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Maybe there's a ClearEx() somewhere?
yeah, it's called ID3D11Device
Why aren't you using that?
because if I wanted to do something simple, like render "Hello World" to the screen, then I would have to endlessly fuck around with back buffer locking and all sorts of unimaginable horrors so that I could interoperate with Direct2D and DirectWrite
it could be worse, it could be OpenGL
I'm sure you would have no troubles with this back buffer locking thing.
actually, I'd probably survive it
void glClearColor(GLclampf red, GLclampf green, GLclampf blue, GLclampf alpha); :P
and I might even survive the fact that they removed half or more of the other useful support classes
but the truth is that I just don't need it
SM 3.0 is enough for me
the only reason I'm designing an interface that even can be implemented by other operating systems and rendering pipelines is because I don't want to be locked in
I thought you weren't planning on leaving Windows anytime soon.
I'm not
but I don't want to be dealing with HWNDs or D3DCOLORs in my primary code
Ah, yeah, totally.
who knows what I may or may not want to do in the future
US dollars squared, lol
but hey
in a couple hours, I will have finished my work, and will be capable of some utterly needless things
in my general quest to be capable of things that I absolutely don't need
instead of useful things, like, I dunno, losing weight :P
I guess I'm lucky. All the exercise I do is a small daily walk around the block. I eat as much as I want and I never gain weight.
by the way
what's the deal with header.h vs header.hpp?
Personal preference?
that's what I thought
Some people even use .hh to match .cc for source files.
not that I would stoop so low as to actually listen to what you had to say, of course
@RMartinhoFernandes .cc? How odd, I've only ever seen .cpp
I think the .cc is mainly a Unix thing.
@DeadMG It's not very common, but I've seen it once or twice.
.cpp is better though.
What about .c++?
not sure if my operating system accepts that
wow, it does
Plus signs are reserved? For what?
dunno, I always figured that filenames were restricted to identifier ranges, essentially
but I guess not
now going to pointlessly rename all my files .c++ :P
I'm going to start using .c++ and .h++.
Ideally, .h++ wouldn't be necessary...
I usually just use .h
I've been using .hpp.
That way I can spot easily if some file is polutting the global namespace like mad: it has an #include <xxx.h> in it.
pretty good shout, actually
namespace posix {
#include <unistd.h>
The other day I tried this. It "worked", but it felt dirty.
(And it doesn't work well anyway)
well, it "works", but it doesn't deal with the problem of macros
And it messes the linker.
yeah, and that
I always place my code into a top-level namespace
Yeah, me too.
And naming it is always annoying.
also, I think it's way past time that the Standard library was subdivided
@RMartinhoFernandes Eh. I just always call mine "Wide"
<chrono> does that!
@DeadMG Always?
Hmm. I guess that would be an option.
@RMartinhoFernandes yes
I tend to pick whatever random name comes to mind (like ice).
what, Integral Constant Expression or Internal Compiler Error?
Internal Combustion Engine!
(backronym, really)
Inhumane Coffin-dodger Euthanasia
coffin-dodger makes me laugh every time I think of it
@jalf Would there be a way for the code to assert that there is currently no active transaction?
just in case, it's a reference to a UK politician who called old people coffin dodgers
in public
which, in my opinion, is rather stupid, and epically hilarious
I mean
That's really stupid.
I love to blaspheme and I love to come up with horrible things to say, but that is just a winner insult
The guy that rules on Madeira does nothing but blaspheme and say horrible things, but I don't think he ever came up with something of that level.
I've just got to appreciate the pure creativity of it
I don't think I could do better
not in so few words, anyway
can I ask you another interface design question?
