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@Lalaland But that's not for fmap to decide!
Hmm, let's see what boost does if you throw varaint<X, X> at it.
boost visitor should be called discriminator
It's some weird thing join should deal with.
join being the thing that flattens et al.
Speaking of, what’s an n-monad like?
Well. Similar?
To what?
variant kind of is one really.
Yes, but I’m asking a kind of what.
what’s that like
like n-functor
like a m-nonad
only with additional join thingy
that tells nothing
Shoot, boost's which() has the opposite behavior of what is specified in the variant proposal!
@LucDanton if it did I wouldn't've called it a "thingy"
@Lalaland No, it’s the other way around!
that's isomorphic, dawg
> meta::bind_over<make_variant_over_t, results>>
Has anyone actually seen a throwing move operation in real life?
That just seems so wrong.
If I switch make_variant_over_t to variant I have actual discriminated union behaviour
minus discriminating during mapping I suppose, I don’t know how to make that nice
@Lalaland yes
make_variant_over_t<X, X, Y, Y, Z> -> variant<X, Y, Z>, it’s in Boost also
When the type doesn't have a move constructor or assignment.
And the copying one is used instead.
That's not a move
it's a copy
Used in a move operation.
in an std::move() operation
Or auto x = foo(); and so on.
or in general when an rvalue is there
Doesn’t have to involve std::move as such.
right, but I don't think that's what Lala meant by "move operation"
but that's what I meant originally
Same difference?
38 mins ago, by Griwes
C++ should just man up and disallow noexcept(false) move operations.
right, and he asked if you've seen a move constructor or move assignment operator throw
at least that's what I think he asked
4 mins ago, by Lalaland
Has anyone actually seen a throwing move operation in real life?
Code cannot tell a move constructor from a copy constructor from no constructor (well… you can test for that last one). All that matters is operations.
> move operation
that's the key part there
@Griwes yeah. I think by "move operation" he meant "move constructor or move assignment operator"
I was asking in general if you have a = std::move(b);
1 min ago, by Luc Danton
Same difference?
It’s a copy constructor that’s used during moves.
I forgot that we use a copy assignment if the move doesn't exist.
@AndyProwl Can you tell whether what is called is a move ctor or a copy ctor?
(Tip: you can't.)
And that copy assignments can sometimes reasonably throw.
@Griwes We're just playing with words. What I thought he asked is whether you've seen a move constructor or a move assignment operator throw
Darn exceptions. Make life more complicated.
but it appears that's not what he asked so my interpretation was incorrect
@AndyProwl My fault for asking an ambiguous question.
@Lalaland No - just all types should be noexcept movable, period.
inb4 "what does it mean to move a mutex"
@Griwes That's actually fine. As long as you compile time fail the move operation, then everyone is happy.
you can't move a mutex. I guess "all movable types should be noexcept movable" should be enough
Actually no :P
A mutex has no value, only state, hence moving it is a no-op.
I think the OS uses its address or something
I might not sound too convincing about this; talk with Sean Parent, he will convince you. :D
@AndyProwl Usually, yes.
so how can you move it?
He needed about 5 minutes to convince me that this makes sense.
The more interesting question is: Are there objects which are copyable, but not noexcept movable?
@AndyProwl But it has no value!
@Griwes I understand, but the OS needs its address. If you move it into another object, how will things work?
You can't move the state, but you can move the value, since there's no.
@AndyProwl you move its address!
@StackedCrooked lol
The old mutex stays.
The new one is new.
page remap
A mutex has no value.
So copying and moving it are no-ops.
That's not really a copy or a move.
Again; talk to Sean. He's better at this than I am :(
You are just constructing a new mutex.
I don't get it
@Lalaland Yes! :D
is that how your talks are going to be, you repeat things over and over again
That's the beauty of it.
@LucDanton not really
well I’m not going to watch then
@AndyProwl I think @Griwes is saying that it's not important that you can't copy or move a mutex.
Since in every case, you can just construct a brand new mutex.
@Lalaland and that's what I'm not understanding
And go on your way and not notice the difference.
So since it all doesn't matter, you eliminate a special case.
the OS keeps track of the old mutex's address for locking/unlocking.
Suddenly the type is not special in any way.
@AndyProwl Yeah. You can't move or copy a mutex. But you never need/want to do that anyways.
what if that mutex is destroyed and another object is created at that address?
I don't get it
That's his argument.
I question the assumption that the type was special to begin with.
@AndyProwl Still; you are thinking of the mutex's state; its state is either "locked" or "unlocked".
@Lalaland That's the status quo. I'm just trying to understand why changing the status quo is possible
@LucDanton Any type that can't be either moved or copied (or both) is already a special case, since it doesn't work in heaps of generic contexts.
@Griwes Yeah?
You'd have to change the way mutexes are implemented by the OS in order to support movability
@AndyProwl We are changing the status quo by now classifying mutex's not as just "can't move", but as "never would want to move anyways" objects.
at least I don't see how that becomes feasible otherwise
@AndyProwl But the thing you are interested in when moving (or copying) a thing is the value. The fact that you get the state moved usually doesn't matter.
@AndyProwl sigh
I don't want to move the state.
I still don't get it
Nor I want to move the identity of the mutex.
@Griwes id :: a -> a start from nothing, add operations when you need them—that’s generic
I want to move the value of the mutex. Which doesn't exist.
I hope for you that your audience will be more clever than I am :P
Time for the stupid analogy. I feel sad because I can't go to cppcon. Solution! Decide to never want to go to cppcon anyways. Now I am no longer sad.
That's not going to be in the talk.
I know
It does not matter though
Partially because I am terrible at explaining this point.
Which is why "talk to Sean" was repeated so many times in the past few minutes. :P
@Lalaland lol
I enjoy seeing you repeat things.
Ok, I'm not sure Sean will have time to babysit a noob on his way to understand movability of mutices but I'll try
@AndyProwl Well. I'm sure he'll be swarmed by people... nah. He's a cool guy, likes to talk about stuff in the evening, after talks.
