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speaking of eigenvalues
I have two primes p and q, I need some t such that p+t is prime and q+t is not
doing that without a closed formula is going to suck
is T prime
@VermillionAzure Unless one of t, p or q is 2, it can't be. Otherwise, it's going to be odd, and if the other two are odd primes, then odd+odd will give even in both cases, so neither result can be prime.
@JerryCoffin right
I'm just starting to wrap my head around that
I am the determinant master.
Which is great.
so the first deal is that p != q
If p and a are odd primes, then t must be even for p+t or q+t to be odd (and therefore have any real chance of being prime).
@JerryCoffin unless p == t or q == t
@VermillionAzure definitely--otherwise p+t == q+t, which can't be both prime and composite.
2 + 2 => 4 but 2 + 3 => 5
p = t = 2; q = 3
@VermillionAzure I don't believe that's correct.
@JerryCoffin hmmmm
yeah you're right
@VermillionAzure 2 was ruled out by the "odd prime" part of the statement.
@JerryCoffin But 2 is a prime
you can't disclude it
@VermillionAzure I certainly can--by saying "odd prime" (and the word you're looking for is "exclude").
5 mins ago, by Jerry Coffin
@VermillionAzure Unless one of t, p or q is 2, it can't be. Otherwise, it's going to be odd, and if the other two are odd primes, then odd+odd will give even in both cases, so neither result can be prime.
@JerryCoffin wait so you disqualified 2?
yeah, you can assume that p<q without loss of generality
p = 5; q = 7; t = 2
@VermillionAzure I didn't completely, but in most cases you want to.
twin primes too
if p and q are twin primes and t = 2, the result is true
i wanted a closed formula, but I can't even get an algorithm provably correct
@VillasV because primes woooo
@VillasV If you can live with t=2, then one obvious possibility would be to find p and q as a prime pair. Then p+2 = q (already known to be prime) and q+2 must be a multiple of 3.
@JerryCoffin wait why 3
oh wait
but I cand bind q to be p+2
@VermillionAzure Given three consecutive odd numbers, one must be a multiple of 3.
@JerryCoffin smart
@VillasV But the case exists
Why do I feel like waves have to do with this
sure they do, but not general enough
You might not get a general formula
@VillasV So you're given two arbitrary primes p and q, and you have to find a suitable t for those two primes?
Is there anyway to check for divisibility besides transitive property?
I was trying to find t in the form kq - p, so p + (kq-p) = kq which is not prime, and then choose k such that q + (kq-p) = (k+1)q - p is prime
Wait Jerry that was a series you used there
but finding such k is as hard as finding the original t
@JerryCoffin yep, to prove that the there's no DFSM that accepts a^p with p prime
could use pumping lemma, but the professor wants Myhill-Nerode theorem
@VillasV what ARE you
I'm CE, but I don't like it and just study CS
I'm CE too
Civil Engineering FTW
lol i meant computer engineering
syke :)
Something about waves...
good morning
@VillasV At least offhand, I don't see any other obvious ways to give an immediate answer. If I had to brute-force things, I'd still be tempted to try t = q-p. That way p + t is obviously prime, and there's at least a decent chance that q+t will be composite (pretty sure this is the first time I've encountered a situation where it was easy to predict that an outcome would be prime, and the hard part was finding a composite that met the requirements).
@bitcode Hello.
someone recommend me a blog platform. I'm gonna write stuff.
I was thinking of livejournal
I like hipster things
livejournal seems so hipster
This is getting to me.
I need... I think I need a reflection matrix?
@JerryCoffin yeah, I think finding such t is maybe too ambitious (although I'm sure it's possible to at least find an algorithm)
now I'm just trying to prove it's existence, but when the biggest prime factor of (q-p) is smaller than q I can't finish the proof
I think that if I can prove the existence, at least some bruteforce algorithm should appear
@bitcode i do it on Jekyll, but that's becoming too mainstream already
@VillasV this one looks good. it is so hipster I can't even find it on google
is this it? jekyllrb.com
yep, and host it on github
you can actually do any type of website, but blogs are the most common
wow, jerkyll makes everything so complicated, just as programmers like.
IKR, and its not trivial to setup on windows as it is on linux, just as we might expect
> "As for whether Perl 6 will replace Perl 5, yeah, probably, in about 40 years or so," said Wall.
is it already day in france?
@bitcode very faint light over the horizon
Why computer games don't need portforwarding and every time I write a server in C++ I need to port forward it?
