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personally, I think that having someone else do it all for you is more ultimate than doing it all yourself
That still doesn't make you the predator
it's quid pro quo; we live in a society with different assigned roles
personally I need to concoct this meal called dinner
Doctors also need software, but you are not a doctor
it does make you the predator - ultimately;
I ate the meat; I'm the predator.
I beat meat, I'm the wanker
@ScarletAmaranth With that reasoning you are ultimately every role possible
Which is not true
I'll see myself out
You do your role to get money to buy what other roles produce
You are not every other role
@AngryShoe you're making conclusions that don't follow from assumptions
If I had to kill the meat I eat, I think I simply wouldn't eat meat.
you need to get sum coq @AngryShoe
@ScarletAmaranth They may follow from assumptions he's made and you don't share with him
@AngryShoe Those roles are not defined by "Do a thing", e.g. "eat meat", which he actually does do.
@ScarletAmaranth If paying for meat makes you the predator, does paying for medical care also make you a doctor?
@TonyTheLion I stand corrected; but he hasn't shared those assumptions so they're missing
Scavengers aren't predators.
@Morwenn end justifies the means
what if the end doesn't justify the means?
not really.
How come you wrote your parser in CPS puppers?
Let's go perhaps a simpler route
@Ell Error handling.
> Predator: any organism that exists by preying upon other organisms.
You don't prey any organism
@ScarletAmaranth Depends on the means, so no.
depends on how you define "prey".
Maybe chicks, but that's not what we are talking about
Balance between ends and means justifies them.
I think vegetarianism comes down to the question "How good do you have to be to be considered good"
define good
indirectly, by causing farmers to be more efficient and by demanding their products, he does cause more animals to be killed, and he does consume those animals, so it's hard to say that he does not, in fact, prey upon them.
@Ell That's too subjective to actually be a question.
right, exactly
> to seize and devour prey, as an animal does
It's a threshold thing imho
@AngryShoe Meh, that's a simplistic definition. You can't apply all rules for animals to humans.
@Puppy True. It differs from regular scavengers.
I gave up on the wide codemirror thing already
you can always look at the source of my website to see what I ended up with.
CPS is too hard to read reason about mayn
@Morwenn As would most people. In the meantime... STEAKKKKKKKKKKK :D
@AngryShoe paying itself doesn't - that's what @Puppy said; I said I CONTRIBUTE to their wellbeing and butchers or whoever contributes to mine; and it makes us, humans, the ultimate predator and there is nothing wrong with delegating and / or sharing / separating... roles
also idk why I even started, I'm not in the mood for concentration atm :V
@Puppy so by paying health care and by demanding it, he does cause more doctors to study medicine, he uses that knowledge, so it's hard to say that he does not, in fact, have that knowledge.
@Ell If you're curious about the JS text editor, you can read the source of my website, which is not obfuscated/minified except the lexer.
@Puppy okay coolio
@AngryShoe To some degree, he effectively does.
but also
those actions are not defined by the consumption of a thing, unlike predation which is the consumption of meat.
nope, predator is the seek and consumption of "meat"/organisms
He only consumes it
I contribute something else, because we chose to work like this as a species
in a society
That doesn't change the fact that you are not a predator
Just like you are not a doctor (AFAIK)
I indirectly allows others to do it, becuase they are not busy reading template errors
Even though you use the product that doctors provide
@AngryShoe He seeks it. Just not in a literal direct fashion.
@ScarletAmaranth allowing other to do it != doing it
@Puppy direct / indirect is the indeed the correct interpretation of this
I mean
@AngryShoe it is; indirectly
your analogy to being a doctor is not correct
because a doctor has the ability to provide others with a thing, that's what being a doctor is.
@ScarletAmaranth So by allowing other people to get their ass fucked, you are in fact being ass fucked?
but when you're a predator, you just consume organisms by the most efficient means available
Guys, we get each other's points and you're just nitpicking on terms again.
which is certainly what he does.
@Puppy no, a predator is one that seeks and consumes. One that consumes only is not a predator.
It's a consumer.
@AngryShoe it's just my "smartness" that I don't need to go harpooning for delicious salmon; end justifies the means
he seeks it.
he goes to the supermarket and pays for it.
that's not seeking
it doesn't just walk up to his door and offer to be eaten.
it certainly is.
he makes an active effort to obtain it.
the only difference between him and a lion is the amount of effort required.
