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mp4box calculator to the rescue!
I don't know what's worse, wrong aspect ratio or audio constrained to one channel.
@fredoverflow Unsynced audio.
@wilx I wouldn't know how to fix that :(
How to ruin good pun material, after years of incremental community pun building
OMG there are black bars in Chandler's video to the left and right WTF?
> My doctor told me I had to stop masturbating . . . I'm like, "What? I thought it was OK!" He goes, "Yeah, sure, but I'm trying to examine you!"
@Elyse :D
I fixed the aspect ratio, but now there's a black border around the whole picture because of the bars. FUCK!
@Ven version 15.1 is the latest version for mac/linux, silly
@fredoverflow IOW somebody fucked up more than once
some "skilled" people can also do black bars on top and bottom
@sehe what – no, I mean, windows is very popular, but very much less so amongst developers. So the fact it was windows-only will mean much more to a developer-centric community than to an end-user one
That's how it looks after aspect ratio correction. Note the black bars.
@Ven what the hell difference does it make. Windows people need good editors too. The fact that "more programmers like linux" doesn't imply "no people program on windows". You'd have a far stronger case pointing out that many Windows devs used to settle for MS IDEs (VB6, VS6). But even then, UltraEdit was a frequent sighting
@fredoverflow still a bit skinny
@AlexM. I could be, but I'm no senior
@sehe definitely, but it's much harder to dominate a developer-centric market with windows-only products
@R.MartinhoFernandes ..that ordering confused me
"dominate" is stronger wording than "most popular"
Don't fall into strawmen.
@Ven So. More impressive that they managed to reach the popularity
@R.MartinhoFernandes true, true. Both are feat of strengths, though
15% of the survey uses vim?
I find that hard to believe
<DataGrid dataGrid2D:ItemsSource.Array2D="{Binding Data2D}" />
<DataGrid dataGrid2D:ItemsSource.Array2DTransposed="{Binding Data2D}" />
@Ven so?
@orlp Why's that?
It's a specific set of programmers.
@R.MartinhoFernandes People actually use Notepad++ for actual coding?
@Mr.kbok ^^ potentially huge nice on its way :)
@wilx Popular in webby stuffs, I think.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I find it hard to believe that 15% of the SO users use vim.
@wilx According to the polls, yes
@orlp It's not 15% of SO users.
there's a lot of incompetent people on SO, and nearly none of those use Vim
@orlp It's 15% of the SO users that cared to answer the survey.
@wilx I used it for 3 years to write C++ code
@wilx Lots of them
@wilx define coding. I use it as a general editor on Windows
@ArneMertz Same here. I mainly use it to edit configuration and properties files. I have never done a single line of C++ or Java coding in it.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I don't even see UltraEdit in the "most used editors" list, but it was probably a fixed list, not an input (even then, n++'s share is bigger than "other", but it's also a tiny sample)
It's not exactly representative of all SO users.
It's biased towards the more active ones.
I guess I'll just use PostgreSQL for my uptime monitor data recording.
Though I'm not sure how compactly PostgreSQL stores records.
but it has indexing and WAL log and they're difficult to implement yourself ;_;
OTOH records are never deleted.
what's WAL?
that's funny
> Upon closer examination of the data, a trend emerges: Developers increasingly prefer spaces as they gain experience. Stack Overflow reputation correlates with a preference for spaces, too: users who have 10,000 rep or more prefer spaces to tabs at a ratio of 3 to 1.
@Ven write-ahead log
@Elyse time-traveling o-o?
ah, ACID-related.
It makes sure that if the server crashes during a mutating query, the database isn't corrupted.
oke, thanks
in Discussion between Himaanshu Gauba and sehe, 10 secs ago, by sehe
PRO TIP If you can't read the actual error messages as part of analyzing a problem, you will not ever solve a problem, except by accident.
@ArneMertz Okay, let's try again:
even worse
@Ven hehe. UltraEdit never claimed anything about popularity among SO users
Really? Look at his ear and belly. Looks natural to me.
