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@Xeo Kinky.
@Xeo dat music be pretty good
What's that about nazis again
@AndyProwl Isn't there going to be a Ranges TS with C++17?
I guess
@AndyProwl bjarne should go and make his own C++, with blackjack and hookers!
Why does American Kerry speak Dutch with a German accent?
@melak47 Bjarne needs to help push James Touton's paper so I don't have to do cto<decltype(&shit::fuck), &shit::fuck>()
hm, would this then work? template<auto Thing, typename T = decltype(Thing)> :D
that paper did well in EWG, 10 | 8 | 3 | 1 | 0
@Cubbi But it's not passed in time for C++17 andlast I checked the author was aiting on feedback from Sutton about whether or not they wanted to do something dumb
and make auto an alias for typename in templates as "the least constrained concept".
Which I VEHEMENTLY oppose.
@CatPlusPlus Somebody developing basically the same game I had in mind and been slowly working on. Literally Hitler!
@ThePhD Blech, MFPs. Fuck that shit
@melak47 Yes.
@Puppy Necessary. vOv
I also need it for not-member-function-pointers, too.
Compile-time transport through an FFI.
I don't see what that has to do with MFPs.
Which eliminates all of the virtual stuff and API function calls.
but but
didn't we get constexpr lambdas? and what about allowing all constexpr literal types as non-type template arguments?
just take a function type, then default-construct and call.
shouldn't that solve this? :D
no MFPs, no bullshit.
@melak47 Still have to decltype it, IIRC?
@Puppy That requires someone to hand-write a wrapper.
you could probably generate one for MFPs.
but more seriously, before you need to wrap an MFP in the first place, you need to take an MFP in the first place, which is the source of the problem here.
just don't ever deal with MFPs; no wrapping needed.
@sehe I must assume that you are implying something with this statement. What, however, it is you are implying totally escapes me.
@JerryCoffin Ack.
@Puppy Well, the point still stands for regular functions.
@MadaraUchiha You fail to take into account that Twitter is not free and unfiltered.
@ThePhD I mean getting rid of the MFP
@melak47 You mean cto<my_constexpr_class( my_func )> ?
Uh oh. Nothing's happened on the starboard since I left. Must have been a really exiting day out here.
Is... that allowed in C++11 constexpr?
Time to test on coliru!
I mean sol_func<[](const Thing& thing) { return thing.foo(); }> - but this is probably still gonna be a non-evaluated context for lambdas, right? :(((
@melak47 that's just impossible
@ThePhD Not at all. The default-constructed-function-object works for, well, all callable things.
Yeah, but I still have to tell it which function to call.
@sbi or a very entering night (depending on your timezone)
@Borgleader Well, it it is depending on my timezone (as you seem to imply), then it was the day.
ah fucknuggets
did a major refactor and all my integration tests pass.
obviously Wide is not tested very thoroughly
You just expect it to break everytime?
@sbi tbh, i was more interested in highlighting a typo :P
it bloody well should do
(through punnery of dubious quality)
I am a lowly meatbag and make mistakes all the time
@Borgleader Yawn.
Hello, does anyone know about the current status of Clang server/Clang Daemon/clangd? It was proposed several years ago, but I can't find any recent information. Has it been renamed or abandoned?
@goldwin-es latest seems to be from 2012
@набиячлэвэлиь Thanks!
Hello guys. Do you know any tool that can parse C++ files and allow me to for example easily jump to structure and type definitions, function and variables? Which also have GUI interface. Something similar to VS IntelliSense but without the need to create a project and to compile it.
That's sad :(.
No, it isn't. I'm totally fine with not knowing this.
.... for me
@FISOCPP you don't need to compile it :p
@FISOCPP Still. I'm also totally fine with not knowing this for you.
@FISOCPP Why VS is not an option for you?
Well I have left with the impression I must.
have a look at this: valloric.github.io/YouCompleteMe
> YCM also provides semantic IDE-like features in a number of languages, including:
> * finding declarations, definitions, usages, etc. of identifiers,
@melak47 Thanks for the link - I'll look at it.
this doesn't have it's own GUI though, usually you use it from an editor like sublime text, atom, vim I think, and whatnot
@melak47 Well I'm looking for something working on windows.
sublime text, atom, vim etc. don't work on windows? since when
@melak47 I have no idea :P
OK - this really look promising - thanks again for the info.
Also, I don't think you need to follow the entire installation instructions there. You can find ready-made plugins/extensions for e.g. atom
Why can't I constexpr arguments.
This is fucking dumb. >:l
Something similar to VS IntelliSense? cat /dev/random
I think I have to use a macro.
There's just no escaping it.
@AndyProwl Thanks, but I don't have any additional Java puzzlers prepared right now. The next video is probably going to be an improved rehash of arrays and pointers in C. I'm somewhat dissatisfied with the old videos on the topic.
Wait, that still doesn't solve my problem.
C++ makes me so sad.
WTB constexpr arguments.
@ThePhD Just adjust your expectations lower! :)
@wilx Never.
I'd sooner slit my own throat.
has anyone made a custom reporter for catch?
@jaggedSpire yes, hello
@jaggedSpire What do you need from it?