> take hold of suddenly and forcibly
that's actually very true if you're so into literal / direct interpretation, @AngryShoe - seeking it in the sense of going to supermarket counts!
He takes hold of the meat in the supermarket suddenly and forcibly?
That's that you are going to argue with me?
well, he does pick it up.
@Puppy I suddenly pick it up
Ok, I think we reached the end of the discussion
you are reading far too much into whatever random words some other person chose to use.
instead of thinking about the fundamental concepts being expressed
That's being pedantic
A very important quality to have in the Lounge
@AngryShoe A Lounge specialty, mostly served on silver platter
@TonyTheLion Degrees shall be awarded again tonight.
@ElimGarak check out the cars in NK the good ones are for the top dogs imgur.com/a/6AwgA
for extra fun: spot the lamborghini diablo
@AlexM. is it the one with only its rear left light visible?
it accounts for 2% of NK wealth ^^
well the <= 10% who enslave all the others gotta be bribed somehow
public interface EventHandlerFactory {
    public EventHandler get() throws Exception;
*IEventHandlerFactory :)
doctrine only works with the peasantry
Hungarian notation is for morons.
Humans live forever until they die
@AlexM. <= 1% if I were to guess
What a cute li'l icon.
@MadameElyse ...or Hungarians?
So, what contentious subject have you discussed today?
@wilx Scavengers vs. predators vs. consumers vs. humans.
@TelkittytheWebDeveloper It looks mad.
@Morwenn I would be mad too, if I had to eat worms!
Well...from the ground. I would actually eat worms if they were well prepared.
Only if they're crispy.
I'm sure bugs are tasty with the right seasoning.
bbq sauce
@wilx Hungarian notation.
@wilx How's the rivalry looking in Eastern Europe?
Do you guys just hate each other or are there factions?
Why would we hate each other?
Yeah, "hate" is too strong.
Also, Italy is in Eastern Europe?
@EtiennedeMartel I would not know. I do not live there. I am proud Central European!
Misread it
Europe is complicated.
Carry on
In North America it's easy: we have Canada, and then anything that's not Canada.
@EtiennedeMartel Canada is pretty damn huge yes
@EtiennedeMartel My understanding is that everybody outside Hungary hates Orban (their première) because of his authoritarian rule. Except that recently some liked him because he actually tried to deal with the illegal immigrants going through Hungary.
This is so awesome.
@TonyTheLion So is my dick. We can conclude that Canada is a dick.
@EtiennedeMartel I thought it was just freedom sandwiched in maple syrup and cocaine.
@EtiennedeMartel I've heard that ants are ok but that scorpions have basically no taste.
I ate dried worms once and it tasted just like curly.
gah latex is bad in so many ways
what is it with requiring the same command to be run multiple times to produce correct output >.<
lack of conducive flags
@Nooble We also have oil. Dirty, dirty oil.
Poor Swedes. :(
Well. No sensationalism too, right
What's deal with Robot? he dead?
@thecoshman girlfriend
Robots never die.
He ran from your rant. Maybe he's on IRC
@sehe He's scared of IRC
@TonyTheLion no excuse
@EtiennedeMartel They admitted it had happened, but no officers have hidden/lied (that's the official story). Itf that's true, makes a bit of sense. After all, police are not the press
> That incident however was silenced by large Swedish newspapers and media companies, despite repeated attempts from police officers to contact journalists
contradiction achieved
Why is there no useful press
... man. Did you just.
Yes I did.
Not very nice.
I feel like I pressed enter too soon.
This needed more clarification.
Let's try again.
Yeah. You could easily call "DOUBLE STANDARDS". However, it's also the case of one social taboo meeting the other.
tell him to post my screens if you see him
@thecoshman tell him yourself
@sehe Rape being a "social taboo" is kind of an understatement.
And in the clash it's hard to say what should get prioritized, as SJW (should we downplay it to avoid alienating immigrants? Or polarizing politics with the net result of helping right wing extremism - by prioritizing women's rights and the fight against male dominance...)
@TonyTheLion I've tried leaving him pings :\
greetings Lounge<C++>!
