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> The full title of the second film is in fact “LAYLA RIVERA TIGHT BOOTY,” not “LAYLA RIVERA TIGHT BODY” as was previously stated. Gawker regrets the error.
@sehe on the wrong side of the internet again? :P
3:17 PM
I wish Kleisli arrows formed a monoid under some operation
they do
instance Monoid (Kleisli a a) where
    mempty = return
    mappend = (>>>)
3:32 PM
An interesting point of view - think twice if it makes sense to insist on the "modern c++ religion" https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/why-i-dont-spend-time-modern-c-anymore-henrique-bucher-phd #cpp #moderncpp
> Today the "Modern Technologist" has to rely on a new set of languages: Verilog, VHDL.
> new set
> Verilog
> The ubiquitous understanding that templates and variadic templates will produce much faster assembly because the C++ code will automagically vanish during compilation cannot be corroborated by my personal experience in decades of HFT and gaming,
look someone who isn't a theoretical wanker actually said the truth about the language
@BartekBanachewicz Pinned tweet by that guy:
> Several C++ #singleton implementations including a thread safe implementation
That article was utter shit.
I'm sad I wasted 3.5 minutes reading it.
3:44 PM
It said a lot of obvious things
But it's important to see that those things are being said
when half of your points don't even make sense in context, maybe it's a hint you're just wanking
@BartekBanachewicz Parts of that could have been written by my team lead.
Yeah... but he's wrong.
He's demonstrably wrong.
@ThePhD I'd like to see said demonstrations.
not in saying that C++ isn't good.
3:49 PM
Facebook's PHP VM used templates to burn member function addresses into the assembly and eliminate branches by moving parameters from runtime ones to compile-time ones.
People who follow the language bandwagon often say "yeah well the language isn't perfect but there's nothing better"
Sol2 achieves faster-than-plain-C speed by heavily templatizing and selecting the right underlying function based on those template parameters.
>If one reads with attention, the very fundamentals of Djkstra's arguably most well known paper, "Go-to Statements Considered Harmful" can be directly applied to templates and variadics: it is not that the feature itself is bad but its inherent structure leads to complex code that eventually brings down the most desired characteristic of a source code: easiness of understanding.
>When one is programming trading systems that can send 100,000 firm orders per second over the wire from platforms with strategies being created and put in production over a two-day production cycle, you want simp
I agree that templates are not easy to understand, but "there's no performance from proper template use" is just plain wrong.
Anyway, my team lead would say amen to that. He rewrote most of my code recently because he couldn't understand it and therefore assumed it was wrong (unit tests be damned).
3:54 PM
@ThePhD For me the problem isn't in understanding; it's in painful use
combine that with a lot of potholes in the overall language design and you get an experience that resembles microing dragoons in brood war on a narrow ramp
That I agree with too. And the committee is dragging its feet on things that would help with that: proper structured bindings, compile-time reflection, and something that's not as shitty as fold expressions. Also, just from looking at the pains of what @Rapptz is doing with ConceptsLite, I'm pretty sure that's kinda terrible too.
Rust might be able to bring better macros / templates to the table, but I haven't used Rust yet. I'd have to ask @набиячлэвэлиь
I'd like ASTmacros in but without Cmacros out
@ThePhD Rust has non-broken references
that's one very important improvement already
also it doesn't have the C baggage, which means a lot of silly things are gonne
you all shut the fuck up thank you. we need no stinkin' programming topics in the lounge.
It also has modules
4:00 PM
Could somebody help me with something? I'm trying to use SDL2 Text input, wiki.libsdl.org/Tutorials/TextInput , but strcat is deprecated, so I'm using string concatening, but it's not working correctly, symbols from CJK, portuguese and other languages are not inputted correctly
@набиячлэвэлиь don't we all, m8
Here's what I'm doing: puu.sh/oVheW/898010fb42.txt
@AndreyErick wstring
@AndreyErick unicode is a bargain you have to learn to love
4:01 PM
(Unicode handling in C++ sucks)
Are Rust's traits any good?
it's 2016 already, and people are still complaining about how unicode handling in pretty much all languages suck. Yuck.
@caps well yeah
@caps concepts + concept maps + concept based compile-time and run-time polymorphism
with the same pros and cons
fat pointers, lack of type-checked HKTs
so pretty good for a lot of stuff
Will I have to edit all my string rendering functions just to use wstring? e_e
std::string is a sequence of bytes.
4:08 PM
@AndreyErick I hope you're not rendering text yourself, because unicode rendering sucks. But I'm not sure how you expected std::string to work with multibyte characters.
If you're using Visual Studio, you can inspect to see if the contents of that string are proper by using the debugger and visualizing the string with my_c_str_pointer, b8 or something like that.
That is, assuming your strings are utf8.
Since you're using std::string, I'm assuming that's the case.
