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I really don't understand how anyone can be productive in C
I've said it before, I know, but I'm really really gobsmacked
By having lots of experience. Next :)
Me neither.
it is so lacking in features
@Ell You don't.
I looked at some of the TCP code from FreeBSD. It's a long stream of gibberish.
I don't understand how people can work like this.
FreeBSD is even reputed to have good networking.
@sehe Of course they do--but it looks to me like schools stick out as having far more attacks on a per person-hour basis than essentially anywhere else. And no, I don't have solid statistics on that, so maybe I'm just being affected by media bias and/or my own emotional response to them. At the same time, I'm not the sort of person to be overwhelmed by emotion most of the time, nor to be overly affected by media.
@StackedCrooked True. You use this as an sleeping aid now?
I'll put it on my list of things to try.
One of his talks is titled: "Good Design is Imperfect Design"
@JerryCoffin Are you... a true scotsman?
I like that.
I need a new install of gentoo
or something :/
@Ell It reduces your options. You know up-front that you can't design anything that's really good, so you just jump in and crank out crap. If you're stuck with a language that might allow a decent design, you might waste time actually trying to make your code decent instead.
Embracing imperfection is key to develop a large scale workable solution.
@JerryCoffin I guess
it's very uncomfortable to do though
I find myself staring at the screen trying to think of a better way
@Ell Have fun working through function overloading.
@sehe It strikes me as doubtful, but I'm not sure I've ever really understood the "not true Scotsman" meme, so anything's possible. From what I've read about it, I don't see how anything I've said would fit with it at all though.
I have staring issues too
> Many teenagers go through difficult phase.
That's seems to be quite enough to explain quite a high discrepancy, really. I mean, one does only grow up once. And the people who can't, usually don't get a chance to organize a violent power trip much later in life¹.
(¹although it happens, and we call them "family tragedies" and so on)
Somehow I have the feeling that even if I do more staring, I end up with the same productivity. Like if more staring induces better, more efficient designs
@JerryCoffin "No true Jerry - as I know him - would be overwhelmed by emotion or be affected by media bias here". No True Scotsman.
I like to combine staring with muttering and hand gestures. It helps me think, and also makes my coworkers think I'm a witch
(not really)
@JerryCoffin That rings true for the people I have seen productive in any spartan environment, yes
@jaggedSpire jaggedWitch
@Nooble very nice
Oooh that's scary.
@Nooble don't cut yourself on all those sharp edges
@sehe Hmm...you seem to be reading exactly the opposite of what was written. I'm openly admitting that it is possible--but also considering reality: am I controlled to an unusual degree by the media and/or reporting. Looking around and comparing myself to the population I see around me as a whole, I think the answer is mostly "no". If you see a lot of indication to the contrary, please feel free to point it out.
Nah. I don't think it's unrealistic. Just as an argument in favour of objectivity it doesn't work (it's a fallacy).
@sehe He's hilarious around 33m34s.
@jaggedSpire jaggedAntiAliasing
@StackedCrooked ugh
To make a mug cake, or not to make a mug cake?
that is the question
@jaggedSpire I tried once.
Ended up with a very hard biscuit.
@jaggedSpire A || !A is always true. So go make one :)
A mug cake of chocolate, and icing of plain greek yogurt and cinnamon and ginger. :3
@Borgleader this sounds like reasoning I like.
I found a still.
@Nooble on imgur y'day
@JerryCoffin Another angle I just realized is this: school shootings tend to be about revenge (getting back at people in control (teachers, bullies, parents); "I'll show the world who's boss"; "who's laughing now") and that seems to match reported incidents: on more than one occasion the receivers of the violence are parents, brothers, grandma/pa, and - in this context - the school.
Maybe it's typical of a adolescent crime, and that would explain how McDonals (associated with freedom and entertainment - "relief") is not high on the list.
What say you?
@sehe It's so beautiful.
I want to live there.
So long as I keep my internet connection.
And my friends are near.
@Nooble I don't think the still beautiful. I happen to know the gif
@Nooble I feel like making that in Blender. I would fail horribly though.
@Borgleader How about you use llogl.
And render that thing.
(see twitter - how not to mine stats of course, but still interesting numbers)
@Nooble Id have to model it either way.
and thats the part I would fail at.
wait wat this is staged right? that cant be the real pope...
