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@JerryCoffin Which is why I have many of them, and still wondering which ones I should implement next.
a Commodore PET 2001
At least block_sorter seems to always be better than grail_sorter. But I need more test cases.
I bought windward
it's a simple game but it's kinda fun
I like it.
And the smooth_sorter in my library is always slow. It makes me a bit sad :/
@Morwenn Certainly need more than sorting of only one size of collection.
weird idea: policy-based sorting algorithm selection interface
@JerryCoffin I have other algorithm for small collections.
I don't think there is a good to visualize both different algorithms, different patterns of data and different sizes of arrays on the same graph.
That's a problem too, we suck to analyze things when there are more than two dimensions.
@Mr.kbok For good or for bad
like: sort(list, requirements<stable, no_worst_case, expected_n<200, 1000>>());
@AngryLettuce I'd say pretty good
@Morwenn what is smooth_sorter?
@milleniumbug I kind of advocated something on that general order long ago, but I'm not sure how well it would work out in reality. I also advocated collapsing all the standard collections down to two: sequential and associative, with policies to choose the details from there. I'm not sure how well that would work either, but even though I've never implemented it, it still holds some appeal).
@Ell And implementation of Dijkstra's smoothsort.
@Ell when the sorter talks you into doing the sorting yourself, without noticing
@Morwenn Yeah. Good 3D graphs are hard--most obfuscate more than illuminate.
I hadn't heard of smoothsort
smoothsort looks kewl
@milleniumbug And even so the performance still depends on the collection, on the type of the elements to sort and on the architecture. Also on the expected patterns of the data to sort.
user image
@Ell It's insanely clever but the implementation I have never performs well.
I already intend to provide a stable_adapter for the algorithms, but that's only a bit of a solution.
Thanks :)
@Morwenn I thought a bit about it and I have no idea how I would implement such a thing in a way that would be actually usable for production and not just a toy
@milleniumbug Which is why my library is no more than a toy.
Fair enough
@KhaledAKhunaifer Oh yeah, I should try that one. The version I stole was already iterator-based so there was less work.
Also that one is GPL so I can't use it.
Maybe instead of relying on half-smart policy selection behaviour, a better way would be to encode algorithm properties in a traits-like interface
The sorter traits already tell whether the algorithm is stable and which category of iterators it works with.
But I don't want subjective traits, so there's not much more.
I can static_assert on that
You can: using is_stable = std::true_type; is used.
@tweetsbi @mizannie unless [they] begin to attack civilians,I sug. refer. to them as armed militants not terrorists. https://www.facebook.com/MaajidNawazFanPage/posts/969198659814066
By the way, I hope that my changes to block_sorter and grail_sorter didn't make them unstable, lol.
Thankfully stability is fairly easy to test
@milleniumbug I don't know how to make 100% sure a sort is stable.
@wilx Well, I would call them terrorists if they did something violent to anyone, civilian or otherwise, or anything, railroad, building, whatever. As-is they are just armed protestors--a step worse than unarmed lawbreakers, but not to the terrorist stage yet.
@AngryLettuce i touch down at ~20:00 jan 6
Haha, when I try to sort long double instead of int, the benchmark results make it even harder to choose an algorithm.
> The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) defines terrorism as “the unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives.”
@EtiennedeMartel Oh, even the FBI agrees.
They have not yet used force or violence against any person or property.
Last I heard.
@milleniumbug !!!
inb4 you should've used png
@Morwenn a stable sort ensure that records with the exact same key remain in the same relative position, if A=B and Pos(A) < Pos(B) then Pos(A) < Pos(B) after sorting.
I'm fairly sure they know it
@KhaledAKhunaifer The definition is the easy part.
@caps They're armed. I think that qualifies as "force".
I wonder when twitch's Kappa gets included into unicode
Although looks like they were careful to read the above definition.
> We have no intentions of using force upon anyone, (but) if force is used against us, we would defend ourselves.
It's easy to test stability for several examples (put a second hidden int value not included in comparison criterion), but I guess corner cases would be more difficult
Looks like they want to avoid being branded terrorists.
