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@StackedCrooked Not really surprising. It was obsolete before many (most?) people here ever even touched a computer...
@StackedCrooked what is wrong with you, the latest ansatsu is rubbish :-\
I liked it.
Dat edit
how did you like it; nothing happened apart from the obvious that had been indicated in the episode before that (aka. them getting the data, uuuuu, muy supriso)
also a deadline for my thesis evaluation was 2 and a half hours ago and neither my advisor nor my opponent have submitted theirs, because logic must be fucked
@ScarletAmaranth You have a thesis opponent? Is there some sort of fight involved? Can I watch while eating popcorn?
now I have to live in stress for a few more hopefully hours (and not days)
weeks can be expressed in hours
@Borgleader not sure if it's called that in English honestly; there is like your advisor that you consult shit with and then there is one more guy that just reads the final thing and expresses his thoughts :P
reviewer? judge?
something like that, yes
> This committee, at least in the US model, usually consists of a primary supervisor or advisor and two or more committee members, who supervise the progress of the dissertation and may also act as the examining committee, or jury, at the oral examination of the thesis (see below).
@sehe And vice versa. One hour is approximately 6 milliweeks (and, of course, pi seconds is a nanocentury).
FYI, in the US you usually do a preliminary exam with the defense almost ceremonial. During the prelim, they actually tell you what you need to finish before you get the degree.
yeah well, I hit my sodding deadlines so I assumed it's common courtesy they hit theirs...
i'm off to sleep, latarr
@ScarletAmaranth who are you kidding you wont be able to :P
j/k good night
@ScarletAmaranth G'night.
user image
Deepest, darkest Africa night
@Mikhail Death to windows 10. Wil never return to this piece , though I use on vm
2 hours later…
snow bunnies :)
1 hour later…
@Xeo I have a something very important to ask you.
They're $25 each - which is a lot more than most other wallscrolls. Fuck. What do I do?
@StackedCrooked For you:
hey guys. morning
I'm quite confused with this code
char *names[] = {
        "Alan", "Frank",
        "Mary", "John", "Lisa"
Like, I am going 2800km away to see a piece of rock tomorrow, but news said that there was an earthquake there this morning ... hopefully it's not a minor foreshock ...
char **cur_name = names;
whats the reason for **cur_name
double of '**'
From what I see. char** is a pointer to char*. But I dont get that. Appreciate any help. Thanks
char* is goes to some text like [a,b,c,d,0]
@Telkitty If you have a problem with me, go complain to the moderators.
4 messages moved to bin
@Mikhail what did you mean exactly?
why does ages[] not have any * but names[] does?
  int ages[] = {23, 43, 12, 89, 2};
    char *names[] = {
        "Alan", "Frank",
        "Mary", "John", "Lisa"
@Ming It might be a bit more clear if you rewrite it as:
char* names[] = {
"Alan" is of type char*
@Mysticial ah i see. ok. I got this syntax from http://c.learncodethehardway.org/book/ex16.html
quite misleading then to write `char *names[]`
so is this true?
`char* a = {something}`
`char** anotherthing = a`
@Mysticial char const*
you make char** if it is pointing to another variable with char*?
same goes for int?
@Xeo That's what it should be (and enforced). But stupid legacy crap.
@Ming When operating on pointers, don't think multi-level. Think of whatever they point to as a black box. char** -> T*, where T just happens to be char*. (And char* -> T*, where T just happens to be char). That way, you only have to deal with one level at a time.
god forbid we deal with two levels
It's an unnecessary way of thinking, IMO. 99% of the cases, you only care about the top-most pointer.
