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@Ell noodles are delicious. I'm having pasta with marinara sauce and fresh basil right now
Oh yumm
I have a basil plant
I had a basil plant. :|
Yesterday I ate a fresh chili pepper.
Took a bite out and I immediately had to spit the thing out.
Didn't expect it to be that spicy.
@jaggedSpire Keeping basil plants alive is too damn hard .___.
In my defense, basil plants are not liable to survive while indoors, and it was getting cold enough that staying outside was wilting it
@Nooble good job
@Morwenn concur'd
My flatmates basil died
while my survived
Of course, yesterday it gave up the ghost, and today, my apartment complex removed most of the tree branches preventing me from putting it in the sunlight, indoors
@Ell your basil plant is clearly a basil plant vampire that killed its fellow for its own survival. Watch your other plants, as they may perish too. >_>
my corriander died straight away
more evidence for my vampire basil theory
probably going to make like Morwenn early tonight and become burrito. It seemed fun and I didn't get much sleep last night
@ScottW you gave more than Nooble your cold over the intertubes, you...you contagious person
@ScottW no
@ScottW sure seems like the start of one
I need to make Granola tonight tho
Shit, I want to play Hotline Miami now
you're just infectious in general
I'm going to burrito myself soon enough too.
@ScottW yes
yesterday, by Morwenn
user image
burrito, hot chocolate, book
because dammit I don't care that it was 70 degrees outside today, it's October and *should* be cold enough for hot chocolate to be a sane choice. That it *isn't* is the weather's fault not mine.
That is my story, and I'm sticking to it.
I like my cold weather.
As long as the leaves turn orange, it's okay.
Anyway, good night :)
...they're turning orange. :)
night. Enjoy burritoing.
@jaggedSpire Flying
@ScottW I was in NY just a week and a half ago, and it was so nice. :)
@jaggedSpire don't like it, but I sure do prefer it over the heat.
@JerryCoffin thanks
@Nooble yes NY has miserable hot weather
especially without A/C
@jaggedSpire Surely.
how I survived I do not know
But why drive when trains can be equally as unreliable?
@ScottW ...or unless...well, way too many things to list or probably even count.
@Nooble because then you don't have room to move and you have to focus.
@jaggedSpire Room is non-existent in the trains I take.
No one understands that the car has a limited volume.
@Nooble :) take one outside the city
@ScottW have fun
@jaggedSpire Oh yes AMTRAK ones are gigantic.
@Nooble the purest luxury compared with planes
well, not time unless your flight is delayed so far you miss your connection
but that happens with trains too, I bet
Tragedy! I only have 1/4 cup of honey, and I need 1/3 cup!
meh. It's a forgiving recipe.
Sounds like you need a bee farm.
@jaggedSpire Watch pictures of cute puppys and cut your wrists. You'll have enough blood left to enjoy wtv it is youre making after :)
@Nooble a beesiness
@Borgleader Woe! Suck is my lot in life!
...I was gonna correct that to such, but I'm gonna leave that
makes sense too
@jaggedSpire I'm not a vampire btw.
Just in case that crossed your mind
@Borgleader nah only some basil plants are vampires.
@jaggedSpire Wonderful.
I wonder if pumpkin seeds go down in price this time of year
@jaggedSpire I would think they go up in price
so much demand
@jaggedSpire Do they even cost much?
@Borgleader ah damn. I'm out of pumpkin seeds. :(
@Nooble $4/lb-ish where I get them
Why do you need pumpkin seeds?
uncooked. Cooked is $7/lb
@jaggedSpire How much do you need?
@Borgleader Granola
I thought you were making a pumpkin farm.
@Nooble not playing minecraft right now. :P
@Nooble Only know the volumes, actually. I put about 1/4 cup of pumpkin seeds in each batch
theoretically I could weigh them but I don't have a scale and I just stuck my last ones in the oven
@jaggedSpire I've never made a pumpkin farm in MC.
i thought only the reverse happened
either that or this is some epic photoshop
anyway, toppest of keks
lowest of lels
I'm guessing lost bet?
@Borgleader vOv
hell of a bet
hope it was worth it
@Nooble neither have I.
I wouldn't have honored it.
I forgot how to implement Quicksort, Mergesort... basically ANY sort.
@ThePhD ?
So I implemented a cheap bubblesort on paper for my C++ exam \o/
Did you wreck the exam, or did it wreck you?
@ThePhD @Morwenn would be proud
I wrecked it, except I fucking blanked on the sorting question
and derped the fucked out
I even wrote "Derp" on the paper at one point, that's how lost I was.
@ThePhD In the name field? :P
Suffice to say I managed to make a decltype(auto) function in my exam.
Purely for style points.
But with this, the C++ class is 100% done.
Now it's just Pyshit.
kernaugh maaaapzpzpsdpads
Fuck this I'm tired 'n' goin' to bed.
@Borgleader No! Huff.
Anyways, nighty night. Don't tell Morwenn I actually fell asleep, or they'll know I actually do it.
@ScottW <3
@ThePhD Good night.
May you summon the spirit of @jaggedSpire for the kernaugh stuff
Oct 2 at 1:08, by jaggedSpire
@ThePhD Night. Dream of Kernaugh maps! :3
@ThePhD but kernaugh maps!
@ThePhD G'night
@Abyx lol the bad faith is almost palpable
Makes me wonder how that event is presented in Russia
@GregorMcGregor Russia was represented on the team that did the investigation. They agreed with all but one part of the conclusion. If you summarize the conclusion as: "the plane crashed because a Russian-made missile exploded just outside the cockpit", they agreed with all but the "Russian-made" part of it.
@GregorMcGregor Look, new spooky stuff for Halloween this year.
Luc you know I like you a lot but if every morning you make me want to quit my job to go and play GW2 we are going to have an issue there
GW2 has some neat stuff
I don’t have anybody else to talk about GW2 at this hour :(
I saw the new legendaries btw
I'll put them as a motive in my resignation letter
@GregorMcGregor I dunno in my GW-adled mind I think I’m being helpful by letting you know ahead of time all the cool things that are coming in into the game. I don’t think I can imagine life without the vidya, is what I’m getting at.
Hello amigo.
@Rapptz Hey
@LucDanton I'm just kidding, I just feel frustrated because I can't play :)
derier se sourir ce cach bcp 2 tristess
did you notice you would be able to become a buttiful buttefly
yes would suit my salad mesmer very well
15 hours ago, by Luc Danton
> You're doomed to murdering things with pink!
I want the mini husk though
speaking of, is that in fact a mesmer on the right? scepter+pistol? I can’t tell what the MH weapon is
I’m guessing because that looks like light armor and not an outfit unlike the other two
Probably scepter MH and pistol OH yeah
Do you play on Windows btw?
I hear playing on Wine leaks memory so the game crashes sooner or later. Particularly sooner in WvW.
Sphinx is updating their template support again.
@LucDanton hmmm shame
Pull requests welcome?
Speaking of which I don't understand this part of MSVC's standard library:
    _Myt& operator=(_Valty&& _Val)
	{	// push value into container
	container->push_back(_STD forward<_Valty>(_Val));
	return (*this);
from std::back_insert_iterator
@GregorMcGregor Maybe it’s one of those situations where the game is doing something wrong but the DX implementation is being clever and fixes it for them. Which the Wine version doesn’t necessarily do.
Long shot but as good an excuse as any to leave the responsibility to the devs.
IDG why the forward, since the method isn't templated on _Valty (only the class is templated on _Container)
@LucDanton I never understood why people thought transparent fixing would be a good idea
std::forward<concrete> amounts to std::move.
Be it DX or in any other software (such as the one we use in house D:)
@GregorMcGregor Forward compatibility with containers that support reference value_types!
Of course that's not why I am back ... I am back because I realized that you are the one.
The one & only!
The one and only place on earth in which it's appropriate for me to disclose how it's the first day of that time of the months & there is no other better place to do so.
And Oo, in case you wondering how my everything else is going: my chooks are fine, my house construction is slower than a 100 yo tortoise and my apps developing is going no where (literally)
The other likely option is that Wine has a bug that manifests very obviously with GW2 but not necessarily with other games. Of course with those odds the Murphy option of 'oh look an unexpected interaction between two or more software components lead to a very unfortunate consequence for which nobody is really at fault' is not too far off, I think.
@LucDanton That happens a lot.
The Standard actually specifies the behaviour of back_insert_iterator in terms of std::move in that case.
with that said, I need to be off.
And my phone was hacked, I hope it's none of you guys doing ...
Q: Hacked, possibly - has anyone seen this message before?