I want to syntax-highlight test results in sublime's output view, and since I use windows the regular output doesn't contain the ANSI color-codes I could otherwise use
@jaggedSpire Oh god, that one
Phil said he was not going to implement ANSI colors for Windows
But I might implement it sometime soon
meh, I might decide writing them is fun, and do want to write my own. I was mostly wondering if anyone'd found any gotchas for writing them
@Borgleader That was fast. Didn't Intel literally like just acquire them?
@jaggedSpire Better not do that, rather fix colourers
@Mysticial Seems to be a fairly recent acquisition yes.
@Nooble Do you even come around or are you too busy smashing poon?
@Borgleader I'd be interested to see how to actually program that FPGA. And whether it can be reprogrammed.
Not quite my area of expertise.
@набиячлэвэлиь is the reporter implementation secretly an eldritch horror?
@jaggedSpire No, IIRC
@Mysticial Yeah, I have no idea how that works either, I was hoping you did ;)
I mean at a glance it seems reasonable
@jaggedSpire Try defining CATCH_CONFIG_COLOUR_ANSI
ooooh okay
I'm looking through the code, that seems to do the job
@jaggedSpire 'd it work?
in every include file or just the one that generates main?
Not sure, try one and then all of them
Phil really likes pointers
wtf is phil
@Borgleader philsquared
oh excellent that does work
thanks a bunch
@jaggedSpire On one or all?
one, looks like
didn't see it right away because sublime's output window apparently just cleans the ANSI color codes but it's visible in console
@набиячлэвэлиь CATCH is filled with them.
Dynamic casts too.
You can't turn off RTTI and shit.
Otherwise the framework will just snap.
Eh. After today's adventures with broken builds because some subdependency of a dependency of one of our Node.js projects has published a new version, which happened to be incompatible with the node version we are using, I'm starting to think that it's good that C++ does not have an easy to use package manager.
Also there's an is-positive-integer npm module, which itself depends on is-integer and is-positive; is-positive depends on is-finite, which in turn depends on is-nan. Or something like that.
I'd prefer we keep people doing shit like that out of C++ by not providing them a simple way to distribute shit like that :/
what's really funny is the version.
is-positive-integer v3.1.0 - wtf did v1,2,3 do?!
@ThePhD Good.
@Puppy Exactly.
Probably did something terribly broken.
It's not even the leftpad shit that makes node.js unusable for serious projects :/
it was fuckin' funny though
It's the fact that you can run a build twice and get totally different results.
Someone has >= instead of ^ in their package.json (which is exactly the case we had today), and we use a package like that, then someone publishes a new, incompatible version of their package that the package we use depends on.
Borken build.
npm improvement on header files though
Sure, there are some tools that let you forcibly set all the versions throughout the dependency tree to whatever version the current one is...
...but as far as I can tell they are at least hacky.
I had to update xml2js in like 20 different package.jsons today to fix what we had.
(Directly or indirectly by bumping versions of other packages that I bumped it in; and across multiple branches.)
This is nonsense.
No actual commercial product should be possible to be broken at build stage by some random guy on the internet doing something.
well if you depend on the code of random guys on the Internet, it seems logical that their fuckups can fuck you up
It's hard not to when writing code for that environment.
does anyone have some experience with aws
real basic question tho :'
ok np
@WilliamPaul IRTA "ass"
@Griwes Wouldn't dependencies be a DAG rather than a tree? After all, you could have two dependencies that depend on the same thing.
@Puppy That's not how npm works by default.
amazon web services
And at the point anyone considered the default behavior to be wrong, the damage was already done.
@Puppy By default, all the dependencies of the main package are installed, and then you recurse into each one of them with the same process.
There's ways to change that, but eh, we'd end up with the same problem either way (and a heap of other problems, due to version mismatches resulting in bad behavior etc.).
WTF does "nazdrowje" mean? I cannot find the definition anywhere.
@Zoidberg "na zdrowie" is kinda like "bless you" after sneezing
When I attempt this fix, it says the an Array does not have a definiton for OfType, anyone have an idea? stackoverflow.com/a/23997079/185672
@WilliamPaul What is the question briefly?
@Phil How is this relevant to C++?
i thought this was C#
Can you have a variadic pack
and then have a variadic list of elements?
template <typename... Args, Args... values> ?
here goes.
Another thing template <auto X> will fix.
When it gets implemented.
Does C++17 fold expressions
You also a word
even handle typename F, F v... as some kind of pack?
Or do I have to figure out a constexpr class for this?
Fuck me sideways, C++ is dumb.
litb why is C++ so mean
@JohannesSchaub-litb s/hello all/guys/ :P
hello guys
i'm new to C++ and i hava an issue trying to get an object propriety . if any one could help , that would be nice .
here is the tiny code
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;
class point
int X;
int Y;