@Xeo using your example, is it similar to this code?
char *names[] = {
        "Alan", "Frank",
        "Mary", "John", "Lisa"
    char **cur_name = names;
technically correct, but please don't rely on array-to-pointer-decay
char** cur_name = &names[0];
sry whats with & and [0]
that makes it more explicit what's going on
oh gawd, who taught you your C++ :(
i never learnt c
came from python and js
This shit's way too basic to cover it here, I recommend checking out a good book
just wanted to clarify something. whats the real purpose of char*
in this code, why does int not have *
int ages[] = {23, 43, 12, 89, 2};
in either Python or JS you also do names[0]
@Ming because 23 is of type int
I mean, whats the purpose of the *
in char
as compared to int since it does not have *
@Xeo There's two of them. lol
Btw, Eir Aoi performed live today.
You at AnimeCentral or something?
She sang like all SAO OPs.
Sekai Project's there with free swag too
I need moar animu pin buttons to put on my bag
The only letdown about the concert was that they didn't have live instrumentals.
why does all the good shit have to happen in murica with conventions
Not sure if it was because decided not to do it, or if there was a technical reason such as requiring computer synthesized sounds which can't be played via instrument.
@Mysticial prolly couldn't fly over or something
@Mysticial No but seriously, would it actually be possible for you to get me two of them? (Jibril and the lone Izuna)
She also doesn't speak English very well. (Unlike the FLOW concert from a few years back where two of the members spoke pretty good English.) So it was a bit awkward whenever she tried to talk to the crowd.
@Mysticial Well, at least she tried :D
@Xeo Now... How am I gonna get them over to you. lol
You're across the pond. lol
Ship 'em :P
or join us for Uncon
and bring 'em
Shipping a poster is difficult. Since they're fragile. I'll have to go look at the tube shippers.
Can you order it online?
I'm checking that, but so far nothing.
Oh yeah, can you check the material on them? That's always important.
I couldn't tell since I couldn't get close to them. (they're behind the table) But they look like the smaller Japanese scrolls with fine-grained material/detail as opposed to the really large Funimation ones that have less fabric detail.
I picked up the one in the upper right corner at a different dealer. But I'm not sure how big is really is.
Ah, if you get the chance (or buy one yourself), try how they feel. There are more "plastic-y" feeling ones, and then there are those made from cloth that feel almost silk-like. Like the Nekopara one I got with Vol 1
32" x 43" It's definitely made by a different company from the ones in my existing collection.
The ones that I have are the plastic'y ones. They're the big and cheap ones which are mostly $15 at the cons.
I'm opening the one in the top right corner to see what it feels like. That one was $17.50.
@Mysticial Tube shippers? You can date via YouTube now?
Does anyone have an idea how to use the /g (global modifier) in regex? doesnt work for me
Our Rules™ List brings all the mods to the yard.
@Xeo It definitely feels like fabric without the plastic feel. But not the super tight knots that are typical of the really expensive Japanese made scrolls.
@Ming Whether you use * or not is independent of using int or char:
That's not too bad, then
But yeah @Mysticial, you should just use those scrolls as an excuse to visit us over here. :P
"I have an important delivery to make, to Europe we go!"
@AndreasDM Will you at least tell us what program you're using?
@fredoverflow thanks. the picture is useful. will have to readup more on it.
@fredoverflow I'm coding in c++ (obviously) and I'm compiling in clang 3.8, this is the regex pattern i'm trying ( auto r { regex{ R"([0-9]{8}/g)" } }; )
@fredoverflow the flag /g doesn't work, and I wonder how Its done in c++
@fredoverflow without it it works fine, matching an 8 digit number, but I want it to match multiple 8 digit numbers on same line. And I thought the /g modifier would work
@Ming Oh, there is more code, let me demonstrate:
And here's the close up:
@AndreasDM I'm pretty sure the /g modifier is just for using text editors. You will probably have to use a loop or something. No expert on using regex in C++, though.
@fredoverflow what happens if I didnt have the * for char names[]
@fredoverflow ah alright, I'll try thanks
@Ming The compiler will complain, because "Alan" is not a char.