@sehe It's more or less the sort of thing I was getting at from the outset--that our schools are creating an environment in which a small (but visible, and quite possibly growing) number of students feel so much rage that they lash out and both the staff in their fellow students in deadly ways--and if even a few are feeling that much rage, the number feeling high (but still somewhat manageable) levels is probably very high indeed.
@Borgleader lol
@JerryCoffin I don't think it's the school creating it, at all. I think it's life creating it. At that age.
Some of that undoubtedly is a simple matter of normal (for a teenager) reaction to hormones, stress, angst, etc. I'm still left wondering whether it isn't just a bit more than can be explained quite that easily though.
Could well be.
I'm not privy to ongoings in American schools
@sehe If that was the case I would assume school shootings would be a thing in any country where guns are ~easily~ accessible. Now I could be wrong, but methink the US isnt the only such country yet is the most prone to school shootings.
I don't know any other country with this propensity to fire-arm ownership. So it's hard to start comparing
@sehe I, of course, and privy to only a minuscule subset of them--my own time in school (that ended long enough ago it probably means nothing about modern schools) and taking my kids to their schools (but seeing relatively little of what really happens there).
@Borgleader Yeah like I said, it could well be ameliorated by the US school system. But even then I think that it quite likely dominated by age effects
Could be stress from school.
Stats <-- ok so it turns out they wreck everyone else in that department, but its not like no one else has them. I'm seeing a lot of countries with 30 guns per 100 people which I still consider to be a lot.
Tons of homework, no time to work on their rendering engines.
@Borgleader Much difference though. In Switzerland, every home has a gun (it's mandatory I think) but there's hardly a gun culture. Meaning: it's not in the living room. Grandpa doesn't boast about it every time. They don't take their grandchildren on a hunting trip or shooting range etc.
@jaggedSpire If I was the cameraman their would be no video on youtube because I would have dropped that camera in an instant and hugged all of them :3
@Borgleader Firearms per capita is a poor measure (IMO), and one that I'm quite certain is used primarily to attempt justifying more control over guns in the US. A much better measure would be percentage of homes with at least one firearm.
@Borgleader :3
I believe there are places that let you get in the enclosure with them
@JerryCoffin See my comparison with Switzerland again
@sehe I don't believe it's actually required. As I understand things, however, when a person's military service has ended, they're allowed to keep their weapon, essentially for free (sources seem to differ--some say free, others that there's some nominal cost).
Maybe it's national pride twisting the story, but I do think it was swiss people informing me there. Something about "everyone is reservist" or so.
I'd have to look up even more things. Gah. It's time for bed.
@JerryCoffin Good point, I'd say most gun owners tend to have larger collections rather than just a single weapon for self defense
@sehe May the nops be many, and the wrong turns few ;)
@sehe Most of what you've described doesn't seem to fit with the US either though--I've been in quite a few people's homes, and can hardly remember the last time I saw a gun in somebody's living room (just for your first example). Some people do go on hunting trips.
I can see the case for having weapons for self defense, personally. I'd probably have pepper spray myself if it weren't illegal. But having a collection of guns is pretty indicative of a "gun culture" IYAM. What other countries would have that particular feature
@Borgleader uhoh
@JerryCoffin Many families keep it (hidden) near the door. That's often accessible enough.
I didn't say "in plain sight". Obviously ...
Bedrooms/study are probably #1.
@sehe They do have mandatory military service, and for most people I believe most of that time is as a reservist. Offhand I don't remember how long that lasts, but at some point it's no longer mandatory (but many stay in voluntarily, and I believe most keep their weapon whether they stay do or not).
I suppose you could call it a gun culture but for the most part it's a harmless hobby. A lot of people collect different types of guns, take them hunting or to the range (latter more typical here in california), customize with ceramic coats, mods, etc. Comparable to car enthusiasts
in plane sight
@ʞɔᴉN Obviously. Harmless hobbies is just what makes it not jell too much with lethal force
Smoking used to be a harmless hobby.
But then the anti-cigarette lobby attacked
@sehe By that measure, we're apparently also a "tractor culture", and a "beer can culture", and a "knife culture", and a "T-shirt culture" and a "shot glass culture", and a "purse culture" and a "scarf culture" and a "sweater culture", and a "baseball card culture", and ... At least a few people collect almost any sort of thing you'd care to name, and from what I've seen a whole lot of other things are collected far more often than guns.
@AnastasiyaAsadullayeva Yup. Shame on them. Health is overrated
@JerryCoffin this
@sehe muh freedum
@AnastasiyaAsadullayeva muh mfreedom fries more like
@sehe Well.
