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@milleniumbug wrong function name :)
We need to add some cv-qualifiers and stuff
template<template<typename...> typename T> auto constexpr(constexpr(T<int>())) func() const volatile final override -> decltype(T<int>()) noexcept(noexcept(T<int>())) requires requires DefaultConstructible{T<int>} { return T<int>(); }
@milleniumbug You forgot virtual.
it's a template, so nope :D
Is override on a non-virtual even legal? :P
It is great fun to code tellsticks=)
oh right
Since we are doing borken stuff, you can add virtual :P
argh, edition period expired
I'm gonna show this to everyone asking me why "just yet another specifier" is annoying for me
It might be a Clas Olson only gear. Open source though. I just created a rest interface for my phone to turn on the charger for my phone =)
Now all I need is an app.
@DmitriBudnikov wokay, alors j’ai fait un peu le bilan sur ce qui me plaisait avec Crossed et j’ai re-regardé Chroma et… ben on y retrouve tout en fait, même mon chipotage sur le choix des films traités peut tout aussi bien s’appliquer à Crossed
la grosse différence étant la durée, et en fait vu comme le style assumé de Karim & Co va à 200 à l’heure avec des blagues à la volée Chroma ça fait assez marathon, à traiter avec beaucoup d’attention en fait (au moins de ma part)
Functors are just morphism in the category of categories, what's the problem?
@Zoidberg Static stuff
@milleniumbug Giving examples of future code quality once they add concepts?
@Zoidberg Functors outside c++ has a very different meaning
The Haskell logo looks somewhat like the flag of South Africa.
Simon Peyton Jones was born in South Africa.
Coincidence (categorical dual of incidence)? I think not! :tinfoil:
I think I want to try to recreate React in Haskell.
I think it would work well with Haskell's focus on purity and immutable data structures.
If a function is implemented in a header and marked as __attribute__((noinline)), will the visibility of the function body provide some optimization opportunities that the compiler would not have if the function body was hidden away in another translation unit?
sure, it can do inter-procedure optimization on it without relying on LTO
for example, checking if the function does or doesn't modify the arguments which are passed by reference
@Lalaland what is React, in a sentence?
is it functional reactive programming?
@milleniumbug interesting
@Ell I would say the primary innovation of React is the virtual dom diffing.
You simply have a render function which returns the entire GUI.
And the backend works carefully so that the entire UI isn't recreated at every render, only changes are propagated.
@sehe I'm completely ignorant about the new category maths.
@Ell Reagent (github.com/reagent-project/reagent) is cool because it shows just how simple the React API can really be.
Everything is just a function which returns the entire GUI.
(defn some-component []
   [:h3 "I am a component!"]
    "I have " [:strong "bold"]
    [:span {:style {:color "red"}} " and red"]
    " text."]])
@Lalaland Seems impressive to implement this as a JS library.
Without native plugins.
@StackedCrooked Supposedly, it's not actually that complicated. There are minimal libraries for it.
so it's offering an immutable DOM kinda
One issue with trying to do it with C++ is that static typing gets in the way.
@Ell That's not really the important part. The important part is you just have a function which returns the entire UI.
I have kind of a silly question, if you want to track a list of bits using masking, do you just use an int or is there a special type for that? I basically want 8 digits that are on or off
React is on the client side isn't it?
You don't manually toggle stuff, or move stuff around.
@Ell I think the Wikipedia page provides a nice overview.
@CaptainGiraffe Yes. But you can also use it as a templating engine on the server side.
@beginnerBinx You could use an integral type, but in C++ there's std::bitset.
Do you know if thats backwards compatable with C?
its not a requirement but I'm just curious
lolno, people here don't write C
You can extract your data if necessary.
yeah, it depends on what do you mean "backwards compatible with C"
if it's "can I use it in C", then no
if it's "can I interop with C code", then yes
It works fine on my dev machine. 968GhZ local db connection. Why wouldn't it work just as well for my clients?