point(int x, int y);
int R;
int abscisse(); //Méthode retournant l'abscisse
int ordonnee(); // Méthode retournant l'ordonnée

point::point(int x, int y) {
int X = x;
int Y = y;
int R = 2000;


int point::abscisse() {
return X;

int point::ordonnee() {
return Y;

point::~point(void) {


int main(){

point MyPoint(22,55);
cout << MyPoint.abscisse() << MyPoint.ordonnee() << endl;

cleanup on aisle three
@набиячлэвэлиь sorry ?
ah i should not oost code like this
I am semi-drunk after 2/3 of Chillean Carmenere red wine.
I want more but I only have some french Merlot.
@набиячлэвэлиь sorry i can not clean
@набиячлэвэлиь how i'm supposed to post code here ?
You're not
You're supposed to go away
@набиячлэвэлиь why ?
just because i'm a newbie , man ?
@Rizerzero This is not a place to ask questions like that. Go to SO proper to ask such questions.
ok , clear
This is a chat where we discuss both mundane and world influencing stuff.
Mmm, Merlot is not Carmenere, definitely.
yeah , you"re sober
@набиячлэвэлиь NO
And also because you're french
@набиячлэвэлиь first of all i'm not french and what's wrong with being french
i have a french ip , i could be using a proxy , my so smart friend
But do you like chocolate?
i like c ++
FTR, we can't see your IP.
Your Frenchness would be obvious from your punctuation placement, if your illiteracy wasn't so obvious
oh , you're not that smart
He's done it again, the absolute madman
It's a gift illiterate French guy that just keeps on giving
no more time to waste
Fighting against a newbie yet again?
Hubert is rolling in his grave.
No, laffoing at him
@VeronikaPrüssels JEANNE, AU SECOURS
@R.MartinhoFernandes Oh yes :3
especially those fancy ones (coffee cream is one of muh favorites)
Which std algorithm could be used to escape certain values in a std::string. For example say I want to escape newlines with a backslash.
(im well aware you werent expecting a serious answer butt fuck it)
@StackedCrooked Off hand i dont think any are particularly suitable
but im no expert
I think I'll need a loop that does std::find and std::string::insert.
Ah well, boost::replace_all I suppose.
@StackedCrooked std::transform()?
The problem is that I'm inserting new items into the string. Which can invalidate iterators and stuff.
lol #birdiesanders is a thing
// probably this is it
for (;;) {
    auto pos = s.find("\n");
    if (pos == std::string::npos) break;
    s.replace(pos, 1, "\\n");
@StackedCrooked Re-use the result of find to avoid re-scanning the same range :)
for(auto pos = s.find("\n"); pos = s.find("\n"); pos != std::string::npos)
  s.replace(pos, 1, "\\n");
@Borgleader right
@набиячлэвэлиь nifty
@набиячлэвэлиь oh thats pretty nice
It might be an off-by-one
@набиячлэвэлиь loop condition and advancement flipped here
@Xeo You changed jobs recently yes?
Not yet, officially
Contract says July

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