Some people collect guns, that isn't too bad.
@JerryCoffin Why are you equating gun culture to the act of collecting them?
Same to Nooble
don't get me wrong, I'm in favor of stricter gun control myself. Jerry had a point with the guns-per-capita stat though, that's all
> But having a collection of guns is pretty indicative of a "gun culture" IYAM.
^ lol
Did I misinterpret?
@ʞɔᴉN Yeah. But I think there's much more to it than quantitative comparison, even if you find "the right number to compare"
plant a gun seed and water it every day, that's gun culture
@ʞɔᴉN Nick I know you have like 50 guns.
@Nooble Yes.
@sehe Ok :(
why is everyone making a fuss of what is yet another banality in the US
"A is indicative of B" doesn't mean that B is mostly A, equivalent to A or even requires A
@Nooble it's my second amendment rights so stfu murica freedom guns freedom mah son was in military f u
nothing's gonna change and in 2 months there will be another
who cares really
this is a non-event
Nobody. People are trying to understand and put blame, I suppose
@ʞɔᴉN I prefer keyboards.
I can kill someone with my keyboard.
it wasn't a non-event for the folks who woke up today, went to class, and died unexpectedly
but I see your point
Their parents chose to live in a country with no restriction on gun property
@sehe If "having a collection of X is pretty indicative of a 'X culture' IYAM" is true foe one value of X, then it's also true for another value of X. If (as I did) substituting different values for X leads to nonsense, it's a pretty strong indication that the statement itself is mostly nonsense.
@Nooble last I checked the constitution didn't allow for that
reported to FBI
@sehe those are hardly outliers
@AnastasiyaAsadullayeva Sometimes it's not a choice.
@AnastasiyaAsadullayeva good point actually
@AnastasiyaAsadullayeva parents of Syrian refugees decided to have kids in Syria so it's their own fault
"is true foe one value of X, then it's also true for another value of X"
If you say so. I very much disagree
@ʞɔᴉN It's the 28th amendment.
@ʞɔᴉN Well that's why they're leaving eh
@ʞɔᴉN No I didn't.
28th amendment is the right to bear a mechanical keyboard.
@AnastasiyaAsadullayeva they should stay in their own damn country because it was their parent's fault amirite
Stamps are not comparable to guns/stuffed animals/porcelain dolls/...
@ʞɔᴉN no, you can't blame someone for trying to get a better life
@Nooble I thought it was the right to @sehe's arms
people still come to america for a better life
@Borgleader That's the 2nd amendment. Sadly, some people are trying to take this right from us.
i don't think they ever intended to be shot
you can't blame someone for dying from a gunshot either, but it should not be unexpected when in your country those are a recurring, possibly cultural event
@ʞɔᴉN and to apple for better PCs, whats your point
@Borgleader My school replaced the PCs with iMacs.
@Borgleader but macs aren't PC's, they're Different
@ʞɔᴉN They do--but (in fairness) they also come to Europe for a better life as well. In fact, recently thousands have been doing exactly that (or at least trying to).
@Nooble run away
@Nooble seriously? every school I have ever attended in my life uses strictly Macs
If American citizens really were against shootings they'd ban guns and move on. They instead CHOSE to favor guns over dead innocents. You reap what you sow. End.
@Borgleader I already have.
@ʞɔᴉN Ughuhguh. Next up: Starbucks inside schools. And then JavaScript. And then a Nick for every school.
I am very sorry for the victims and their families but I don't get why all the drama
@AnastasiyaAsadullayeva Welcome to American politics.
@Nooble which school do you go now? UCalyptus?
@JerryCoffin yup, but perhaps that has something to do with the fact they don't have the funds or papers to come to the US
@sehe So what is it about some values of X that allows one to conclude that "collections of X indicate an X society", but other values of X do not provide such an indication.
@Borgleader Hehe.
"Lots of people died again let's do nothing to prevent such events from happening ever again BUT we better flood the media with it". Every mass shooting ever. Aka twice or thrice a year.
Even if there was a mass shooting that took out a 100,000 people, guns will still be around. The probably of getting any constitutional amendment passed for anything controversial is basically zero.
@AnastasiyaAsadullayeva it is disheartening, and you're completely right
@ʞɔᴉN I suppose that's possible, but from what I've heard, quite a few of them have fairly specifically said they want to go to Germany.
@AnastasiyaAsadullayeva How would you prevent it?
