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@R.MartinhoFernandes yeah but, if you have \r\n line endings, then you can just do type file > prn... oh wait nobody has done that for 15 years? oh okay then. yeah dos line endings are asinine
yeah lets set up the line endings in our OS so all strings everywhere have the bytes the printer needs. saves an if in the print. lol
and: boldface\rboldface\rboldface\r\n doesn't hurt
> The Utah teapot is the sixth Platonic solid.
tell a guy from 1985 that he can print bold and he's sold
@doug65536 Oh come on. We printed in bold on line printers long before 1985. Granted, we did it by printing the bolded text twice, so that only worked for bold, not anything else like italics though.
This is very nice.
oh I didn't imply that was the earliest, I implied that it doesn't take much capability to be excited in 1985
@doug65536 that's PRN: or more realistically LPT1: :)
@sehe oh ya. good thing to forget, makes room
mode con co,80
subst and assign were the bees knees
@sehe so does kuk
I'll keep it in mind, so as to minimize offense
nab giggles with genitals
excuse moi what the fuck are you talking about
I had a commodore 128D with GEOS that was better than an [email protected], I could print bitmaps very very slowly on my MPS-802, arguably the slowest printer ever made for graphics. it had to stop every 8x8 block of pixels and reverse printed every other block
@sehe The talk is pretty hilarious. :D
But that's Tony for you :D
> * msvc had a bug
* boost.lockfree didn't trigger the bug
* msvc fixed the bug, rejecting valid code which didn't trigger a bug
* from the point of view of boost.lockfree this is a regression
... MSVC For the win
@Griwes I'll have to watch it later
@sehe Did you see this one from last year?
everything is on youtube
you could throw that thing down the stairs, and people would yell at you about the damage to the walls, not the printer, because the printer would be fine
@Griwes nope
you needed a hammer and eye protection to damage a machine back then
That was "mine"
nice, you could pick fonts. iirc a friend had one. fast, right?
@doug65536 or baseball bat
@doug65536 "fast" lol - 9 pins
lol, I mean fast for then
Dunno. I don't think it had fonts built in. But you could "do anything" in "graphics mode". Just, line-space was gonna be smaller if you wanted continuous prints.
And in "fast" mode even lines would be slanted to the right, odd lines slanted to the left (because of the movement of the print head during printing)
neat thing about commodore peripherals is, everything has its own cpu (identical to main machine) and you could upload your own software to the printer's ram and run it
@doug65536 wow
the disk drives all have a cpu too... "fastloaders" are just implementations of decent firmware that use the hardware parallel-to-serial chip they didn't bother to use in the rom'ed firmware
disk drives... WHOA. REDO FROM START?
@JohanLarsson y u no twelve-gauge
we are pretty much there today, except we have no chance of guessing what the architecture is and there is not really a way to access it beyond scary firmware update commands
9pm: "I'm so tired" 10pm: "Might go to bed in a bit" 11pm: "Right, I'm off, night night" 11.05pm-3am: Twitter
So relatable.
Except for the Twitter bit.
@sehe 3am-10am factorio
ouch 10am-8pm braindeath, surely
That said, I could probably check Facebook just in case past midnight and end up reading articles.
> facebook
> articles
assuming you mean "the", "she", "they"
So sad
@sehe What? .___.
rigidfold y u sad bby
I've never considered anything on FB an "article" as in the "unit of information"
don't they call it something like a post?
@sehe Has anyone?
@sehe I remember getting dos-prompt-with-networking working back in win95 days, I had a file called be-dave.bat, it did net use C: ... net use D: ... to daves machine and it allowed me to completely shadow my local drives and BE DAVE
I follow so many things that I see articles shared everywhere.
@sehe IMInterpretation @Morwenn will check faecbuk and then read articlels independent thereupon
More than actual posts.
@набиячлэвэлиь I may have drawn the wrong conclusion
@doug65536 lol
I remember IPX networking on Win95. But I don't recall NET USE in that era
@набиячлэвэлиь My Facebook is article-dependent.
yeah it was something equivalent... not sure it was called net... I think so though
@набиячлэвэлиь To bleach his brian. Maeks Seens
@doug65536 SUBST, IYAM
windows 95 bent over backwards and pressed their entire back against the back of their legs for compatibility with every crazy thing dos programs might do
I still remember the sound floppy disk drive makes thats like reverse throat slurping..
@doug65536 Not nearly as bad as App Virt since Vista
it would thunk down to single-threaded ancient dos "driver" if it had to, to access a device
I never quite understood the Facebook hate coming from people who worship a social network where messages have a limit of 140 characters :D
The good thing is that since 386-enhanced mode (WIN.COM /enhanced anyone?) everything could be virtualized
@Morwenn Twitter isn't quite /that/ greedy for my privates
@sehe My privates aren't that private I guess.
