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@jaggedSpire by being slutty?
Hey, who wants to play "Let's not have a clear head for work in the morning"?
I don't have work.
You old person.
@Nooble by doing whatever the hell you want regardless of societal norms, yes
and exploring new parts of the human experience
@jaggedSpire You know what's not a societal norm and you totally should get into? MECHANICAL KEYABORDAS
@Nooble then grab a drink
@Nooble excellent mechanical keyboarding there
Holy fuck balls, She has a frigging castle
@jaggedSpire yes
@thecoshman who
Enya has a friggen CASTLE?
:\ I might have a new crush
...I bet she wanders its halls wearing capes and other fun things
I am very jealous right now
I mean... sure she's old enough to be my mum... but she's not quite old enough to be my gran and has a friging castle
hey, there was a castle near me listed for only €1mill
@orlp lol
@thecoshman cause it costs double that each year to maintain top lel
@thecoshman that seems like a small castle
@orlp pimp it out vOv
@jaggedSpire iirc, it's not the small, and has a lot of land around it
@thecoshman I can hardly get a flat near work for a fifth of that, well, less than a fifth with currency conversion
I don't think this is the place I was on about, but hey, who want's to move in with me?
@Borgleader where is you?
Montreal, Canada. Same as @EtiennedeMartel
@Borgleader can you get me a job?
¬_¬ etien failed me
Really? He said they were hiring not a week ago
I applied about a year ago, apparently I didn't sound like I wanted to work there and just wanted out of where I am
I mean, sure, it's just a trivial thing to throw away your life and start over like 6 hours away by the fastest domestic transport we have available
and afaik, I'd kinda have to learn french too to get along?
pretty much
But fuck me, Montreal looks like an awesome place to live
o_0 there could be other jobs there
<google>it jobs in montreal</google>
... maybe drunk sorting out job profile stuff isn't the best of ideas...
@Borgleader do you has job?
I'm a gamedev ye
where boots?
I work at Ubisoft (don't tell Alex M. :P)
give's job?
I swear I can turn up to work sober :P
@MadameElyse wtf am I looking at?
@Borgleader holy crap
@thecoshman No clue, but I'm sure theyre listed on the website.
@Nooble I know right, Montreal kicks as, even if it does speak french
wow, totally wank website :c
Reminder, it is a french company
@MASh: There's nothing to explain beyond what I've already stated. Byren needs to explain his point of view. Or perhaps you can explain it to me since you've already adopted it into your answer. — Lightness Races in Orbit 5 mins ago
What a beatiful question again
WTF! why does everything I click open a new tab!
Control key hangs?
That is honestly almost enough to make me not want to work somewhere
No. That would be like burning your dog so you can fit it in an urn for a more convenient house move, then acting surprised when you find out you can't unburn it back to life again.
LRiO is on fire today
Wow that's cringe worthy. Bad acting making the whole ad ridiculous.
"En dat met een heeele flinkere actie-radius".
The director must have been asleep. Morons.
@sehe translate pls
you know, better then google
@thecoshman Impossibru. It's ill formed
Anyways, it looks like this is a gimmick. BMW doing guerilla marketing?
I just realised; a Black Russian is cutting a strong spirit, with a slightly less strong spirit...
bottoms up!
ah yeah, so much nicer when it's just the two
had one last night at some pub, they felt the need to put some coke and a wee splash of Guinness into it
like christ man, I asked for a Black Russian, not a long drink
@sehe Subaru?
@thecoshman what is this you're speaking off? (also 28333031 prime get)
@sehe jelly muhc?
I speak of the good kind
Black Russians are nice
But white are nicer
Oh, man, I went overboard tonight. Need to rest a bit.
Sup lounge
@Ell they just lack that bit of Baileys to make them a sweet sweet mudslide
@sehe Wouldn't sucking abysmally constitute something that doesn't really suck?
Apparently you have yet to discover the displeasure of abysmal suckage
@ElimGarak You overate?
@sehe Overequated more like.
I don't follow
Oh man
Too many equations :P
1 = 2
Solve for x
Talk to the Puppy. He likes' em
@AngryLettuce x = 28333135
certainly a valid solution in the set
I forgot how heartbreaking is tutoring
@Shoe I never even knew heartbreaking is tutoring in the first place
@sehe Lots of injured
@AngryLettuce is this now 'early' for you?