Q: Visual Studio 2010 C++ tr1 regex equivalent of perl '/g' global modifier

user159335In perl, I can do this:- $text = '1747239'; @matches = ($text =~ m/(\d)/g); # @matches now contains ('1', '7', '4', '7', '2', '3', '9') Using c++ regex matching, what's the best way to replicate this behaviour so that I get a match set including all the matches? I have this at the moment:- ...

@JerryCoffin Life as a C programmer is a sprintf, not a marathon!
@fredoverflow i see. ok. trying to get my head around it. want to get your advise. if i'm an beginner/intermediate programmer, trying to get into data science. is learning C/C++ worth it.
I have no idea what "data science" is, but you should pick C or C++, not a mixture of both.
i guess, is learning C++ useful to help me learn programming concepts, eventhough I havent yet mastered Javascript or Python
or should i focus on my current languages first, before learning C++
I don't know JavaScript or Python, but from what I've heard, Python is much easier for beginners.
If you're serious about learning C++ (for whatever reason), pick a good book (unfortunately, there aren't many).
Q: The Definitive C++ Book Guide and List

grepsedawkThis question attempts to collect the few pearls among the dozens of bad C++ books that are published every year. Unlike many other programming languages, which are often picked up on the go from tutorials found on the Internet, few are able to quickly pick up C++ without studying a well-written...

Personally, I would recommend against C++, but that's just me.
Thanks for the advice. So you suggest learning C instead of C++
I wouldn't recommend learning C either.
It depends on what your goals are. What exactly is "data science"?
Data science is an interdisciplinary field about processes and systems to extract knowledge or insights from data in various forms, either structured or unstructured,[1][2] which is a continuation of some of the data analysis fields such as statistics, data mining, and predictive analytics, similar to Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD).
If you're just starting out, I would probably recommend Go or Clojure, because those are very simple languages. But if you're already learning Python, by all means stick with that.
ok. i just sometimes feel stuck with my level of python. not a beginner. but not advanced too
By "stuck" do you mean you don't know how to approach a problem, or that everything is easy and there is no real challenge anymore?
Well, a example would be i know enough to use libraries. but not enough to write my own libraries.
Hm, I don't see how switching languages would help here.
You will just drown in accidental complexity if you switch to C(++) now.
My thoguhts was maybe a different context help learn programming concepts better.
It's not like writing libraries is easier in other languages.
but ... writing libraries is just like writing any other code?
different language to understand programming concepts from different angles
If you want a completely different view, pick a functional programming language like Haskell or Clojure.
i see. I thought that learning a different language will allow learner to understand different parts of programming concepts easier. Some languages are designed to be easier to understand that specific concept. Then again, I may be wrong.
wtf @sehe
hi..t.. ven
@Ming You're not wrong, it's just that usually beginners switch languages too early and then drown in complexity.
If you've been doing Python for a year already, a new language might be a good idea.
I've been doing python and javascript for 3 months.
2 languages in 3 months is already too much in my opinion :)
yeah. but i do learn full time. around 80 hours. dont know if its enough.
python and js are very similar. so it helps.
80 hours a week? Are you out of your mind?
well. 10 hours a day. around there. so maybe 70
It seems you're having fun :)
i didnt come from a programming background like most people. thats why my C++ sucks.
programmers come from an non-programming background
Trust me, C++ is the wrong choice. Everybody in here hates it with a passion. Some people were even crazy enough to implement their own alternatives to C++ because it sucks so badly.
(on the other hand he is actually doing C)
@Mikhail If you're talking to me, I teach C because knowing C is important in the sense that knowing Latin is important. C influenced a lot of languages, and all the imperative basics that you want are in there.
for a person with 1 year programming experience, would you recommend learning C or language like Go/Scala
Also, knowing C is essential if you want to do pull requests on the Linux kernel and get yelled at and/or laughed out of the room by Linus Torvalds.
Go with C, it will make it easier to learn the other languages.
@Ming By all means Go
@Mikhail Is "Go with C" a new dialect of Go?
