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because I can recognize that some of these are from a boat I was on when I was 14
@jaggedSpire Oh man I remember when I was 14.
@user3886129 I should hope so
seems like it was only yesterday :')
It seems like it was only a few days ago when it was '15 and I was having the time of my life.
how's school
Trick to doing well in school is already knowing the material, and not taking many classes.
I wake up at 5:30, leave the house at 6:00, get to school at 7:30, do my homework due first period just in time for first period at 8:00. Then a bunch of classes and lunch and then other classes and then dismissal at 3:35 and then I should be home by 4:30.
And then I sit down on my chair and go to the lounge.
Forget to go on IRC and then log on at around 11:05.
Realize it's all empty there and log off at 11:06.
welp, I hope you like pictures with a phone shadow, because that's what you're getting because idgaf about these
I finish my homework at around 1:30 or 2:00.
Say good night in the lounge and repeat the whole cycle again.
Only half a year of this bullshit then I'll have my lovely 2 months of happiness.
Everything's terrible
@CatPlusPlus Except you.
Oh wait lol I won't have that 2 months of happiness because I'll need to volunteer at a hospital to get my mandatory 200 hours of community service.
You should be able to get community service for writing code or deploying WP/Drupal
@user3886129 ah, memories
Also high-school sucks, thats why you should work hard to get into a college thats far away.
@jaggedSpire Where are they?
@Mikhail Whoa. Really?
@Mikhail I don't even know what kind of college I'm going to get into. It's too early to tell.
You will probably start working in the same area you end college.
> I have been as guilty of complication as everybody else. Is CanBuildFrom the most appropriate solution to deal with the constraints of embedding special types such as arrays and strings in a collection library? It achieves its purpose of providing a uniform user-level API on disparate datatypes. But I now think with more effort we might be able come up with a solution that works as well and is simpler.
@user3886129 What'd you do
> Another example, where I have doubts if not regrets are the /: and :\ operators in scala.collections. They are cute synonyms for folds, and I am still fond of the analogy with falling dominoes they evoke. But in retrospect I think maybe they did give a bad example for others to go overboard with symbolic operators.
@user3886129 editing to a responsible size
@user3886129 We gave some highscoolers some hours for segmenting some datasets. I personally got some community service hours for setting up a website for a special education program.
@CatPlusPlus Get into one of those high schools with standards too high for a koala to reach.
Truly a crime
@Mikhail If I got community service hours for every hour I spent on fixing CMake...
No but really you have to do that for school?
@CatPlusPlus Yeah.
lol merkins
@user3886129 The rules where I was (Western NY,USA) were extremely lax, all we needed was a signed slip. Maybe contact the cmake maintainers.
@CatPlusPlus It's not all of America, just a few schools mandating it to get that Certified™ diploma.
I got to volunteer at the local humane society for my community service hours
Still dumb
@Mikhail Ahahaha so I could get any adult to sign this.
@nick You're over 18.
I can sign for 200 hours of Icicle maintenance
For the good of the community
Haha I wonder if they validate these things somehow.
Lol who gives a fuck
I'll just sign a bunch of papers with faked dates and put down my phone number or something
Transfer Icicle ownership to the Icicle GitHub org (which needs to be created)
Only if you have a probation officer.
Then I'll just be the lead maintainer it'll look so legit
But in my case I used it as an excuse to get a job doing software work, which looked good on my resume - and helped me get a scholarship for college, etc.
@nick "Uh hi sir, are you Nick? Yes? You've signed Julian for 9001 service hours, is this correct?"
Slavery Inc
Yup this is correct
@user3886129 here is an assorted collection of humanoids, which improve significantly after someone took the time to teach me about muscles.
I am highly experienced industry programmer with 20 yrs experience leading the Icicle Project which is a nonprofit with the primary goal of allowing underprivileged koalas go to college
@jaggedSpire Your finger!
It's so red.
Those are kinda terribad.
yes, that happens when you put pressure on it
But better than I could do.