Because HKese be like "OMG COLD" so they went to the mountains to see the frost
@AngryLettuce x = y, celarly
And there's like over a hundred of hypothermia cases etc
@AngryLettuce lel
@Shoe took me some time to not read 'tourtoring'
"Let it go..."
@thecoshman you're drunk
@sehe of thank fuck, I thought I was just having the slowest stroke ever
How can an hour of Enya still leave me angsty?
@thecoshman perhaps it's the thought that you return to work tomorrow?
actually, work is today for pirate
and it kinda never ended for me, rip
it's all too soon
and I have to work out doctors, on account of having the plague
And I have to drive for 40 km in 4 hours.
That seems very little o.O
Should be only -1°C, though.
aaaand apparently I forgot that I had to dry the dishes
Just drive 10km/h and you'll be fine :v
fuck it
@ElimGarak lol
Wat, I hate driving. Everyone here drives like a moron, I see everything as a threat on the road. :D
How does a student get to classes and constructors without knowing how functions work
Linux geniuses, help me.
I am triyng to compile a simple SFML code and it refuses to.
g++ -smfl --compile-force=now
@Shoe I get access to class using a map of university and walking there
gaga -somuchfatlol
g++ main.o - sfml-app -lsfml-graphics -lsfml-window -lsfml-system
@AngryLettuce You know what I mean :c
buy a bigger car then ... eliminate the morons and threats :x
sfml-app: No such file or directory
- sfml-app
The fuck does that mean
Do you mean -o sfml_app?
you know it's funny, but SFML ...... well.. you know... the website.. about fml ?
So Fuck My Life
i know it's unrelated, but really it is in his case
write a makefile and set the lib dependencies right?
I forgot to copy the -o part before sfml-app, sorry.
Wait, it worked.
You're welcome.
@Shoe Pro tip: functions don't work
@DemCodeLines SFYL
@sehe ?
also fml - Physics and Mathematics Lyceum in Russia)
@Shoe They really don't. That's why we don't pay them
Saint Petersburg Presidential Physics and Mathematics Lyceum №239 (Russian: Президентский физико-математический лицей №239), is a public high school in Saint Petersburg, Russia that specializes in mathematics and physics. The school opened in 1918 and it became a specialized city school in 1961. The school is noted for its strong academic programs. It is the alma mater of numerous winners of International Mathematical Olympiads and it has produced many notable alumni. == History == The school was founded in 1918. Originally, it was located in the Lobanov-Rostovsky house, also known as "house with...
@sehe kek
time to vanish for a bit
@TelkittytheWebDeveloper Survival off the fittest antisocial
@jaggedSpire vanish tight, sweet princess
@sehe Is this a joke I'm not getting or...?
"knowing how X work(s)" is way of saying "knowing X"
@Shoe t u kind sir
@ThePhD Thank you.
@sehe yw :)
@Borgleader Downloading SWTOR. You still playin'?
Saw, talking about on topic conversation, I wander if C++ could help with necrotic feet... some sort of medical research mayabe?
@DemCodeLines we don't call it "copying". We call it typing. The subtle difference indicating an act of will power - shall we say, intent - and the use of brain power to decide what needs to be done.
@thecoshman Sure. As everyone is well aware, C++ makes is very easy to shoot yourself in the necrotic foot. There's plenty of rope...
@ElimGarak yeah i played this weekend
@sehe and more than enough 'nope'
@Borgleader How do I pick sides in order to end up with you eventually? :D
@sehe What?
I played sith mostly
try not to wank too hard
I missed the -o flag it seems
Hmm, I might become an empire agent
they have cool ships
@DemCodeLines you see, that doesn't happen, unless you took the command line as a magic spell to begin with.
That's not how it works. That's not how any of this works.
@thecoshman too late
I have no clue what you're talking about. I really don't.
@Borgleader Oh, forgot there are different servers here
you on NA?
Yes :(
I can play there, just which one :D
Cleanup on aisle 3 complete.
The Harbinger
And PVE servers seem to be pretty heavily populated. I thought PVP servers were the shit.
PvP is shit imo
all you get over PvE is getting ganked
Ah, excellent!
harbinger it is
@JerryCoffin lol
@DemCodeLines I believe you
@ElimGarak Lachrous is my main. /cc @jaggedSpire
Should I subscribe and start Knights of the Fallen Empire?
is it worth it? I know TOR had to go free after a while
ToR went F2p like 6 months after coming out (that was over a year ago IIRC)
My credit card is out, so all I need is some peer validation :D
KotFE is kinda cool, but make sure you did all of the other content first.