Ban guns lol
inb4 "guns don't kill people, people do" BS
@JerryCoffin because Germany has explicitly welcomed them, the citizens there are willing and ready to help, and they get money from the government
unlike quite a few other EU countries
at your service
@AnastasiyaAsadullayeva Toast don't toast toast, toast toast toast.
It's ethics. stamps are not lethal. shoes are not. purses,... mostly not.
Now, stuffed animals (mmm. some people are gonna frown), sex toys (mmm. some people are gonna frown), knives (mmm. some people are gonna frown, depending on how/why you collect them), guns (mmm. some people are gonna frown, unless of course it's a traditional thing tied in with national pride and heritage)
@Borgleader rekt
@Borgleader i are defeat
@AnastasiyaAsadullayeva Pardon my being blunt, but that's pure nonsense. Perhaps if 1) they valued reduction of shootings to the point that they were willing to sacrifice everything else to that end, and 2) there was a reasonable way to enforce such a ban, your statement might have at least a little credibility.
@sehe in America you don't give a fuck about what people think
my stuffed animal collection is numbering in the hundreds right now
@sehe So collections of X indicate an X culture if and only if X is (by some measure) unethical?
Birth control? BAN IT! Abortion? BAN IT! Gay marriage? BAN IT! Guns? Look, banning things never works. People will find ways to get them.
@ʞɔᴉN Pics or it didn't happen
I have several koala-shaped sex toys as well
you don't want pics believe me
@Borgleader I will find ways to get gay abortions
@ʞɔᴉN It's all in the nose.
@JerryCoffin The point is that having such a collection (of things with ethical implications) is not contentious or remarkable that indicates something about the culture yes.
So I watched Howard Hinnant's hashing talk from last year's CppCon. Cool stuff.
@ʞɔᴉN I believe that
@ʞɔᴉN I have a PBT keycap collection.
re: shootings, has this infographic been waved around tonight already?
@sehe Ok ok ... I admit it. I have a pun collection. :(
@LucDanton Wat. No. Wat.
@Borgleader your puns are what keep me coming back every night
@LucDanton 2015 will have been a good harvest :) and still a couple months to go! You go USA!
"Best country in the world"
Re: 15 feb shootings: disappointed valentines?
I don’t have an idea what each of those events were, exactly.
I have no idea how they could happen without hitting international news
Do international news report everytime a Frenchman buys a baguette? Why would they report everytime there's a shooting in the USA?
@AnastasiyaAsadullayeva Apparently some victims stay home 15th for this reason?
@AnastasiyaAsadullayeva You have made your point. It's getting a bit frivolous
@Borgleader I want them to expose std::hash for sized strings, even if its just a dummy type, so I could get hashing capabilities similar to the std
@AnastasiyaAsadullayeva I heard calling someone a baguette is an insult.
Is it true?
@AnastasiyaAsadullayeva we need a "mirror" emoticon
Any takers?
@Nooble "How dare you, you... You soft, warm, crispy baguette!"
@Nooble how would you feel if I called you a cupcake
@Nooble Not that I'm aware of
@LucDanton :c
Not very well.
@sehe I see. And who exactly decides what does or doesn't have "ethical implications"? Some people see ethical implications in my wife's cosmetics, others in my having a pound of hamburger in the refrigerator. Reading PETAs literature, they apparently find ethical implications in anybody "enslaving" animals as pets.
Speaking of cakes, that was delicious. Thanks, @Borgleader.
@Nooble sorry cupcake :( I wanted to call you something sweet
@AnastasiyaAsadullayeva People in my school have been calling each other baguettes.
@jaggedSpire np :P
@LucDanton Call me Master Koala
And now, my lovelies, it is time for me to say goodnight. I have a big day tomorrow, and it starts at 3:00AM
Jeez, good night.
@Nooble Are you sure you are not mishearing "faggot"
@jaggedSpire Why.
That's an early start.
There's not even any worms out then.
@JerryCoffin I know right. It's not black an white (again!). What are your perceived equally trivial ethical implications for stamps?
Good night.
@AnastasiyaAsadullayeva Haha.
@Nooble Maybe they were saying "you have a small baguette"?
@Nooble because flying to your lovely state from this city takes five hours for some reason, and I needed to be there for lunchtime.
@Borgleader But even small baguettes have... width.
@ThePhD Night. Dream of Kernaugh maps! :3
@Borgleader Night!
@jaggedSpire omgomgomg
@Nooble I'm going to Albany, calm down.
@jaggedSpire :(
Why not go to the good part of NY.
