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var button = item.View as object as Button;
@Veedrac With a limited word size and what elementary operations?
Like, do you have 1 << 32 => 0 or 2^32?
Assuming a 32-bit word?
@StackedCrooked It's less useful. You can only yield from the first stack frame introduced by the coroutine in those. With Boost.Coroutine you can yield from any stack frame.
@JohanLarsson if that's not using COM/dynamic then that's bogus
Or if you fear that item.View is a value type, perhaps
@Elyse I think he knows
@BartekBanachewicz seems like they fixed the problems with the grainy anti-glare coating on these newer screens. and a nice thin bezel :D
I'm trying to figure out how to extend the wpf designer works
I printed gettype and it was a button but it would not let me cast it
so I casted it :)
cast --force
What does it mean to yield from a coroutine anyways? Is it a function call? It preserves context of that coroutine, right, and you'll eventually come back to that coroutine if it's a part of a loop or cycle of yields?
I can't belieb it snowed last night
Its mid November!
@VermillionAzure It pauses the coroutine and hands control over to the resumer of the coroutine.
@Elyse So it must be some sort of function call or jump I suppose
@VermillionAzure have you watched the cppcon video that was linked here?
void f() {

coroutine coro(f);
Prints A, 1, B, 2, C.
@VermillionAzure its a context switch
But then how does it preserve the context? Does it save information in some static global lookup table or does it use the stack?
@Ell It did?
@Puppy I'm visiting home
For the weekend
@VermillionAzure With stackless coroutines, the compiler generates a state machine. For stackful ones, registers are dumped to/loaded from a buffer and the stack pointer is updated.
@Elyse But this buffer must be preserved between coroutines and function calls, right?
Yes, of course.
So... Who owns the buffer on the stack? The caller, or some sort of section of the heap predefined?
You can put the buffer wherever you want.
And if I were to call a coroutine from A then B, does A's state carry over to B's call?
look at rightfolds sample. f is a resumable function, coro is the coroutine and could hold the state
Like call(co()) in F() and and call(co()) in G(), then call F, then g
seriously, watch the cppcon video :D
Ah, so where the coroutine is created is where its information is stored.
My favourite use of Boost.Coroutine: github.com/rightfold/mill/tree/develop/mill/src fiber.{h,c,t}pp and thread_pool.{h,c,t}pp
Why do people like coroutines?
Won't it make the logic more complicated?
my little context: coroutines are magic
@VermillionAzure have I mentioned that you should watch the video? :)
@melak47 I am
The punch card example is interesting but... won't having more than one point of entry make it harder to reason about?
e.g. Suppose I have a sorting coroutine that will sort once, and then go into a loop where it yields each element. The other coroutine operates on it, modifies the function that it uses for each iteration (e.g. a + 0 ==> a + 1 ==> a + 2 for i[0], i[1], i[2]) and then yields. The other coroutine gets the new value and writes it into a result vector.
sessiON, first cup of coffee
@VermillionAzure I'm not quite following. I got sorting_yielder(Container c) { sort(c); for (auto&& x : c) yield x; }, and wtf(???) { ??? }
@melak47 Basically, another coroutine to apply a lambda to it, then modify the lambda for the next iteration
write code dude
Unfortunately I'm not a coroutine expert.
I'll try to emulate with a loop.
@VermillionAzure this will get in the way no matter what medium you pick to convey your ideas
but if you choose to use code, you get a compiler for free
I have no idea what you're trying to say to me
I'll write up an example
@VermillionAzure make sure it compiles
coliru is fun
@VermillionAzure don’t do that
you don’t understand coroutines well (by your own admission), 'emulation' will almost surely lead you astray
How about I just use two seperate groups of globals to emulate preservation of state
@VermillionAzure I'd just keep watching the video, he shows later how it makes async stuff easier to write
start with a less ambitious program if you feel you would be overwhelmed
as soon as it works, make the program bigger to get closer to what you want
@VermillionAzure never.
I'm almost done
@Rapptz thanks for keeping me up-to-date
Here is an example of a coroutine with all persistent state stored into global variables outside of the lambdas
Better example ^^
Actually this is probably a bad example
Best Line I've read all week
Fails to capture the resuming from a different place than the start of the coroutine call
> So I have arsonists on both sides of my family tree. And that’s probably why I became an internet journalist.
It's Saturday.
@Mgetz Because he wants to apply the mad burnz to all the homies in da hood
@VermillionAzure she, and she works for Gawker
@VermillionAzure Coroutines are just threads, except resuming and pausing them is up to the programmer instead of the OS.