@MadameElyse TL;DR :(
TL;DR rape tolerated
@EtiennedeMartel Now I'm curious
@sehe I think it's the same problem, really. You can denounce the rapists without claiming everyone from the same region is one. Overall, a bunch of men took advantage of a bunch of women. It doesn't matter where they're from.
@thecoshman can't you email him?
afaik his email is public
@TonyTheLion does he really come here that rarely?
@EtiennedeMartel I didn't say it was impossible. I pinned it on clash of taboos that made the judgement call muddied
@thecoshman He appears every so often, hard to say how often. I haven't been paying that much attention.
@sehe Truth however inconvenient to someone.
StarGazer is awesome, thanks @Lalaland
@EtiennedeMartel How can you say it does not matter?
what impact have Buffer size on Server performance ?
@wilx How can you say it does?
@wilx It's the only thing that will save us though. All the rest just breeds suspicion
@wilx It's not size
@EtiennedeMartel Would you say the same about Nanking rapes where Japanese were raping Chinese? "Overall, a bunch of men took advantage of a bunch of women. It doesn't matter where they're from."
@wilx So you're saying those two situations are basically the same?
@EtiennedeMartel No. I am saying the who and where he is coming from matters a lot.
So why are you mentionning that then? How is that relevant?
@Joe.Dc What buffer, what server? If you want answers then you should probably describe your problem a little better.
@EtiennedeMartel facepalm
@wilx If they're not the same thing, why do you bring that up?
@EtiennedeMartel Have ever heard the word "analogy"?
@wilx I have a client -> server conexion. I'am using buffers to store data in RAM.. And when buffers increase server move slow, performance decrease ..
@wilx If you can't even explain why your analogy is relevant, don't use it.
@Joe.Dc Well, you have just answered your own question. :)
@EtiennedeMartel O.M.G! Really?
I asked you a simple question and you can't even answer it. In fact every time I try to get you to explain what your point is, you just dodge it.
@wilx Yea, but if i decrease buffers #define BUFFER_SIZE_DEFAULE 55000 , WHEN server reach 55000 server also are slow.
wow what a coincidence
It's possible to make an function for auto adjust buffers?
@milleniumbug more likely, linked hot questions, so both get hot
@Joe.Dc (a) serious typos (b) your handwaving doesn't mean any thing
Ok, so now messages that talk about the starboard get starred? Is that how we are going to play it?
Guys, that's not helping. :D
Reminder: Me and any other owner can clear stars.
Get rekt, Loungers. :P
Please do
So your stars better not suck.
@ElimGarak: You spoilsport!
I wouldn't mind Rihanna...
@EtiennedeMartel Please clean my message too
I have the perfect way to keep swearing
Guise, this is so nice. Dem females with dem voices.
1) Install StarGazer 2) Delete messages that can be flagged 3) Only other users using StarGazer can see them
@EtiennedeMartel: OK, can we agree that the fact that Japanese were raping Chinese at Nanking?
Did you guys drive away Marko?
@AngryShoe and roomowners
@ElimGarak Who?
@TonyTheLion v0v
@wilx Yes, and my question is how is that similar to the NYE situation, besides the whole gang rape thing?
Why would they care? The public doesn't see them
@EtiennedeMartel We are talking about the Swedish thing which was not at NYE.
@AlexM. Fuck, that country is surreal. :D
I think I want to poop but I have no time to do that
@wilx And I was talking about the Cologne stuff, but right. Okay.
In half an hour I should go to bed and then I'll be able to poop only at 2:30 in the afternoon tomorrow
@AngryShoe lol, what?
@ElimGarak what. We can't have females with voices. Mute them
On steps of Köln Cathedral Syrian men apologizing for & condeming their fellow immigrant crimes on New Years Eve. https://t.co/9xEOeBk9zi
I like that proposal.
I don't like your face
@sehe I'm sure the victims (including everybody scared now) will find that very helpful.
@Puppy That's racist.
@Puppy I wish I could say the same about yours but I have yet to see it.
@Morwenn Wasn't it accepted
@EtiennedeMartel OK. So, the Japanese of that time brought over their set of values, their disregard for others to China and acted accordingly. I maintain it is the same for the case in Sweden when the immigrants from the Middle East bring over their set of values and disregard for women and act accordingly. I maintain the origin of the perpetrators is important because it identifies a group of people who apparently routinely do these things.
