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> "Are you ready to see your vision come to life on Nintendo's awesome hardware?" the site reads.
Yeah, it's not really awesome, Nintendo. Get a grip.
would be nice if tuples were more prevalent in C# somehow
a sequence of tuples seems like a more appropriate result of zip than a sequence double the size of the two inputs
lua_a5fG [Number x_a5fJ, Number x_a5fK]
  = (return $ [Number ((+) x_a5fJ x_a5fK)])
lua_a5fH [Number x_a5fM, Number x_a5fN]
  = (return $ [Number ((-) x_a5fM x_a5fN)])
  = do { addNativeFunction "+" (BuiltinFunction [] lua_a5fG);
         addNativeFunction "-" (BuiltinFunction [] lua_a5fH) }
but meh even returning a tuple with slightly long type names is a pain in a function
Tuple<MyLongType, MyLongerType> MyFunction(...)
it could use an auto lol
those are quite short types, imagine they're longer
for some reason GHC seems to think lua_a5fG is the same as lua_a5fH
Multiple declarations of `lua'
Declared at: Eval\Lib.hs:10:3
and I have no idea what SPJ meant there
Social Pubic John
4 years ago
his solution still isn't in the TH
OpenAL looks nice.
@BartekBanachewicz the TH?
@thecoshman TemplateHaskell
Haskell looks nice if your program processes data (I used to use MIT-Scheme a lot for E&M), but does anybody have any good articles on using Haskell for task parallel applications like overlapping IO with computation? Maybe stuff on queues...
@Mikhail every program processes data
@BartekBanachewicz Mine moves stuff, like machines
@BartekBanachewicz ah
the fuck does "moves stuff" mean
Haskell can wank to then
Like it tells machines to move. Sometimes they don't move, and exceptions should be throw and handled.
anyway this fucking issue is jus
the workaround from Simon is built with inner GHC primitives
@Harry I've included the refactored code (I concur with \@865719, but you didn't confirm/explain the delete[] call so I can't tell). The live stream is recording is available should you want to see it. (experiment) — sehe 41 secs ago
@TonyTheLion This time I'm pretty sure my time was wasted (though OP might still not be a dick)
I could do base64 encoding of the name I want to get though
or anything just to get rid of operators
I can't create a function in Haskell called lua+
maybe I could just use numeric char values
lel. HT /@JohanLarsson
lua43_a7Mb [Number x_a7Me, Number x_a7Mf]
  = (return $ [Number ((+) x_a7Me x_a7Mf)])
lua45_a7Mc [Number x_a7Mh, Number x_a7Mi]
  = (return $ [Number ((-) x_a7Mh x_a7Mi)])
  = do { addNativeFunction "+" (BuiltinFunction [] lua43_a7Mb);
         addNativeFunction "-" (BuiltinFunction [] lua45_a7Mc) }
except laffo
loadBaseLibrary_a5nF :: LuaM ()
when it prints this splice
it actually means it's not called _a5nf
same with my lua things
sigh Haskell
But now I can write my functions with
entries <- sequence [
        entry (Sig [NumberT, NumberT] NumberT) "+" '(+),
        entry (Sig [NumberT, NumberT] NumberT) "-" '(-)
@ElimGarak Do you know of a way to query for the maximum supported OpenGL version?
@Nooble try to create the biggest you want, then try downgrading if it fails
@BartekBanachewicz Oh, well I suppose that works too.
it works best :)
> Allow me to state this more clearly:

The only way to know if your OpenGL implementation supports a particular version is to attempt to create a context with that version and see if you get a valid context as a result.
It is the intended mechanism with all graphics APIs today. As a developer, you provide multiple rendering paths and then fallback until you exhaust your "specializations". If the user doesn't have the hardware needed, he basically can't play (no silver bullet). That's why we have minimum system requirements as legalese against "hey, your game is broken on my computer".
@Nooble it's all you can do
Q: What do you think?

ottoso I am starting a small group where I teach kids who have some knowledge of C++ and I am going to be asking some questions to the kids. What do you all think about these practice questions? Let me know your thoughts and how you would solve them. 1) Discuss about this scenario: You have 1000 bo...

