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@ScarletAmaranth where this = only go two AppT deep into sig. Because (a -> b) = ((-> a) b).
@BartekBanachewicz is that somwhere in a public repo, or at least a gist available?
and similarly (a -> b -> c) = (a -> (((->) c) b)) = (((->) a) (((->) c) b))
@ScarletAmaranth I'm trying to write it right now
@ScarletAmaranth started here
AppT (AppT ArrowT a) b Should match a -> b if i am right
then I can apply that recursively
ah, I see what you mean; well, it should simply work following the reasoning that everything is unary; you could perhaps even get away with a single level?
Oh, look... An empty Haskell room. What a surprise.

Haskell :: Room

Haskell, the purely functional programming language.
@ElimGarak wat. why didn't they unfreeze the old one
I need a job
then get one?
not hard to come by these days
not in my vicinity.
typeToSig :: Type -> Maybe Sig
typeToSig t =
    case t of
        AppT (AppT ArrowT a) b = let (rest, ret) = typeToSig b in (a:rest, ret)
        {- regular type -} r = ([], r)
        _ = Nothing
I think this is the first time I found a use for let .. in
yes, one ArrowT to "rule them all"
I think I want it to be monadic though
in Monad Maybe
@edition THen move.
mayn I'm struggling with my task
@Ell show code.
It's not a problem with code, it's problem with thinking
I want to generate words over an alphabet
@EtiennedeMartel I have a student debt to repay, therefore my ability to travel is limited.
prependEach :: a -> [[a]] -> [[a]]
prependEach x ys = map (\y -> x : y) ys

wordz :: [a] -> Int -> [[a]]
wordz alphabet 1 = map (\x -> [x]) alphabet
wordz alphabet len = map (\x -> zipWith prependEach x (wordz alphabet (len - 1))) alphabet
@Ell all combinations?
^this was an attempt, but it is incorrect because the list would keep getting deeper
@BartekBanachewicz yes
ah wait a minute
unless your suggesting that I should move to another city, instead of another country?
@BartekBanachewicz well, for now
I can just filter at the end anyway
Try another planet
The useful discipline of single-stepping through a frame of code is made much more annoying with the templates of modern C++ coding style.
maybe I need flatMap
@paniq my last two years with Android has involved WAAAAY more printf debugging than the entire previous decade.
It gets better.
@Ell I think I'd do expand :: [[Word]] -> [[Word]], then newWords : oldWords where newWords = concatCrossProduct (:) letters (head oldWords)
@Ell Yes.
You'd need to write concatCrossProduct but that sounds easy
and then just expand n times.
A: Link to PDF in Careers profile editor

Jon ChanI'm the developer that worked on the changes here. This is actually by design. We want to encourage people to share their online public profile rather than exporting a PDF version of it when possible. Of course, we still allow for this capability to account for systems that still require a PDF be...

when I google "haskell flatMap" it just comes up with a lot of scala articles :V
@Ell Oh right, it’s concatMap in Haskell. Or look up list comprehensions.
@R.MartinhoFernandes He means "undeveloper"
@Ell wait what is it that youre trying to do again? given an alphabet, generate ALL words up to length n? (no grammar involved?)
@ScarletAmaranth yes
Why does this sound so cool? :P
> Star Wars Battlefront Won't Support Private Matches at Launch
Such game development skill.
@Ell ooooh. Bested
@StackedCrooked A bit too long ._____.
@Ell just a thing pops to mind, maybe it's stupid -> use Data.List.Permutations and just feed it all possible combinatons of the symbols in grammar?
Your face is bested
@StackedCrooked Honestly, I prefer Too Long / Steam Machine to Burnin' / Too Long :p
@Ell Heh, I took a short stab at it and default lists maybe won’t cut it. You might need something like Omega which is list with a different, 'fairer' concatMap.
> So while liftM2 (,) [0..] [0..] gets "stuck" generating tuples whose first element is zero, runOmega $ liftM2 (,) (each [0..]) (each [0..]) generates all pairs of naturals.
Also, preferably, don't specialise for lists.
fack it I’ll filter
@Morwenn it's all so good
@LucDanton ah of course. I even used that the other day
silly me
@StackedCrooked Aerodynamic Beats / Forget About The World is also fire.
@BartekBanachewicz what does concatCrossProduct do?
something :: (Monoid m, Functor f) => m -> f m -> f m
something x = fmap (`mappend` x)
@Ell maybe it's just cross product
@Morwenn Sure. How could I disagree with anything from that album :P
typeToSig :: Type -> Maybe Sig
typeToSig AppT (AppT ArrowT a) b = do
    (rest, ret) <- typeToSig b
    return (a:rest, ret)

typeToSig Eval.Number = Just ([], NumberT)
typeToSig Eval.Str = Just ([], StringT)
typeToSig Eval.Boolean = Just ([], BoolT)