@Morwenn I've seen it. By accident. Can't honestly say I really remember anything about it, and even if I did I wouldn't say because that would be incredibly disrespectful.
Then why are you talking about it?
Nobody cares if you saw it, unless you can give us details about it
@MadameElyse Yes.
@AngryShoe I hasn't been formally proposed yet. It appeared in the future proposals forums ~2 weeks ago.
@EtiennedeMartel If their groups is present people might want to avoid them, police might want to keep closer surveillance of them, etc. It identifies a group similarly as some Nazis are identified by shaved heads, etc.
Also I'll stop being aggressive towards you if you clear that message from the starboard
@sehe Hint: no.
@wilx So you maintain that men from the Middle East routinely commit rape?
@MadameElyse What the fuck is that cynical kneejerk.
@Morwenn How does that differ from C++14's auto return type?
@sehe It's called being a teenager.
As if it is somehow not relevant because history is not rewritten
@AngryShoe You can put it in the return type.
Maybe if the rapists themselves appologised.
If there's one thing history shows, it's that history is never rewritten
@MadameElyse They should. In court.
While you can still return a function-local type in C++14 with auto but you won't know what is returned from the signature.
@EtiennedeMartel OK, you do not want to understand the analogy. I get it.
@wilx You're not even remotely explaining it.
@Morwenn But what if I want to have a different return type than another declaration and I want to also use auto for said return type?
Say int f(); and auto f(int) where the second one should be inferred to be double?
@wilx The Nanking rapes were part of a larger massacre as a way for the Japanese to try and erase Chinese culture. I'm fairly sure those immigrants weren't actively trying to destroy Sweden.
@AngryShoe What does it have to do with the proposal?
That would disallow it, no?
Because auto f(int) would be deduced to int f(int) which is not what I want
The proposal is only about allowing struct { int id; double value; } foo();.
> When a function is declared or defined using auto for the return type, and a previous declaration or definition having a concrete return type exists, the return type shall be inferred to be the previously seen concrete type.
@sehe They should ASAP.
@Morwenn Have you read the proposal?
Not in court. Right now.
You call it "analogy", I call it "false equivalence".
seeing as I'm doing these frequent enough ish visits, am I allowed to suggest fisting is anything other than punching someone in the face?
And then go to jail for years before being deported and banned.
or are we still being watched like a girl on the beach in a short skirt and maybe no pants?
@thecoshman moderators still regularly visit here
Function return values should be deduced by default :(
so I wouldn't test the waters too much
@TonyTheLion mumble?
@EtiennedeMartel I said it was not equivalent on explicit question of yours. Do not try to insert equivalence where I said analogy.
@TonyTheLion said the Duchess to the Vicar
In fact function types should be deduced by default
@thecoshman I'm there
Can you imagine?
f(int, int) -> int
f(x, y) = x + y
dat horror
Don't look in the mirror elyse
everyone do the mumble
Why not?
If you don't want to see the horror
Sometimes you need to see beauty.
I do that by looking in mirrors.
must be very disappointing
Towards other people?
@thecoshman I'm on it, commander
I'm really beautiful.
@EtiennedeMartel I think that's overstating it somewhat, but I think a fair amount of behavior that's accepted in some parts of the world is rejected (sometimes strongly) in other parts of the world. In this case, no, I don't think men from the middle east routinely commit rape--but many have almost certainly been taught that women wearing revealing clothing (i.e., anything but a Bhurka) in public are <insert derogatory term here> who happily do any and all manner of "sinful" things.
Ask kbok.
@MadameElyse ASAP in court :)
As in, now
I want to eat oszczypek.
Oscypek, Oszczypek (Polish; plural: oscypki) is a smoked cheese made of salted sheep milk exclusively in the Tatra Mountains region of Poland. Since 2007 Oscypek is a protected trade name under the EU's Protected Designation of Origin geographical indication. A similar cheese is made in the Slovak Tatra Mountains under the name oštiepok. The cheeses differ in the ratio of their ingredients, the cheesemaking process and the characteristics of the final product. Oscypek is made using salted sheep's milk, with the addition of cow's milk strictly regulated by the protected recipe. Unpasteurized salted...

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