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#include <windows.h> // and now your global namespace is screwed
yea well I have windows.h too
although mine is with capital W
yes lots of them
redifinition error
Don't use GL headers directly, though, use a loader.
@RMartinhoFernandes kinky!
Is that past tense of glow?
GLFW sucks too.
@Nils That's for window management and shit, no?
yes IIRC
What I dislike about work is that I'm tired in the evening :(
I wanted to write some code, but I guess I'll let it be for this evening
@CatPlusPlus this is a loader?
It's several libraries. GLLoad is the loader.
@Nils Yep, it my energy and I have none left for pet projects in the evening.
OGLplus is strongly-typed C++11 wrapper around GL API.
And I also want to do udacity.com/overview/Course/cs373
GLM is matrix/vector library, you'll need that.
It models after GLSL, so it fits nicely.
GLFW sucks, don't use it.
FreeGLUT also.
What sucks about it?
The other two I don't know.
it opens a gl window, exactly what I wanted to do it
@RMartinhoFernandes Pandora's box?
It uses global state, it's in C, and uses C-style callbacks.
yes glut, but what about glfw?
And AFAIR don't allow multiple windows.
Same thing, really.
@CatPlusPlus C-style callbacks without a void* user_data parameter, which is even worse since you can't possibly "fix it" even if you want to.
Yeah, I wanted to say that, too.
GLFW at least doesn't hijack the event loop, but it still sucks.
so @CatPlusPlus what are u using then?
Windowing code is pretty trivial.
Even if you consider multiple platforms.
so which one do I use then?
@CatPlusPlus So first win32 to open a window?
And to capture input.
One day I'll be not lazy and write code for XCB/X11 and OSX.
One day.
All in one day?
osx is easy
Or you know, right now, 'cause I need a break from web stuff anyway.
OSX I save for last.
I like it even less than X11.
I might have some OS X windowing code somewhere.
As soon as you look at X11 "hello world in a window" code you'll be begging for the WinAPI.
osx is quite a bit more modern than x11
yeah then do it on osx
Doesn't creating a window in OS X require Objective-C code? Or do you want to use the deprecated Carbon API?
XCB is supposedly bit more friendly than Xlib was.
throwing away all the old crap was the right decision for apple
Apple replaced old crap with new crap.
That's not much of an improvement.
@daknøk probably theoretically not, but it would be quite teadious
i guess
@CatPlusPlus But now the crap is shiny!
objective-c is easy
And melts your eyeballs.
I'm going to defy laws of nature and use Obj-C++.
@Nils Oh yeah, I can do that without Objective-C! #include <objc/runtime.h> … objc_msgSend(…); ah screw it.
Just to keep the "Obj-" part as small as possible.
[this [is [not [Lisp]]]]
nah I like it
it's very nice for gui apps
You know what's nice for GUI apps?
Nothing, because GUI apps suck.
Sometimes I hate programming.
blah blah
HTML is not good for anything.
command line photoshop?
HTML is not even good for HTML.
Ok, "writing GUI apps", not "GUI apps".
Wait, what is best way to do windows?
@CatPlusPlus Just remember that the origin is at the bottom left.
With rectangles.
Heh, opengl windows
@StackedCrooked Origin of what?
2D coords
@CatPlusPlus Usually the top left point of a window has coords (0, 0) when drawing. On OSX it's the bottom left.
In default OpenGL coordinate system (0, 0) is at the center.
Fun, isn't it?
Kind of makes sense for game worlds. For UI programming a corner is more convenient.
u know what's nice
That reminds me I still need an UI library for OpenGL.
BTW, the best thing about GLload is that it doesn't include any system headers.
@Nils I won't click that. It's bound to lead to That Weird Part of YouTube.
I have something serious: Can I replace function pointers with something easier in C++0x?
Man I love japanese TV!!
Here they show desperate housewives :(
How do you know it's a girl?
@RMartinhoFernandes quick glance
I simply don't understand
so I'll stop now
this kinda reminds me of face raiders on the 3ds
um... LOL!
they look like Huns when they scrunch their faces
glsdk throws a bunch of compiler errors just calling glload::LoadFunctions()
Man I dream of my own tv show, but I guess here my fascists gov would just censor it and sue me..
Missing includes? Missing libraries?