@ThePhD yes, yes they are
You can take photos of things without pressing them against ceiling silly
@jaggedSpire Yours? Well done!
@CaptainGiraffe from a decade ago. :)
@CatPlusPlus I know right
@user3886129 That's... those are real things?
It took a decade to research summoning rituals for these
@ThePhD Yes.
@user3886129 I'm going to assume there are leggings or some shit in that pic, because younger me wasn't that weird.
I don't know where to even begin.
@jaggedSpire Is this a self portrait?
You look so... happy and cheerful
@user3886129 nope
@ThePhD /r/spacedicks
@jaggedSpire Well it looks like a girl and short hair and happiness.
@user3886129 my hair is far shorter right now, and it was either much longer or much shorter when I drew that
@CatPlusPlus That's real too...?
also my hair is wavy
like the wind
@ThePhD /r/buttsharpies
> You must log in and have a verified email to view this community

Communities that are dedicated to shocking or highly offensive content are quarantined.
@jaggedSpire Oh. Naturally?
Holy shit what do to have to put in places like that to be login-barred.
My hair has always been straight. I wonder how curly hair is like.
Now I'm insanely morbidly curious.
@user3886129 it's a hodgepodge of wavy and curly
What have you done to me @CatPlusPlus ;~;
just reddit things
@jaggedSpire Does that mean when the wind blows your hair just stays completely still.
My friend has short curly hair and his hair is turbulent.
@user3886129 no, it floofs about
When the wind hits it, nothing happens.
It kinda just sways.
So. This computer was entirely fucked and dead.
It's siphoning off the power
My hair, on the other hand, will have a seizure.
And I revived it. Now I'm going to send it to some random person for their birthday.
Secret Santa. \o/
@ThePhD That's what she said
@ThePhD I've done some more colored pencil stuff. Posting it soon, because why not.
@jaggedSpire Kinky. Ping me when.
@jaggedSpire Oh man if you wanna see drawings.
I'll pull up some RECENT ones.
I should start drawing stuff too.
From in class when bored.
you know what I'm gonna scan these because my phone makes everything dark, yellow, and faded.
Lounge <Art>
My drawing skill is at its peak during the 45th minute of AP Chemistry.
Also I have two of these because I don't know why.
@user3886129 very nice
@user3886129 It clearly shows how your attention to muscles and skeletal structure is well developed!
@CaptainGiraffe Yeah!
here /cc @ThePhD The dancer was sketched a few months ago, and colored on a whim three days ago. Hand was Saturday night, and the fox with antlers was my messing around tonight.
Oh you guys should see my drawings made using a mouse and paint.NET.
I was really hungry one time. Then I drew this imgur.com/PEErzLH
Oh god these are gigantic.
@CaptainGiraffe very photorealistic
@jaggedSpire So realistic I actually ate them afterwards!
@CaptainGiraffe delicious
Imgur isn't working for me :c
Agh what's another image host.
Screw it I'll put this on my website.
@jaggedSpire I like the style of the Fox with the Horns of the devil Antlers!
These are great.
I hand them out all the time.
@ThePhD ^_^ It's a GURPS characters I made a few years ago.
It was supposed to be a healer, but GURPS healing is ludicrously underpowered, so it also shot lightning from those antlers.
what was especially fun was it was a fox apparition with antlers, so it had no fine manipulators. It couldn't open doors. :D
Generic UNiversal RolePlaying System?
Goats United Rendering Particle System
@ThePhD Ah, AD&D.
I have a terrible tendency to make characters with no fine manipulators because it's a disadvantage worth 40 points
and 40 points is quite nice
@jaggedSpire What are fine manipulators?
I've heard that the average human would be around an 80 point build in GURPS, while Superman would be a few thousand.
@user3886129 things like hands
they let you open doors and manipulate objects
You can do that with paws.
Or antlers.