> so I am starting a small group where I alone with kids
@Columbo 1000 boners?
stop it with the stupid pictures ugh
Lua test suites are pretty big
-- de morgan
checkequal(function () local a; if not (a or b) then b=a end end,
           function () local a; if (not a and not b) then b=a end end)

checkequal(function (l) local a; return 0 <= a and a <= l end,
           function (l) local a; return not (not(a >= 0) or not(a <= l)) end)
ooh, when did Terraria add linux support?
@thecoshman google.pl/…
first result
> .pl
@Nooble oh fuck right off mate
@AnalPhabet orite orite
calm yer tits
@AnalPhabet oh, so while or so
Am I ever not calm?
@Nooble what's your problem now
it's gonna be like that, neigha? I thought we was family. You feel me?
minibartek when telling nooble to fuck right off i.telegraph.co.uk/multimedia/archive/01461/archie_1461024c.jpg
@milleniumbug throws grenade
@milleniumbug The extra button click I have to do to get it to English is too much.
it's as if that's a problem
You don't have to get it to English
The webpage's area you're interested in is language-independent
Oh but it bothers me.
> bothers me
tha's yer pornblem
,entry (Sig [NumberT] NumberT) "math.abs" 'abs
,entry (Sig [NumberT] NumberT) "math.acos" 'acos
,entry (Sig [NumberT] NumberT) "math.asin" 'asin
,entry (Sig [NumberT] NumberT) "math.atan" 'asin
@TonyTheLion what was the server name again
@ElimGarak I want to.
@Rapptz go for Lounge<T>?
Use C++
well what's stoppin ya
oh I could mumble in a bit
I am using c++
@AlexM. None of my side projects atm are in C++.
you know the katas exclusive to Haskell on codewars aren't necessarily difficult as in a wow this is a difficult task they're difficult because it seems they all send you god knows to what scientific paper to read more on the problem
> In Haskell the greatest and least fixed points of a functor are both equivalent. Demonstrate this to be true.
A small tutorial introducing least and greatest fixed points of functors is included in the initial solution.
Hint: Try constructing the forward and backward functions for specific choices of f first.
Hint hint: It may be useful to read Wadler's Recursive Types for Free!, but while that paper explains the phenomenon explored here in great detail there are also simpler ways of figuring it out.
for this one the hints section is bigger than the description wtf
Sounds like my homework in CS 473 'https://courses.engr.illinois.edu/cs473/fa2015/w/'
I got a B+ but I wasn't in the department, so fuck them.
What a Pull Request looked like in 1988. http://t.co/BtRWlPX7Cn
Learn pull requests the hard way.
i before e, except in Vim, where nothing makes sense.
I'm sure @sehe would get this ^
@sehe mumbel
@Ell where are you bby
everyone: how long have you been single me: birth
@BartekBanachewicz Everyone stores the license above the file. It's kind of how it is. Some of the licenses even say you can't remove it.
@ElimGarak wokay. Warning: you'll be live streamed
#include <iostream>

using std::cout;