@fredoverflow alright. thanks. But what would be the reason. Considering that you think very highly programming knowing C.
@Ming Please don't waste your time with Scala unless you love mathematical concepts.
@Ming From my limited understanding of Go, it has everything C has, but is much nicer. You can actually write large systems in Go.
I have never used C for anything non-trivial. Only isolated toy programs like "read a text file and turn it into a dictionary" or something.
@fredoverflow I see. Ok. Will take a closer look at go.
Sigh. Some people are just too stupid.
If you're interested in programming language history, you won't get around learning C. But you don't need to learn C to "get stuff done".
@ wix i just want to know my 1st query is not working — Stone 1 min ago
Anybody got a good tutorial on arena allocation? I need to re-slice my 200GB+ arena in a time efficient manner.
@Mikhail Define efficient.
@Ming One last general word of advice: Don't fall into the trap of looking for the perfect language. There isn't one. Every languages has its merits and drawbacks.
efficient is not calling malloc when I need to reslice the arena
@Mikhail platform?
Windows or MSVC2013...
What does "reslicing an arena" even mean?
ah, too bad. linux has apis that let you remap memory
i.e. move it to another linear address by changing page tables
Fuck C++
you can sort of do that with windows anonymous file mappings (that arent backed by a file) in windows
@fredoverflow thanks for the tip. yeah. I'm kind of exploring a couple of languages.
@fredoverflow I don't hate C++.
@fredoverflow I'm guessing he means, on realloc, put the block in a bigger bucket. but idk either now that you mention it
@Puppy Okay, let's say you see a lot of potential for improvement in C++ ;)
@fredoverflow i'm still looking forward to learn more imperfect languages
@fredoverflow I like C++ :(
Having recently worked on a python disaster (poor performance), I've grown to appreciate C++
yeah, C++ is often down into the nanoseconds to do a thing
a single instruction today is down into the hundreds of picoseconds on average
and often 3 of those in parallel in the same cycle
no excuse for slow software anymore
@doug65536 development time vs run time, usually the naive implementation is good enough and saves money
I felt that python was just as hard to write as C++, but also ran slowly.
@nwp or faster code = less servers = less electricity+cooling. depends
@Mikhail I struggled a bit with not having static type checks to catch 90% of my bugs, you are supposed to offset this by writing unit tests which is trivial in python compared to C++
well that's just genius
"My code has bugs!" -> "Write more code!"
tests work though
nowhere near as effectively as a static type checker, though.
it's so nice to be able to touch something and run a test after. it's like a luxury in a way
static type checker doesn't stop you from writing tests in the slightest
@Puppy C++ just makes it so hard that I don't do it as much as I should
as long as you have mean tests that do the hard things after the easy things that "can't fail"
yeah, but that's because C++ is shite, rather than any particular static typing problem
@fredoverflow that should not be a runtime error, more a compile time warning
no, writing C should be a compile-time error
@fredoverflow working on a static analyzer?
@nwp You can't detect all problems at compile time, and detecting them at runtime is often good enough for small toy programs.
the gcc address sanitizer is amazing for runtime analysis
yeah, but this is still a really dumb warning
@Puppy no, it's an error, if it was a warning it would be fine
errors better but should be compile time
@doug65536 gcc 4.9 or 6? They seem to have broken it in 5.3
I'm at 5.2.1, works fine
The oldest man at 256 years .. and his age is 2^8 too
> About the author: My name is Steven Bancarz, and I am the creator of ‘Spirit Science and Metaphysics’.
the sand on the floor by the front door has more credibility
maybe the blog is not, but the man might be real
that spirit science nutcase though, haven't you seen the ridiculous youtube videos?