I'm still a bit confused
fuck this is so retarded
4:17 PM
@Dmitri haha ranger nerfs
You'd expect them to publish this after the brexit referendum. Must have been an oops
Hi guys! How's everyone doing?
BUAHAHAAHA satoren added a new category to his benchmark
@ThePhD it's a sequence of galaxies
and these other frameworks suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck at it, hoooooly shit!
4:24 PM
@rightfold god
I made a .dll that has necessary objects for my project. However, it's not Multithreaded DLL Debug built. I debugged for a couple of hours and realized that
@ThePhD I presume sol doesn't
Thankfully, it doesn't. :D
But the C++ member object call... ugh.
the object allocated on that .dll is on a separate heap, and when I tried to delete it, I'm trying to delete the object in my current project's heap scope, which causes a strange error of pFirstBlock == pHead.
UGH. We're not the fastest. I know why we're not the fastest, and it's mostly because the other frameworks are cheating qq
4:26 PM
I kinda wonder how fast turnip is
So I was simply wondering what you guys would do in this situation - create a specific deleting manager on the .dll's side?
@OneRaynyDay we don't delete object ourselves here
I'd use Netflix if it aired Futurama 😭
@BartekBanachewicz Hi! I know, I use a unique_ptr, but it handles the deletion itself.
4:28 PM
In the end it's still trying to delete the pointer pointing to a separate heap, which the program has no context about(since it's in the dll)
@BartekBanachewicz benchmark iiiiit :D
@rightfold without for-loops and tables? :P
I could benchmark fibonacci or something
Do you implement TCO?
@ThePhD break them :P
It's okay to cheat, but not to get caught
@rightfold no
oh also apparently recursion doesn't work :D
or wait no
I haven't implemented ==
> return fib(9)
[Number 34.0]
> return fib(10)
[Number 55.0]
> return fib(11)
[Number 89.0]
> return fib(12)
Lua error "Trying to call something that doesn't eval to a function! ([Nil])"
yeah well um
No idea wtf is going on, but fib(20) took about half a second, and fib(30) seems to take eternity
oh it finished
no idea why but the function seems to be disappearing
and it happens deterministically only for some sequences
like 1..12 or 7,10,11,12, or 1,12,2,12
what the actual fuck
4:49 PM
@ThePhD Its ok, youre best overall :)
it looks like my global closure gets overwritten
but uh > is still there, and it bails on == not being a function anymore
of course outside it is a function, but fib dissapears
what the hell is going on
@Borgleader D'aaawwww shucks.
Hi beautiful ♥
@BartekBanachewicz recursive implementation?
@ThePhD Haha, here go your next three weeks :D
I wish I learned coding C++ for food in this school
5:09 PM
It's working now :)
Thanks everybody.
hi hi hi
Ghost in the Haskell: Revenge of the Bartek.
@Morwenn qq shush
Ghost in the Shellsort
@Morwenn hows the blog so far?
5:13 PM
Ghost in the Bourne Again Shell
@Puppy that's seriously the least of my problems now
kinda explains fib(20) via fib(30) though
anyway I suggest you replace your problems with macro-related problems
@Khaled.K Nowhere.
@Morwenn I was thinking that puns might be a nice way to write on blog
It really depends on the reader.
5:18 PM
what type of readers are you targeting then?
Those who are willing to read.
so fixing the repl at least cleared up some things
but problem persists
I just popped a zit and I almost came.
And on another note, M.O.O.N. - 'Hydrogen' [Hotline Miami Soundtrack] - YouTube -- I want an action flick with this as sound track for the goriest action scene.
@ThePhD lol
defaultCtx :: Context
defaultCtx = Context {
    _gRef = gRef,
    _functions = Map.fromList [],
    _tables = Map.fromList [(gRef, Map.fromList [])],
    _lastId = 1
    gRef = TableRef 999
> gRef = TableRef 999
5:30 PM
5:50 PM
Apparently a bunch of scum did a Cologne at a Pentecost party in Berlin
> Choose a design that has been proven by high end CNC systems in the $100,000 price range. Anyone can build a CNC system that cuts the first day but ShopSabre CNC designs a machine that will continue to hold tolerance and perform essential cuts 2-5 even 10+ years down the road.
And a German judge ruled that Böhmerman isn't allowed to repeat parts of his erdogan poems.
> Anyone can build a CNC system that cuts the first day
6:02 PM
RIP safety and freedom in Germany.
> Anyone
> mfw I can't build a CNC system that cuts the first day
Germany is ded.
Which country will be next?
What is TableRef 999? Why 999 anyway?
upside down 666 of course, lol. these questions are too easy
6:19 PM
Yay, MathJax works.
Yay, just wanted to say that.
Argh, muscle memory.
@Morwenn what did you end up using?
@Ell Jekyll. I didn't want to bother too much.