Instead, my characters would either phase through them (fox) or use magic to get around them somehow (demon snake monster thing)
A koala would be pretty OP.
if you wanted to use koala paws as fine manipulators, you simply wouldn't take the disadvantage.
if you wanted to give a deer hands, you could.
That's the fun of GURPS
@jaggedSpire Those are claws.
@user3886129 too late to edit
your koala paws need to be faster
I can type faster than @nick.
But that's also because my keyboard is superior to his.
@user3886129 I got my keyboard for $6.99, then I spilled an entire beer into it.
S+ill kinda wÖrks.
@jaggedSpire When are you going to spend $15m on a keyboard and joining the mechanical keyboard brag club.
@user3886129 never
I was born in the mechanical keyboard era. I don't use them anymore. Tis a good thing.
@CaptainGiraffe But clackity clack.
Frumity, drwoth is a better sound...
Also, you can hit space as hard as you'd like just to make a statement; but that goes for mechanical or not.
Good morning
@TheLittleNaruto Hi.
@CaptainGiraffe Haha took me a while to get what frumity drwoth meant.
Morning Coffee! mmm! mmm!
@user3886129 How are you doing ?
@TheLittleNaruto Fine. You?
@ThePhD lol
Why don't you have some name instead of default name ?
@ThePhD lol
@TheLittleNaruto It somehow got reset and I can't change it until... two days from now.
Ohh! It's just 2 days!
@TheLittleNaruto Well, it's a month.
But it's been like 28 days.
@user3886129 I meant just 2 days left to undo what you did somehow!
@TheLittleNaruto Yeah.
@user3886129 What's time at your place ?
@TheLittleNaruto 12:25 AM.
Cool. time to sleep then.
Not when there's homework to be done!
homework ? You study ? Or working ?
@TheLittleNaruto I'm a high school student.
Soka! I see
Today I need to prepare documentation of my current app.
@TheLittleNaruto What app?
@user3886129 It's app for our drivers who serve our company.
My company provides cab services, btw!
@TheLittleNaruto Interesting.
You work with maps and stuff then?
For tracking purpose!
And navigating directions!
I finished homework. Time for sleep. Good night everyone.
Right before 1:30, too.
@user3886129 I am really impressed by your dedication.
@Lalaland To finish homework?
Usually, I reach I certain point and say screw it and take the 0.
Dunno, I just don't want that teacher to give me evil looks.
@user3886129 Good night!
Wake up, everyone, time to work!
I have not slept since this morning ...
I made 100 rep yesterday just with questions
I am so smart and cunning
now for the gold jQuery badge
because I don't understand a thing about C++
every time I try to grasp something.. damn it slips under my fingers
@Dean I rep-capped yesterday, with just two new answers. That probably doesn't count as particularly smart or cunning though.
oh damn
I hate rvalue references.. I don't understand them
sometimes you have to std::move them, sometimes you don't have to
@Dean Rvalue references themselves are easy to understand: they're references that refer to rvalues. Ugliness arises with 1) what that means to your code, and 2) you're writing a template that takes an rvalue reference parameter, in which case it can refer to either an rvalue or an lvalue. If you actually have an rvalue reference, there's no point in using std::move on it though: std::move is essentially a cast to rvalue reference.
@JerryCoffin but I often have to use std::move because a rvalue reference is itself a lvalue (i.e. a name that refers to an object marked as "can be cannibalized") right?
The misunderstanding is strong with this one.
plz enlighten me
rvalue ref goes in, rvalue ref goes out...
wtf.. why the error..
okay "the compiler tells you the error", I got that.
but it's terribly counter-intuitive
morning kuanfier
@AlexM. That's a pretty good one. :)
lol, new Monopoly Star Wars has Finn, Kylo Ren, Luke, Darth Vader (!), but not Rey.
@R.MartinhoFernandes can I spoil? MAY I?
23 hours ago, by R. Martinho Fernandes
No Star Wars spoilers after January 15, please.
oh ffs

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