int main() {
    std:cout << "Hello, world!\n";
    return 0;
:D :D :D :D :D
@TonyTheLion e goes to end of a word? i inserts... Dunno
> return 0;
@AnalPhabet Anything wrong, officer?
@Elyse Explicit return 0;
That's good.
Special cases are cancer and must not be exploited.
@TonyTheLion Hey, me too :D
@Elyse Except this one.
Yeah, special casing the special cases.
@Morwenn :)
@Morwenn No.
So whats everybody working on/in? I'm doing some io optimization in Python.
I've got no-problem special-casing things in main since the function is already single-cased to death.
Too bad we don't have void main though.
First of all, this is a non-problem.
Umm, you can't void main() because you need to return something to the OS/caller?
Secondly, if you want to solve this non-problem, then don't do it by implying return 0;, but by allowing both int main and void main instead, like D does.
@Elyse I agree that is resolution sucks. But I do use it anyway.
You suck!
Hardly ever.
@nick Come fill us in with your deep voice
And I've got Loki on my side for this one :D
@ElimGarak you mean my deep personality
Death is kind of a cruel alternative.
Mumble too.
I am in a different time dimension right now so mumble is not a good idea
Back :)
@AnalPhabet I can't speak.
perhaps I need more caffeine
@Morwenn Cant or wont
@Borgleader No, actually I can speak but I have a French accent so I better not speak.
And I have a curly voice.
Ah yes, the infamous french accent. I work with many of them.
I know it well.
@Borgleader zet it not nice of you
Oh hush, theyre nice people
@Borgleader <3 <3
@TonyTheLion <3<3
So the condos near work were a little above my price range :( Oh well, I'll find more of them to visit
@Morwenn French accent is nice
@Morwenn Just do it <3
@Borgleader :(
@Morwenn Whats a curly voice? o.o
@AnalPhabet No <3
@Borgleader No fucking idea, I just found that it sounded cute :D
@Morwenn >:3
@Morwenn ahah ok
all I hear are excuses though
Anyway, I guess that the voice you imagine I have is really from the voice I have :p
lol I can't watch sehe's livestream now because I have flash disabled
does it use flash player?
thought it was some kind of webrtc setup
mm you're right I am quite disappoint
@nick well I can't play Flash so that is that :P
disabled it everywhere
why? it's already practically disabled everywhere with Chrome
@jaggedSpire :3
@Borgleader :3
such soft little paws
I want to be as happy as that kitten
an ambitious goal
sehe uses ubuntu so if you don't use it you suck
sehe also uses Vim
well crap
tried to watch a different livestream and it's just not the same without the buttiful background music
rip @buttifulbutterfly
<b><span style="color:#ff0000; font-size:xx-large">Nubel suxxxx</span></b>
@AnalPhabet yeah where is that guy
@Borgleader I hope you're not serious?
@Borgleader Embedded deep withing yeh brain
@Borgleader dunno but I miss him
@Borgleader Uuuh, I'm melting *-*
@TonyTheLion I usually follow up on his name changes, but after Anatasia he lost me
@Borgleader Maybe the kitten is blind and not happy.
@Borgleader hehe
@Morwenn admit it, you want to make a purrito out of him :)
@Borgleader :3
I guess I'l keep that design.
Use sorting_network_sorter and nuke all other ones
@Morwenn y u no verge_sort?
@Morwenn If that really is your sorting times for five elements, you might want to look at BOGO-sort.
@AnalPhabet The graph above sorts int. With long double it more in line with low_moves_sorter.
Bogosort is significantly worse for five elements.
@Borgleader verge_sorter is only worth it when there are more than ~100 elements.
@CaptainGiraffe It's one million times five elements.
@Morwenn Is there a sorting algorithm in there that inserts into std::set and then moves them out with a loop again? :D
@Elyse I'll bet you a villa on the French riviera, I can sort 5 elements with bogosort faster than 50ms.
@Elyse It would need std::multiset, but I already thought about it :D
@CaptainGiraffe Yes, once, but not a million times.
Q: De-obfuscate Javascript, make it readable again

Francesco La ViaI hate to bring this here, while doing the learning of obfuscating the JS code, I encoded my code and then over wrote the orginal one without any backup :) Following is my obfuscated code. Link: http://pastebin.com/S03S30nW