chmod 711 telkittyThis afternoon, the touch screen of my phone became unresponsive. I tried to restart the phone but it would not. So I went on and deleted find my iphone profile because it stopped the phone from restarting. As soon that was done, my phone restarted itself. Then I saw the following message on my p...

@Nooble :D
@Rapptz Hey did I ever tell you GW2 is F2P
welp not as funny as asking you out of the blue how much you enjoy playing the game
@Rapptz so do you find the game fun to play
it's a gr8 game
I should probably fuck with concepts or something, which GCC is that again?
5.2 concept branch
Still not on trunk?
It is on trunk
And so are fold expressions, which I'm pretty sure were added more recently
@Rapptz Can’t wait until the next time when you ask for a game recommendation.
@chris I must've missed the memo
@LucDanton lmao soon
Quick opinion poll: How bad an idea would it be to make name lookup find scoped enum members when explicitly needed? E.g., this compiling because next takes the scoped enum.
I was thinking about that feature yesterday
The fact that it has to touch name lookup kind of sucks.
if (my_value == SomeEnumValueThatIDontHaveToQualifyBecauseOtherwiseItsReallyLongToType)
@chris eh
I feel like that small of a change would need too many changes to the standard, but I haven't considered that in detail.
@chris It’s short-lived convenience.
On a side note, I'm actually surprised Clang doesn't suggest day_of_week::Monday in the error.
@Rapptz btw since you’ve been Pythoning recently, have you been Sphinx-ing your Python as well?
You use type-hints? I find they tend to look goofy in the source.
type hints as in what
the python3k hints
or the :param str name: hints
(the answer is "no" to both though)
Both combined. That is, same syntax/vocabulary but in the docs only. It’s what’s recommended with the Google/Napoleon style.
> foo (Dict[Union[str, Tuple[str, ...]], Dict[str, Any]])
Stuff like that. Doesn’t look that bad when rendered though.
Yes this is stringly-typed, deal with it 8)
yeah I don't do that
looks gross
<     return word.replace('$ ', '$$ ').replace(' ', '$ ').replace(':', '$:')
>     return word.replace('$ ','$$ ').replace(' ','$ ').replace(':', '$:')
Any C++11 draft available similar to eel.is/c++draft ?
What do you mean?
> lnetlib (or lightweight network library) is a small C++ header-only network library
repository full of .cpp
@GregorMcGregor Just include them.
Oh hey, lounge, tomorrow (october 14th) is the official 30th birthday of C++
Q: C++ Programming #define statement