typeToSig _ = Nothing
instance Monad Maybe <3
My lecturer dislikes Haskell, says it was apparently designed for clarity but not usability
lol clarity
inb4 bartek rage
my brain is melting
@Columbo he doesn't know shit about it then
I need to take some non-computer thinking time
@StackedCrooked I don't love all the tracks, but I liked enough of them to buy the album :)
@BartekBanachewicz He might know it very well, actually
is it a yes or no
A: Grammar/Parsing for a compiler

seheI voted to close as "unclear what is being asked". Either you're asking for hand-holding (hard on the internet) or you hope someone will write the code for you (that's not what SO is for). Personally the "hard specs" you show in the question are a false sense of security. For example, I'...

I did a weird answer. It directly answers the question though (and it's too much to cram in more comments)
@BartekBanachewicz Yes.
@Columbo vOv
who is he
@BartekBanachewicz It's this guy. Is it just me or does he look a bit like Mr. Bean
inb4 email
> ML for the Working Programmer, 2nd edition
by Lawrence C. Paulson, Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge.
@BartekBanachewicz Yeah, we had to get that book.
@Elyse "Looks familiar"
erm.. :D
> I have just started retraining as a software developer (I was an archaeologist for 12 years before).
should've stayed an archaeologist man
@BartekBanachewicz is there a trivial way to just insert a step into a function so that it prints something to a file
@Columbo not really :P
I want to print the state of the befunge program at every step
do I have to turn this whole thing into a monad
> I'm an anarcheologist. I dig random stuff.
@AlexM. that would be the easiest way. Once you have a monad, you can do pretty much everything
show the code
@AlexM. no, use a writer monad
what "writer"
evalProgram :: InterpState -> String
evalProgram state
  | currentChar == '@' && not (view stringMode state) = view output state
  | otherwise = evalProgram . evalChar $ state
  where currentChar = S.index (S.index prog locX) locY
        (locX, locY) = view location state
        prog = view program state
not a general monad of some state sort
here, at every call I'd like to print prog to a file
@ScarletAmaranth which clearly isn't a monad
@AlexM. then you need IO String
@BartekBanachewicz ok ok I somehow assumed he meant state :P
the problem is not with indices it's that my interpreter enters an infinite loop when doing the sieve of erathostenes and CodeWars has 0 debugging tools
evalProgram :: InterpState -> IO String
evalProgram state
  | currentChar == '@' && not (view stringMode state) = print prog >> return $ view output state
  | otherwise = print prog >> return $  evalProgram . evalChar $ state
  where currentChar = S.index (S.index prog locX) locY
        (locX, locY) = view location state
        prog = view program state
figured the best solution is to bring the thing into Atom and run everything locally
you can use trace though if it's just for debug
  prog' = view program state
  prog = trace ("here is the value of prog" ++ show prog') prog'
like that
that doesn't look painful, I'll try
there's also traceVal or something but that doesn't append any message
but it's easier to use:
  prog = traceShow $ view program state
I wish I had VS right about now :<
with a nice way to set breakpoints and see the local state and step through and all that
Your mother is a monad.
instance Monad Bartek'sMother where
@AlexM. there's no local state
there are expressions
you can easily pause in GHCi and see value of subexpressions
lol guy followed me on twitter and texted me "Could you help me out with something?"
oh fuck
help vampires reached the next level
I wasn't resetting the stack after popping 3 values in p
@AndyProwl I get those by email sometimes.
I should use the state monad here so that these things are more obvious
progWithNewStack <- change stack
progWithPut <- change value progWithNewStack
sth like that
evalInstruct 'p' interp = set stack rest (set program newProgram interp)
this is really ugly :<
What I like when the weather is cold is that I can always add another layer of duvet to stay hot :3
@AlexM. Control.Lens.(%=) and Control.Lens.(.=)
this is when Lens becomes REALLY useful
Today Just started learning assembler . couldn't imagine it's so simple/. 1-2(learning) days is enough to start doing something cool
@Elyse the guy didn't even say what he wanted help with
@Morwenn What is duvet?
dahell am I supposed to answer
@AndyProwl he's like OP: a moron.
fuck how do I create a pattern for a value of type Type
@AndyProwl "Go away" and block him, problem solved.
($([t|Int|])) doesn't work, because it's a Type and I need a pattern match for a value of type Type
@ScarletAmaranth @Elyse halp
I replied "I don't know, it depends, I don't have much time"
aw, head recursion and guards are not as fun together as I would have liked
@Morwenn looks comfy
@jaggedSpire It is.
¬_¬ ffs I think paypal just silently truncated my password when signing up
