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I'm thinking of changing the drapes in my bedroom, should I go with a flower pattern or something monotone?
patterns are the devil's imagery
and that's good or bad?
go with a clean minimalistic look unless you're a heathen
Who is user111
btw I've seen the rest of the picture in your avatar
its lewd
@wilx I have completed my Bachelors in Computer Science but I think I didn't did it well. Now I am left with "Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach" book and Udacity. I guess that will be a good start but maybe I can skip it and directly use AI libraries.
did you like it?
I don't like such big head phones
Lounge, I need some advice. Is using the same name for both overridden and normal derived members considered bad practice? Should I go out of my way to use different names? This is pertaining to this question:
Q: Function with same name but different signature in derived class

Igor OksI have a function with the same name, but with different signature in a base and derived classes. When I am trying to use the base class's function in another class that inherits from the derived, I receive an error. See the following code: class A { public: void foo(string s){}; }; cla...

uh oh...
There's a workaround for using the same name, but I dunno if its 'good' to do. I'm leaning towards using different names but it makes the member names in question look awkward
@Prismatic I'd consider that bad practice. Problem is it's hard to see what overloads are getting resolved (unless you litter using base_type::member; all over
@Prismatic It's not awkward if it clarifies the separation of overload sets. Fix the awkwardness, or fix the splitting into base classes
> Inheritance is the base class of all evil
I like that
I'm being stupid someone help.
What is if called? It's a control ____.
Okay never mind.
@Prismatic I don’t think it is per se (beware dominance though), but if the additional overload performs additional work (which I expect is the most common case) it may very well deserve a different name.
class Inheritance {};
class AllEvil : public Inheritance {};
@Prismatic more like struct Evil {}; template <typename T> struct T : Evil {};
@Nooble tower!
@Nooble control flow statement
@chliebel yeah. That would make sense because my patch has been applied over 4 years ago now :) That's exactlt the point of the patch — sehe 1 min ago
Am I missing something
how many cups go in a liter?
Really? That's perfect then
Gah. Does it really not bother you that your question is obviously flawed?
depends how big your cup is, but they are usually 250ml I think
@набиячлэвэлиь I'll merge when I get home. This shouldn't be like this and you need to update it again so I could merge.
You seem to be so easily satisfied. That's either lazy, gullible or who-knows-what
@Nooble yaya, working on it
Fairly sure you could've asked me to reopen the other one so you could update it, you badlet.
@Prismatic I reckon with 240ml myself (Parkinson anticipation)
I read that people who drink >= 4 cups of coffee per day have decreased risk of cardiovascular disease
it's just that I have a really big cup
so I was afraid that I'm overdoing it
I read that people who stay alive have increased risk of death. But they also live longer. On average
@user11177 2-3 small cups in intervals are better than having 1 big cup at once.
Meanwhile, I admire your username. It has been a while since we had a proper prime user honour the lounge with their presence
@xordux <sup>[citation needed]</sup>
@xordux depends on how you define better
@LucDanton It doesn't do any additional work really so it looks awkward when I change the name. I'd rather have a slightly more annoying function name than risk getting some strange hidden behavior because I missed something though
actually, funny story
yesterday I tipped my cup over
spilled coffee all over my darn desk
me too except it was cum
down into the electrical extension socket
@AngryLettuce two grills, one cum
luckily though, no sparks
@sehe Why do you think you'll get Parkinsons?
@user11177 Yes because your heart will explode way before it can develop any diseases
think of the children
@user11177 By better I mean efficient use of coffee. 1 large cup with around 300mg caffeine can surely wake you but most of the time it will be more than necessary. Besides you can have a smaller cup several times a day to keep yourself alert whole day.
@Prismatic better safe than sorry. We might have electrical extension sockets
am I in lounge what is this invasion of cicada alts
what a tasteless joke lettuce
/me frantically googles "electrical extension socket"
@sehe I read this a long ago. Trying to find that link to site here.