I've got these classes
they've really turned into just data holders
but they have the relatively unique behaviour that when you destroy them they automatically get rid of a bunch of internal dangling pointers
the thing is, I want to cut them as an interface because there's not really much derived behaviour at all, but I also don't want to cut them because if I didn't get rid of the dangling pointers, I'd have to take them by value, and I don't really think that's such a good idea
Can you write some code?
the only interesting behaviour the class has is removing itself from a bunch of known weak references when destroyed
Ah, I see now. The "dangling pointers" part was confusing me.
well, because it removes them for you on destruction, then you can add them to the Holders without having to give the Holder ownership, because the Holder doesn't really own them at all
I can't think of an alternative that doesn't involve a set of weak_ptrs and lock()s all over.
that's the conclusion I came to as well
oh well, these things happen I guess
I don't really see a problem with it, though. Other the feeling of weirdness.
it feels weird subclassing a class just to get a virtual call on the destructor
but I guess that there are worse things
Is it okay to create an Example without it being added to any set?
why you would want to, I don't know
but you can
I mean, the point of the Holders is to group the Examples for rendering in various ways
and an Example that isn't in any Holder is never going to be rendered
Well, just checking if you should control creation more tightly.
actually, I do need to control creation slightly more tightly (in an utterly unrelated fashion)
Damn, I gotta find a decent alternative to KeePass for Linux.
really <3 KeyPass
I can run it in Mono, but WinForms on Mono looks horrible and is quirky in places.
It doesn't interact well with Klipper either. Klipper stores the contents of the clipboard forever.
Dammit I want food and the shops are closed.
@DeadMG Yeah, it's really great.
fuggery, need to change my lib paths on Visual Studio
@RMartinhoFernandes Isn't that normal behavior, until it is overwritten with something else?
I have txt file on my computer with all my passwords.
@StackedCrooked When KeePass copies a password to the clipboard, it deletes it after a short delay (10 seconds or something).
But Klipper stores all states of the clipboard (so you can, say, paste something you copied before).
The two don't play nice together.
Amazing how easily this works.
it, it, it compiles!
now all I need to do is implement the 11 functions I declared but never implemented
Well, KeePass is open-source. Maybe I can write a UI that plays nicer with the system... I'll have to learn GTK# or something.
@DeadMG Let me guess, coincidentally those are the hairy ones.
actually, no
they're simple ones, like clear the backbuffer, give out the Direct3D device, that kind of thing
Oh, so it's almost done.
just implemented three of them and they were all three lines
by that I mean one line of actual body
one reference a function I removed but still had a call to
Arrgh, I hate sourceforge. I can never find the checkout address in that interface.
It seems as if the site is made for non-programmers.
normally that's a good thing, but when your exclusive audience is programmers, then...
I don't need three paragraphs of text explaining what subversion is.
one unresolved external
I just used my first ever const_cast
and I'm going to have to use quite a few more soon
device resets
a device reset means "Destroy and re-create your data", so logically, the object isn't mutated during the operation, but in reality, it involves mutating and re-setting various data members
but mutable for them all is way OTT
const_cast is more finely controllable
But isn't it UB?
also, the device settings for the Direct3D device include the backbuffer settings, whereas I exposed the back buffer as a separate object
@RMartinhoFernandes Only if they were originally declared const.
But mutable works fine even then.
which I know they weren't since I wrote the classes in question
I guess a const Device doesn't make sense though.
sure, but mutable isn't very fine-grained
either it's mutable or it isn't
@DeadMG Yeah, I've felt icky about that before too.
const_cast means that it can be mostly immutable and then a tiny dash of mutable when I need it
it compiles and it links! kekeke
now all I need to do is actually implement the rendering instead of leaving the render method mostly empty :P
@FredOverflow thanks. i knew that, though.
I knew it gooder.
I knew it the bestest!
I need some advice. I have an ffmpeg event loop to read from a stream. `while (readingDidnotFail) { readImage(); processImage(); }.`

The problem is I have to communicate with boost::asio, so my event loop would look like `while (readingDidnotFail) { readImage(); processImage(); ifMessagesArrivedDealWithThem();}`. Any suggestions on how to do this?
I knew it bestester.
This looks strange: readImage(); processImage();
The address listed on the sourceforge page was not for the trunk. I ended up checking out all the branches and tags too. Arrgh, crappy subversion model.
I obviously can't use ioservice.run() as that blocks(messages still to be read).
Shouldn't that be: processImage(readImage()); ?
@StackedCrooked pseudoCode is pseudoCode
But I don't think I can use ioservice.run_once(), as that would only do one thing each time around the loop.
