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Q: Pretty-print C++ STL containers

Kerrek SBPlease take note of the updates at the end of this post. Update: I have created a public project on GitHub for this library! I would like to have a single template that once and for all takes care of pretty-printing all STL containers via operator<<. In pseudo code, I'm looking for some...

^ looking like that
Yay, I finished my blog thingy, finally.
@CatPlusPlus What have you blogged?
Nothing yet, I just finished the skeleton and all.
@CatPlusPlus Oh, as in, you've "written a blog", rather than written a blog.
i know this is a C++ chat room, but does anyone know c#? i need help with a project
Cool, isn't it.
Cat plus plus, do you know c#?
It took me only 3 months.
@Psycho No.
@CatPlusPlus The blog is a Perl script??
It's not a Perl script.
Where do you see a Perl script.
@KerrekSB are you looking for a fight with the Cat?
@StackedCrooked Only if it's hypoallergenic.
@CatPlusPlus It says .pl...
hey jey
@CatPlusPlus is that a task bar I see at the bottom of your avatar?
@Seth are you in cat vision mode ?
@Psycho Why don't you post the question on SO?
@CatPlusPlus what is the little bar then
I am right now, but i dont think i'll get good answers
I don't remember.
Maybe source.
@Psycho Then spend more time to ask a better question. Putting research time into a question goes a long way.
i asked a question on there but people call me a idiot sometimes
Q: Need help finishing this Snake Game *XNA*

Javierusing System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Audio; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GamerServices; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics; using Microsoft.Xna...

aStructure getStruct () {

  aStructure strct = { 0, 0 }; // like a vector
  return strct;
here's my question, i'm used to code in java language, objects that are returned from a function can be used storing the return reference in a same type variable.
But in this case I don't know what it returns... is that the reference of the structure ?
No, the value.
does it makes sense, since we need to use a period to access an element ?
i'm not used to this type sorry, i mean strct is not really a value
@Oddant It returns a copy of the memory occupied by strct.
strct.x is
Technically strct and strct.x are both objects. (Not OO objects.)
mm ok
but in this case when I hear about copies I also hear memory leak
@Javier You see, this is a very poorly prepared question, since you make no effort to be specific. And also you demand that anyone who would like to help must read through a large body of code in which they have no interest.
Memory leaks can only occur if you use dynamic allocation. E.g: new or malloc.
Read this advice; it actually comes from a C# guy on SO.
strct is a value, too.
@Javier You need to say what your specific problem is, and why you got stuck making progress.
@Oddant What language is that? C++?
@KerrekSB yes
let say:
@Oddant OK. As @Cat says, you can't leak memory in C++ unless you know that you've been naughty.
Or maybe newty.
kerrek how should i ask the question? im not good at determining what is wrong.. im just a highschool student
aStructure s = getStruct();
s = getStruct();
no memory leak here ?
i'm not a professional programmer
@Oddant No.
@Oddant Indeed. No leak.
@Oddant The second assignment overwrites the memory occupied by the first.
@Javier Most people aren't. But you still need to be able to express your problems in a way that people can help you.
@StackedCrooked yes ok I got it
And ultimately if your question is too high-level and basically "how do I make such-and-such a piece of software", then it's not appropriate for SO.
thanks a lot !
my brain's leaking now
@Oddant You need new Brain();.
I think a C++ course should explain what the stack is.
kerrek do you know c#
@Javier Also check out the FAQ.
C++ course should explain difference between automatic variables and free store.
@Javier On advice of my doctor I had to stop with C#. Something about 'anger issues', she said.
Why not get pedantic all the way.
In my mind's eye I picture the stack as a horizontal progress bar with the stack pointer indicating the progress.
It's like XP bar. When it reaches the end, ding, your program crashes, and then it goes back to the beginning.
kerrek so you can't help me?
@CatPlusPlus Let me find my pedantic definitions for value, variable, object, etc.. from Stepanov's book.
@CatPlusPlus The XP bar indicates the time left to a crash?
@Javier I can help with specific programming questions, but not with overall project design.
@CatPlusPlus I heard about the RAII thing
I need to come up with a database project. :<
@CatPlusPlus Except that you usually want XP to grow.
kerrek can you teamviewer me
@CatPlusPlus Invent something that will surpass mysql.
Database, not DBMS.
@StackedCrooked In UFO Enemy Unknown, you don't want your XP to exceed 255, unfortunately.
Also, it wouldn't be hard.
@CatPlusPlus For school?
NASA found life
I found life in my kitchen sink.
@JohannesSchaublitb Link?
@StackedCrooked They said it can't be the usual library/shop/whatever thingy, and I can't come up with anything.
It's silly.
@JohannesSchaublitb Looks creepy.
@CatPlusPlus I remember back in my school days we did a online PC shop. The next year we did a online quiz.
some of them have a tiny gun in the center of their body.
The online quiz had questions and answers stored in the DB. Very simple. It was more of a web development project than a database project.
@CatPlusPlus How about a people database, that allows you to link people by common interests and decide who is of least concern?
kerek can you help me via teavmiewer?
void newbie_function_just_for_the_example () {