@Prismatic thank you
@Prismatic add salt
my point is that in my case, having a small cup definitely would have been better
is having a small cup innuendo for something else
No. It's just something you'll have to live with
because spilling a "cup" is less inconvenient than the ½ liter my cup holds
@sehe This screenshot is getting a lot of value.
You know what. I'd be happy if it weren't necessary
What was that joke about spelling cup
something something "see you pee"
@Prismatic what a tasteful joke
I'll have a second round of it please
extra salty
@EtiennedeMartel I liked the gif better :(
(also that everyone linked my message)
@Mysticial This made me laugh so much.
is cup an imperial unit btw?
@sehe Sorry, I coudnt find the link to cite. You'll have to take my words.
I don't believe it's part of the SI system
@sehe What's happened here? Cicada's taking back control with its knuckles
@xordux I take your word. I just don't have a clue what you're talking about
Haha ignore
@Nooble kk, fixed
I ordered math books off amazon for like 400€
@user11177 which one ?
You got ripped off, mate
oh all the highly recommended ones on there
@xordux Errm.
like Spivak, Axler, Velleman
the one by Knuth
What is it with these newcomers and their inability to properly reply to messages.
And this was my final attempt to install YCM in Vim, it didn't work again. I think I will have to live without it.
Sternberg and Loomis
sounds like a disease
only if you're allergic to being awesome
@xordux I don't know what could make it fail. What distro?
but yeah I know I was ripped off
Ubuntu 14 , LTS
@sehe Ubuntu 14 LTS
What is it with all these noobs here.
If I started working through all these today, like full time, I would still be going by 2020
@xordux AFAIR it's a single script that does everything automatically.
@sehe yes. I have seen a guy in Youtube doing it sooo easily.
Has anyone had these similar issues with visual studio or when building a project? stackoverflow.com/questions/34952119/…
@xordux So, what do you differently
Is it safe to eat four day old salad
@sehe I followed same steps except that my installation sometimes needed sudo
@xordux so what doesn't work... (have you tried Super User or Stack Overflow?)
@Prismatic has it been in the fridge?
@Prismatic Probably, depends
@user11177 Yeah its in the fridge
In some tupperware
@sehe It installs cleanly but when I open a file in vim (.cpp or .py) it don't show any suggestions.
@Prismatic I am qualified to answer
@AngryLettuce Please enlighten us, your royal green leafiness
For me it qualifies as cannibalism
the end
@sehe no, I was afraid that I had not done research before asking things there.
@xordux have you configured with --clang-completer? Do you have Vim installed with python support? Have you worked through the FAQ? (e.g. did you create the .ycm_extra_conf.py that the plugin practically yells at you about?)
@xordux You know. You might not have, but this is not research. This is not a Q&A site
> Hackers In Revolt
someone told me not long ago that ISIS is in trouble now, because anonymous has gone after them
@sehe yes I have configured it with --clang-completer. And what do mean by "vim with python support" ? I think I should check those FAQs.
Before going to Super User/Stack Overflow yes, obviously
> SJW's and Community In Agreement: Hacker Culture Revolting
@sehe thanks for you time and patience.
I'm cooking long dinner so...
I don't like the word hacker
@Prismatic Why not?
@user11177 yep they hacked their DNS and hijacked their IMAP3
1 hour ago, by Luc Danton
@xordux did you read the readme
It makes ignorant people think you're doing unscrupulous things
@user11177 Do we even know who this ISIS guy is?
@LucDanton sigh
Evolution: Wasting time since forever.
Yo so does anyone know what Minecraft Education Edition is
apparently MS is rewriting Minecraft in C++ and their roll out starts with Minecraft Education Edition
@sehe first it's GNU/ISIS
@Prismatic wow now it's gonna have actual decent performance
@AngryLettuce I want to make a joke about how its MS rewriting it so you can't be sure
but I might offend someone
yeah because nothing MS ever made is a pos
@wilx can we not link garbage like Breitbart here, I guarantee most of that article is unsubstaniated garbage.