@fredoverflow good :-)
Also, the visible video is now precisely 16:9.
look at the perforations in the wall panel behind him. perfect squares
@sehe yeah, I agree about that
@fredoverflow true, but now the text overlay is messed up
ok, I get it
@sehe I'm not gonna fix that :)
If anybody wants to reproduce at home:
MP4Box -par "1=160:109" chandler.mp4
You shouldn't have tried in the first place. Jens can fix his shit :) Because it's his shit, not the "camera crew"
@sehe Jens is taking a few days off for holidays :-)
Am I the only one that regularly compiles with -fmax-errors=1?
@orlp I compile with -j1, that's sufficient :P
I hate being slammed in the face with 2000 lines of error messages
@ArneMertz Fair enough. I'll look at Slim Shandler in the meantime
@orlp | head -100 :P
@Ven it also makes sure uncommitted transactions aren't considered committed if the server crashes during a transaction
@ArneMertz still
@orlp I only hate when it takes too long
@orlp Is that like -Wfatal?
@Ven gcc: error: unrecognized command line option -j1
@orlp Context is important, and I'd rather not miss something
I tried -Wfatal and didn't like it. It hurts my productivity because turn around cycles are too slow
@orlp and just don't make more than one error at a time :P
@orlp That said, no. For me vim can handle that stuff fine.
@Elyse mh, so that mean atomic writes to disk?
@milleniumbug it doesn't remove context
it just stops trying to continue after the first error
@Ven yeah
@R.MartinhoFernandes it's similar
I see.
@orlp but often enough the first error is not the one giving the hint what actually went wrong
Transactions are numbered sequentially (auto-increment).
@R.MartinhoFernandes it's more flexible (e.g. it could stop after 3)
@ArneMertz I find the opposite to very much be true
Each record has two transaction numbers: the transaction number of the transaction in which the record was created, and the transaction number of the transaction in which the record was deleted.
usually the later ones are garbage errors introduced by the first
Update is implemented by delete followed by create.
@ArneMertz So when can we expect a fix?
and if the error is long with a lot of context, it's hard to see where the first error stops and the second error begins
@fredoverflow gotta ask him. No idea if we can expect one.
I think computer-parseable compiler error messages should be a thing
It's a really simple very nice mechanism.
Together with some program it could solve the third problem with C++ compiler errors - expanded typedef names
Will C++17 or whatever have strong typedefs?
@fredoverflow what's a strong typedef? structural vs name type equivalence?
@ArneMertz I want healthy Chandler for Christmas :(
@orlp New type has the same operations as old type, but is a distinct type.
@fredoverflow 'distinct type' is underspecified
You can't assign between them.
so it's about type equivalence
@orlp struct foo { int value; /* int-like ops */ };
typedef is structural type equivalence, strong_typedef is name type equivalence
@orlp Suppose char didn't exist and you had only signed char and unsigned char. You could get char by doing strong typedef signed char char;.
@Elyse that means the whole delete+create has to be in a transaction, right?
(Though people usually want no implicit conversions)
@fredoverflow write Jens a mail, direct him to that tool you used :-)
@R.MartinhoFernandes I just had a compiler construction course in uni
it's described as name equivalence there
@Ven Sure.
So guys. What's worse? Ultimate4Trading or Cujo-device start-up365.net/Pages/Top10/Ultimate4Trading.php
(clock ticks)
@ArneMertz The tool merely fixes metadata, it cannot alter the actual video (remove black bars).
That's semantically equivalent to UPDATE.
@fredoverflow a healthy chandler hold 7 candles
@sehe this is worse
cause this might actually cost stupid people money
Agreed. It will probably.
@sehe I can't wait to use it
@fredoverflow those probably got only in there because of the messed up editing
@orlp typedef is definitely not structural type equivalence, because typedef doesn't define a new type at all; it merely defines a new name for a type.
Someone who's that good at using bootstrap must be a good coder
@fredoverflow it is structural type equivalence within the typedef system
@orlp The vid is cunning. Only at the actual handing over of the award did the peeps really over-act too much
(not taking structures into account n stuff)
And the cutesy sidekick in the control room. It's a really well made spoof
@orlp It only makes sense to discuss "Type equivalence" if multiple types are involved. typedef does not define types.