@Morwenn 100% sure? I don't know too, the input domain is too big
@milleniumbug Yes, that the problem.
I really just might have to reformat my whole computer just to get VS 2015 Update 1 to install. =/
But anyway, why are they armed? People do peaceful protests all over the world without having to carry weapons. What are they afraid of?
@EtiennedeMartel Arming oneself is not implicitly becoming forceful.
@EtiennedeMartel as they should
@Morwenn in other words, a stable sorting is one that if given a list of identical keys, the output would be ordered in the input order. that's why insert sort is stable by definition.
People who walk around with guns on their hips aren't being forceful or violent.
They're white. It's not like the police will open fire.
no-name products are a lot cheaper than branded products
@EtiennedeMartel Haha.
6 mins ago, by milleniumbug
I'm fairly sure they know it
@EtiennedeMartel Carrying weapons is a side-effect of their demographic, I think.
@KhaledAKhunaifer we all know what stable sorting means
They're members of a militia, so they carry weapons. They are also protesting.
the question is - how do you prove/test a certain function implements a stable sort?
@caps It also sends a weird message.
Although the militia they belong to doesn't support what they're doing.
Maybe I just can't understand how that particular subset of the American population views the world.
@milleniumbug I'm fairly sure too, that I wasn't talking to "they" I was talking to Morwen
@Puppy which of his Effective Modern C++ advice do you think is bad? Why?
With immutability, you need no invariants but only preconditions!
@caps what is the difference between a militia and a gang?
Singular they is the use in English of the pronoun they, or its inflected or derivative forms, such as them, their, or themselves, as a "pronoun that is neutral between masculine and feminine", to refer to a single person or an antecedent that is grammatically singular. It typically occurs with an antecedent of indeterminate gender, as in sentences such as: "Everyone returned to their seats." "Somebody left their umbrella in the office. Would they please collect it?" "The patient should be told at the outset how much they will be required to pay." "But a journalist should not be forced to reveal...
skin color?
@orlp Motive. Actions.
@caps Covering C++11 or later
@Puppy So you think the whole book is bad?
Don't use std::make_unique or std::make_shared? Don't prefer lambdas over functor structs?
I've yet to read Effective Modern C++
@milleniumbug insert british offensive words here
@orlp by the very fact that you consider this property you are undeniably an incredible racist.
@orlp Gangs are, stereotypically, violent.
I don't know the last time I heard a story about a militia actually shooting anyone.
@Elyse or perhaps I'm an edgy memer trying to get a reaction
@orlp No, that's Radek.
gangs are civil, militia are in war zones
@caps make_shared and lambdas are basically C++03 advice.
Oh wait.
Gangs shoot people up all the time.
@Puppy There is no make_shared in C++03 because there is no shared_ptr in C++03. Same for lambdas. You're not making any sense.
you don't see a militia in the LA for example
I have some questions about software licensing, could anyone help me on that?
What, specifically, has he written in his book Effective Modern C++ that is bad advice?
@Ahmad Law
@KhaledAKhunaifer No.
@KhaledAKhunaifer There might be one, but you probably wouldn't hear about it.
@nick Nice, if I hadn't had to reschedule my plane I would've picked you up
@Elyse What is law?
Babby don't judge me
Click the link.
It's a website where you can ask questions about law, which includes software licensing.
@caps maybe, but in general, militia is army-level group, while gangs wouldn't cause a terrorism acts
@caps I'm guessing the context here is a discussion about the "don't use = and & but explicitly capture every variable" tip
Poe's law is an Internet adage which states that, without a clear indicator of the author's intent, parodies of extreme views will be mistaken by some readers or viewers for sincere expressions of the parodied views. == History == "Poe's law" was originally written by Nathan Poe in 2005, in a post on christianforums.com, an Internet forum about Christianity. The post was written in the context of a debate about creationism, where a previous poster had remarked to another user "Good thing you included the winky. Otherwise people might think you are serious." Poe then replied, "Without a winking...
@nick Nice.
@orlp Poo's law.
We'll miss you here in Freedom Land.
Remember to use Freedom Units.