Man I tried getting it to work on jekyll :V
actually maybe it works
The default theme is meh but it doesn't matter. Now I need to write articles.
6:23 PM
@Morwenn you starting a blog?
Isn't MathJax just JS?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Probably. I know next to nothing when it comes to web technologies.
ohhh I see
@melak47 Just writing down some old & somewhat fun things I had found back in time about Gray codes.
@R.MartinhoFernandes yeah but depending on the parser, it interferes with markdown
6:25 PM
Honestly, I probably would have used GitHub's wiki if it could handle inline math.
I wanted to use asciimath but I gave up and now I have to use $$latex$$
@Morwenn that would be extremely nice
ah it works
but the solution is probably wrong so no judgement :3
I wanted to use KaTeX but couldn't get it to work, so I fell back on MathJax.
If things don't work in minutes, I give up fast enough :/
> The Lost Sun - Spectral Voice From Newborn Star
I think I'm going to listen to that.
Using LaTeX is like being trapped back in a Typography 1 crit with Knuth looking over my shoulder and scowling at my work but with bad coffee breath
6:28 PM
The math subset is ok and rather self-contained.
Now I need to find my old notes on Gray codes and start working .______.
@Ell Where is this from?
@Shoe the question is from Types and Programming Languages
the answer is partially my writing and I think partially somebody on Mathematics
"DUTTON, Donald G., 2012. The case against the role of gender in intimate partner violence. Aggression and Violent Behavior." is a gold mine.
@wilx Food for @EtiennedeMartel
6:45 PM
I hope Sci-Hub is never defeated. It is awesome to be able to get to all the papers.
I hope it wont be needed anymore at some point because everything will be legally accessible.
@Morwenn Well, you can always find the author(s) and ask them nicely. But that is a hassle.
@Morwenn for error correction?
7:00 PM
@doug65536 Nah, to report them on the maybe-soon-to-be blog.
libc++ implementation of std::hypot(x, y, z): return sqrt(x*x + y*y + z*z);
Wasn't it supposed to use another algorithm to avoid overflows and underflows in the middle?
@Morwenn In ideal case, yes, I think.
Their implementation does not feel standard-compliant then :/
I mean, anyone could write sqrt(x*x + y*y + z*z), so there would be no point introducing the function in C++17 if implementers didn't make sure there wasn't any undue overflow/underflow in the middle stages of the computation.
@Morwenn I can do it better: sqrt(z*z)
@набиячлэвэлиь Lol, when I type fast, I type bad.
@Morwenn Three parameter hypot()? I can see 2 parameter hypot() having special implementations on Cygwin but I cannot find 3 parameter one at all.
7:12 PM
@wilx C++17, it was committed today.
@wilx c++17
@Morwenn can you be more hipster :P
@Borgleader I could use Haskell.
the shots. they were fired.
> If a range error due to overflow occurs, +HUGE_VAL, +HUGE_VALF, or +HUGE_VALL is returned.
If a range error due to underflow occurs, the correct result (after rounding) is returned.
i guess this answers your question?
7:13 PM
@Borgleader Actually I closely follow the development of libc++ because I stole code and I'm ready to steal the updates if needed.
> Computes the square root of the sum of the squares of x, y, and z, without undue overflow or underflow at intermediate stages of the computation.
This answers my question I guess.
user image
Good evening.
@sbi 10 seconds.
@wilx From entering the lounge until getting a star?
are there any scheme whiz' about? :3
7:15 PM
@sbi No. It took me 10 seconds to get it.
@sbi Welcome home master ^_^
@wilx That's a p long time
actually nvm, I need to work
@Shoe Yeah, well, that is I. :)
@Morwenn There's a an ambiguity in this welcome message, which would be alleviated by adding the missing comma. As it is, I'm not sure how to react.
7:17 PM
@sbi With JS.
Of course.
Um. It seems I managed to run into the wrong room...
Hi, there!
> transformation of multi-argument functions into higher-order functions is often called Currying after its popularizer, Haskell Curry. (It was actually invented by Scho ̈nfinkel, but the term “Scho ̈nfinkeling” has not caught on.)
@Shoe Heh. Shoenfinkeling sounds cooler. :D
@sehe Lo, here.
(See, @Morwenn, ^this is when I know how to react.)
7:19 PM
I assumed the comma, would have confused.
@sbi I... don't know how to reast, master ._____.
Or shall I call you « develop »?
@Morwenn :)
@Shoe Here, have an ö. And another one: ö. There you go. Now take them and fix that sentence. It hurts me German eyes.
@Morwenn Whenever you do this "._____." my first reaction is to fill in the blank!
@sbi Too late, sorry :(
7:20 PM
@wilx Kinky.
@wilx A "sbi" goes there, Shirley?
@Morwenn Ah, now you got the comma exactly where I would expect it.
