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Just realized that the hardest thing in mastering C++ is start doing something :P
@orlp not yet but I do feel like cutting myself a bit
@AndyProwl WHAT.
how the fuck do you even do that
fortunately I could buy a ticket for a Prague -> Amsterdam flight which should let me catch the connection in Amsterdam on time
so I should make it anyway
now I need to find out if I can sleep at the airport in prague
@AndyProwl OMG, lol.
Speaking of which, I have not been travelling overseas for ages and ages. I will start doing it again when my current construction project is done and dusted & the new place rented out.
didn't your airline spam you with reminders
@Griwes not a single one
@AndyProwl Err. Was your original flight and the one to Portland on the same reservation?
@wilx Do you think the airport in Prague is open overnight? Flight is at 6 AM so I should be there at 4 AM and I don't feel like booking a hotel room for a few hours
@Griwes yeah
@AndyProwl So you missed the first segment of the reservation?
@Griwes yes
@AndyProwl I think it is. Well, I would expect it to be open 24/7.
...then you might have a problem of a reservation that's not valid anymore.
@Griwes really?
Make sure you mention that when getting the replacement ticket.
They'll sort it out.
I'm, perhaps, maybe, speaking from experience.
@chmod711telkitty come to the netherlands so I can pet the cute chickens
How could one miss the date of the flight? especially an international flight?
@R.MartinhoFernandes lol
@chmod711telkitty it's called pulling a robot for a reason
I have been late for 3 international flights in my entire life only but never got any dates wrong
@chmod711telkitty no onebox
so you guys are right, just called the secretary, she confirmed the reservation won't be valid
Got a wire transfer .. bank account details were incorrect . but someone received my money and I can't reverse this operation. Fuck banks . fuck wire transfers
so I just bought a ticket to Amsterdam for nothing
@AndyProwl come hang lol
@orlp for that, you have to be in Sydney ... to pet the chickens
@chmod711telkitty I want to pet chickens, and cats :(
^ star this
and I have got only 97 USD left on my bank account. :P
Hey at least you're wasting thousands on airplanes you'll never board instead of a strip club
Or maybe that's not a good thing
is that supposed to make me feel good
@AndyProwl no, that would've been the strippers job
You can go to a strip club in Amsterdam, I guess.
you guys are horrible
I'm living a tragedy
@AndyProwl no shit
@AndyProwl yes, it's called life
Live and learn and drink
@orlp I wish I could upload a video here, I have just sent a friend a video of me petting the chook yesterday
I could get fired for this shit
@chmod711telkitty pls i need said video
@AndyProwl Wait, really?
Chill and start asking for refunds
Does that work? IME refundable tickets are always much more expensive.
@AndyProwl most international airports would be, I have spent half nights in a few international airports because I am a cheapskate
@chmod711telkitty nooooo poor chickens :(
@R.MartinhoFernandes it's quite possible
take a taxi to amsterdam
board flight to <wherever you are going>
Confirmed 15000 kc thrown into toilet. Now I need to get a new reservation
I can't get to amsterdam and catch the second flight
this makes no sense but ok
@TonyTheLion Yeah that'll cost only like 600 times more
@AndyProwl why couldn't you?
@TonyTheLion that's how airlines work apparently
if you're still on time for the flight that it states on your ticket
@AndyProwl call the airline to see whether you could board a later flight
I don't see why they wouldn't let you on
and at what cost
Because airlines are a joke
Any missed flight on a reservation invalidates the remaining ones basically.
are you amsterdamned
@Griwes I am not so sure about that
@TonyTheLion Because you missed it.
> The logical operators in this rule are * and -o, pronounced tensor and lolli.
@TonyTheLion Yes, it does.
I didn't know cmath provided pow10
You buy the whole connection; you can't just take half of it.
@TonyTheLion I am.
@Columbo It does not. Or at least it's not standard AFAIK.
I spent two hours on the line with United over their fuckup that made lufthansa think I missed a flight.
@Morwenn It isn't standard, and that's the problem.
@Columbo but does it provide white_pow?
@R.MartinhoFernandes so if you got to the second half of your journey by some other means, you couldn't make it, even though you were there in time?
I just had a nasty name collision
@elyse ?
@TonyTheLion You can't take part of a connected flight route, because the route might be cheaper and people could just book the longer connection and then take the part they need.
@AndyProwl Your seat in the second flight is up for grabs as soon as you miss it.
@Columbo Also, wait for the floating point TS to provide powi and powr and their own "C overloads".