@Elyse Thank you, I want to know about product key, license key, algorithms....
@Ahmad algorithms?
@caps The advice isn't bad by itself, but he overgeneralizes.
@user3886129 the process
@milleniumbug I think that tip is fine advice. shrug = and & make for less-pure lambdas. I know what's the advice he is reacting to, and that's fine, but I was curious what other advice he thinks is also bad. Meyer's book made sense to me, but I'm very persuadable by loungers.
@EtiennedeMartel look, I think most readers are disagreeing with the review: twitter.com/verge/status/682663084788461569. I think that the guy really went too far looking for a reason for the movie to be sexist... I mean, there's 4 guys trying to save the woman and 3 guys trying to kill her. still, the movie is about hating women?
@bitcode You mean the small subset of readers who feel the need to reply on Twitter?
It only applies to lambdas you're passing to the interface that will store them. IOW callbacks.
@Ahmad the universe?
Not STL-like algorithms, if you try to forbid me from using & in algorithms, you'll have to do it by force
@KhaledAKhunaifer Well, gangs terrorize each other, and the local populace... You don't ever hear about children or people sleeping in their beds being killed in drive-bys by militia.
@EtiennedeMartel they're the only confirmed readers, I suppose
@KhaledAKhunaifer But yes, the purpose of a militia is more militaristic--to be prepared to respond to government overreach.
Tonight I'm definitely making kindey bean steaks *-*
@Ell Just saying that the vocal minority is not a random sample.
Yeah I agree
I have an activation process in mind, I want to know if it is good or not
@EtiennedeMartel well, you really think the movie is about hating women?
ughhh it irks me that matrices use heigh x width and [y,x]
@Ahmad activation process?
@bitcode No, but just because someone does, it doesn't make their opinion "invalid" or their review the "one of the worst ever written"
You do not have to agree with that person.
@caps gangs terrorize each others, that's not what I meant with "terrorism" since that'd make them become targeted by national security immediately, and they would not be taken lightly.
@EtiennedeMartel I think a movie review that disregard the story of the movie is bad.
what if I ask user the email he purchased the software, send it to a server and if server said yes, the application runs, then cache it for a while
@bitcode And I think a review isn't just a recap of what happens in the movie, with some commentary along the way.
@milleniumbug Sure. There are places where there's nothing wrong with default capture modes in a lambda. As someone who prefers the [] capture-mode, though, keeping included variables to a minimum by explicit capture policies makes sense.
It should also be an analysis of its themes and ideas, along with how well the various elements of the work support those themes and ideas.
@caps I think gangs tend to become business empire while militia tend to become a power empire
sup @user3886129 :)
@KhaledAKhunaifer I don't think I agree, but maybe I'm confused by your use of the word emporium.
@Ell I still can't deal with that
Most importantly, a review must not be someone telling you what you want to hear.
@TonyTheLion Hi.
@EtiennedeMartel it can't disregard the story. a movie is all about telling a story
@caps empire*
@user3886129 How's you?
@bitcode Sometimes it's more than that. Art is complicated.
@KhaledAKhunaifer Mm, still disagree. I don't see militias as imperial at all.
@TonyTheLion Back-to-school sorrows.
@user3886129 awww. So history homework?
Militias are very... "grassroots"
The less variables are in scope at a lambda creation site, the easier it is to justify a default capture mode. So if your functionality is well-encapsulated (i.e. you're writing good code) then a default capture is pretty safe--just glance at the few lines before the lambda and you know what variables are being included.
@caps stop taking terms individually, that's not a keyword in the statement
But dropping a [=] or [&] lambda into a function of more than a dozen or so lines is a little scary to me.
@milleniumbug it's annoying as fuck
@EtiennedeMartel if you disregard the story of that movie in particular, it becomes 100 times more racist than sexist. still, the guy says the movie is about hating women. do you see my point?
@KhaledAKhunaifer I'm not. You're saying that a gang is the use of violence/force in the interest of "business," and a militia is the use of violence/force in the interest of "power."
I disagree on the latter point.
@bitcode So, just because you don't talk about racism, it means you can't talk about sexism either?