@Elyse I mean, you can think about it like that, right?
Yes, why else would I say that.
But what do you do while you "yield" then?
Is it like: oh wait, i'm waiting, let's come back to it later
@VermillionAzure return to calling context
@VermillionAzure no waiting, you yield control back to whoever's on the other end
Basically, it's for situations where there is a delay due to some sort of external thing in your immediate context that cannot be controlled by that context
whether it's a connection or a state for which your coroutine shouldn't have control over the state, like a buffer being empty that should be refilled by the generator coroutine
Coroutines are really easy to understand.
Basically, "oh wait I need to wait, so let's tell boss that we're waiting and let's all do something else until we come back"
where boss is the calling contxt
a) Context switches are expensive, b) you can probably handle most cases without switching c) coroutines AKA fibers AKA async and await make that easier
Hm... I actually like the idea the more I learn about this
Isn't there some sort of interrupt mechanism too to go with it?
nobody is waiting, so no interrupts...?
No that's not what I mean
@VermillionAzure not really?, the whole point is to avoid interrupts and context switches
Context switches... can be as simple as a check and jump?
some libraries like windows fibers allow the controlling program to reschedule after a context switch
but in general most don't because they aren't kernel supported
Also, coroutines don't need threads, so context switches won't really apply here, right?
@VermillionAzure they absolutely apply, context switches happen. the point is to avoid unnecessarily blocking and thus avoid a kernel context switch.
ex: SQL Server can user fibers to squat on all the cores of a machine, getting much higher throughput while only having one thread per core
I thought context switches are outside of your hands when writing a single-threaded program without going to into non-portable interaction with an OS
Since the OS is multitasking by scheduling and not true multiprocessing coroutines becomes more about convention of calls and about the yielding and resuming of subroutines or algorithms
@VermillionAzure they are, but there are two reasons a context switch occurs. 1) your time slice has expired (ideal) b) you blocked and yielded to the kernel (non-ideal)
@Mgetz Isn't it the other way around?
@VermillionAzure not if you're using coroutines
the idea is to squat on the core and use as much of your time slice as possible
Why would the ideal case be when we need to interrupt execution?
because it means we've used our entire time slice to do useful stuff
Ah okay
But then what happens when you start calling a coroutine from more than one place? Isn't that more complex?
concurrently? or what.
No, I mean in more than one context
Say I have that connection context from the CPPcon example
And then we have an exception or error to boot us out of the caller's context
Does that mean the state for the coroutine is wiped?
was the coroutine destroyed?
Yes and no, if it's stack-allocated inside of the scope of the caller, and no if it's outside of it
@Ven hi
So now the state of our function becomes context-dependent
Or, how about this: What if we call the coroutine from more than one place in the caller's function?
@VermillionAzure ...then what
@melak47 I mean that as long as the state of the coroutine persists, the more places we call it that the state persists, the harder it is to reason about the state of whatever is inside of the coroutine
doesn’t work like that mang
@Borgleader it looks so fluffy!
The coroutine sounds like an object paired with a state machine where each point of entry corresponds to some sort of state that corresponds to a function or some part of it
don’t conflate implementation and abstraction
Coroutines have to boil down to some implementation somewhere
that’s still no reason to conflate
It's going to be some sort of static or dynamically reserved memory on the stack or the heap that needs to persist between calls of it. And, it needs to have labels for each point of entry into it, probably.
saying that a function 'is' a stream of instructions and a program counter tells you very little about functions
A function is a useful abstraction we've created that maps to different designs of computers we have created
you’re cinching
@LucDanton Not surprising since he is Cinch
It's also a mathematical object that is very intricate
@Borgleader I demand a verb named after me!
So... coroutines are probably stack-allocated and they probably mutate their space in the caller's stack by inheriting some sort of address of reference...
@LucDanton How would a coroutine signal, if at all, that "it's ready to continue?"
@VermillionAzure not interested
What do you mean by that?
@VermillionAzure I am not interested in your stream of nonsense
@VermillionAzure It doesn't.
It makes no sense.
@Nooble In due time :)
@Elyse With the async example given in the CPPcon and waiting for a connection, the caller is then responsible for continuing or "checking" the coroutine, right?
It's really fucking simple.
I don't know about CPPcon, though, since CPPcon discusses stackless coroutines, and I don't give a fuck about stackless coroutines.
Another day another good discussion
The star board is the same as yesterday. Has nobody mentioned any cocks or what?
@VermillionAzure Are you interested in the differences between stackless and stackful coroutines? I can try to explain them if you want.