@Elyse oh this is pretty interesting
@Morwenn I feel cold. I should get another blanket
don't know if it helps me though
@thecoshman told you you don't need to have more than 1024 characters in your password
Just have a massive blanket-nest
@ScarletAmaranth MORE!!! I NEED MORE!!!
Maybe they use VARCHAR(12) to store the password.
@Morwenn needs more blankets and also snow outside
some hot chocolate, some soothing music
Nice nest.
typeToSimpleType $(return $ ConP 'ConT [ConP ''Int []]) = NumberT
@jaggedSpire Pool of blankets in your pick-up. With your dog.
Eval\TH.hs:71:20-54: Splicing pattern
    return $ ConP 'ConT [ConP ''Int []] ======> ConT Int
the fact that there's no data constructor for Int is kinda annoying
@Morwenn ...how many dogs? :D
data Int :: *
@jaggedSpire Depends if you want me to be your dog too :D
@Morwenn :P
Ok, I would make a pretty bad dog.
not enough hair and I'm 90% sure you don't have a tail
    Type constructor `Int' used as a constructor-like thing
    In the pattern: Int
    In the pattern: ConT Int
    In an equation for `typeToSimpleType':
        typeToSimpleType (ConT Int) = NumberT
better breath though, I'm calling it now
you fucking uselesss
@BartekBanachewicz :(
It's just trying to ruin your day
Nice piece of tail..
@jaggedSpire I sometimes have a ponytail, does that count?
what f cuking crap piece of shit
@Morwenn hmmmm
@Morwenn Can you wag it
it's like that just for Int, Char, Float, Double and IO
Bool seems to be sane
how well can you imitate a dog's bark?
@jaggedSpire I can imitate a koala's roar.
@CatPlusPlus Yeah, but it hurts my neck.
How well do you fetch
@Nooble no dice, you're already a koala
@BartekBanachewicz How did you get access to my app? I haven't delivered it yet!
@CatPlusPlus Pretty well, but I don't merge that well :/
@jaggedSpire Badly.
Fuck it. All the 'complex' stuff works fine, but my app will not correctly parse out some config data from a simple text file:(
@Morwenn I do not think you would make a good dog.
@jaggedSpire Can't argue with that.
However, I suspect the nest is large enough for more than one person, since it can also accommodate multiple dogs with a single person.
@MartinJames what have you used for parsing?
@Elyse what about DNA?
if have a base_visitor : static_visitor<> and I do derived_visitor : base_visitor and define a single auto derived_visitor::operator()(some_type const&) const and then I do using base_visitor::operator(); in derived_visitor, is every visitation using the derived_visitor guaranteed to use derived_visitor::operator()(some_type const&) and base_visitor::operator()(everything BUT <some_type> const&)?
I don't think I'd be a good snuggle buddy though. Too many personal space issues. :(
@jaggedSpire DNACTG
@GregorMcGregor evening
@GregorMcGregor Good evening.
@GregorMcGregor evening
half drunk
but which one
@jaggedSpire Haha, I know what you mean :D
@Elyse I was mostly commenting on you using the short form of DNA base pairs but hey that works too
Not a Nucleotide
great, I left picking a random direction to go to for the end
and I just realized I need to IO everything now
you know a few backdoors wouldn't hurt in this language
@ScarletAmaranth Yes.
There are but you don't need IO for rng
@AlexM. There are some and I never use them.
@CatPlusPlus I don't? I get a StdGen and from what I see I need to use it inside a IO context
I can into PEG now, @Nooble behold
That's only for the global generator instance
Plus it's not the only RNG implementation available
@AlexM. Naw, the IO stuff is for accessing the instance that lives in IO. Client code doesn’t and shouldn’t care where the generator comes from.
@jaggedSpire Still counts!
but StdGen is the generator itself right?
StdGen itself is pure
@AnalPhabet What's that...
I have to use something created via newStdGen
You start in IO
@LucDanton I mean it works but does it always? is the lookup guaranteed to first attempt to find an overload in the derived class and only then look at the ones brought by using base::... clause?
You don't need to stay there to use it
@ScarletAmaranth No, that’s not how it works. You’ve created an overload set for derived::operator().
i.e. overload resolution takes place
Grab StdGen, and then just call randomR
You can wrap it in State easily
@Nooble Parsing Expression Grammar
@LucDanton but then there is derived::operator()(T) and also base::operator()(T) present... the using base::operator() brings everything, even the one that is overloaded for T
@AlexM. idiomatic way for pseudorandom is MonadState StdGen m => m
no need for IO at all
@AlexM. this is most certainly not true
@ScarletAmaranth Double check but hiding (aka dominance) should work in your favour.
and now seriously
Prelude Language.Haskell.TH Data.Bits> $(reify 'bit >>= stringE . show)
"ClassOpI Data.Bits.bit (ForallT [PlainTV a_1627400821] [ClassP Data.Bits.Bits [VarT a_1627400821]] (AppT (AppT
ArrowT (ConT GHC.Types.Int))
@LucDanton right, so there should be a rule that states that the derived::... is preferred
> ArrowT (ConT GHC.Types.Int))