@bitcode I certainly need to forward ports when I host a game server
well, when I host games I never need to forward anything. the router magically knows that the game is running on my PC apparently. but I'm writing a network application and the port MUST be forwarded, otherwise the connection won't reach the server.
some ports might be blocked by default. When I hosted my own SQL server at home I had to do several forwardings and router configs
I'm pretty sure my ISP blocks some ports, one of them being 80
so when I hosted a web server I had to port forward too
@VillasV what ISP you use?
@VillasV I use GVT (it sucks by the way)
every telecom provider in Brazil sucks, ones just more than the others
that's true and sad
I know NET blocks 21, 80 and 1434 for non business customers
wow so terrible
the regulations are pathetic... if you hire a broadband of 10MB the provider is obligated to provide a minimum of 2MB only as QoS
and there's almost no actual 4G in brazil, according to the true 4G standards. It's just marketing
and even with the recent act of internet freedom, ISPs are still allowed to make your torrent slower
what do you guys think of a function that has 350 lines of code? should I break it up into smaller functions? lol
actually it's just 300 lines
It's plausible that it's fine, although I've never seen a function so big that wasn't needing some refactoring
My record (not my code, but i gave maintenance to it) was a 1700 lines long class in VB.NET, and a 550 lines SQL procedure
Yeah needs some refactoring
tbh I'd like my functions to have less than 10 lines of code.
I have one that has 80-100, but it's a bunch of protocol stuff from HTTP so I won't even try
my functions are so big and ugly. I should have organized this code into classes, man. now I have some weird looking if/else if statamentes with dozens of lines inside each "if"...
When I see a function that doesn't fit on a screen, it's a sign that I need to refactor it.
that's a good rule of thumb. I'm gonna use it for life! thank you!
unless I get a huge monitor, in which case this rule of thumb will be useless
remembers me of a guy who made a gigantic answer on SO and when someone commented about it being more than 12 pages long he said "well in my screen it's just 10" or something like that
yesterday I was packaging my application into a installer. I'm using NSIS and I'm loving it.
anyone one ever used it?
nops, everything i do i require my users to compile it
well, if you're an engineer then you're probably "packaging" your code into a robot or something
nah, that's more for software engineers and actual developers, who ship stuff to customers. the one time i did some robotics it was a ROS Linux with no packaging at all, and most stuff i code is just for me or for research
@LucDanton Hey, Luc. You're the guy who helped me with the boost libraries some days ago, right?
I am? doesn’t ring a bell
@LucDanton do you know anything about boost libraries? =\
some of them, yes
@LucDanton ok. I'm using boost::asio and boost::array, and boost::filesystem. im compiling with GCC and if I set the flag -std=c++11 I get 28 warnings with boost. if I go back to std 98 it there's no warnings
are those unused local typedefs warnings?
some of them are
and some are deprecated stuff
do you get the warnings when building Boost proper (if that’s what you are doing), or also when you build your own programs while including Boost headers?
I got the warnings when I run my programs that have the headers included. do you think I have to rebuilt the boost libraries using something similar to the std=c++11 flag?
unlikely, although technically that depends on what the warning is
so the warning that is being displayed the most is "auto_ptr deprecated"
some other warnings are about stuff that is defined and not used
yes those all are benign
but it surely makes me go crazy. I hate warnings
I have 37 of them. I thought it was 28 but they grew in numbers
Consider using -isystem
in the compiler flags or linker flags?
compiler read the manual
@LucDanton dude.... you just.... just.... solved my problem...
you're a wizard
I will test this for a bit before becoming really happy. cause this problem always comes back somehow
I can't find -isystem references on google.
this must be real magic
searching for bar -foo means "find me things mentioning 'bar' but not 'foo'"
try searching for "-isystem" instead
weird, how come looking for more header files in other directories would make the deprecated warnings go away?
isn't it weird?
So eigenvalues
and eigenvectors
are just for diagonalization
and helps with determining powers
This makes a lot more useful sense.
@bitcode oh, I meant you should use -isystem instead of -I
presumbly the most recent of -isystem of -I is used in the case of redundant flags
if you were using neither of -isystem or -I to begin with then that’s kinda concerning
Fuck me.
Doing Laplace Expansion by hand sucks all kinds of dick.
@ThePhD Well, it does not suck yours it seems. Or it does but with teeth?
@ThePhD Eigenvalues/Eigenvectors are super useful, eigenvalues give you a lot of useful properties about a matrix. They have a lot of useful applications - I can name a few if you want.