On twitter I don't actually have to trust anyone I follow or that follows me to not be a moron about their extensions/plugins/whatever that's called
Twitter ain't perfect, but it's a lot more focused
it's the future.. with foil hats and sphere shaped houses
@sehe Morons in which ways?
There have been numerous occasions where an extension pawned facebook friends by traversing their friends and abusing the fimeline-access.
facebook lets people believe that they are reaching a lot more people than they really are. they want money
Reaching people? Haha.
@rightfold serendipitous twitter.com/PolitieR
is it a lie if you conveniently let people believe something that you know is false, when you didn't try to make them believe it?
Yes. It's called omission
@Morwenn i hate twitter a lot more than fb :P
reaching people.. I don't think thats how this stuff works.. I think it works through luring people in.. at first.. then it gets old.. until a better option comes around
@Ven I wouldn't say I hate it either. It's always a fun place to witness famous people spew random nonsense.
@sehe I wrote a paper on groups and chains in twitter.. and I created a program that finds hidden group you follow or those which follow you.. about 5 maybe 6 years ago
I'm not famous :)
@Khaled.K how would any of that count as "hidden"?
@sehe like if you follow like several people on twitter, and those people are part of an interconnected group..
That's... public
the different states of chess is public too.. but you wouldn't go trying to analyze them manually by hand
Fair comparison?
Let's say the word "hidden" wasn't the best one :p
the information is hidden, not the data
@sehe 😰
Is that APL?
Oh look how cute.
It's 2016 and Italy joined the west.
@Morwenn no it's greek
It was a joke ._.
@rightfold WW1 all over again
𝄞 <-- is your font good enough? (treble clef)
does it show on windows browser?
no, it doesn't
didn't think so, above 0xffff windows is lacking support
oh, MSVC telemetry overtook Hitler in upvotes on /r/cpp
@doug65536 kewl
does anyone else find it odd that stackoverflow is c# code? they must receive a steady stream of flak about that
Instead of php?
@Mikhail lol, no
what else they should've used instead
@doug65536 Why would they get flak?
do they use windows webservers?
wait, not Discord
how was this Jeff's discussion site named
idk, I figured the audience of SO wouldn't be crazy about IIS
@milleniumbug dicksource
@doug65536 Their entire stack is MS: Windows Server, IIS, SQL Server, .NET...
oh, Discourse
yeah, Discourse is written in Ruby, and see how it fares
Hell back when they started they were the first major user of ASP.NET MVC, which was in beta back then.
of course, because once you use one MS thing, usually you drag in the whole stack for convenience, by design
@doug65536 You seem to operate in a world where the majority of people get worked up about the tech their services are made with.
strawman. I am not worked up
While in reality, most people don't give a shit as long as the service itself works as expected.
@doug65536 Read my sentence again and tell me where I said you were.
if you asked someone (that doesn't know) to guess whether SO was all microsoft stack, would you expect them to guess yes?
@doug65536 Why would I ask them that?
I suppose it would be classy for you to post the answers you received on the mailing list. — sehe 6 secs ago
Seriously, why is it so weird that someone out there uses .NET for a web platform?
I don't hate it or anything, I am just surprised a bit that SO is an all MS stack
I don't see any advantage of .Net compared to non-ms technologies
...over what
literally, nothing good about it
Well consider the common alternatives used for web apps: PHP, Ruby, Python, Java Server Pages
@EtiennedeMartel Because web development has a long history of false economy.
I've spent three months writing PHP code I won't ever get back
@milleniumbug Do you have children who would otherwise have starved? If so, that was a perfectly reasonable decision. Otherwise, you should be ashamed of yourself.
Note that merely saving yourself from starvation doesn't qualify...
I'm deeply ashamed of myself
I didn't know better at the time
echo '<p>I can haz xss vulnerability: ' . $record["value"] . '</p>';
I've actually spotted a post on the Boost Geometry mailing list where ... ironically Adam Wulkiewicz says "I saw in other email that you already figured it out.". I really think it's time for you to put some links to that here, even self-answering. As it is, you're consciously risking people spinning wheels wasting time for you after you have already figured things out. — sehe 1 min ago
boost has a thing for polygon processing? lol, never heard of it
Is that the one that has a black box traveling salesman problem solver?
we know, it's boost
if it can even-odd rasterize an arbitrary self intersecting non-convex polygon, I might use it
I have an implementation that is buggy in some edge cases which it might replace
@doug65536 two different libs even
@Mikhail that'd be BGL
the problem with most rasterization code is, it assumes you don't want coverage at the right and bottom edge, so fitted-together polygons will only touch every pixel once. I don't want that, I want the "pixel" set if the line touches it at all

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