would naturally be resistant to almost everything.
Oh shit.
@Xaade Depends.
If they're extern "C"ed it's less likely.
But you can't guarantee it, so it's not worth the hassle.
If a class is derived from two classes. Both base classes have same named function(same args), is it a compiler error? if not how can deriving class pick which function to use? (what if both base classes' functions are virtual?)
@nulltorpedo not an error
You can say explicitly Base1::function
if it's virtual there's a rule about the order (I think depth first recursive) but I'd never try and rely on that in real code
@awoodland what if Base1:: scope resolution is not performed. What if someone just called ChildClass.function()...
then it'll prefer the first match it gets and stop searching as soon as it finds one
(with whatever the order is required to be)
you can also force one to be picked in a derived class by saying using Base::function
@awoodland. Thanks, so it is unsafe to do (no hand holding in this case by the compiler)
@nulltorpedo it's safe (as in well defined) but not good practice generally in my view
the cost of introducing a WTF and tracking it down later is so high and the benefit so low
@awoodland. I see. Thanks!
@awoodland If child class wants to use base1 version of the function. Does using base1::function go in class def or elsewhere?
depends how broadly you want it to be used like that
but probably in the class definition
The compiler succeeding to build is no proof that your software works.
I guess you really have to be a senior .net developer to know that.
> Beware of bugs in the above code; I have only proved it correct, not tried it. — Donald Knuth
Btw have you guys seen "Bret Victor - Inventing on Principle"?
@Nils Not a Haskell programmer, he
Hi all!!!
Hello friend
@KonradRudolph me?
so far I haven't had a look at Haskell
I have a question about GSoC; is this a bad place where ask?
If Haskell code compiles 99% of the time it's correct
what if you confuse a col/row index or something?
Give them separate types then!
I don't think that the guy was referring to Haskell, F# or something
@Pubby interesting idea, but I don't think it's that simple
@unNaturhal You can ask it, might want to read the newbie hints first though.
@MooingDuck Of course he's exaggerating, but it's quite common for your code to work correctly if it passes the typechecker.
@Pubby: I know the newbie hints :P
@unNaturhal Ah, you've been here before
@Pubby: Yeah, many times :P
nap for 1 hour = sleep for 6
6 hours ago, by R. Martinho Fernandes
Hehe, I know how this will end.
I knew it.
quiet you
at least I'm not feeling so bonecrushingly tired anymore
@KonradRudolph but I like the idea of catching as much (possible) bugs as possible at compile time, rather than run time

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