@sehe Stamps are obviously a by-product of the patriarchal society, and stamp collections indicative of the ever-widening gulf between rich and poor. How could they, of all things, be anything short of the harbinger of the apocalypse?
I knew you would get on it :0
@jaggedSpire Sob...
@Nooble because the Albany part of New York is where I'm meeting friends and we wanted Pad Thai that was made of excellence and fond memories.
Anybody going to OSA meeting in October?
> Amazon Will Ban Sale of Apple, Google Video-Streaming Devices
@ThePhD If you let me explain, I'll happily do so. Sometime this weekend.
Don't tell me what to do!
@ThePhD k
@jaggedSpire Hold up.
You can fly? Why don't you just change your flight path a bit.
<Guitar Solo/>
@sehe Nonetheless. I say my "ethical implications" thing is a good differentiator. The things we get outraged/upset about define our culture. If gun collections are totally normal (to the point that "most gun owners will have a collection of them"), that means something.
sehe replying to himself
@AnastasiyaAsadullayeva ikr
@AnastasiyaAsadullayeva Reply arrows connect a conversation thread
@AnastasiyaAsadullayeva no they don't
Yes they do
Who's the coolest person here?
It took me too much time to write that message, yet it wouldn't make sense "in reply to" the message by Jerry. So I replied to my own message, of what it was a continuation.
@Nooble You are!
@jaggedSpire night
I messed this up.
@sehe Noooooo.
You suck
@sehe /cc @JerryCoffin
@sehe At least from what I've seen, it means that if you hunt, you probably hunt more than one kind of animal, and the types of firearms you use depend on the animal you're hunting (e.g., you certainly wouldn't hunt geese with a deer rifle, or quail with a goose gun). If that indicated anything, however, it would be much more a "hunting culture" than a "gun culture".
I wonder if there's sscanf for python...
We're getting further and further adrift.
Are you arguing that "most gun owners in the US" are using them for hunting?
à moins que ça soit du gros lourd en fait, je suis pas sûr—je me tâte
pas en public, j'espère
@sehe I'm honestly not certain. A large majority of people I've known who owned firearms used them for hunting, but I'm not sure I've ever seen any statistics about what sorts of guns are the most common, how often they're using for hunting, or anything like that.
I wager that a tiny percentage of gun owners in New York will use them for hunting.
I've never met a gun owner. And that will largely depend on which part of NY we're talking about anyway.
New topic: medical students practicing rectal touch on sedated patients.
@sehe Hunting for humans?
Should medical students be banned??? Discuss.
> Hunting is among the most popular forms of wildlife recreation in New York State. Nearly 700,000 New Yorkers and over 50,000 nonresidents hunt in the Empire State. New York offers many exciting opportunities to hunt a large variety of wildlife, including big game, small game, game birds and furbearers.
first google result, how tiny would that be?
Yeah. I didn't say no one hunts.
Better question, how many gun owners in New York
Do humans qualify as wildlife / big game / small game / furbearers
@sehe If you're talking about New York City, you're undoubtedly correct (but private ownership of weapons in New York City is virtually illegal). In New York state, it's a whole different story--upstate New York is actually pretty well known as a place to hunt.
@sehe Not a lot I gather.
@sehe Well according to above, around 10%?
well, relatively speaking
In the city, no one owns a gun.
How are you gonna hunt for your Big Mac without a gun?
Huh. How and why?
Is there a reason for that? Isn't the constitution the same?
Wellp, Metal is pretty much idiot handholding, safe, secure, limited shit. And an ObjC interface. Basically, a true Apple API.
@AnastasiyaAsadullayeva Gotta use a Taser.
@AndyProwl Hi
@Nooble There are certainly criminals who have guns. There are also some private security firms and such that have them legally.
inb4 "can't sleep"
@sehe Well, the laws are stricter here I guess.
3:30 and I wake up again. Regular as an int
@Nooble You guess?
@ElimGarak No, it's a new way to create world class user experiences, like never seen before.
@sehe I know.
@AndyProwl And you logged on. Not breaking the pattern
I couldn't get an airsoft pistol here.
@sehe Taking the previous claim at face value, that’s 3/4 of a million in a state of 20 million. Inhabitants mind you, not gun owners. How tiny is tiny?
@AnastasiyaAsadullayeva I like how they present oversimplification as features.
"You basically don't have to do anything". Wat?
@LucDanton Bartek's dick for scale!
@sehe Regardless of his level of certainty, he's right--private gun ownership has been almost completely illegal in New York City for decades.