@caps Still not a UB-inducing problem until you actually store the callback though
@AngryLettuce its the thought that counts
when are you landing?
@user3886129 thanks i will miss Freedom too
@milleniumbug Sure, I'm not claiming it will get you UB. Maybe that's the only claim Meyer's makes, and in that case then sure, he's wrong.
I will especially miss it every time I have to drive on the non-free side of the road
I think it's more broadly useful in regards to correctness and readability.
@caps you win, good night, I'm leaving
@KhaledAKhunaifer People join militias because they are either afraid or concerned about what the government might try to do to them in the future. It's a form of mutual protection like a gang offers, I suppose, but the threat is more ethereal and distant than the one that a gang offers protection from (i.e. other gangs).
@caps Yep. Especially when you have stuff like stackoverflow.com/questions/21443023/… hiding in there.
> Delete /F /S *.msiDelete /F /S *.cab
@nick lol lol lol I'm so going to tease you about that
> is not even a proper command in cmd or PowerShell
Good shit, microsoft
@EtiennedeMartel for example: if you watch a movie about the holocaust and in this movie there is a rape scene. now disregard the story of the movie. is this movie about rape or about the holocaust?
Good fucking shit.
@TonyTheLion <3
@bitcode Could be both?
Depends on how much focus it gets.
@EtiennedeMartel now we are moving in the right direction
@nick Are you going there just for an interview? Or is the job all locked down?
@Lalaland locked down
@caps Dunno, the same arguments are used by opponents of C++ references, and they don't hold water
it depends on how much focus each thing gets
@KhaledAKhunaifer Uh, good night. I don't think this means I win... ?
@nick Congratulations then!
@milleniumbug References are awesome.
@bitcode But I mean in terms of themes, not in terms of story events.
@Lalaland I'm also in talks with 2 US companies still and I will be getting coffee with the director of an HK trading firm and I will potentially be interviewing with another startup over there
basically im a terrible person
@nick congrats :D <3
@nick Are you going to be sharing a room with Cicada?
I'm trying out a 1440p
@AngryLettuce will be happy to have another Lounger in HK
it's p glorious
Yeah, the lambda captures some variables and they could be modified inside depending on how many times the foo you are passing it to will call the lambda, but that's not the problem.
but the edged appear to be bleeding somewhat
but odds are i will be sticking with the company that hired me, I love the team
or something with the panel isn't right in the extremities. maybe it's the view angle though
@Lalaland maybe we'll see
my cat chewed through my fiber optic cable
F. M. L.
@BartekBanachewicz your chat?
i blame elim
@Lalaland oh hey
Because the alternative to passing the lambda to foo is to implement the code of foo inside the function which will make it incomprehensible
@BartekBanachewicz sucks
how do they even get through that?
@Ell it's very thin
In other news I find myself creating one-element arrays of T in Java to make them mutable in lambdas quite often
@milleniumbug That's not the problem--the problem would be implicitly/accidentally modifying (or re-using) a variable that you didn't intend to because you happened to capture it with a global capture policy.
don't fibre cables have woven metal outsides?
@Ell not the patch ones
it has kevlar lining but that's just for stretching
ah right
@caps If it's important enough it will be marked const already
soo yeah fuck my life
yea fuck your life
there's a shop that maybe probably can sell me one though
can i pls a fiber optic??
I need an SC/SC patch
@nick If you get a better connection than me, I'll have to hate you forever.
@EtiennedeMartel out of curiosity: what do you THINK most people think about that review?
@user3886129 lol
@bitcode I think most people just shrugged and carried on.
@user3886129 the place I'm staying at for the first month has pretty meh internet, was told they looked at fiber a while back but they weren't able to get it in that building
@EtiennedeMartel ok, so from those who formed an opinion after reading the review, do you think the opinion is mostly the same as the one in the review or mostly against it?
@milleniumbug Not if it is meant to be modified elsewhere.
ugh why is everyone selling duplex cables
@bitcode I like how you said "the same or against". As if nobody could have a different opinion but still agree with at least some of the points.

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