More like Breitfart
@LucDanton Still sorry, my bad.
@TheForestAndTheTrees Request denied.
Also why are they using Minecraft in schools
> But when I put this to Raymond, he disagreed that it ought to surprise observers — and pointed to Nobel Laureate Sir Tim Hunt, who was framed for a sexist tirade he never gave, as an example of feminist smears in action
Mmm. The interesting part is that there are enough elements that make sense.
Even though I generally abhor paranoia.
Too often it becomes self-fulfilling fatalism.
@Prismatic It's Minecraft EDU, supposedly it teaches kids important skills
> Student Portfolio feature, where students can take photos and selfies to show their work and learning.
@набиячлэвэлиь Such as: A-level procrastination
Imagine paying a bunch of $$ to send your kids to school and they are taking virtual selfies in minecraft
Well. Imagine paying a bunch of $$ and they get to do 30 columns of addition sums instead.
Yeah, one gives them practice with basic mental math and the other gives them practice for how to Facebook like a pro when they grow up
@Ell How's term so far
@sehe Btw., what was that 2-second stream this morning about?
Lost motivation quickly?
probably sex
@JohanLarsson Nah, I've seen his wife
jk, I was in gleeful anticipation though
@Columbo It was my short lived career in zty.pe
well at least they have the option to go griefing each others cabins instead of shooting up the school
@sehe Neato, share them if you feel like it!
I'll probably go digging around myself.
Also @ElimGarak @Borgleader Have you heard of "ACM Core" or "GKS" ? They're apparently related to some kind of graphics standard.
@ThePhD haven't remembered (they weren't as interesting)
TIL the movie Inception was based on node.js callbacks
@sehe Man, this is addicting.
Poor you
@ThePhD ACM seems like a standards organisation? GKS I hadnt heard of
> The Graphical Kernel System (GKS) was the first ISO standard for low-level computer graphics, introduced in 1977.
a bit late to the party mate, ~40 yrs late
I need a set of types for which common_type can differ, depending on ordering
@Borgleader You'll never be late to my party bby <3
@TonyTheLion <3 <3 <3
preferably something not too exotic, e.g. no excessive use of UD conversions
> inline uint qHash(const QItemSelectionRange &) { return 0; }
okay then
So guys, what's the current best C++ unit testing library?
@Borgleader vOv
@LucDanton as in you're looking for examples? Can you just bruteforce a matrix and cherry pick
@Lalaland Catch.
Most of my books are digital right now
And the whole "1600 x 900" screen thing is driving me up the goddamn wall.
@sehe yeah, and feeling kinda short on ideas atm
@sehe I wrote "jk". :-)
tea first, have a think later
@ThePhD Try to buy a 1080p external monitor.
They are pretty cheap.
LIke 150$
I need better resolution. If I ever get a laptop that's 1600 x 900, shoot me.
> $150
> Cheap
You know you've gone too far when you complete your library by implementing stuff described in research papers rather than by stealing code.
@Morwenn You monster.
Also morning.
@ThePhD <3
@Morwenn Someone has to be the first to implement that
@ThePhD Actually, I just checked, they are cheaper than that.
@TonyTheLion That's the most annoying part: I'm pretty sure the ones who wrote these research papers also implemented the agorithms they describe.
@Lalaland Kinky.
But: « lel, that code is 2 ugly, I ain't releasng it ».
@Morwenn Better to stay on the safe mathy side, where things were proven. Let Hava implement the bugs
@sehe I remember a question on Academia.SE asking whether ugly code should be public.
Actually, NVM, people using stupid tricks of "cheap product, lots of money for shipping"
Curse those people.
Q: Should I share my horrible software?

qspAfter I had published my paper, some people asked me to share the software that I developed. At first, I was very happy that my paper attracted some attention, and I was happy to share not only the binary but also the source code, case studies etc. But looking at my software, I feel very embarras...

