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@TonyTheLion that's what she said.
@Elyse On a scale from 1 to 10, how cool would a compile-time regex parser and DFA converter be
@Columbo 10/10
@Elyse why
JavaScript, Perl and Ruby already have compile-time regex parsing.
It's nothing exciting.
Hey all
@Elyse I'm talking C++.
No idea what a "DFA converter" is.
C++? Then you already lost. -10/10.
I seriously need help. I have been stuck with a problem for the past hour
converting curl to java code
@Elyse No, a thing that converts from Regex to DFAs
I know this is c++ but I cant find anyone
@user3100209 You didn't read the rules.
No I havent
They specifically mention Java questions:
> And no PHP or Java questions, no matter what. They will be binned and you will be deemed annoying.
ahhh :'(
@Elyse No, seriously, I'm thinking about it, but it would take a ton of work, probably. Dunno if it's worth doing
Go to the damn Java room
@Columbo It isn't.
No one is the java room
If you need regexes, use PCRE and be done with it.
It has JIT compilation.
Jan 30 at 2:30, by Borgleader
"Hi I have a question about my retirement fund"
"Sir this is a convenience store..."
"I know but it's the only thing open at this hour"
@user3100209 Ask on Stack Overflow.
@Elyse Alright, is there any cool yet-to-be-written compile time stuff
@Columbo It is
Compile-time stuff is great
@Columbo No idea.
I don't care.
@Elyse You're dead to me by now.
Your C++ side is dead.
C++ is horrible.
C++ is excellent. (except for the times when it's horrible)
C++ is alright.
off to sleep mes amis
bonne nuit
C++ killed my parents.
@Nican Terrible destructor accident
@user3100209 You do seriously need help, that's true. Unfortunately, I'm pretty sure none of us is in a position to prescribe nearly strong enough drugs to deal with Java addiction.
@JerryCoffin Heee heee heee
@JerryCoffin We have plenty of warfarin here.
We can offer 250mg of Vitriol.
@ElimGarak Yes, but at least they are free now.
@Columbo Compile-time threading library.
Also, 'I have been stuck with a problem for the past hour' - fuck me, I'm impressed.
All tests passed (1049090 assertions in 28 test cases)
@AnalPhabet lol
Sounds like generated tests.
I might or might not have a loop there
That runs 1`048`576 assertions
Once I removed my O(n!) loops, the number of my tests dramatically decreased.
I don't know how to spell the Dutch word for pancakes.
It's either "pannekoeken" or "pannenkoeken" but it changes every once in a while.
Apparently it's the latter.
If anyone has a cunning plan to turn Monday into Friday, speak now...
pancake is only a IKE away from panic
@TonyTheLion using Friday = Monday?
Hmm, I need complex arithmetic expressions for testing purposes...
Elyse is so in love with Rebecca, he's working for free for her
@Morwenn Hamascus
cheap labouror, so cheap it's free, hahaha
@TonyTheLion Look at this owl :3 /cc @jaggedSpire
@Borgleader <3
Guise, please don't flag things
then kick him
1 message moved to bin
@Elyse please don't post that link again, or I will kick you
Indeed, guys please don't flag things.
wasn't the tweet _asking_ for it a bit :)
I mean, that almost made on-topic, really
@AnalPhabet C++ is a lumberjack
Mentioning Friday or Monday in any context shouldn't be a reason to keep posting that link
@ScarletAmaranth I have no clue. I like it for some tasks that optionally need repeating (but are never conditional to begin with)
@TonyTheLion Tony starting to take action <3
Are we trying to prevent undeserved YT monetization?
@Elyse What does that even mean?
IIRC, I think Rebecca got a really shitty deal on that song/video. Or is it a repost now?
@sehe Yes :) We exclusively trying to prevent this. :P
That ship hath sailed
@ElimGarak I didn't specify who would be benefiting
Yeah, just an addendum <3
it's just dumb to have to keep checking every link posted in the Lounge to see if it actually goes there instead
it wasn't funny the first time, let alone the now 1000th time.
I'm gonna keep flagging it every time it comes up
could we get an exact count?
Puppy is a man on a mission :P
guys ... don't be mean to lobster ... maybe he's financially broken & desperately depending on that video played to make some money to buy a loaf of bread :')
ITT no one is "starting taking action"
ITT some people are collectively losing their cool
Telkitty trying too hard
Oh, fuck. Thanks, bby.
@sehe I have an interesting one for you, I think I found a bug in x3? Exhibit A, expression_def compiles and as expected, Exhibit B, aside from the kleene star this is the same pattern and it fails to compile.
looks like you have a redundant )
Well I was trying to figure out if it was a bug or not so yeah I may have added parentheses where not needed, but unless it explains the compilation error, I'm fine with those atm
You don't see my point. It won't compile with unbalanced ()
redundant != unbalanced
i think?
so what
@Borgleader He meant a redundant closing parenthesis
@TonyTheLion Well I thought he meant rendundant parenthesis as extra pair of
auto const expression_def = term >> *((char_('+') | char_('-')) > term);
i removed the extra ) at the end there, still doesnt work
I know that too. I'm looking at it all the time
Maybe I should file a bug report.
this one works: auto const expression_def = term >> *(char_("-+") > term); anything wrong with that?
@sehe not at all its even shorter, but i still think the original should work too?
Ah. The uptalking gives me the willies?
Yeah. The original could work too. I don't see why it wouldn't, really.
@Borgleader Brilliant.
@sehe lol
@sehe lol
So far I surmised that my sentence is being made fun of, because I added ? even though it wasn't a question, hence its uptalking but I didnt know what it was and oh god i dont even know anymore
Nevermind. It's just a thing I'm particularly sensitive for.
Especially since Cinch
sehe sets his chronometer epoch "since cinch"
This is weird: nowadays I can kayak for 4-5 hours or bushwalk/hike for 20-30km in one day and not feeling the muscle ache
With him, at least, it was mostly lazyness and sloppyness. So even a half suggestive/accusative "no?" can give me flashbacks nowadays
@ElimGarak that would always return 0, hes still here
@chmod711telkitty cocaine is powerful stuff
@Borgleader buh. Try harder
I have concluded that I should head to bed
people addicted to cocaine can't kayak for 4-5 hour or hike 20 - 30km in one day
@TonyTheLion night sweet king :)
@Borgleader :) <3
people who plonk can't respond to plonkee messages
It probably means I got all the muscles for those exercises & they are well toned too!
I also got a layer of fat to protect those precious muscles :')
@TonyTheLion Sweet bedhead :)
auto const expression_def = term >> *(char_("+-") > term);
auto const term_def = factor >> *(char_("*/") > factor);
auto const comment_def = "/*" > *(char_ - "/*" - "*/") % comment > "*/";
auto const factor_def = uint_ | '(' > expression > ')' | (comment > factor);
this is rather compact :)
okay I really need to fix my portage
@Borgleader prefer char_("-+") as I wrote it (at least in chat)
@Ell you're carrying a water craft ?
@sehe Why is char_("-+") better than char_("+-")?
because it protects against the mistake of char_("+-z") as opposed to char_("-+z") which will do what you expect
oh, good point
no need to thank me.
Just keep the change, for next time someone challenges my Yoda conditions
(which aren't even "yoda", they're just "readability first" conditions :))
<-- Much to learn this one has
@StackedCrooked I choose Nen :)

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