@Cubbi But it's not passed in time for C++17 andlast I checked the author was aiting on feedback from Sutton about whether or not they wanted to do something dumb
and make auto an alias for typename in templates as "the least constrained concept".
but more seriously, before you need to wrap an MFP in the first place, you need to take an MFP in the first place, which is the source of the problem here.
just don't ever deal with MFPs; no wrapping needed.
Hello, does anyone know about the current status of Clang server/Clang Daemon/clangd? It was proposed several years ago, but I can't find any recent information. Has it been renamed or abandoned?
Hello guys. Do you know any tool that can parse C++ files and allow me to for example easily jump to structure and type definitions, function and variables? Which also have GUI interface. Something similar to VS IntelliSense but without the need to create a project and to compile it.
> YCM also provides semantic IDE-like features in a number of languages, including: > > * finding declarations, definitions, usages, etc. of identifiers,
@AndyProwl Thanks, but I don't have any additional Java puzzlers prepared right now. The next video is probably going to be an improved rehash of arrays and pointers in C. I'm somewhat dissatisfied with the old videos on the topic.
I want to syntax-highlight test results in sublime's output view, and since I use windows the regular output doesn't contain the ANSI color-codes I could otherwise use
Eh. After today's adventures with broken builds because some subdependency of a dependency of one of our Node.js projects has published a new version, which happened to be incompatible with the node version we are using, I'm starting to think that it's good that C++ does not have an easy to use package manager.
Also there's an is-positive-integer npm module, which itself depends on is-integer and is-positive; is-positive depends on is-finite, which in turn depends on is-nan. Or something like that.
I'd prefer we keep people doing shit like that out of C++ by not providing them a simple way to distribute shit like that :/
Someone has >= instead of ^ in their package.json (which is exactly the case we had today), and we use a package like that, then someone publishes a new, incompatible version of their package that the package we use depends on.
And at the point anyone considered the default behavior to be wrong, the damage was already done.
@Puppy By default, all the dependencies of the main package are installed, and then you recurse into each one of them with the same process.
There's ways to change that, but eh, we'd end up with the same problem either way (and a heap of other problems, due to version mismatches resulting in bad behavior etc.).
WTF does "nazdrowje" mean? I cannot find the definition anywhere.