For example, for machine learning - en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Principal_component_analysis which performs dimensionality reduction (making the problem smaller and giving up data to make it simpler - eigenvalues give you an indication of what data to give up and what is important)
Do you guys think something like this would actually be useful? ie. a hack to diagnostic on on missing catch-clauses during compilation
@FilipRoséen-refp Is the second throw unreachable? I do not see the point of the push and pop.
@wilx add some conditional path between the two, push and pop are just stupid names to signal some sort of symmetry between the two
@wilx couldn't think of any better names, but more specifically if you push one class, but never pop it, you will get an diagnostic
@wilx so maybe it should be mark_unread<...> and mark_read<....> or whatever, and then the diagnostic should say "unread message"
I'm really hungover which means that I'm even more crappy with names than usual
Jake Matthew Lloyd (born March 5, 1989), also known as Jake Broadbent, is an American former actor who gained fame when he was chosen by George Lucas to play the young Anakin Skywalker in the 1999 film Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace, the first film in the Star Wars prequel trilogy. He reprised this role in five subsequent Star Wars video games. == Early lifeEdit == Jake Matthew Lloyd was born in Fort Collins, Colorado, the son of William 'Bill' Lloyd, an E.M.T. set medic, and Lisa Riley, an entertainment agent. == Child actingEdit == In 1996, Lloyd began his acting career playing Jimmy...
Poor kid
@wilx it's a fun little hack though, tying two template instantiations together so that if only one is instantiated, but not the other, you get a diagnostic
@FilipRoséen-refp don’t think so, since it pushes the discipline of handling everything to the discipline of tagging everything right
i.e. what I have in mind is accidental tag reuse during, say, a refactoring
@LucDanton I fear that one too
can you have template<typename Tag = /* magic */> expected<int, some_exceptional_thing<Tag>> foo(); where each foo() call produces a unique type?
@LucDanton one way to make it a little bit cleaner is to define your own exception template, that simply takes a tag as its first (and only) template parameter. but the problem with accidentally reusing tags is.. well, still there
@LucDanton not without resorting to hackish things such as non-constant constant-expressions in c++
there you go
@LucDanton but that's cheating
btw, @LucDanton, you know that you are 1 post away from receiving the gold badge in , right?
didn’t notice
@LucDanton I mean, using the contents of that series you can do pretty much anything you want.. which makes it "not as interesting"
@LucDanton it's like playing a game with god mode enabled, kind fun.. but not really
can anyone please present an sfinae example to check if type is array? Thanks
@FilipRoséen-refp if argument deduction were allowed from default arguments you could have auto tag = [] {} as a shorthand to create fresh tags for each call
@FilipRoséen-refp but I want to know sfinae way, i am learning more about it
@AngelusMortis I gave you the answer.
@LucDanton the type of that argument would be the same on every call though :-/
but that answer doesn't answers my question
@AngelusMortis did you check out the links? I bet you didn't.
@FilipRoséen-refp it’s probably hard to decide if it should be or not, and I don’t see the committee taking a stance on the matter anytime soon
yes I did
lambda expressions are the only thing that don’t have a 'reproducible' type (aren’t they?), and that kinda doesn’t play with how default args are handled
@AngelusMortis then you can't read. congratulations, you are an imbecile.
@AngelusMortis enable_if is SFINAE
@FilipRoséen-refp unnecessarily rude
@AndyProwl given the previous part of the conversation? I'm not too sure.
@FilipRoséen-refp I am
@milleniumbug no it's not , it works on partial specialization to check that
Please don't do that
Do you mean you want to write these traits by yourself
@AndyProwl then flag it
@LucDanton reproducible in what sense?
@FilipRoséen-refp That's the last thing this room needs
That, and throwing insults
@FilipRoséen-refp the same expression doesn’t have the same type a second time around
@AndyProwl then let me be an arse with a hangover from hell
@FilipRoséen-refp No
@AngelusMortis wtf? enable_if has all to do with SFINAE
@milleniumbug please check def again?
Its entire purpose is to be used for SFINAE
@LucDanton ah yeah, indeed
oh man the old CSS
i miss the old green tick a lot
@AngelusMortis what are you really asking?
getting to the X of the problem
I feel obligated to help him since @AndyProwl jumped on my back saying that I should be nice to people
which is probably true
a mere 21 days after making my order, the USPS has now received an electronic notification that the vendor may be mailing my package shortly.
in the US.