All right, I'll try
I also hope to get to bother Sutton, assuming he will be there
but considering he's not giving talks I doubt it
@Griwes Why you are saying that value (state of a object) of mutex doesn't exitst? If that is correct mutex must be pure transaction object.
@Logman value != state
A mutex has no useful value. It has state, it has identity, but has no value.
can we put it in the topic to draw more questions
Oh come on, are people really not watching Lakos' talks? :D
I disagree. Type can have only stats (some date) and transactions (functions, methods etc.).
@Griwes It was not easy to swallow his "I'm the bestest in the world" attitude but yes I did
@Logman Take vector: are two vectors of equal objects equal, if their capacity is different?
give me one example
@AndyProwl ...have you seen him drunk? xD
@Griwes no and the idea scares me
does it get worse?
Because I have and it was a truly entertaining experience. :D
I won't say more. :D
in what sense? was he telling about the time he defeated Germany in WW2, or when he saved the world from self-destruction?
He called the Intel guy a racist because he talked about races.
You'll probably see :D
@StackedCrooked that's not too bad
There was weird hugging and buying everyone more alcohol involved.
ITT Lakos becomes a lounger when drunk
Yeah. It was just a joke.
@Griwes oh. Then it gets better
As long as the hugging doesn't get too weird.
also hugging lakos might require several software engineers
I mean the guy's brilliant but he's so arrogant and self-satisfied
I don't like those traits
who wants to hear a pun about alcohol??
> Despite my efforts to dissuade them, all the dabbling functional programmers at work think I am some sort of Haskell wizard with "deep knowledge" like monad transformers and lenses. If only they knew how I feel when I read things like that CompData link.
I'd think he's a Haskell wizard
Oh, the commenter is saying they’re utterly lost
@Griwes Ok to be clear. Two instance of vector are not equal because they are not the same objects. But if you compare states (values) of two instance of vector that have the same data they are equal. In computer science you can't have anything that is not a state or transaction.
Yeah I got that
@Logman lel
identity != value, mate
You have a long road to even get to state
inb4 salient properties
So you’d think someone is a Haskell wizard because she feels lost when seeing that package?
@AndyProwl yer a Haskell wizard Andy
no I'd think he's a Haskell wizard because he understands monad transformers and lenses
instead of being completely clueless
like me
identity is a value at some point
@Logman en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Equality_(mathematics) <- there. Note "mathematical object" as opposed to "physical object in physical memory of a physical computer"
@Logman No, identity is identity. State is state. Value is value.
^ best explanation 2015 award
Ok. Computer don't know anything about identity. It has memory (place where he can store data) and artmetic-logic unit (place where it calculate thing). At some point identity is part of memory block that's mean it has value.
@Logman This is a programming language room. We don’t use computers, sorry.
> There are different notions of computation, the most popular being monads, applicative functors, and arrows. In this article we show that these three notions can be seen as monoids in a monoidal category.
monoids everywhere
"It’s just a monoid in a monoidal category. What’s the matter?"
what the
inb4 your mom's a monoid
a monad really is a monoid
In the appropriate monoidal category, of course.
But can a monoid be seen as a monoid in monoidal category?
endofunctors IIRC
@AndyProwl how come you remember
I'm a wizard!
oh, right
@Griwes Sadly the paper will probably not touch on that, so we’ll never know.
> Notions of Computation as Monoids
I guess we will never know.
so many suspicious letters
They’re cheating, some of those things are not mere monoids, but are strong monoids whatever that is.
I actually don’t know where to look what that is. Google is not helpful.
is monoid just a set + associative binary op + identity?
I know I'm going to check but I want to see if I remember without checking
@AndyProwl Yes.
ah, cool
Oh, it’s 'strong/lax monoidal functor' I think. I’m banking on a slight abuse of language.
> Notation. The coproduct is also denoted a+b or a⨿b, especially when it is disjoint
^told you about the settings
the screenshot utility froze ._.
very famous
the right unicorn
ah—as a wizard I expect you know about dementors, unitors and all the -tors.
I'm very familiar with dementors
I should go to sleep but I know I won't
I promised colleagues I'll take part to this online ciphering game tomorrow morning and I know I'm going to be useless but I at least don't want to be sleepy
> This shows that it is a bit of an illusion to think of a pentagon identity: the full geometric shape is really a 4-dimensional tetrahedron (the 4-simplex) whose five tetrahedral faces are the five vertices of the pentagon identity.
I’m sorry, I shouldn’t.
a 4-dimensional tetrahedron has 5 faces?
brain always hates me when I ask him to try and understand maths
A 3-dimensional tetrahedron has 4 faces. Maybe we can extrapolate.
I don't know how this works
@AndyProwl I think 4-simplex is the more sensible terminology. Dunno why 'tetrahedron' was brought up.
I mean if you start with a square (4 sides) and add a dimension you get 6 sides
@LucDanton Reading about simplexes
Bad news: an n-simplex has n+1 notions of a generalised face.
the N-dimension thing always blows me
I cannot picture more than 3
Where a tetrahedron has 4 facets, a 4-simplex has 5 though.
@AndyProwl As the name suggests, they’re very difficult.
(just kidding)
> In topology and combinatorics, it is common to “glue together” simplices to form a simplicial complex
makes sense
I just scrolled through 4 hours of chat transcript and it was all about C++ and math
so disappointed
Or as we like to call it, Saturday night as usual.
> [...] in which context the word “simplex” simply means any finite set of vertices.
simplicity everywhere literally
@ʞɔᴉN what? no cocks?
40 secs ago, by Luc Danton
Or as we like to call it, Saturday night as usual.
saturday night's fever
the Lounge lives
wait so
ah no
I'll go try to picture the 4th dimension in bed. Night guise
@AndyProwl Listen to this for extra help at that. G'night.
a fine choice
@LucDanton Though there are certainly others. One that's quite different but also excellent (at least IMO): youtube.com/watch?v=_rwNe2QXwrU
@AndyProwl nite
Q: Where is the realWorld# defined?

