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@Mr.kbok bandit is relavively much newer, but I found it much more "versatile"
@AndyProwl I've been there, it's fine.
@набиячлевэлиь I want something stable.
@TonyTheLion I do that for important things. Usually one weak ahead, two days ahead, a day ahead, hour ahead.
@wilx flights be impathant
@TheForestAndTheTrees It's not fine :( Of course I'll survive it but it's not fucking fine :(
@Mr.kbok it's stable
@TonyTheLion Indeed they are, if you are not a millionaire. :)
@wilx yea
@ElimGarak Don't you hate when work interferes with SO answering :) stackoverflow.com/a/32586824/85371
at least you people are employed.
cough. I'm in my last 2 weeks
I'm on holiday at the moment, and I am writing a parser for fun.
parsers and fun in the same sentence.
I'm at work, and I'm doing sysadmin shit.
I'm attempting to write a hack around a non-feature in our system
@thecoshman Look, Doug made a thing for your birthday!
@R.MartinhoFernandes quitting. Eventually switching. Depends on finding the new job
Maaan why is stdexit not stdquit
I had a pun ready
I didn't know stdexit was a thing
I stdquit!
@sehe lol
It's more like a quick_exit, because the job queue ran dry
@набиячлевэлиь do it anyway
IT'S 3:08AM
hi @VermillionAzure
@edition who's that
Do you mean @Cinch?
@VermillionAzure with the XML linter/parser project, I got distracted and decided to begin writing a BASIC parser.
@VermillionAzure What
@edition BASIC?
Are you gonna talk to yourself now?
oh right, I'm supposed to work on a parser
@R.MartinhoFernandes No.
@Cinch But THIS shouldn't be possible.
Why can I log in as two separate people on the same machine by just switching browsers? Just isn't right.
:25718427 bah
Whatever I need to start on my Matlab and circuits lab
Guh huge headache here
Cool, one Cinch was not enough
@R.MartinhoFernandes not the first time
@VermillionAzure Whatever, use the sandbox.
@VermillionAzure have fun ... with your circuits lab
@AndyProwl We're an (C)inch away to go batshit crazy
they are very exciting, are yours 3 hours too?
@Rerito Nice
@chmod711telkitty ummmmm
They're supposed to be 2h45m
> <JonTG> Man, my penis is so big if I laid it out on a keyboard it'd go all the way from A to Z
<JonTG> wait, shit
So I have my basic computer architecture and design lab in the morning, linear algebra in the afternoon, and circuits 2 until about 4:00pm
@TonyTheLion German keyboard
Oh, btw, we're going over MIPS. and C and "make a blinky-blinky light-light program"
German split keyboard.
What happened to Einstein when he want to the strip club?
He lost weight. Why?
@VermillionAzure he got a hard-on?
@TonyTheLion A very large hardon collider
@TonyTheLion His mass got too excited.
But why did he want to the strip club?
He's not fucking fine man!
@sehe ...no hablo espanol senor
> <studdud> what the fuck is wtf
@TonyTheLion "What is a question?"
@VermillionAzure for context: inc.com/samuel-bacharach/… (search for strip club)
> 4. Get off the computer
@TonyTheLion ah. nice effort. Cinch must be feeling somewhat more at home now
I don't understand
Time to matlab
So apparently they want to me to solve a linear system using matrices
Where the system is the circuit
@sehe achieving 2 and 3 (sort of)
@TonyTheLion Lufthansa, for one, sends several emails as the flight date approaches.
I wonder...
@Griwes so do other airlines. Inb4 Andy doesn't check his email
I think United also sent me an email this May when I was flying the return flight with them (in theory).
So I'd expect all the major transocean ones to do that.
ugh United
I agree.
I threw up the first time I flew United
Btw, @Xeo, any recommendations for German ISPs? I need to get Internets at the abode.
I almost threw twice the second time
"ugh United" is the proper way to summarize them
@TonyTheLion I do :( Didn't get any reminder
@Griwes "ugh united" - GRIVES AND VERMIE AGREE ON SOMETHING (vote for G&V 2015)
This was Delta
@AndyProwl what sucky airline do you fly with?
@VermillionAzure Who's Grives?
@AndyProwl oh my
@Griwes ...Not you I guess :|
@R.MartinhoFernandes Totally depends on where you live. I think Alice is fine in Berlin?
Dunno if anything wrt providers changed
But I wonder how important all this linear algebra stuff is...
Yeah, I can take my painkillers again :o
@Xeo I want 1) reasonably fast; 2) no forcing shitty hardware down my throat; 3) no silly traffic policies. Probably asking too much.
AFAIK Alice gives you one of those shitty routers.
I got O2 here and they also give you a router, but I don't care too much about that - I got fast and unlimited volume, so yeah.
Dunno what else is available
How r u guys ?
Don't know if they still / already / yet throttle on high-usage with their VDSL contracts
there was something about that when I looked for an ISP here, which made me not choose T-Kom
I don't use BT, though, so almost anyone is fine, I guess.
Kabel Deutschland might be another option
BT is probably the only thing they're dicks about.