Or something like that
@Morwenn I am :-)
@Xeo bloody retards
@R.MartinhoFernandes stats help please. I have 30 samples of a test, I want to know how 'good' they are at representing the average, or if they have too much variance to really be dependable... how do?
@AndyProwl and if your workplace has not booked you the cheapest ticket, you probably can change to a later flight with no additional cost
writing a language parser is more complex than I thought.
Robot must be prowl of you.
@edition You just need spirit
@Andy also check your return flights.
@Columbo boost?
If you're still going, you have to tell them that if you want to still use that.
@edition Yep
QA Engineer walks into a bar. Orders a beer. Orders 0 beers. Orders 999999999 beers. Orders a lizard. Orders -1 beers. Orders a sfdeljknesv.
@AndyProwl my GF's mum did similar, turns up in the afternoon for her 0600 flight that she had just presumed was 6pm
Hey. You're still on probation.
@thecoshman Do a bootstrap.
All right so no way I can get to Portland on time
next chance is Saturday morning but I won't make it for the 2 day company training I was supposed to give
did they change your ticket at no cost?
I'm going to get SO fucked
@AndyProwl oh, I see the puns there :)
@AndyProwl ouch
@AndyProwl express train?
@AndyProwl #SOreadytogetfucked
why am I such a douchebag
also, call bosses now and start explaining
maybe they can do something
yeah I did already
explanation was "I forgot I had to fly today, thought it was tomorrow. Sorry"
they loved it
Shit happens
I'm an idiot
@chmod711telkitty Across the Atlantic. You're a genius.
Company can reschedule its own things easier than it is to wrangle anything out of airlines
@AndyProwl you have too higher a reputation on SO to be saying that.
@R.MartinhoFernandes express train to Amsterdam
@R.MartinhoFernandes I have these 30 samples from someone else, no way of getting more on my own, I just want to know if I can trust what they are saying, or if it's just a bunch of wild values. It's four test cases, with 30 samples each. For two test cases, all samples lie within 1SD of mean, which I think means, it's fairly ok data, but the other two there are some outliers
@chmod711telkitty He already has a plane ticket to Amsterdam.
@thecoshman Do a bootstrap.
Use a bigger spoon.
@R.MartinhoFernandes ... what does this mean?
@thecoshman Wait, how do all samples lie within one stddev?
@R.MartinhoFernandes wait... wtf indeed
In statistics, bootstrapping can refer to any test or metric that relies on random sampling with replacement. Bootstrapping allows assigning measures of accuracy (defined in terms of bias, variance, confidence intervals, prediction error or some other such measure) to sample estimates. This technique allows estimation of the sampling distribution of almost any statistic using random sampling methods. Generally, it falls in the broader class of resampling methods. Bootstrapping is the practice of estimating properties of an estimator (such as its variance) by measuring those properties when sampling...
@R.MartinhoFernandes which he just missed
@chmod711telkitty No, shut up. He bought that one to try and fix the mess he got in from missing the original flight. He wants to get to Portland, not Amsterdam.
His plane to portland departs from Amersterdam in the next 18 hours, no?
Which is quite a long time
@R.MartinhoFernandes because I failed at formulas :P there are a few +/-1SD results for all four sets :P
@chmod711telkitty He can't take that one because it's not his anymore. That is, in fact, his problem right now.
@R.MartinhoFernandes now to work out how to turn that into excel formulas
@R.MartinhoFernandes I don't know, this never happened to me. When I was late for my flight, my return flight or the 2nd leg was not affected. Although the second was a few days after the first one
@chmod711telkitty Glad your experience applies here, then.
@R.MartinhoFernandes that sounds like a crazy long winded thing to work out o_0
iterating some algorithm many many times?
@thecoshman It's simple.
@R.MartinhoFernandes because he wants to be kicked
yes @Morwenn are you here I miss you
@chmod711telkitty Unfortunately 2nd leg is cancelled if I don't get on board the first flight. I just called.
@thecoshman You basically grab samples from your sample set, and calculate the statistic you want on those subsets.
Once I missed the flight by 30 mins - it was before the flight took off, but I could not get on board because the gate was closed. So Singapore airline put me in an evening flight on the same day.
@thecoshman or something else... @R.MartinhoFernandes - your room - your call... I'll make sure I'm about if needed
@AndyProwl what if you tell them you have already bought another ticket to Amsterdam?