And this is probably the reason why I almost never find actual implementations.
> I'm always under pressure to produce new results, and cleaning those code would cost me significant effort.
Non-programmer detected
@sehe What makes you say that?
This is what happens when academics only "need" an implementation just to print some noisy graphs.
@Lalaland A true programmer realizes the cost of the attitude
The answers there are pretty good
@sehe But that attitude does have some relevance for prototype like things.
@ThePhD Very cool
@Lalaland Ok?
If you are producing "write-once, then throw away" products, then code quality might actually be costly.
Well. Don't publish research about your throw-away things.
But isn't that sorta the purpose of research?
To try things out?
@ThePhD Interesting project.
To prove ideas are possible?
I mean, we kid JVM for boasting GC stats :)
@sehe Didn't get it (too stewpid?)
@Lalaland Yes. And, most importantly, to have it verifiable and reproducible!
@Rerito "we'll keep going to church so we can get the kids into that nice catholic church" / expecting
Implying that anyone actually verifies or reproduces scientific work.
The reproducibility rates on scientific papers is horrible.
Oh, right
@sehe That.
@Lalaland People do, if they care. I think you mean, much research doesn't /actually/ have much value. We knew that already
@Lalaland And that's another problem. You see this subtly contradicts your rhetorical question in your directly preceding message
@Lalaland What do you think I am doing these days? .____.
Also, from the lab I worked in, they didn't keep all their code public because they had various in progress algorithms in the codebase.
They published zips of the codebase every now and then, but there is a good reason why they didn't make the svn public.
(There are worries of people stealing your work if you open source things before publication)
Nah, the idea is to publish code when a paper is published.
For "simple" algorithms and data structures, it should always the case seriously.
@Morwenn Yeah, but people make mistakes. And sometimes things get a little outdated.
@Lalaland Publish a new paper that describes and fixes the mistakes.
Seriously, if you're going to propose something new, don't be affraid to be judged. Take that as constructive criticism.
There's already billions of lines of open-source code shittier than yours anyway.
Yeah, the "my code is shitty" argument against open sourcing your work is sorta stupid.
I think the "extra work" argument has some merit.
"extra work" because code is shitty :P?
You're really unlucky if anybody manages to do the extra work before you do.
@sehe I’m starting to think it would take wildly exotic and/or pathological types, I might just give this a pass
@ScarletAmaranth No, extra work in continuously updating it, supporting it, etc, etc.
@Lalaland why would academics care abotu that vOv
@ScarletAmaranth It's an additional cost. And something they aren't getting compensated for in any way.
@Lalaland yeah exactly; I mean why would they ever maintain something for someone - the purpose wasn't to be a widely available library or some such
@ScarletAmaranth Because a research paper is much more useful when you have actual code to look at.
You can validate it and use it to solve your own problems, etc, etc.
It can also help you understand the algorithms, etc, etc.
@Lalaland I've been saying the same thing that you have for a while now, not sure why start with "because" ^^
maintaining it for someone ELSE is completely pointless for an academic
"fire and forget" is a good approach; release the code and nuke the email associated with it
I agree on fire and forget nukes
yeah fire and navigate manually are a pain to work with
"oh shit I sneezed and boom go the kids"
@sehe Thank you, YCM is working now. I gave a thought to your advice of "what I am doing different than that youtube guy" and then learned something new.
@LucDanton YCM is working now. Thank you
@Columbo I failed engineering maths 99% sure but otherwise pretty good
@Lalaland it requires being vulnerable
people don't like being vulnerable often
Incase you guys are interested to know what wrong I was doing, it was that I was making all the changes(vundle script) in .vimrc located in /usr/share/vim but I was supposed to add it in local .vimrc file.
@xordux I didn't realise you were new to Vim as well o.O
omg omg omg
I got an official green light on trainings at work
it's so exciting

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