Unity Media is great, but only available in the west IIRC
oh yeah, 1&1
coworker had some trouble switching contracts with them, I remember
@Xeo Essentially I just want them to tell me the PPPoE settings or whatever they use instead of shipping hardware I don't want to wait for and don't want to use anyway.
I heard o2 doesn't do that.
The only ISPs that let you do that these days here are the associative ones I think. At the very least it’s a rare sight.
@Morwenn you tried to contact me?
I want to use my router.
I guess I could just disable the WiFi on theirs and wire it to mine, but meh.
Has anybody gotten experience with OpenCL?
no, OpenCL
I'm going to suspect that OpenCL/Vulkan are going to be supported by more than just one company once they come full-force
@Morwenn something different: youtube.com/watch?v=XyGRJMb3C1s
@VermillionAzure yeah, AMD has a version of OpenCL. Sorry, I'm not replying in complete sentences.
the hour is late
@R.MartinhoFernandes Yeah that's super annoying
@LucDanton What does that mean?
> define: association
> 4. A group of persons associated for a common purpose; an organization; society.
Obviously they're not going to bother for the 1% who knows how to configure a router
I think.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Which bit?
"associative ones"
The right term escapes me atm, I was misled by this when googling to see if I got the word right.
Non-profit ISP? Not sure.
Wikip. suggests 'community-owned' in addition to/alternatively to non-profit, which I find weird.
@sehe Yeah, but that’s often a specific legal status no?
@Mr.kbok And in some cases you pay extra to rent the hardware.
Oh yes, and then the hardware dies and you have to go through them and ARGH it's just a horrible idea.
@R.MartinhoFernandes isn't it so kind of them to charge you for hardware you don't need or want
@LucDanton Yes. Associative was mildly confusing, but "association" is pretty clear to me
I managed to wake up but I feel like a tonne of lead bricks...
Someone melt me down into something useful...
@ThePhD Try to feel like a tonne of clay bricks
@ThePhD I'm wearing steel capped boots.
Lead is bad for yeh
@ThePhD Yeah this morning I was shitfaced too (though I didnt drink yesterday)
@ThePhD Did you know that the Romans used lead in their aquaducts?
@набиячлевэлиь for the pipes
But that's the exact opposite of useful
Imma use you for that anyways
I'm a visionaire.
For some reason I like this
May 6 '12 at 21:50, by Tony The Lion
user image
Why is explicit specialization forbidden in non-namespace scope already?
@AndyProwl What did your boss say?
@Morwenn does my surname 'Cottrell' sound French?
@R.MartinhoFernandes My direct boss was ok, but he's been my boss for like 2 days, we were peers before, he knows me and we're in friendly terms so he did not make troubles. But he had to inform dept. boss and I don't know what he said.
@edition Not at all.
Now I'm waiting to hear if it's possible to change the reservation so that I won't have to buy a new ticket and will still make it to CppCon
People at the travel agency are confused
@Morwenn British then.
@AndyProwl heh
I'm so retarded
@Xeo I'm gonna try 1&1. They have a cable-modem-only option.
@AndyProwl Now you know how I feel half the time.
I thought I was french. oh well, thats off-topic.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Yeah, but this is serious
I mean, involves work and stuff
I can't fail at this because "oops forgot"
error: use of undeclared identifier 'true' This is not C, goddammit. Something is borken again, Sublime Text is starting to lose my sympathy vote.
@AndyProwl "what do you mean you missed your flight? This is first time it's ever happened... honestly...we don't know how we could possible change that..."
I was homeless for almost two months.
@R.MartinhoFernandes really?
Yes, but not at work.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Yeah but nobody's job depended on you finding a home
@R.MartinhoFernandes You stayed with @AndyProwl under the bridge?
Nope, it's a single bridge
vOv shit happens, it's a very big shit in this case sure, but it happens
@thecoshman They're like "I don't know how the fine for changing the reservation would be, I need to count it, I need to call the airline, I need to go home in half an hour, my colleague will write you an email, etc."
They have time till 18:00
Hello, everyone
today i have been facing a critical bug while reading a file, i may post my question but i see the same kinda question was posted already but the answers weren't work for me
@AndyProwl When I fucked up like this, I went to a counter at the airport and the lady there sorted me out in 10 minutes or so. It was expensive, though.
And it was Christmas eve.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I've been there too
i have been getting junk sometimes not all the times while reading a file that's my problem
I want to ask a question but I don't even how to formulate it. That's tough.
but basically "sorting me out" meant "selling me a new ticket"
which within Europe is expensive but affordable
please ask on Stack Overflow
@RichardGeorge Thanks for not explaining what you tried and why it didn't work. Now we can just tell you to try the same things again for an hour (because we don't know what you tried), while you keep telling us it didn't work. By then we will finally know what you meant.
@RichardGeorge (No, don't explain it here; explain in the part of the site dedicated to the questions)
alright i have afraid of getting text from admins like "this question is duplicate........of this and that" that's why i have chosen chat
@AndyProwl oh, I meant fas the airline
guys, I know I'm not supposed to provide support to help vampires, but may I provide a few useful links?
No spoonfeeding.
fair enough. :)
@RichardGeorge Well, make sure it's not a duplicate. I already explained how to do that.