Kapil BhattI am currently new to the platform like hackerearth and hackerrank. There is saw these statements in the solutions of every program. I wish to know why is these lines being written can't I use some other thing to substitute it. #define y0 sdkfaslhagaklsldk #define y1 aasdfasdfasdf #define yn ask...

ninja is sensible to variable ordering in build rules
Either you didn't sleep at all tonight either you are not in the TZ I think you are in
build foo: bar qux
  thing = abc
  thong = def
If you invert the order of those two variables it triggers a rebuild even if nothing else changed :v
oh, it doesn’t
I haven't C++'d in a long time
I wanna learn how to make async interfaces.
me neither, feels great doesn’t it?
iunno I kinda miss it
python's getting stale
yeah I’ve had my fill of python
is there anyway to print fstream in the console ?
is there a way you'll eventually read the rules
@underscore echo 'fstream'
> Bartek is a programming ninja.. He explained all concepts in expert detail and gave great advice. I found his knowledge of the C++ language to be very complete as well as his technical aptitude with regards to all development/build tools and infrastructure related to the language. I would highly recommend Bartek for programming mentoring and will likely seek his expertise in the future.
> Bartek is a programming ninja
> Bartek Banachewicz
> C++ Black Belt
@LucDanton this is c++ room not php
@underscore Read again, it’s the C+plus lounge.
@nishantjr Second link on the starboard?
Morning, nerds.
what should I work on
in C++ land
oh hey
I finally "contributed" enough in sphinx
now I can just click it in the home page
praise it all
@wilx Ah. I assumed that that was the older standard for some reason
> Generated on 2015-07-23 from the C++ standard's draft LaTeX sources by cxxdraft-htmlgen.
10k users I think my comment is wrong, pls confirm
@Jefffrey i've posted it a while before. Meh.
poor guy deleted his answer but it might be right
@Gregor and what are you doing at 7am in the morning reading my codementor profile? :p
it's almost 2 pm
@GregorMcGregor lmao
I think what you linked to only applies to constructors and destructors no?
Read the question for context
comment seems right
But it says to a direct or indirect base class B of X except we are trying to convert to a subclass
im confus
answering C++ questions: never again
lemme re-read
you picked the longest paragraph in the standard
with the longest example
there's literally a paragraph of comments too
I love that you can now link to a website instead of having to open the standard and scroll through
it seems to me that the clause is talking about specific paths taking when casting
but if you explicitly cast then it seems okay
> As for why so many Android devices are insecure, the study found that most of the blame sits with OEMs. The group states that "the bottleneck for the delivery of updates in the Android ecosystem rests with the manufacturers, who fail to provide updates to fix critical vulnerabilities."
Never buy a not-nexus android phone.
never buy android
buy CUDAmobile
I have a security fix prompting me to install since yesterday
On Samsung its prolly gonna be from half a year to never
cudamobile for maximum SIMD-32 parascale floating point phone conversations
> The study found that Google's Nexus devices were the most secure out there, with a FUM score of 5.2 out of 10. Surprisingly, LG was next with 4.0, followed by Motorola, Samsung, Sony, and HTC, respectively.
5.2/10 lol
most secure
I have an LG phone
I'm still on Android 4.2 out of choice.
I have a Galaxy Nexus (late 2011). Crapogen Mod.
@Rapptz whose choice?
I have a phone that's on Android 1.6
@Rapptz so, vote to undelete?
@GregorMcGregor Galaxy Nexus isn't supported anymore. Time to update?
@BartekBanachewicz oh I wasn't aware of that
maybe that's why I'll never purchase android again
because 18 months support is laughably short
planned obsolescence no thanks
@GregorMcGregor it's a FOUR YEAR OLD phone, and Google recently bumped support for nexii to 36 months
So what? When I bought it it was the best phone around, less than 2 years later they said "sorry no more updates time to spend more $$$"
so I said fuck off and flashed CM
@GregorMcGregor how long has it been on the market when you bought it?

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