Alright, I'll roll it until 60, then move to it
Are there restrictions on interacting with republic folks when you're empire aligned?
I can't remember anymore, or never got to a point where those mattered. :D
I dont know, I never really tried.
One thing I always wondered about was defecting to the light side :D
would be cool if you could
This is why you decouple code. So you can test and benchmark in isolation. Ironically, if you had this done, you'd have had no trouble showing me the code some 8 days ago — sehe 19 secs ago
@ElimGarak You mean like Darth Vader at the end of Return of the Jedi, or did you have something else in mind?
@JerryCoffin Something like that, but actually living to see the other side.
One can accumulate light points even on the Imperial side, Imperial Agents showing mercy and stuff.
@ElimGarak Oh, you want to survive the experience? Picky, picky picky!
Would be nice if we were allowed to switch sides when the bar maxes out. Probably will be in an expansion down the line, but Borgleader says no right now. :(
@ElimGarak I remember when the game came out, and people thought that in groups others member's choices affect your alignment. It got awkward when you had a "light side sith", theyd want to kick them out
@ElimGarak If its possible, I havent heard of it.
I don't get it
Why people get so worked up with one shot scenes
@shoe what game is that from?
For Polycount folks, it's the art. And rightly so. Making Unreal Engine 4 look better than its baseline requires a really good artist. If you look at that scene, that star on the far end is not really illuminating the scene, but the artist made it look like it does. There is a directional light coming from that direction, for which light beams/godrays/crepuscular rays are computed. There is also the handpainted emulation of volumetric level altitude clouds.
@Johnathon I mean movies one shot scenes
Like Birdman
Who cares
Ah, that.
@Shoe for similar reasons that people get enthusiastic about castles. When they're made out of sand.
It adds literally nothing to the movie
The least affordable city in the world is Hong Kong, where households can expect to spend 19 times the median annual household income to afford a median house ...
Sydney was ranked second, with households spending 12.2 times their income (http://www.domain.com.au/news/sydney-melbourne-houses-in-worlds-top-five-most-unaffordable-demographia-20160125-gmd7x2/) ... when I read articles like this, usually I am not sure whether the author is a retard or the author expect the readers to be idiots. The average price of an apartment in Manhattan has reached a record high of $1.87m (http://www.thegua
(see full text)
Most of the times you don't even notice it until someone points it out
@Shoe That's something you cannot know. Because you cannot know what the shots would have been like without the constraints
There are cuts anyway, so I guess good job to the editor
But really who cares
Like if you watch this:
everybody comments on how it's a single shot
Great single opening shot.
The movie wasn't that good (but not bad either) but this shot was pure ingenious...!
I guess... going out on a limb, it's not for you then. Nor is it for me. But clearly these shots - to the cinema-sensitive - carry an additional tension that is beautiful for it's exact subtlety.
I wouldn't know, but I do know the same things happen with good music performances.
Best One-Shot-Scene in Movie History!!!
It's like saying "that song has a perfect build up"
Songs having a perfect build up is something the clients notice
And it adds a lot of value in certain songs
I feel like people are putting single shots in just to please these mindless fans
Even Star Wars Episode 3 had one at the beginning
@Shoe Well, it is for the artist crowd. People who like to see strains of reality in movies. Life is pretty much a one take single shot.
@Nooble its pretty cool ye
So seeing that in movies, for some folks, feels like an achievement.
Why is it good?
@ElimGarak Still, it is pretty gorgeous :) Thats what I go to polycount for mostly. Also, sometimes I pick up a neat trick or two.
@Borgleader it's beautiful
@Borgleader No, no, I thought it was amazing and thought that Shoe responded to that and not movie single shot scenes. :D
An immense amount of work went into that and a lot of props to the artist. Usually people are like: "Well, it's UE4, of course it looks good."
@Borgleader weird al <3
@Shoe Having watched it, now, I must say I feel it. The suspense, the thrill of not knowing where the scene will float to, slightly unsettling panning making simple things (like those steps on the roof) much tenser. It does feel a lot different than your run-of-the-mill "let's go outside to see what happens next" or "so, this is inside the hotel, see if you can spot our protagonist coming out of that carnival we were just in" etc.