some guy dreamed up a ludicrous story about the origin of humanity. spoiler: aliens
with a bunch of utterly nonsensical assertions, told in order of exponentially increasing unbelievability
well, strictly speaking, I think that aliens is a valid scientific hypothesis for the origin of life, but in a much more boring, possibly actually remotely reasonable way
sure, and some loon from the middle of the USA suddenly knows which aliens, and knows precise details about atlantis and other nonsense
yeah, the valid version is like, lucky asteroid with some lucky chemicals on it or someshit
why does it bother me when people believe total nonsense? I think I feel obligated to help them if they are that dumb
if your friend believed that monsters were in his closet and under his bed, would you just let him believe what he wants?
or would you help him realize he is having delusions
the better question is, under what circumstances would I be friends with such a delusional person
@doug65536 I try not to think people are dumb. It makes sense from their perspective. They have less worries, more happiness and a longer life. And you call them stupid.
ah ok, so all your friends are invulnerable to stroke?
there are branches of philosophy that are nonsecal .. but if you study it you understand its nonsecality
ok, but if he has had a stroke, he doesn't need my help, he needs serious professional help
@nwp Yeah, because it's basically just putting your fingers in your ears and trying to drown out reality with how stupid you are
it works for them, you shouldn't judge
@nwp you are free to think that people believing in ghosts and magic powers are not idiots
it doesn't work for them.
they gain nothing but a few fleeting trivialities
@Puppy "Aliens" is one of James Cameron's best movies.
and in exchange they do super stupid shit.
Believe me or not but I am ghost who can chat on SO
> Li was said to be a much-loved figure in his community, marrying 23 times and fathering over 200 children.
@fredoverflow That... is not necessarily saying much.
@TheLittleNaruto lol, what did you do in life to deserve this?
I agree that it's nonsecal .. but I find your argument illogical too
@nwp I was ghost ever since I took birth. So It's kinda my life, It's not if I did anything wrong.
Being ghost, I can scare hell out off the people. That's fun game for me.
I'm reminded of it almost every day, there's always some asinine haunted house show on tv
@doug65536 but that is different. I enjoy lots of fantasy stuff without actually believing it.
it is presented as a true investigation. the weak minded people think the "fictional" disclaimer is some big conspiracy
because "they" don't want you to know about ghosts
it is more fun when you imagine it was real :P
@nwp I think it's an important tool for rational thinking to know that everyone is dumb and irrational.
@R.MartinhoFernandes that seems highly irrational to me. It is way more likely that other people had different experiences and therefore make different choices than that they are simply dumb and irrational.
I used to believe in ghosts when I was young.. from an era full of ghost movies
@nwp You're assuming that making decisions based on your own personal experiences is actually a rational thing to do.
@R.MartinhoFernandes you can't break logic when using logic to reason.. it invalidate your whole argument
@Khaled.K Humans are not logical beings.
Errare humanum est and so on.
@Puppy that is the only source of information (if you include reading about other people's experiences as your experience), so everything must be based on either experience or instinct/intuition, and experience feels way more rational than those
Human brains are designed (in the sense of 'this is what they are like', not from 'intelligent design') to take all kinds of irrational shortcuts. Yours too. It helps to be aware of that.
well I don't think that reading about other people's experience really counts as your experience.
it's about taking in far more information than you could ever hope to accrue on your own and then making a decision based on that instead.
@nwp Yes, if you include everything you could possibly want under the term "your experience", you can say anything about it.
I saw an interesting video at GDC about the cost of intelligence. They said some problems are easy and you just do whatever and it gets solved so you don't need a brain. Other problems are so difficult that even with a good brain you cannot solve them. Then there are some niche problems we focus on where having a brain actually helps.
from an evolutionary point of view it makes sense to actually not think about things
reading about other people experiences is basically interpreting what others interpreted internally of what they think they experienced.. there is always the possiblity that it doesn't make sense to you and it works for them for some unknown reason
As the product of evolutionary pressures, the brain is designed to prefer fast results over accurate ones.
yeah, it's clear that rational thought is expensive
I heard about scheduling in data centers where you have to assign the work to a computer. You can ask every computer for its load and make the optimal choice or just pick a random one. It turned out choosing 2 at random and assigning it to the one with less load is optimal, so not thinking actually comes up naturally and is not stupid.
problem is you never know if not thinking about something is better without thinking about it, so you need to make an intuitive choice which sometimes is just wrong, but in the long run is the correct strategy
Holy shit. https://t.co/WXz4jKCfZG
@nwp similar to BSP tree construction. you can limit your splitter choice to the best of a few random split planes, and you get a tree nearly as good as exhaustively picking the best one every time
@wilx I've been wondering, are you the anti-Etienne?