Thanks guys
Still angry. https://t.co/jq1xaxeLSx
@beginnerBinx Depending on the situation, you could use uint8_t, std::bitset<8>, or std::vector<bool> (just to name a few obvious choices).
std::map<uint8_t, bool>
@StackedCrooked Have you been reading JVM code again? :-)
even there a BitSet exists
Nice. Boost 1.61.0RC http://boost.cowic.de/rc/ provides PGP signed checksums on downloads. SHA1 and separately served http://boost.2283326.n4.nabble.com/Boost-1-61-0-Release-Candidate-1-tc4685733.html
@milleniumbug Can't write C++ without writing C
oh, speaking of checksums, I was downloading FreeBSD today from a freaking FTP server, which had checksums (SHA-512) on the same server
> >I was downloading FreeBSD
@sehe s/SHA1/SHA256/
Can a Python pr0 haxx0r tell me why if sys.platform == "win32": is a syntax error on the :?
@JerryCoffin Grrr. Hate that. Well. They can see it in the link
Python fucking sucks
wtf is sys
a module (import sys)
@milleniumbug I always assumed it was short for "system".
Unfortunately My practise of chopin will need my attention.
@набиячлэвэлиь it’s fine on my end
alright python does fucking suck
It's a missing closing paren 3 lines up
@набиячлэвэлиь works on my machine gist.github.com/milleniumbug/96a4e248977fb092fdf5407585a7080a
How did they even build audiere when the script is so broken
That's. Twisted.
@CaptainGiraffe Which piece?
@sehe No, that's Computerworld UK
Hehe. I thought someone might do that.
@sehe wow
that's like 80% ads
And still they're not satisfied.
@sehe It is a one page piece. Lento/largo The second half has a ............
Ok. Prelude then. Guessing
All in C minor
The one that comes to mind is shorter than 1 page usually (it repeats the second phrase but softer)
That is the one that came to mind.
he is missing the dots
He is not missing the dots. I'm not fond of how he's overpunctuating though (Makes it stall)
The tempo! I get it played in a third of the time =)
I like his tempo. I'd prefer it slower if the instrument/room would allow for it
I like to play that very mechanical.
That can work. You'll like Sv. Richter
Of course =)
man I didn't know it was this bad :/
@набиячлэвэлиь that reminds me, whenever you have a Python question just ask @Rapptz
@CaptainGiraffe I like Rubinstein's rubato for Chopin, e.g.
@sehe How many hours a month do you play?
Also one of my favourites to play
@CaptainGiraffe Varies widely. Can be from 3 hours per day to 2 per week
@sehe Yep that is magical.
I played much much more during my job hiatus. This week is busy with 3 big band gigs and 2 performances of "Annelies" (Choral Setting to Anne Frank, James Whitbourn)
Actually 3 big band gigs, but I'm skipping one because it collides with one of two unrelated choral rehearsals
@CaptainGiraffe So. Somewhat more this week. But it's also deadline time at work, so not quite as much as I'd like
Now all I need to do is to make sure I have this piece spot on for my fathers sisters earthing.
Did she pass away, or was that a request should it happen?
She passed just today.
Oh. My condolences.
I'm sure you'll play that beautifully. There should be no rush.
This is another on to consider that I very much like to play. youtube.com/watch?v=-7mntyrW3HU
Thanks. I'm just a bit worried about my father. He was curt and distinct when he said his sister just died.
Oodle 2.1.5 is out, featuring Kraken, our new lossless compressor. http://cbloomrants.blogspot.com/2016/04/release-kraken.html it's pretty nuts.
impressive numbers
@CaptainGiraffe Oh. That's a different ball game. I'd probably chose the simplest thing for a funeral/memorial. The occasion doesn't require heroics. Keeping it low-profile allows the best reception IME
@Borgleader <raises-brows/>
@sehe Thanks. I can play 28:20 in my sleep so that is my contribution
I recommend against that.
Playing in your sleep that is.
As long as my fingers works.

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