@Lalaland sure
Stackful couroutines are analogous to green threads, while stackless coroutines are analogous to promises/futures.
The primary difference is that in stackful coroutines you can yield at any time in any function.
You don't need to explicitly mark functions as being able to yield.
This has composability benefits. You don't need to worry if any of the functions that you call block.
In those, there is an explicit stack that has to be switched when a coroutine is entered.
Here is boost asio's stackful coroutines for reference: boost.org/doc/libs/1_59_0/doc/html/boost_asio/overview/core/…
On the other side, stackless coroutines are very close to promises/futures.
Every stackless coroutines function is marked, and you usually have to call it in a special way.
@Lalaland unless the cimpoler is nice to you :)
It is also transitive, you need to keep every function in the chain async.
Every time a stackless courotine function is callled, a stack for that function is allocated on the heap.
Note how in the stackless case, the function needs to be marked compared to the stackful case where it is a normal function.
journal.stuffwithstuff.com/2015/02/01/… is a good essay on why you might prefer stackful coroutines for composability reasons.
Maybe I should write a blog post about this.
yes, please do
@Nooble noobing
I'm sold coroutines are awesome
faster, basically a function call, zero cost, great utility
when do we get them
Stackless coroutines are in progress in the working group.
I would expect a technical specification pretty soon, probably 2 years at the most.
Stackful coroutines are going to take a long while.
In the meantime, there is the boost::coroutine library for stackful coroutines.
And you can do stackless coroutines with futures and promises.
"zero abstraction"?
@Ven good catch
@Ven He probably meant "zero cost abstraction"
Why do they like stackless so much anyways
I see you guys got cinched.
@Lalaland Are you using 'stackless' the same way as everyone else?
@Borgleader Looks lovely, I reckon 2025 will be the day when it is feasible for us realtime peasants. :D
AFAIK 'stackless coroutine' is a gag and not connected to futures and promises
it’s not a term in the literature, is it?
you only get C++ results if you google for it
Stackless coroutines are often implemented simply as functions which returns a Promise/Future/Task etc.
@Lalaland I’m talking about the term
@Lalaland so... not coroutines at all
I'm so confused
@LucDanton Yeah, the term is probably C++ specific. I think it got "invented" to deal with the stackless vs stackful debate.
yeah but the thing is it’s not connected to futures and promises
it’s not anything at all
(and then we end up with 'stackful' when really we just want to talk about coroutines)
Hmm, can't use + to append dicts in Python?
Well, merge.
@R.MartinhoFernandes have to merge by-hand, although 3.6 has improved literal syntax for that
Not even a function? :(
it will make you wish for Monoid
dict(**a, **b)
I guess I can use the kwarg ctor, no?
Not in-place, but fuck it.
only for str keys
wfm :P
> SyntaxError: invalid syntax
@ElimGarak nick seems to be a little upset about some of my decisions...
props = dict(**basic_props, **derived_props)
What am I missing?
@melak47 What, you went all ISIS on the Railroad? (I did it on my first run) :D
@R.MartinhoFernandes apparently only one **blah is allowed
3.4 here
Well, there's a (iterable, **kwarg) ctor.
@VermillionAzure Have you used C#'s, JavaScript's, Python's, or PHP's async/await functionality?
Yup that one worked.
@ElimGarak the whole robot uprising didn't sound particularly compelling either :S
Yeah, the whole Fallout 4 story kinda falls flat. I don't give a fuck about anyone there. :/
Robot uprising FTW
@ElimGarak Flatout 4
@R.MartinhoFernandes they're a meaty kind of robot, you wouldn't like them
@ElimGarak I did feel a bit bad about that Heimlich Heisenberg Hindenburg maneuver.
@ElimGarak FO:NV best FO
And all that they can't think for themselves bullshit when they're basically just humans "born from a tube". They're not even synthetics in the meaning that their body is from synthetic materials.
@ElimGarak "what you think they can be afraid? GTFO mom"
The more I play it, the less I see the 9/10 it keeps getting. The story was so intensely emotional that I didn't twitch as I entered their hideout and mowed them down with a minigun as they ran for cover. And the whole discussion about synths thinking was basically "Okay, Father. I'll kill all of them." vs "No, I'll kill all of you."
@Lalaland anyway, I’m reasonably sure that it all started in one Oliver Kowalke blog post. It’s a fairly funny parlour trick, and I don’t think that promises/futures really come into it. In the end I absolutely cannot take the term seriously. I certainly understand the concerns of the people that use it, but the alleged distinction it introduces is way too superficial.
the term follows Kowalke and the C++ community and that’s it
seeing as there’s more than one kind of future/promises I also don’t think reappropriating the term a posteriori really works, but I could be wrong here
Have you read the current coroutine proposal?
isn’t there more than one?