> Google’s Making Its Own Chips Now. Time for Intel to Freak Out
More like time for Cheetos to freak out, amiriteoramiwhite
> +TheArttu68 u make games ??? what coder do u use i one i use does not let me do coding lanuauge
@Xeo Was there another incident?
@Shoe not that I know of. I just thought it was fitting
@Mysticial Nice :)
@fredoverflow Meh, stupid faces is thumbnails
Hello guys. I'm thinking that whether making headers self-sufficient will slow down the compiling? It seems to me that the compiler frontend has to scan more headers?
Why would it.
Self-sufficient means it includes all it needs. The compiler always has to scan all it needs (it wouldn't compile the code otherwise).
For example, if foo.hpp now is included in many other files
The the compiler has to scan foo.hpp many times, right?
For example, if foo.hpp now is included in many other files
Does it?
If your headers have include guards, there is no need to go over them more than once.
#pragma once
maybe in C++25 #pragma once will become standard -.-
Every compiler supports it in practice already.
Trying it
For p much all purposes it's standard
@nwp I don't think it will ever become standard
why not? seems obvious to include it
Q: Is #pragma once part of the C++11 standard?

101010Traditionally, the standard and portable way to avoid multiple header inclusions in C++ was/is to use the #ifndef - #define - #endifpre-compiler directives scheme also called macro-guard scheme (see code snippet below). #ifndef MY_HEADER_HPP #define MY_HEADER_HPP ... #endif In most implementa...

compiler should have done it by default without any pragma once or header bullshit
> It was considered for standardization, but rejected because it cannot be implemented reliably. (The problems occur when you have files accessible through several different remote mounts.)
@wilx one of my friends got banned by facebook for spamming
I will never get banned by facebook ... because I don't have a personal account :p
@Telkitty don't have an account? Big Respect.
@ProblemSlover I have less friends because of it too
but I have goals & having more friends don't help me with achieving my goals
@Telkitty I think the same about having a gf
just had 25 KM walk, feel so fucking awesome
feel the endorphins flowing through your body :p
ugh those proleague issues
@Telkitty You don't need facebook friends, you have us.
> I don't really give a shit what it is. If your code review tool doesn't work properly, stop complaining about it and fix it. If you can't fix it because it's shitty closed source software then have a fucking think about why Richard Stallman is literally always right about everything and choose a better solution to your problem than awful inflexible closed source software.
@ProblemSlover That train has left a long time ago.
@fredoverflow Which means that it is perfectly fine as a de facto standard, IYAM.
Standard enough.
@Shoe Anti-Etienne? :)
@fredoverflow 😹 stackoverflow buddies 💖
> [#pragma] causes the implementation to behave in an implementation-defined manner. The behavior might cause [...] the resulting program to behave in a non-conforming manner. Any pragma that is not recognized by the implementation is ignored.
The part in bold effectively allows the compiler to ignore the sentence that follows.
It sort of reads like "You can break the rules. The rules are as follows."
well I imagine that #pragma error_on_unrecongized_pragmas would be a legit pragma
It is. The bit I omitted in "[...]" explicitly says you can cause translation to fail (even though it is made redundant by the bold part).
Hell++ has #pragma shuffle_pragma_behaviours.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Doesn't the bold part just apply to the runtime behaviour? There is no "resulting program" at compile-time, no? (Being nitpicky here)
@fredoverflow And a campaign for female slaves would be import girls?

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