But I'm pretty sure both our models work in practice, so who cares :)
Now I want to implement MVCC. :(
@fredoverflow I guess
although you might still use my model and say that templates simply use type equivalence classes
@sehe I love this kind of thing
it's just a matter of definition at this point
innocent traders are part of what makes the wheel turning :)
@VillasV then you should see the cujo device
@VillasV that sounds sooo wrong to me
$270000 never to be seen again
@sehe it is
I can't like it. I do, to an extent. I like that I'm spotting it and can show my kids
It's a lot more fun to explain advertising and scams than, say, terrorism
@sehe yeah, they got that going for them
@orlp lol that's a lot of money for a "smart" firewal
@TonyTheLion spoiler: luke kills dumbledore
@orlp nooooooooooo
I mean. It's just so nice to look at the whole presentation. Makes your finger ache to click the green buttons
that's not true! That's impossible!
@sehe they got a cool control room
@VillasV It's actually far worse than that. It's a potential intrusion black box that filters all network traffic
@sehe yeah, everybody knows that the solution to security is ultimate surveillance
@sehe I'm making some progress on my parser generator :) gist.githubusercontent.com/orlp/e29c256692a298cd9848/raw/…
You're paying to get your information snooped. I bet there will be something "bla bla bla telemetry" in the terms and conditions
and it totally sold out. I'm not even mad, I'm amazed
@sehe are we talking about cujo again?
They, too, leveraged a well made video campaign
12 mins ago, by sehe
So guys. What's worse? Ultimate4Trading or Cujo-device http://www.start-up365.net/Pages/Top10/Ultimate4Trading.php
This Ultimate4Trading is too a piece of art. Who wouldn't like to win money by standing on the couch touching some pretty buttons?
@sehe am I doing something wrong - my parser generator is already up to 210 lines of Python code to just generate the item sets
although I have implemented FOLLOW while not strictly necessary, so you can subtract 20 lines for that
@VillasV standing on the couch? I prefer to sit on it
"Ultimate4Trading then selects and presents assets, calculating as to whether they will either move up or down, to an accuracy rate of more than 70%!" If I had an algorithm with that much accuracy, I'd tell no one. Like, ever.
otherwise that sounds like being a pro gamer :P
@Borgleader pro gamer is rarely fun tbh
you get sick of a game if you play it for 6 months straight 10 hours a day
and then you still have to continue, even if you're sick of it
@Borgleader lol you win so much money you can't contain your excitement
you can be lucky and maintain interest, but it becomes rather annoying once you lose interest
@orlp Oh, that's a nice example! It proves that A and B are indeed the same type.
@fredoverflow well
or, as I said
template uses type equivalence classes :)
@orlp Standard reference or didn't happen ;)
@orlp Sounds reasonable. Depending on where you lay the efficiency/simplicity tradeoff you could have many more lines
@sehe it's all written for clarity
in multiple places I do like O(n^2) instead of O(n log n)
Then it looks like a bit fatty indeed. (I don't do python daily*)

*soon to change, perhaps
there's a common pattern
("add elements to this set until the set no longer changes")
maybe I should somehow change that into a function
@orlp That. And the red tape is killing it. It looks decent if not for all these = set() and = list(sorted(self.symbols)) lines. How about a,b,c = [{},{}, {}] for the first?
@sehe {} is dict, not set :)
Well s/\{}/set()/g
I still believe they should add (,), [,] and {,} to Python
I sense that a lot of the "clumsy" verbosity is due to mutating state. I don't wanna Bartek here but....
I love /r/programmerhumor :)
if (x,), [x,] and {x,} are respectively tuple, list and set
then the same should hold without the x
@fredoverflow Tweet worthy
def fixed_point_list(initial, f):
    S = list(initial)
    S_seen = set(S)
    changed = True

    while changed:
        changed = False
        for e in f(S):
            if e not in S_seen:

    return S
that should solve quite a bit I guess
Is this funny? Can't watch it in Germany :(
(the reason I don't just use a set is that I want to maintain the order in which stuff was added)
Supposedly, it's a Bjarne interview.
user image
it works
Just implemented MVCC! play.golang.org/p/oFcbcOu8oS
@fredoverflow the first minute at least had one funny line
'I'm hibernating - my gentoo is compiling.'
@orlp Does Bjarne appear in the video?

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