@FilipRoséen-refp I just said you should not insult him
@LucDanton just realized that you can have the previous thing with something such as try { throw important_exception<std::out_of_range> ("hello world"); } catch (important_exception<std::out_of_range>) { ... }
@BartekBanachewicz lol .. the actual answer was downvoted
@FilipRoséen-refp what previous thing?
@KhaledAKhunaifer it's a joke\
@LucDanton you'd still need a tag in a more elaborate example though (where you within a single TU has more than one "important_exception"
seems like more of the same
it’s not the likelihood of writing it wrong the first time that really concerns me
@LucDanton nhaa, there's no push/pop no more - it's only marking it as "important" (on both occasions)
if you move that code to another TU during refactoring/maintenance/whatever, now you have to review everything to make sure you’re not in duplicate tag/exception type territory
@AngelusMortis what do you think SFINAE means
@LucDanton working with a local tag you can't run into that problem, though I see your point
i.e. it’s a bit of static checking, but not too much static checking
@AngelusMortis template<typename T, typename std::enable_if<std::is_pointer<T>::value>::type> void f(T t) {} now if you call it with non-pointer, it will fail, but thanks to SFINAE it will check another template
if there is one
@wilx ;~; Gnashing, horrible, mean teeth.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Oh come on, let me have at least this. u.u
Correction: std::enable_if<...>::type* = 0
@milleniumbug but doesn't substitution failure..... requires overload resolution to work?
"hey I have this question about SFINAE" "okay use this" "no I shouldn’t… wait hang on I have no idea how this works"
@BartekBanachewicz ikr
"you'll get used to it in no time"
Yeah no
Posted this quiz question at work. I wonder if this is obvious for you guys.
@AngelusMortis Substitution refers to substituting template parameters with actual types
I updated some of the Trilogy sites icons yesterday. It started with the small green checkmarks on the /badges page first. The old one was way too big and made the page looking busy if you have a lot of badges earned. The new version is smaller and less obtrusive. I made the smaller checkmark slightly brighter because the old green looked almost gray-ish at that size. This lead me to update the accepted answer checkmark to match its color to be consistent. TL;DR: I stole the darkness, but I think you'll get used to it in no time. — Jin ♦ Jun 22 '13 at 4:13
@StackedCrooked Name lookup stops in geometry since it finds a name there
@milleniumbug crap, now I realize what you mean, thanks :)
@milleniumbug btw can you use any example to check that using function template sfinae way?
@ThePhD It's explained superbly in @JerryCoffin's book.
Aww fuck it Xeo got the answer first.
A: Who stole the darkness from the accepted-answer-tick?

Old Checkmark Can haz old color back? Yes we can! Method 1: using the old “sprites.png” Using the sprites icktoofay found, minimalistically you just need to add the following rule in your user CSS to get the darker green check-mark. .vote .vote-accepted-on { background-image: url('https://cdn.sst...

Username checks out
@StackedCrooked just order of definitions - print_cerr is not defined after rectangle (also known as C++ is sometimes RUBBISH)
@LucDanton I know you know a quite a lot about c++ but I'm new to c++, and it's quite confusing sometimes you know. Just cuz I was wrong about about something, you don't need to sarcastic about it. I respect everyone's feeling here and try to be most humble but that doesn't mean you should be mean
I do it pro bono don’t worry
@StackedCrooked Jerry coffin wrote a book?
@StackedCrooked Jerry coffin wrote a book?!
anyway, time for work
@Borgleader Wait!
@LucDanton now what does pro bono means? :D
@AngelusMortis I don’t believe you when you say you respect everyone’s feeling
@Borgleader Have a good day sweetiepie, I hope the commute is pleasant too! <3
@AngelusMortis What's Google?
the evidence so far is against you
@ThePhD Awwww <3 Thx! Have a great day too :)
@Borgleader Exam in 3 and a half hours.
@LucDanton give me the evidence ?