@Shoe The thing is: which clients notice? You? Me? Everyone?
I must admit that scene convinced me to watch one more movie again. Will be first in years (not counting disney which I consciously fit into the diet for the kids)
They actually say it's a terrible movie
Oh god - the worst type of errors are when they don't cause an exception in your program. Currently headbutting against the desk right now. If I understand correctly, just to make sure,
@sehe I see your point
"Forming a reference to a null pointer" means I'm currently entering a null pointer? However that doesn't give me a segfault error or anything... which is concerning.
But I think you wouldn't even have noticed if I didn't tell you
@Shoe lol
@OneRaynyDay afaik thats UB, not guaranteed to give segfault.
Also cutting doesn't mean cut the whole elevator scene.
You just use cuts, like normal people do.
You have a steady shot of them entering the hotel
And then you cut to them waiting for the elevator
@Borgleader And "Use of memory after it is freed" right afterwards means I'm accessing that null pointer... right? I even said (nullptr).something , which should give me an error I hope.. I guess accessing a nullptr might not but definitely trying to get a member from void should...
You watch them enter the elevator
And then you cut to the inside of the elevator
You see the same things, it's just regular cuts
Are you trying to tell us that there are different ways of directing the scene?
I'm afraid that's pretty old news
No, I'm saying that some of your points are invalid
Because you can achieve the same effect by cutting
@Shoe And they're really tiring. If you have that many cuts, the rhythm of the cuts (resetting your brain focus with it) is going to "condition" the viewer to care less and forget about detail. This is that suspense factor.
By not butting into the flow, the scene can get this "floating" atmosphere where everything is chaotic yet distant and you see endless detail.
You see endless detail because the brain is rewarded for staying attuned; if you are going to "disrespect" the attention by refocusing (obviously also a very powerful stylistic device, usable to create chaos/confusion/tension/alienation/etc.) the scene loses the eerie quality and serenity. Therefore the subsequent contrast with the sniper scene is lost.
@Shoe I think, for this scene, I disagree. But more generally, you can't know.
24 mins ago, by sehe
@Shoe That's something you cannot know. Because you cannot know what the shots would have been like without the constraints
You don't notice cutting
It has been there since forever
There's nothing tiring about it
Also, the fact that you couldn't care less hardly says it's worthless
Your brain is very good at keeping track of what's going on
Also the whole "endless details" thing makes no sense to me
Pfft. So. @Jefffrey's experience is The Fact.
The amount of details you see is pretty much the same
@sehe No
I'm asking what's good about it
@Shoe Pffft. It makes sense to me. And that makes it about as valid as your dismissal
Good night :)
And you are not showing me convincing points, that's all
@Shoe I'm answering, but you don't wanna hear. Next time, cut the story short will you. Don't ask
I'm hearing and replying
@Shoe If the points don't convince, they must be invalid?
They don't convince you. Ok.
Unless by "hearing" you mean "accept everything I say", then no, I'm not hearing.
@sehe I'm expecting you to defend your points
Would it be OK if I were to ask a github question here or nah?
That's how a discussion usually works
They might not convince me iff I had a sitting through 10 different long shots. Maybe. I dunno. I was reviewing this one and I'm really liking it for the reasons stated.
And I commented on those reasons
@Shoe I have very much.
I don't see what's the problem
Well, github is failing to sync on my part, when I do git status in git bash I have no errors.
You are presenting your points, I'm commenting on them and presenting mine, you are commenting on them and presenting yours on a new light.
It says the working directory is clean
That's how discussions flow
Maybe you are tired though. So good night.
And it doesn't help that Github GUI isn't tell me anything really, it's just going "Oh yeah an error happened go on over to git shell"
@Shoe There's no problem. It's just a bit one-sided. You were ranting about "cuts are fine" before I started explaining. And you just carried on "No, cuts are fine". As if I didn't say anything at all. Maybe I missed the subtle ack, but it wasn't hard to miss then
@MarfGamer What does it say?
On github GUI or Git bash?
Gui just tells me to debug to try and debug the state of the repo, and git bash says everything is fine and dandy when I do "git status"
@sehe I said "cuts are fine because..." and you were like "but what about this thing that a single shot does well?" and I was like "cuts can actually do that too, by doing this and this..."