@sehe first time I tried to fall asleep again but ended up wasting 2 hours of precious time
I could have like, watched porn or something. Do useful stuff
@LucDanton Seems like a strange statistic then. How much wildlife will they have left :)
@JerryCoffin IDGI, how does that not cause an uproar? Is the NRA ok with that?
Is NYC special in this regard?
@AndyProwl Or maybe not. I mean, it's 3:29am here but I can't complain. I'm here.
lel, "new feature", block compression (S3TC) /facepalm
gzip is better
@sehe It’s over four times the area of Belgium, there’s enough room.
@sehe Getting a permit is virtually impossible.
Okay. That sounds sane.
Virtually impossible is good. As long as it is virtually.
I guess it's almost like here then. I could get a permit if I wanted.
Mission impermissible
Mission Improwlssible: Sleep
can’t find numbers on Belgium hunters
I think it's far less common.
Hunting in Europe I associate mostly with GB or France.
I'm like a thread on an active loop
Really? I thought the Ardennes was a good spot or something
Perhaps that further away (Scandinavia, Eastern Europe) will have higher stats too, but I can't tell without proper sources.
@LucDanton Oh sure. There can be good spots. I mean, no doubt, America has many great spots for soccer playing. Doesn't mean it's a big sport there though
I was going to make a refugee joke but no
Wait no that could still contain a sleep. Not even empty loop cause that can be optimized away. Metaphor fail.
> La chasse aux mouettes bientôt ouverte à la Côte belge?
ok nvm
@sehe It's fairly unusual, anyway--I believe there are two or three other cities that have similar laws. I suspect the NRA has mixed feelings about it. On one hand, depriving people of (what they view as) their rights is something many of then undoubtedly dislike. At the same time, it's great statistical fodder: despite (or, arguably, because of) their prohibition on guns, crime (including those using guns) is much more common in NYC than most other parts of the country.
Seagull hunting is a thing?
@AndyProwl You said "active loop" that implies the fraction of sleep not dominant?
@ElimGarak Wha? Who's shipping that as a new feature.
Metaphor recovered
@ThePhD Apple / Desktop Metal
@AnastasiyaAsadullayeva I think it’s a titillating title regarding culling rather than hunting for sport/food. But it’s funnier out of context. Did you make sure to read it in a Walloon accent?
@JerryCoffin thank you for this bit of background
But I will still try to create something visually impressive for it just for the lolz. And only use tools available on OS X (Photoshop, Modo, Maya, Zbrush & fellows).
@LucDanton I did :)
I was also horrified by the lack of space before '?'
I'll give sleep a chance. One hour time. If it doesn't work, I'll go to work
@Borgleader Really need to go sleep. Bye!
@AnastasiyaAsadullayeva Curious. Taken from rtl.be so I don’t think it’s an accident.
@LucDanton agree
Happens a lot in the French press also (where the writing quality is usually low)
@sehe Actually, lack of hunters is much more of a problem. Deer hunting (for one example) is regulated quite carefully to keep herds small enough that most can survive the winter on available food. Without hunters to do that, many states have to get park rangers (and such) do the job instead.
it takes a hunter to love the wildlife so much that they are willing to kill it
It takes a programmer to love programming so much that they are willing to do Haskell
Change to Haskell for a star. Bartek intensifies.
I'd do anything for stars.
@JerryCoffin we have this problem too. Too few hunters remaining
boars look cute (in pictures) though!
I don't want your kits, Apple. Fuck off.
@JerryCoffin I think the majority of hunters/rangers are employed in the Netherlands. I think some "volunteers" are actually required to join on operations in order to get the permit. I've heard people complain about the amount of work in radio interviews
@LucDanton they are scary af IRL
yeah I’m not getting near that
@sehe I don't think I've heard of anything like that here. When I was growing up in South Dakota, there were enough hunters they had to hold lotteries to see who'd get a deer license in a given year. I don't think they have to do that any more though.
If memory serves, you do have to take/pass a safety course before you can get a license, but that's about the only requirement.
@JerryCoffin I should have added it's for specific animals in specific areas. But yeah, they do lack hunters, at times.
Obviously, that doesn't mean any hunter can go and hunt any animal as if they're a plenty
Anyways. I'm failing at going to bed.
@sehe Your wife doesn't kick your ass for that? :P
what is a plenty but a miserable pile of fews
Ugh, Objective-C++14 ahahah. What an atrocity.

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