typeToSimpleType (ConT GHC.Types.Int) = NumberT
 Not in scope: data constructor `GHC.Types.Int'
What the fuck am I supposed to do here.
Yeah, that’s also what’s at play without the using. Or so I think, really double check that.
yeah I'll take a look; but I didn't realize that the same thing can happen without using, that's probably very right
@AnalPhabet Why are you doing that?
so like, like this?
evalInstruct '?' interp = set rand newRand (set direction randomDirection interp)
  where (randVal, newRand) = randomR (0, 3) (view rand interp) :: (Int, StdGen)
        randomDirection = case randVal of
this does seem to compile
I personally use MonadRandom so that I don’t have to do the StateT dance myself, as Cat mentioned.
How many programming languages are you fluent in Luc?
@AlexM. That being said, even then you might run into pain points if/when stacking StateT.
@JohanLarsson dunno, how do you set the bar?
@LucDanton hmm, you know the syntax and the standard libraries so you can use it without googling or trivial stuff?
still needs a definition for trivial
@AlexM. oh you are lensing over your state right?
yes, I need to read on this because while it compiles it definitely doesn't do what I want it to
@JohanLarsson Then probably 0 language, I google all the time
or rather it doesn't pass the test
@LucDanton That :D
@Nooble For parsing Cpponfigurations like a man
Place the bar to languages that you know how to goggle properly.
@LucDanton sounds low :)
@JohanLarsson English!
@AnalPhabet is it jitted?
@AlexM. imho would be more readable with .~ and ^.
yea I'll change them as soon as I solve the thing
you prolly want a monadic binding instead of where for that random
@JohanLarsson Eh?
fuck that I'm asking on SO
I spent hours trying to see where I went wrong with how I manipulated that array only to find out I didn't apply the changes to the stack after popping in one case
atm I want this solved and over
> How many programming languages
@AlexM. You’re still passing in interp, but you are then setting it.
@JohanLarsson What does "jitted" mean?
Are you wrapping that in StateT yourself or something?
As for the programming part... looks at Shakespeare (programming language)
@LucDanton I don't understand the question
@AnalPhabet If English compiles to machine code or some intermediate representation, was a lame joke
@AlexM. Oh sorry I thought you were using State/StateT.
looks correct to me
Tries to inspect state of vector... Xcode crashes.
I find it hard to understand the test case, and looking at it means I don't get any points at the end
Random directions
Expected to come up with 1s between 45% and 55% of the time.
Got: 0/2000 or 0.0%
if I hardcode the random dir to be "left" it gets 2000/2000 and 100%
so I guess that means it goes 1s+ all of the time
@JohanLarsson OOooooooh, JITted
using the actual random, it's 0/2000 and 0.0% all the time
so I guess it ends before reaching 1s
@AnalPhabet I CamelCase fulltime, don't press shift much when at home :)
ah nvm
@AlexM. Is the state of the generator changing between takes?
it was my fault
yea I was also updating the generator, I actually bound the same direction for two different random results
it works now
I'm happy if something was helpful. Will delete the answer then. Say hi to your dad from me? — sehe 21 secs ago
Gah. I'm so tempted to respond more in style.
I have several gems just begging to be used. But the sad truth is I don't know the guy well enough and it wouldn't be fair.
@sehe Wow OPs rant :/
Well, I kind of sollicited it, I guess. By answering to the sentiment of the question, you risk people "taking it personally"
1 hour ago, by sehe
I did a weird answer. It directly answers the question though (and it's too much to cram in more comments)
I'm mildly amused he takes so much time (his precious seconds!) to subtly establish is superiority, when he was simultaneously not capable of finding the compiler tutorials (that he also discovered a while ago?).
Q: How to create a pattern match for Int in a function taking a Type?

Bartek BanachewiczI have a function that takes a Type: data MyType = IntT | BoolT | OtherT typeToMyType :: Type -> MyType How can I write a pattern that would state I want to match on the type of Int? What have I tried? [t| GHC.Types.Int |] will create a value of type Q Type, but despite hours of struggling ...

shameless bump.
@sehe OP is a dick. I'm sorry you wasted your time on him.
this kind of problems shouldn't happen :\
@TonyTheLion What complex is that? Oedipus complex? (quick, someone link him to the wikipedia page for that) :)
@TonyTheLion The problem is, I'm not sure. I did trigger a chord with him though
@sehe You're giving him the benefit of the doubt I guess. I'm possibly rather quick to jump to conclusions.
Oh. His comment is dickish. That's not a riddle
Oh the "not sure" part was about wasting your time?
Nope. It was about the OP's character being accurately reflected by his comment
ah right

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