@Nils Why? What would your TV show have? Live murder?
nah more like these above
What? You mean there are no boobs in Western TV?
The grass is always greener on the other side.
it sucks
glloadD.lib(gll_gl_ext.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol __imp__wglGetProcAddress@4 referenced in function _WinGetProcAddress
1>glloadD.lib(wgll_ext.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol __imp__wglGetProcAddress@4
this ^
Right. Japanese TV is really great.
like the target market for european tv are mostly uneducated women
@TonyTheLion That' sa linker error. You're missing some linker reference. opengl32 maybe?
ah I still have to include those?
@Nils Maybe Swiss TV.
@TonyTheLion Not #include, linker references.
@RMartinhoFernandes yes
Here we have an entire channel whose primary target is educated people.
It's boring as heck some times.
what being educated?
@Nils The channel for educated people.
ok it compiles, but it crashes on trying to load the functions
I hate the 200 rep cap, I have 18 upvotes that aren't counted today :(
Crashes where?
@SethCarnegie Yeah, leaking sucks.
@RMartinhoFernandes leaking?
Yeah, leaking rep.
oh, yeah
My lightbulb is broken. :<
@CatPlusPlus oh noes
@CatPlusPlus Did it blow up?
Mine did, last sunday.
No, it blinks.
I think it melted somewhat on the inside.
Oh wait, it's not the lightbulb.
A plot twist! It's your eyes!
It's the lamp. :<
I did something and it appears to have stopped.
And just as I said that it started again.
why would calling glGetString(GL_VERSION) return nothing?
It's your voice!
@TonyTheLion You don't have a window (more precisely, a rendering context)?
I've just called glload::LoadFunctions() to load OpenGL
but it fails internally, because glGetString fails
Those fucking lightbulbs get hot really fast.
As I was entering Imgur:
My fingers.
and it passes a null pointer to strchr
You need a context before you can do anything with OpenGL.
even before you call the glload::LoadFunctions?
At least on Windows the procedure goes like that:
@TonyTheLion Anything.
hmm, I made a std::unordered_map<int, int> containing 1000000 values, and did 100 lookups in ~20 seconds. It's now been ~60s after that, and it's still destructing. Every time I check it's in the destructor for iterators. Stupid MSVC debug builds.
is a typedef to void every going to be useful?
typedef void myvoid?
1. Register window class with CS_OWNDC.
2. Create a window.
3. Fetch device context with GetDC.
4. Use ChoosePixelFormat/SetPixelFormat with PFD_SUPPORT_OPENGL and PFD_DOUBLEBUFFER to activate OpenGL.
5. Create GL context with wglCreateContext(dc) and make it current with wglMakeCurrent(dc, gl_ctx).
6. Load functions for that context with glload::LoadFunctions.
7. Use wglCreateContextAttribsARB extension function to create real context, i.e. 3.2 Core Profile/Forward Compatible.
8. Make the new context current, tear down the old context.
@Nils Yes. It helps in securing your job.
Hey now.
Well, unless you're satisfied with default context, then 7-9 are not necessary.
But you should stick to the Core Profile.
You'll be much happier.
I don't know how it looks on X11/OSX yet, but am going to be looking into that.
Here's my guess: "ugly".
@CatPlusPlus Do you have a OS X machine to work on?
I have a VM, but some testing will be appreciated if I get this done.
Isn't that illegal or something? (Not that I have a problem with it)
Pfft. What's the plural of context?
Makes sense.
What did you expect? Contaii? Conteces?
Somehow my mind was trying to use "contextes".
And something was off.
augh I'm so close to getting the trajectory and explosions right for my plotter :s
It's about an evil twin.
:D fixed the random line bug
tiny pic :)
hold on lemme see if I can resize it
anyone know how to use the "faster" allocators that come with MSVC++?
maybe this will be bigger:
now to work on the explosionz
Hm, I wonder if library that only creates OpenGL windows makes sense.
You'd still need to write separate callbacks for every platform, to catch input, draw and stuff.
You mean a UI library based on OpenGL?
I think Qt uses OpenGL for rendering.
No, just a tiny wrapper over system windowing, that sets up a window with bound GL context.
No UI functionality beyond that.
so to create a window with win32 you cannot start from a normal console app can you?