MichaelIn the definition of unsafeDupablePerformIO (source, docs) I found a reference to the one and only realWorld#. So I wondered where all these functions or values that end with a # are defined? I already found the GHC primops of course: they include seq#, catch#, retry#, and all other kinds of inte...

1 hour later…
I lost all of my Friday and Saturday to being ill.
And I have a shitton of work ot do.
... Wooooo, let's do it!
this room appears idle.
That's because everyone's working on stuff.
I'm not, although I am trying to get Boost libraries to link with my project.
in VS 2010
I was just waiting for someone to inspire me to work. Your eager words caused me to stop staring at the empty room.
along with the Cinder library.
I want it to link with 'libboost_chrono-vc100-mt-sgd-1_53.lib'
instead of automatically attempting to link with 'libboost_chrono-vc100-mt-gd-1_53.lib'.
but it is statically linked!
VS 2010 ~ GCC 4.5. Why not upgrade?
@Potatoswatter The other sample projects that came with Cinder 0.8.5 seem to work in VS 2010.
sup nerds
Hey Rapptz!
I can feel my nose again.
@edition It's the static runtime link that's missing.
My IDE barfs on the yellow line. Is that correct or not?
it's not
that's a legal memory access
Can you provide a reference to the standard?
Or an answered stackoverflow question?
doubt it
@fredoverflow no
it’s a grey area
better not do it
The question is: should my IDE barf or not :)
Oh, it appears this is not the first time I'm wondering about this issue:
Q: May I treat a 2D array as a contiguous 1D array?