500 eur for flight change
ok thanks!
"Hi guys, <same question>. I tried something but it didn't work" is a duplicate. "Hi guys, <same question>. I tried <description of thing you tried> but it did <description of results>" is not a duplicate.
to be added to the 500 eur I've already uselessly thrown away to buy the new ticket to Amsterdam
wot to do
what would happen if someone asked: "I am developing weapon systems with C++..."?
@edition My first question would be "do you work for BAE systems?"
wouldn't the US gov step in?
even if it is a programming question?
@AndyProwl Is it critical that you make it? (Horrible consequences if you don't)
@edition Not if you're working for the Ministry/Dept of Defense
@Rerito No horrible consequences, but I'll miss CppCon
would you be homeless at work
@TonyTheLion oh right. :D
The horrible consequences are still there but those can't be avoided
@LucDanton I'm rather afraid I'll be workless at home
You're between a rock and a hard place...
Either you go and you pay 500€ more
I'm between a cock and a hard cock
@edition What has the US government to do with my weapon system in Orzammar?
@AndyProwl oh, you panic brought a second ticket to Amsterdam?
@thecoshman Yes, first thing I've done
Then I realized it wouldn't help
The way I see it it's all-in either way
@AndyProwl hard cock is better
You burnt 2500€ for nothing or you spent 3000€ to make it
@AndyProwl and eventually realised you had time all along to hurry you put into grabbing what you really must have and getting a taxi up there and catch the flight :P
@AndyProwl you're going to cppcon?
@Mr.kbok depends if I want to pay a 500 eur fine
@edition would you consider not deleting like 90% of your messages
it's really annoying
look at this way, that money is spent either way. You can't claim it back, accept that. Now, do you want to pay €500 to go to cppcon
@AndyProwl you know where you can't delete messages :P
@AndyProwl install StarGazer then.
It shows deleted messages
no I'm not installing anything
@Lalaland I installed stargazer for chrome and message are still deleted
@thecoshman lol shut up
@AndyProwl A userscript should do it, btw
Perhaps StarGazer is down then.
Let me check
And StarGazer is just a user script
@AndyProwl sorry, I am a pedant, and my comments bother me. I think its strange why I delete my own comments. I'll try not to delete 90% of them. :/
@Mr.kbok Why would I? Deleting every second message is a silly thing to do
If your comments bother you why do you write them?
@AndyProwl I don't know.
@AndyProwl I know, it really annoys me too. But maybe you can't prevent him from doing it
Well look who's talking about silly things to do...
Just don't mind me
Hi folks
Ell bell!~
my bastard screen broke again
guys, I kind of can't help deleting messages at times.
@edition go see a psychiatrist
what kind of disease is that
@Mr.kbok I honestly intend to.
@Ell take a screenshot so we can see! /s
No, those are the ones that prescribe you medication.
@Lalaland I'm using stargazer 1.10 on chrome 45.0.2454.85 m (!)
See a Psychologist instead.
@Ell why do you use a bastard screen?
@ThePhD that one.
@AndyProwl deletionitis
@sehe hey it's not the screens fault if it was born out of wedlock
@sehe It’s convenient for either one-handed or two-handed use. Maybe.
its also affecting the way I write code. :/
@ThePhD yes, that was the implication
Deleting code is good though
well, naming classes and objects
ur a deleted code
@RichardGeorge and why exactly would you fear those? Duplicates can only be marked if they were answered
ie: I couldn't call a class member ExceptionHandler and just left it as Exception because of hesitation.
@Ell I'm pretty sure this reveals a meaning of the word "bastard" that was not previously known to me
fuck it, I'll cancel it
> a person born of parents not married to each other.
@LucDanton Are you confusing with a sesquimanasword?
I'd have to pay one more night at the hotel too
@Lalaland I never ever delete code. I talked about this with my girlfriend and she looked at me as if I was a madman
this comment will not be deleted.
@R.MartinhoFernandes a what now?
@edition nothing truly gets deleted here anyways. I have all ze logs.
@thecoshman A sword that uses one-and-a-half magic energy.
Q: Proposal for an punishment system for ninja responders

bkausbkI have observed that there are a lot of Ninja responders when a new question was asked by a user. The given answers there are of very poor quality and often very general. The procedure is always the same, the responder tries as quickly as possible to give an (short) answer without looking at the...

@Mysticial I think a cool down after a new question is posted is ok
Like 15 mins
Trip cancelled. Sorry @Griwes
@Lalaland fuck no
@Lalaland FUCK NO
@orlp they are very limited though. Just the messages. No metadata such as user name or time.
@Lalaland the hell are you talking about
If there's one thing I love more than volunteering my time to help people, it's volunteering my time to help people and be punished.Shog9 ♦ 1 min ago
Forgot your http
Oh yeah bby, give me that http-less link
@ThePhD https
I'll take it all
@Lalaland I don't..
Oh oops. Thought you were saying no about the logs
I ordered one Internet.
Now I feel like a fool.
@Lalaland yeah basically
@Lalaland You are (kind of)
@R.MartinhoFernandes How much was it?

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