You can, you'll just have console window, too.
right, but what HINSTANCE to I pass to my windowclass?
@CatPlusPlus I did something similar where I bind a Window to a video rendered by GStreamer.
@TonyTheLion GetModuleHandle(nullptr)
@CatPlusPlus I'd buy that. (I do not mean pay for it)
@RMartinhoFernandes I just wonder if it's viable, or wouldn't it be more useful if it had some more scaffolding.
Add scaffolding as a higher-layer construct.
But then again, I don't really have to draw in a response to WM_PAINT.
Hmm, I think it'd need to expose platform internals to be really usable.
no, you don't
like what?
Dead joined the living :)
But there's still issue of input.
@DeadMG For input, for example.
ah yes
Okay, well, I'll start with windows only. We'll see.
If it's gonna be minimalistic then you shouldn't be too much work to make it cross-platform.
Well, cross-platformity is the design goal.
Is going to be something similar to this?
I'm actually working on something somewhat similar right now
although I went for a general rendering abstraction, rather than an OpenGL context only
@CatPlusPlus I could use that any way now, I really need "just a context", I'd be even glad if they would add a windowless context creation method that let you draw to an FBO.
glwnd::window my_wnd(event_callback, width, height, glwnd::centered, "yo dawg");
Possibly with some intermediate variant instead of width/height to make it borderless/fullscreen.
glwnd::window my_wnd(..., dimensions, ...); please!
what would be the best frame rate for a pixel setting(or line drawing) program?
Well, yeah, that.
@Hoxieboy 4223
glwnd::window my_wnd(event_callback, glwnd::bordered(width, height), glwnd::centered, "yo dawg");
// or glwnd::fullscreen or glwnd::borderless(width, height)
Also glwnd::absolute(x, y) instead of centered.
I like variants.
@StackedCrooked hmm, I'm trying to explain it but its kinda hard
Remind me of Haskell.
flips per second?
@CatPlusPlus Wouldn't you need dimensions for glwnd::fullscreen also?
AlDTs are awesomez.
It's implied they're using desktop dimensions.
It wouldn't be full-screen otherwise, now would it?
that's not the same thing
You could want fullscreen 640x480!
Oh, right, resolution changing.
fullscreen and "A window that takes up the whole screen" isn't quite the same
apart from anything else, multi-monitor support requires fullscreen, not just windows which take up the whole screens
glwnd::fullscreen() or glwnd::fullscreen(resx, resy) then.
@StackedCrooked say you have a surface called screen, how many ticks (ticks till another refresh) would be optimal? sorry if you don't know my pythonic slang :s
You could make glwnd::fullscreen a function object and then you would have glwnd::fullscreen (no parens) or glwnd::fullscreen(resx, resy).
What am I thinking?
@Hoxieboy Why don't you simply respond to change events with a refresh. If nothing is happening then you don't need to refresh.
There could also be glwnd::hidden for windowless-esque rendering.
@StackedCrooked that's what my while loop is for, it sets a variable, and while that variable is at a certain value, it runs something called a clock, this clock determines how many ticks until a refresh
is it just me or chat is teh brokunz?
@DeadMG brokunz?
why do you think its brokunz?
click to reply on someone's message and the menu has no options
works for me O.o probably your browser
oh god its the @NulledPointer
@DeadMG Did you refresh?
Chat's been broken in several spots lately.
good shout, robot
I imagine they're hacking on it live or something.
Fuck it! Do it live!
and this is my first message in still NULL!
multiple virtual inheritance makes DeadMG cry
It make me clench my teeth.
but I don't see how it can be avoided
you can't read from the backbuffer, and you can't write to textures you load from a file, but you can do both to textures you create
struct D3D9ReadTexture : ReadTexture {}; that's the classic mistake IMO. Should favor composition over inheritance.
@StackedCrooked U mad bro? lol
@StackedCrooked It's a run-time inheritance design.
Runtime inheritance? Is there also a compile-time inheritance?
CRTP, I usually think of that way
But inheritance! Things and stuff graphics performances virtual indirection slow loose suck!
@RMartinhoFernandes But it's the most encapsulating, easiest to produce design
at least, until I came across this specific gem
Do you really need struct ReadWriteTexture : ReadTexture, WriteTexture {};?

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