Strange code is strange code :p
And because readImage is slow, thus I would not be able to do enough on the network.
Any suggestions?
usually, the ASIO service lets you query if the queue is empty
Just to be clear, you're asking about implementing ifMessagesArrivedDealWithThem(), right?
so while(thereIsStillAMessage()) DealWithAMessage();
@RMartinhoFernandes Yeah.
don't know if boost::asio implements this
Doesn't seem to have a "ioservice.areHandlersThere()" function.
1.35? Was that off of Google, or is that the version you're using?
no, but the poll() function is exactly what you want
Oops, bad reading on my part.
Should have seen the poll.
why do most people here on SO just lie instead of making the effort of a cogent argument?
@CheersandhthAlf You seem to forget most people on SO are humans. That explains a lot.
@RMartinhoFernandes And robot.
@StackedCrooked Engrish fail?
@StackedCrooked woof woof!
Something like that.
Distortion sets in.
@Alf Lol your last accepted answer has a score of -1.
there's one on Programmers, I think, which is -26
Heh. Q: Are singletons cool? A: Yes! Q: Accepted!
@StackedCrooked yes. consider the ALL UPPERCASE shouting in the first comment, and the rest. i do think i know why, but anyway, suggesting that one should stay away from unsigned-as-numbers is not popular with the kids
wait a minute
now that my code actually compiles, I'm not sure what to do next
(the reason that i suspect, is that they've been doing that mindlessly, adding a lot of effort such as using each class' special type, and don't like to be "wrong" about it)
I've shot myself in the foot a few times when doing a decrementing for loop with an unsigned counter. They can be tricky.
I avoid unsignedness unless I really need the extra range
I am now mixing STM and locks. That doesn't sit well.
@DeadMG they're good for bitlevel stuff. i would recommend against doing bitlevel stuff with signed. since it's often formally UB with signed
@StackedCrooked It shouldn't :P
@DeadMG the engineer goes on to test, the businessman goes on to marketing and selling
The thing is that STM only deals with memory resources. I also have other kinds of resources which require exclusive access like worker pools, job scheduling, ...
@StackedCrooked Isn't it the entire point of a worker pool to be able to submit jobs from any thread?
when Bill Gates sold the basic interpreter they had not even compiled it on the target system
Looping over numbers is a crutch anyway. I like Python's approach of "there's only one for loop, and that's for-each".
@DeadMG Yes, it allows that. However, my old code locked over big scopes of code. When refactoring those scopes to STM transactions I see that I'm also scheduling stuff in those scopes. This is bad because transactions can be retried. So I have to untie the two and use locks for one and STM for the other. I assume.
Anyway I should better stop programming now and think a little instead.
for i in reversed(xrange(101)): # look ma, no unsigned troubles
    print i
reverse iterators are way better than unsigned indices
Yes, very good.
I wasn't iterating over a container, just counting down.
It's something that I don't often do and then I easily make stupid mistakes.
for (unsigned i = 10; i >= 0; --i) // oops
Loop condition should probably be i != unsigned(-1).
Or perhaps it's better to count up and use (10 - i) inside the loop.
Or, as @Alf says, use int and be done with it.
for(auto i : count_down(11)) {
    std::cout << i;
// implementation of count_down is left as an exercise for the reader
Away with old for loops!
@RMartinhoFernandes This is pretty awesome.
Second ranged for win today.
@StackedCrooked It's only annoying that implementing these little helpers involves implementing an iterator.
That's C++ for you.
@RMartinhoFernandes Can't iterator implementation be automated?
Yes, you can certainly write some helpers.
Or use boost's.
// C#
IEnumerable<int> CountDown(int n) {
    for(int i = n; i > 0; --i) {
        yield return i-1;
But this is sweeter :P
@RMartinhoFernandes yes, and then we're back to coroutines (and continuations, built on coroutines)
Python has something like that too.
I checked back over my code from a year ago and holy shit, it stinks so badly
@DeadMG you can be proud of that
That should be no surprise. Everyone knows you're a horrible coder.
@DeadMG because it means you learned a lot
No, maybe he means that it literally stinks.

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