what is version control
@Elyse so... a tree sort
I missed the 1e6 factor. It really wasn't that clearly stated in the graph.
Now you know why you should use source control. — Borgleader 7 secs ago
@Borgleader I prefer nick's 'Jeopardy!' version.
@CaptainGiraffe It's just that I posted this kind of graph like 500 times in the Lounge. I thought everybody would know by now :p
@MartinJames wat
And Stooge sort is far better than bogosort.
@nick virgin control
@Borgleader it could be interpreted as a Jeopardy-style answer :P
@MartinJames I am slightly concerned how you got to a JS question in first place
@ScarletAmaranth he was probably looking for easy rep ;)
@ScarletAmaranth It just popped up as I switched to the tab. I was not looking for it:)
@JohanLarsson have you ever used Rx?
I'm reading about it and it looks really interesting
@Borgleader haha that explains
Any idea where this quote originates? (found on slashdot) "They are called computers simply because computation is the only significant job that has so far been given to them."
'They are called computers simply because computation is the only significant job that has so far been given to them.' (Ridenour, 1952)
Thanks for the google-fu!
@BartekBanachewicz does your hair not leave cat all over the place
@AlexM. he does
@BartekBanachewicz 2 mice within striking distance and the cat sleeps... what a terrible kitty :P
the only cat I'd like to own is a ragdoll
they're supposed to follow you all over the place and cuddle like dogs
@AlexM. So fluffy :3
@javapowered Juuuust too late. You can try my answer with your sample :) — sehe 21 secs ago
@BartekBanachewicz cat y u no attack mouse
@Borgleader ...is that the St. Louis zoo?
(also, that is adorable)
According to the comments, yes.
Hi, can someone please help me out with this burning question: stackoverflow.com/questions/33192066/…
@Borgleader The Red Panda enclosure is just across the sidewalk from these guys. :3
theres also a link to a video on youtube
@tMJ you need a fireman m8
@tMJ apply cold water to burned area
@Alex M. I think I do. But I like it hot.
Apply directly to the forehead.
And I got a downvote, I wonder why. :(
Not me, but dumping your question here is probably why
Today I cooked spaghettis with slices of onion, bell pepper and carrot. I put pepita, and sunflower seeds in as well as a bit of garlic, chili and some raisins. It was tasty.
I usually use ramens for that, but I only had spaghettis.
Ahh. didn't know that. Sorry for the spam then.
@Morwenn :)
I'm getting Pad Thai tonight.
@jaggedSpire It looks super tasty too :o
Rumors that I have a Pad Thai problem are greatly exaggerated.
@Morwenn It is! :)
@jaggedSpire Well if its the only pad problem you have that's not so bad...
@Borgleader haha!
man, you rocks! — javapowered 1 min ago
Huge rocks
irta your rocks
The offensive part is "javapowered" :)
Also, @StackedCrooked cheers for having CP1251 locale support on your Coliru box!
it's ok as long as you keep your rocks java free
I will
ITT @sehe is Dwayne Johnson
whoosh. Ah WP helped me out
The best part of programming is when you solve a code design problem in a rather elegant way ♥
@Morwenn Indeed, I was quite happy with myself when I realized you could parse nested multiline comments the same way you parse { 1, 2, 3, 4 }
@Borgleader It seems that it kept you occupied for a few days :p
Yes :(
but in fairness I have a job and a (2x) 2h commute, so its not like i spent 3 days finding that solution
> 2h
where do you work new york
public transport is slow
a 2h commute
I have a stroll from my bed to my desk
I have an 1:30 commute.
@Borgleader It still took three full days to mature.
I git it, I'm slow :(
I refused a job because there was at least 1h+ commute twice a day and I have driving.
20min commute ftw
@Borgleader I don't know about that, but it's the best when an idea matured enough and you get the cool solution :D
Haha. That Dalai_Lama guy came back with a quality question
Q: Boost Compiler Tutorial

Dylan_LarkinI've been playing around with the Boost Compiler Tutorial and have run into an issue: it doesn't seem to parse a function signature of the form return_type function_name (argument_type argument_name) {....} It only works if you remove the argument type. So, something like this works: void fun...

What could go wrong. I'll have him write my compilers. In C++. No worries
Thanks. Light bulb moment. — Dylan_Larkin 1 hour ago
Some musics are simply poignant.
@sehe theres a boost compiler tutorial? o.o
Of course not. There's several compiler examples in Boost Spirit Qi though
@Morwenn That's an awkward phrase. What happened?
Brillant title of the day:
Q: is my code a stack?

Johnis this code a stack? how i can make it better? this is my first one, so i'm sorry for my mistakes can i do this using ArrayList? public class Stack implements IADT { private final int[] stackArray = new int[10]; private int top; private int nr; public Stack(){ top = -1; } @Override publi...

> this is my first one, so i'm sorry for my mistakes
"This is my fifth stack, I think I'm on my way now"
Q: C++: VS2015 #include BeaEngine error

VariableSo when I try to use #include "BeaEngine.h" it says: "Error: cannot open source file "BeaEngine.h"

SO just keeps on giving
@sehe I may be misusing the word. But some musics simply leave me with a strong and deep impression. Not a bad one, but still you can feel some comtemplative but deeply beautiful sadness in some musics.
It's rather hard to describe.
@sehe "Do you know what header files are" hahahaha ☑ rekt ☐ not rekt
My guess is OP just copy/pasted some code and hasn't the foggiest that headers come with libraries and such in the first place
@Borgleader <3 <3
It's ok if it's your first stack, don't worry. Scientists estimate that you'll stop making mistakes somewhere around your fourteenth stack. — Alex M. 40 secs ago
☑ rekt ☐ not rekt
Cool. Have that in a note now

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