@ScarletAmaranth Think again. Or formulate the answer differently. :P
your message history of you being an ass when you ask for help, and later not apologising for it—because you don’t care about whoever gives you the answers you look for
you only care for the answers
@Xeo I'll go with "it's something like that" :) to be perfectly honest, I just scanned the thing with me eyes vOv
Okay, I'm really fucking confused
also I don’t believe you because you lie
33 mins ago, by Angelus Mortis
yes I did
@LucDanton why should I be apologizing ? I came here for answer ofcourse
Some books say
((Lambda)In - A)v = 0
Others say
(A - (Lambda)In)v = 0
@LucDanton meh you're soo confused right now
@AngelusMortis I’m not saying you should apologise, I’m saying it’s obvious you don’t actually respect anyone’s feelings but your own
For some matrix A
For computing eigenvalues (lambda)
@ThePhD Maybe they're both right? In inverse universes? :O
@LucDanton what you believe is up to you i can't change that
oh I was thinking in terms of "(\in....)" nvm me
@AngelusMortis I don’t believe anything
why must I plonk majority of new faces here :(
@LucDanton then how could you say that I lied?
@Xeo I mean. It's not communicative, I'm pretty sure, so you can't just.... swap them whenever you feel like it.
mostly I type the words then I hit 'enter'
Angelus Mortis is an inconsiderate liar
like that
then maybe you should apologies for being an ass?
dude it’s in the name
meh I don't want to argue with you C++ pro, I better ask in SO rather than here :/
@Borgleader he contributed
yes, you should also perhaps consider not returning ever again, that would be nice if it could be arranged
@ThePhD that part was one of his contributions
@StackedCrooked oooh.
@ScarletAmaranth no It can't be arranged , happy? :D
that's ok too, have a plonk
don't tell me you guys are angry just because of my avatar pic?
no, we're dicks no matter what
i have some new ideas for the GUI system
anyone wanting to taco boat it
@BartekBanachewicz What GUI system?
@Xeo the one I want to implement and I'm designing
For Hate
The thing is everything in Hate is immutable of course
can't change the hate
So I've kinda realized the trick is to go with the flow and compose at all stages
compose state, compose event processing, compose logic
so that the UI is implemented similarly to regular logic, but at the same time stays logically separate
I guess that might mean I'll want to switch to monadic event handling though
Compose compositions
how should I pronounce GUI, guwee or Gee You Aye
I pronounce it like gooy
Monads feel very natural at extending functional computations into more advanced compositions to be honest
except for that's really what arrows are for
Monads are arrows, no?
I think most people pronounces it like gooy
arrows are more general
Just bifunctor all the thing? duh
mondas are "more powerful" tho
but still, I don't view Mondas as a way of extending functional computations
that's what I associate arrows with
the haskell community doesn't like arrows very much (anymore) :(
@Ven profunctors have all the hype
@ScarletAmaranth yeah well that's my limited view on the matter
@LucDanton :(
one can only reasonably think in what he understands
@Ven don’t be an amateurfunctor
and I don't really grok arrows that well
I haven't read an interesting C++ article in days :(
@LucDanton You're just jealous because my functor is applicative
@Morwenn link me the last you read, please :D
@Ven coming up next in "things to say that are guaranteed to not get you laid"
@BartekBanachewicz doesn't matter if I have a girlfriend already
(but does matter if she writes PHP)
@Ven Not sure.
I still wouldn't whisper that into her ear if I were you hth ;)
What about "I whispered worse"?
> I'd break monad laws for you
bartek doing the sexy talk, damn
@BartekBanachewicz isn't there a twitter parody account with such lines written on photos of Ryan Gosling?
> I would unsafeCoerce just to be with you
.oO( Ryan Golang )
@Ven yeah, there is
@Ven Have this one instead because I can't remember what was the latest interesting article I read.
@Morwenn ty :)
so I guess the GUI talk is dead
w/e, I just need to implement a prototype
btw @sehe tried to get some info out of my siblings, while hopefully not ruining the surprise. Both hinted at wanting to learn to play (guitar mentioned the most) had I been there to actually teach them. I should talk to my parents about sending them to some lessons I figure.
visiting music store today, I'll have to make a final decision.
I really want to buy a .biz domain
Frankly, buying two instruments is also an option because why not, I can afford to spoil my lil' brother and sis a bit
biz feels so cool.. it reminds me of viagra, spam, windows 95, internet explorer 3.1 and sounds+gifs on the webpages
and MFC popup blockers
those are always cool
I like that[ hat of yours](i.sstatic.net/eksHD.png), you look like a jew :p
Bartek also has it, but his one is smaller. Very smaller. Almost a shame.
@Morwenn Kinky. I like it.
@Dean You are trying too hard
@ThePhD I actually did implement such an exception boundary once to replace a macro-based solution. I was glad I read this article :D
@Morwenn Shiny!
@BartekBanachewicz well, you just didn't continue talking about it

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