So yeah, my point is that cuts are fine I guess
@Shoe Hahaha. Talk about unconvincing. You basically just deny that cuts have cost.
What cost?
Well. Maybe you're insensitive to them.
@MarfGamer Sync via the bash command line and tell us the error you get
The breaking of rhythm, the time taken for brains to switch over. The broken flow of consciousness
Also what do you mean by "sync"? Pulling?
@Shoe It say's I'm already up to date on bash
I mean by updating the remote and local repositories, yes.
@sehe I don't think those are issues at all. Shots like shot reverse shot are often very quick (like 1 second per cut or less) and your brain can keep up very well. It's a fairly standard format.
As in downloading the new code from repos and/or pushing new code to the remote ones.
@Shoe You're basically saying "you can do cuts well and you'll hardly notice". The point is, you do notice. Consciously or subconsciously. There are many movies I cannot watch. At all. It's all just too fast and flurry for me. There's a reason I don't really watch any television or movies...
I understand how you might think that cutting is like context switching, but it's really not.
your brain can keep up very well
The problem with all of these that they are very subjective non-facts.
The brain created a 3d word in its own sandbox and keeps track of where the camera is very well.
The fact that it's a standard format just means that may people cope with them fine. Or many people even prefer them.
@sehe No, no. They are standards in cinematography. And they are standards because they don't prevent those issues.
That's not a basis to say "long shots have no merit"
If they presented those issues there would be another standard
@Shoe Prove it
@Shoe Prove it
It's taste.
I can tell, because I have my taste. And it doesn't align with your facts
Watching movies you feel the cost of cuts?
Is that what you are saying? Honestly?
Before today you actually stopped at some point in a movie and told yourself "Oh boy, these cuts are so annoying"?
@Shoe If all of that were true, there wouldn't be the long shots, remember. You're begging the question all the time. You started the whole topic saying "I don't get why long shots are a thing", and you keep circular reasoning how there is no logical reason for them to exist. The fact is, they do exist. Now, how do you resolve that paradox?
They do exist because they used to be a very complicated thing to do
Because people would have to do very long shots and get everything right the first time
Now it's just a thing some guy on a computer puts together
@Shoe Not that consciously. But I do hate watching many types of movies. And I didn't hate watching that. Made me think of other movies that I would not be surprised I liked because of the low cut-rhythms. I've never analyzed this before.
@jaggedSpire is he from the ministry of silly walks?
@Shoe what the hell is a 3d word
Like I said, I just reviewed this scene, told you what I liked about it that relates to the technicality of the shot
you mean like MS WordArt?
@sehe and then you carried out the point that these types of shots are superior to cuts
which is what we are discussing now
@Shoe Where the hell do you get this argument from? That's like saying people built the canal tunnel because it used to be impossible
ITT pro cinema jeffscussion
@Borgleader vOv
@sehe Not at all
We value the architecture of piramids also because they were very hard to build at the time
For example
This is more like this
@Shoe No. They suppress the cost of cuts. I never said it was superior. In fact I made certain you didn't think that:
18 mins ago, by sehe
You see endless detail because the brain is rewarded for staying attuned; if you are going to "disrespect" the attention by refocusing (obviously also a very powerful stylistic device, usable to create chaos/confusion/tension/alienation/etc.) the scene loses the eerie quality and serenity. Therefore the subsequent contrast with the sniper scene is lost.
@Shoe Is that a fact? I wonder why you still involve others in this conversation
They suppress the cost of cuts.
For me.
If something suppressed the cost of some bad thing, isn't that an advantage?
(obviously also a very powerful stylistic device, usable to create chaos/confusion/tension/alienation/etc.)
... which makes it... superior?
Calm down. I'm not saying anything too weird. Stop the rhetorics. I'm not stupid.
What rhetorics?
Oh boy, those words with the silent "H" or whatever are so difficult to spell for me
If cuts have a mental cost, that in itself can make it a proper technique to achieve a cinematographic effect. So, it would be superior to achieve that effect. Nothing complicated.
I never get the position of the "H" right
@sehe You're not stupid?
@Shoe "isn't that?" "which makes it?..."
@Shoe penish
@sehe What's special about those words?
I'm honestly confused
Don't sidetrack.
I don't care. Focus on the discussion. I've clarified other things too. They're more important.
I'm sidetracking what? You mentioned the rhetoric :/

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