fredoverflowConsider the following code: int a[25][80]; a[0][1234] = 56; int* p = &a[0][0]; p[1234] = 56; Does the second line invoke undefined behavior? How about the fourth line?

it's guaranteed by the definition of arrays IIRC, they must be contiguous with no padding, so the standard guarantees that an N-dimensional array is basically just a 1-dimensional array with easier indexing
It’s more consistent that way, i.e. never dereference one-past-the-end.
as array bounds are not checked so it should no give any error! — teacher Sep 1 '11 at 10:40
@Puppy It guarantees layout but not that the operations (namely indirection here) are valid.
I'm pretty sure that the one is guaranteed by the other.
@fredoverflow You should follow the advice from the handsome fellow with an accepted answer.
Handsome eh
@Puppy lol
in this case.
does it depend on how large the array is?
oh, okay
@LucDanton If it's up to interpretation, then I'm going to barf on the misuse.
oh wait that's you lol
my memory of these rules is that it basically boils down to "Is there an actual object here (preferably of that type)? If yes, valid. If no, invalid."
I mean would you worry about the fragmentation of 1 million by 1 million array on a normal pc?
Q: 2D Array indexing - undefined behavior?

dragoshtI've recently got into some pieces of code doing some questionable 2D arrays indexing operations. Considering as an example the following code sample: int a[5][5]; a[0][20] = 3; a[-2][15] = 4; a[5][-3] = 5; Are the indexing operations above subject to undefined behavior?

@Puppy That’s just one-past-the-end. It’s thornier yet for other accesses, because it involves +.
^ Here the tenor is UB.
@chmod711telkitty What fragmentation?
@fredoverflow Compare *(p + N) to *(p + (N + 1)).
Q: What is memory fragmentation?

AshleysBrainI've heard the term "memory fragmentation" used a few times in the context of C++ dynamic memory allocation. I've found some questions about how to deal with memory fragmentation, but can't find a direct question that deals with it itself. So: What is memory fragmentation? How can I tell if m...

@chmod711telkitty True 2D arrays are not fragmented.
I'm reading that answer and I don't quite think that his Standard quote applies.
If both the pointer operand and the result point to elements of the same array object, or one past the last element of the array object, the evaluation shall not produce an overflow; otherwise, the behavior is undefined.
seems to me like they are elements of the same array object- the multidimensional one.
so it's required that they shall not produce an overflow.
But a[0] and a[1] are different arrays!
@Puppy Substantiate that.
Is a[0][0] part of a?
No, array-wise.
hm, really? I would have said that it is.
There’s a surprising amount of text dedicated to multi-dimensional arrays (specifically describing how they really are arrays of arrays).
Well, the surprise to me is that there’s any text at all.
If there wasn't text wouldn't that make multidimensional arrays undefined behaviour? :^)
@Rapptz uuu you clever
@Griwes Please don't make any wild promises in the talk. I'm so tired of FP talks that claim all sorts of advantages that FP has over OO (poster child: no side-effects means better performance on multi-core) without concrete examples to back those claims up.

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