After having drunk too much? That's where I generally put comas.
@sbi Temple is where an sbi goes.
Slap my tits and call me Schönfinkel
Please calm your tits.
7:23 PM
If you slap lightly, you'll likely excite them. Therefore I suggest whacking them with vigour. That should calm the tits for a short while
And thus talks an expert.
I'm sorry. I should probably keep expert knowledge to the in-crowd
@sehe Thanks for the advice.
Disclaimer: the owner may become disoriented and subsequently disagreeable
@sehe No, it's ok. Next time make sure you share it in the dedicated SE site though.
7:28 PM
Let me guess. Islam?
@sehe c|n>k
@Borgleader Not sure what to make of this either.
not sexed.se yet?
never mind, it would probably never graduate
There have been several proposals already.
@sbi Shirley Temple
7:30 PM
@Morwenn Someone proposed to Jeff?
@sbi Jeff is a lie.
Note that « Jeff is Dead » would be a perfect name for a band.
@Borgleader I'm at a loss. (Might recognizing this require the knowledge of TV?)
@Morwenn Oh, but I was talking about Atwood, not Jefff.
And even though my screen name is poopypoopy12399, I have already been propositioned. Is this what being a woman on the Internet is like?
@sbi Nobody proposed anything to me
@sbi Yeah, I interpreted it as Jeff Atwood too :o
@sehe That pretty much it sometimes.
7:34 PM
Q: Why are community bulletin titles trun…

Paul CezanneI got a laugh out of this one this morning. The problem is the truncation of the word "mentions" into "men." Hovering shows the full text. The fix is truncate on word boundaries. And curiously, about this case, the truncation isn't even needed at that spot.

@sbi Not TV no
@sehe Pure gold!
@Shoe I didn't ask whether anybody did.
@Morwenn :(
@sehe As if nick names on the Internet had any significance.
7:41 PM
And in a wonderful meta-esque way, the chat makes this even more hilarious: "Why are community bulletin titles trun…"sbi 22 secs ago
@Borgleader Ah. That would have explained this. (I haven't lived with a TV in the household for more than 25 years.)
@Borgleader I dunno this. It looks icky. I wouldn't want this.
@sbi The title of the question was actually shortened in that way
@caps Head ==> Desk.
Love your edit on my title — Paul Cezanne 6 hours ago
@milleniumbug Yeah. Well, that's what I get for attempting to follow a dozen discussion threads simultaneously in my age.
Unfortunately, I cannot delete my message anymore.
7:48 PM
@Morwenn Is that pronounced "stools"?
@sbi :)
@orlp I see you've been frequenting DLang talks reddit.com/r/programming/comments/4jlkhv/…
It's pronounced Frederick — snulty Jun 3 '15 at 11:58
@Morwenn LOL!
Hi guys! I'm facing some trouble with this stupid Windows dll issue - where I'm allocating memory in heap A and deleting in heap B due to the configuration of my project being MTd(Multithreaded debug)
7:52 PM
May 6 at 1:10, by Jerry Coffin
Do unto others before they can do unto you. What? It's not that simple? Okay, then follow these rules, so others won't do unto you!
"Two to the Power of the Floor of the Base-Two Logarithm" = TPFBTL of x, pronounced kinda like "top of bottle". — Dan Jun 4 '15 at 0:22
@OneRaynyDay sounds like a question for Stack Overflow
This one has merit in the context of coded implementations
@sbi Hi, I read the rules recently, and I made sure it was 1. under 500 words 2. I acknowledge that noone might care 3. Am just asking a theoretical question so idk what code to involve in this
@nwp You're right - I'll go post it on Stack Overflow instead. Sorry to bother you guys
@sehe Yup. Some of the name proposals were rather fun.
7:55 PM
> [...] if you lurk for a while, you might realize that we have no problem in answering questions asked by a regular. So what’s going on? Well, we are a small community after all, and now it seems you have to earn your “right to ask” in the Lounge by becoming part of that community. If you don’t have time for that, or don’t care for that, then go on Stack Overflow instead.
@sbi You're right, but last time I tried to talk in here it seems like I was shot down and didn't feel too welcome so I scrapped the idea of trying to talk to you guys
@sbi at least he's (somewhat) trying
(honestly was pretty toxic last time, but i expected it)
@OneRaynyDay so the heap A/B thing comes from your theory and you never actually observed it?
@OneRaynyDay 1. You might want to read up on "lurking". 2. If you do not get along here, you might want to try some other place to get your questions answered. There are, after all, whole websites dedicated to do so.
7:59 PM
@nwp No, I observed it - it gave me an error, and after a couple of hours I cornered the problem down to that single issue after objdumping and stepping through assembly.
And @sbi, I did lurk here for a while actually (I come to read some conversations during work sometimes, but never really talked too much)

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