In the current proposal, it's quite explicit that the coroutines are just wrappers for an inner promise object.
Ctrl-F 'stack' gives nothing
@Lalaland and the promise object holds the coroutine state. where's the problem?
I’m really talking about the use of terminology here
Yes, I guess the "stackless coroutines" that people are proposing shouldn't be called coroutines.
The more "correct" term would be generators or resumable functions or something.
I think the only reason they used that term is because their previous proposal/implementation of resumable functions used stackful coroutines, and they wanted to distinguish this from that?
@набиячлэвэлиь What the hell happened to lumiukko?
pls modules first
@melak47 'stackful' arose as a counterpart to stackless, it’s not pre-existing
@LucDanton the C++ implementation (ping :D)
@набиячлэвэлиь It's disappeared.
I tried to push something and yeah.
@Nooble Yep, just checked that as well
Create an empty repo with that name
And push again
@ElimGarak haha!
@melak47 The question is whether the current stackless coroutine proposal could be entirely implemented with a good enough promise library.
Stackful coroutines clearly require direct language support.
my point is merely that 'stackful/stackless coroutine' are not terms of art. it makes it look it introduces a nice divide between two things, but it doesn’t—the underlying ideas are sound though
@LucDanton here's the old proposal, when it was still called "resumable functions" /cc @Lalaland
since those ideas reach across different languages and their users, I think we should stick to existing terminology
@Lalaland just say 'coroutines'
I guess I sound more definitive than I really feel though
Yeah, I guess when you think about it, the "stackless coroutine" term is mainly useful as an advertising gimick to beat the "normal" coroutine proposals.
@Lalaland yeah that’s also not nice
@Lalaland the yield and await keywords are mostly sugar, turning the function into a function that returns the promise using it's body as the body of the coroutine might not be as easy/nice without language support
Enough Python for today.
I like that you brought up 'generators' which is much more neutral than, say, 'crippled coroutines' or 'not quite coroutines'
@melak47 Yep.
If string literals are valid for the entire duration of the program, even during the destruction of static objects then is it valid to return const reference to a string literal?
@R.MartinhoFernandes do you have a hangover?
I want to play Minecraft forever.
@PravasiMeet just be sure to put the const's in the right place :v
@melak47: why ideone.com/FTs1Ig results in runtime error? What's happening in that program?
@LucDanton Well, that's certainly one interpretation.
@PravasiMeet string literals designate arrays, not pointers
@PravasiMeet nice ref to stack
@Lalaland you’re the one that brought up generators!
@LucDanton: you mean string literal is const char arr[n] inn C++. right?
@PravasiMeet yes
@LucDanton: what's wrong in program?
@PravasiMeet you are returning a reference to a short-lived pointer
@PravasiMeet "asd" -> const char(&)[4] -> const char* -> const char * & const
@PravasiMeet Just return it by value?
I dont see why you need a ref here
compile it to ASM and check.
The thing is, you can usually achieve the same goals with both "normal" and "crippled" coroutines. They each have drawbacks and benefits, but you end up getting to the same place with both.
@Lalaland as I’ve said, the ideas are sound. it’s the packaging I object to (and now that you’ve brought up, the deceptive marketin). why do I have to repeat that over and over again?
@LucDanton: so program invokes UB
@LucDanton: right?
That feeling when the help vampire tries to eat the entire hand.
@melak47 string literals are not references, they are arrays.
@jaggedSpire whos a big baby? /cc @TonyTheLion
obv. if you don’t care to, say, have the FP environment preserved between resumptions, then rigid coroutines that don’t give you the options for that make you pay for it; but the flipside is that you can also observe not-quite-coroutine behaviour if you give that option. it goes both ways
@PravasiMeet yes
@fredoverflow they're kind of both, aren't they? You can use a string literal to initialize a char array, so in that context it is sort of an array literal. But in other contexts it also acts like a const char(&)[N]
@melak47 example?
example of what?
Where it acts like a reference?
anytime you use it not to initialize an array?
@LucDanton: I wonder why so many things left undefined in C++? Wouldn't it be nice to define a single consistent behaviour for such illegal operations? Was it really hard for C++ committee to define a specific behaviour ? In java & C# there is no such thing like UB, unspecified, implementation defined etc.
I think you are confusing reference with lvalue.

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