   aStructure s = { 0, 0 };
  // end of program
well so if got you well, **s** is a value,
at the end of the function,
is the **s** structure sweeped off ? (in C ? in C++ ?)
Yes. That's why we call it an automatic variable.
@Javier Help you with what?
this game
It's basics, you should read a good book.
@Javier Everyone's been telling you that we can't write your software for you. It's your job to make it do what you want it to do. We can help with specific programming problems, but not with "how do I write programs?".
At this point, you should name a price.
I once used a database for the AI of the old Naval Battle board game (don't know the official name of the game). It simply stored all your boat positions from previous games and tried those in the new game.
an automatic variable unfortunately means a different thing than what the spec often means when it refers to that term
Do you have some conceptual question about collision detection?
kerrek im not trying to ask for the answers, i dont know what to ask
struct A { int b; }; int main() { A a; }
@Javier If you don't know what to ask, how are we supposed to know?
now the "b" member is an automatic variable
What is it you're stuck with?
@KerrekSB Instinct? :)
but really when the spec speaks of "automatic variable" it only wants to refer to "a" in the vast majority of cases
@JohannesSchaublitb Yum, very automatic. Automatic members are the best.
@StackedCrooked Instinct only works on questions involving pointer containers, double arrays, and EOF.
I need to go. That whisky isn't going to drink itself. I'll be back in a bit.
@KerrekSB I used to work for a social networking website. I once browsed through the helpdesk ticket history. It was amazing how the helpdesk employees were often able to answer the most gibberish of questions.
@StackedCrooked Well, that's not dissimilar from SO I suppose...
Kerrek i can show you what the problem is
@Javier Just edit it into your question so everyone can see
> Herbert Schildt is an American musician, computing author and a Windows Programmer. His books, particularly on C programming, have been best-sellers in three decades; McGraw-Hill, which published many of his books, calls him "the world's leading programming author".
It's a strange world.
@StackedCrooked does still he have time to play music ?
@Oddant Lol, how should I know?
> He was a member of the original ANSI committee that standardized the C language in 1989, and the ANSI/ISO committees that updated that standard in 1999, and standardized C++ in 1998.
sorry I thought you were an autobiographer, it lacks of reference
@Oddant "An autobiographer"? You wouldn't be writing many books like that, would you?
maybe he is a bot haha
"What's your job?" - "I write autobiographies. Yes, I'm that interesting."
auto biography;
how can we have time to play music and be like a world wide programming author ?
I doubt he's spending 24hrs a day writing books.
he's writing his book of life
@Oddant Technically everyone can call himself a musician. I can start grunting and call it a composition.
Why was why was this starred marked as offensive
ha yes ! but written in wikipedia sounds like it is serious
@SethCarnegie I've been flagged? :D
@SethCarnegie because it consumes one slot in the weeks-long lasting list of useful permanent entries
@StackedCrooked no, tony the lion was flagged
@SethCarnegie and for no useful purpose
I flagged it and hope for it to be unpinned
also, how do you access resources in code that have been embedded by visual studio
@Johannes wow, it was pinned?
@JohannesSchaublitb It was democratically voted to the top.
that's dumb
There is a bug in this software. On the sidelist, the altext for the flag picture is "click to star"
Someone has been lazy.
@EthanSteinberg where?
@EthanSteinberg oh I see, lol
It says "flag this message as spam, inappropriate or offensive" on my comp.
Ohh, nice project wiki :-) The Wheels thing looks nice.
Let me get a screenshot
@StackedCrooked no, on the starred messages sidebar
@StackedCrooked click the down arrow by a starred message
@StackedCrooked if I ask a question about a programming problem about mothers.stackexchange.com then it is spamming in that context
even if it would be useful for programmers.stackexchange.com
@SethCarnegie Indeed.
@EthanSteinberg I sense you are using XFCE
@SethCarnegie Perhaps occasionally spam is interesting?
this bar should be for useful durable messages not for things people like for 5 seconds. stars are for that purpose, not pins IMO
@SethCarnegie Wrong.
Ohhhh I should've known
I mixed up my window managers
@JohannesSchaublitb Ah, that's right.
Call me crazy, but I feel like trying out Ruby Rake for building my C++ code.
God we need better tooling for C++.
@EthanSteinberg My hopes are on Clang.
At GoingNative Chandler told that they were working on refactoring tools for C++.
Q: how to generate true or false values using normal distribution in c++

freinnI want to do that without using boost and "strange" things, I want to fill a board randomly for the game of life.

No strange answers, please.
rand() %2 == 0.
Oh crap, I totally slept over the release of Boost 1.49!
What have I missed?
How the heck do you find the ID of an embedded resource in Visual Studio?
@KerrekSB Looking at the docs, boost.org/doc/libs/1_49_0/doc/html/heap.html is new
Hm, the only condoned compiler for c++0x is GCC 4.5.2...
Seems like 4.6.2 doesn't work.
That's lame.
Reading it the heap doesn't that that much of an advantage over the std::priority_queue. The only major difference seems to be that you can mutate the elements.
@StackedCrooked Allegedly c++03 GCC 4.6.2 is fine...
i'm gonna start laughing at people who continue to call c++11 "c++0x" now that it's officially released. :)
just giving y'all fair warning.
@cHao Laugh all you will. I was talking about a compiler flag.
maybe they decided to call it by its real name. :)
@EthanSteinberg Interesting. I actually forgot that priority_queue existed.
C++0x is the better name anyways.
Sounds more futuristic.
"To select this standard in GCC, use the option -std=c++11;"
see what happens when you call stuff by its old name? you get left behind :)
@cHao I like this room because I am a C With Classes programmer.
you do realize "c with classes" was the worst name ever, right? :) i use it to belittle code that claims to be c++, but really just has a sprinkling of cout and a dash of new
oh hai
@cHao Likely a dash of mismatching new[] and delete/frees.
@TonyTheLion Howdy!
Does mixing new and malloc even work?
howdy! How goes it?
more than likely. it's almost by definition that they never use delete[], cause to them objects are just data.
@TonyTheLion Fine, I managed to sleep a few hours. Discipline!
@EthanSteinberg it can. but you're tempting the nasal demons every time you do it
@StackedCrooked heheh, nice
I slept better last night
Almost rofl, almost
@Hoxieboy Crawling-on-the-floor-laughing?
I don't know how to interpret this! I watch this dwarf walk over to one of my far corner beds, and suddenly, he starts switching with this question mark, how would I interpret this? XD
In what situations would you compile boost with runtime-link=static option?
i can hear the wind
i can smell the wind
@TonyTheLion that one's also available as a T-shirt.
Would a native English speaker tell me what the plural of the noun form of the verb "interleave" is
interleaf |ˈintərˌlēf|
noun ( pl. interleaves )
an extra page, typically a blank one, between the leaves of a book.
@StackedCrooked I mean interleave as in taking two things and interleaving them
@SethCarnegie It think it's the same word. (Btw, I'm just using my dictionary application on Mac. I'm also not a native speaker.)
Did you mean this?
interleave |ˌintərˈlēv|
verb [ with obj. ]
1 insert pages, typically blank ones, between the pages of (a book): books of maps interleaved with tracing paper.
• place something between the layers of (something): pasta interleaved with strips of zucchini and carrot.
2 Telecommunications & Computing mix (two or more digital signals) by alternating between them.
• Computing divide (memory or processing power) between a number of tasks by allocating segments of it to each task in turn.
@daknøk yes, what is the plural noun form of that
@daknøk so "There are many interleaves here" is correct?
@daknøk where did you find that word
@SethCarnegie Wiktionary
ok, that'll do I guess, thanks
English is confusing :/
@ScottW yeah I was just about to ask "what about 'interleavement'"
@SethCarnegie that's not in the dictionary, "interleaving" is.
So if perfect English matters, use "interleaving" (it can't be wrong).
@daknøk well, that's also part verb, like "The other day I was interleaving some papers..."
but that doesn't say anything about "interleavings" as a noun
but it's the closest bet so
There shouldn't be an ambiguity between nouns and verbs in correct English sentences.
If there is, change the sentence.
@IntermediateHacker thanks a bunch, got it
@daknøk I just mean that it's the same word but different use
While English is very complicated, I think it is one of the most flexible languages
@SethCarnegie you haven't seen the Dutch language. English is a piece of cake compared to Dutch.
English is easy compared to most languages.
The same goes for Dutch.
@ScottW ah yeah
@daknøk what makes Dutch complicated?
Today I was in Tholen, a Dutch village. I can say I've seen at least ten linguistic mistakes on signs.
@SethCarnegie dt-regel, syntax, exceptions, genders…
@ScottW nah :P schijtschool
@SethCarnegie some verbs end with a t, some with a d, some with dt and there are many rules to that.
dt-rule is consistent so not really difficult to learn.
The T(ea)-rules (T(hee)-regels), are a set of conjugation rules used in the Dutch language to determine whether the second person singular/plural and the first and third person singular of a verb end in -t or not. These rules are related to the 't kofschip-rule, which is used to determine the verb end for past tenses and participles. The combined sets of rules are also known as the d/t-rules. *Ik drink nooit t(hee) (I (ik) never drink t(ea)) *Jij drinkt alleen t(hee) als je tegenwoordig bent en voorafgaat (You (jij) only drink t(ea) if you be present and go before) (informal) *Gij drink...
@StackedCrooked yet too many people do it wrong every time.
Dutch actually has genders. English: "What happened to this table? It broke." Dutch: "Hij/zij is gebroken." ??

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