@elyse I'll always be there for you :3
@chmod711telkitty Didn't help
They say it's useless
Of course that ticket is non-refundable either
@thecoshman Then you repeat that resampling process, and end up with a bunch of different results for your statistic. That's what you use to infer the quality.
@Morwenn \o/
I just didn't know about this policy
I thought if I manage to get to Amsterdam they'll let me on board there. My seat was reserved after all. What would it cost them?
using boost spirit seems like cheating. I really intended to build a BASIC parser from scratch in C++ as an educational exercise. :/
@R.MartinhoFernandes but how... it just seems that I fudge some new values out of somewhere, do lots of stats based of those, and some how that tells me if that original set was 'good'
@AndyProwl you should get to the airport in Amsterdam and show your ticket and insist to get on the plane
@AndyProwl the €300 they can't then sell it for :\
people are nicer in real life than on the phone
@thecoshman It tells you the variability of your statistic (be it the mean or stddev or whatever you want to compute there).
@chmod711telkitty You wish
@chmod711telkitty Yeah, that will work.
@thecoshman what?
The ticket is paid already
Either I'll get on that plane or nobody will
But it can be paid for again!
They're gonna sell the same seat twice
@AndyProwl Actually...
Don't airlines oversell regularly?
@AndyProwl are both tickets no refundable or just the one you just bought?
@CatPlusPlus Yeah, that's just them being dicks
@AndyProwl They can sell it.
@chmod711telkitty Both
@R.MartinhoFernandes Yeah, they can, but I'd be able to be on that plane and I paid for it
@AndyProwl but how could they cancel a no refundable ticket if you are at the gate in Amsterdam to board the plane?
@R.MartinhoFernandes I'm still awaiting your blog - it's going past cliff-hanger now and into "soon to forget" territory!
@AndyProwl No, you paid to travel the whole route.
@AndyProwl nope. if your ass isn't there, someone else's will be
He gets that
@AndyProwl They probably already did. There's waitlists for these things.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Yes. Why can't I just get on a subroute
@R.MartinhoFernandes No they didn't. They can't till the flight leaves
Flight hasn't left yet
@AndyProwl Which one? The one from Amsterdam?
they can't cancel a no refundable ticket if you don't miss the plane
They can, since you missed your first flight and it's connected, no?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Both. Not even the one from Prague has left yet, but I won't be able to get on that plane
Well. I don't expect a waitlist in the middle of the week...
You're not in there already.
@chmod711telkitty The ticket is no longer valid. It will not open the gates.
@AndyProwl Wait, why not?
@AndyProwl Ah, so you didn't technically miss the first leg yet
@R.MartinhoFernandes No idea. They say it's not possible. Either I cancel the whole reservation or nothing.
@Xeo Not yet. I will soon, though.
@AndyProwl No, I mean, what's this "the one from Prague"?
He's in Brno and his flight to Amsterdam is from Prague. As I understand.
@AndyProwl was it fully paid or was it just a booking?
@R.MartinhoFernandes The route is Prague -> Amsterdam (today), Amsterdam -> Portland (tomorrow). None of the flights have left yet, but I won't be able to get onboard the first flight. So I bought a new ticket Prague -> Amsterdam but it won't help
@AndyProwl How much time till the first flight?
@JonClements I wanted to ask you: How can I merge my three accounts ?!
@AndyProwl it does seem stupid as shit
Can't you try to rebook the first segment though?
@wilx 18:00 is the flight so no chance
Did you talk with the airline yet?
@AndyProwl Dude, that is whole lot of time. Get somebody to drive you there by car.
@AndyProwl sell the tickets to wilx :D
@Griwes I can't
you have 3:30 hours ... so stop chatting and rush to the airport??
@AndyProwl I wish you succeß.
3 hours. How long is the drive?
@chmod711telkitty I must be at the check-in at least 1 hour before and I'm at least 3 hours away from the airport
@Griwes 1.5 hours on highway, maybe?
You can be late at the airport, usually.
4 if I don't wanna go by car and pay insane amounts of money to leave my car at the airport
I won't make it
@orlp Success will be not to get fired
As in, you can't really miss the baggage check in, but that's usually 20-30 minutes from the flight.
Google says 2 hours.
Get a taxi.
It's what? 200 euros?
@wilx Google does not count with D1
Also why did you not get a car immediately after realising this?
I don't even have my stuff packed, I just won't make it
@AndyProwl Is it that bad during the normal day?
@wilx It's horrible
@AndyProwl Well, you have wasted hours chatting here about it. :D
@wilx Actually if I hadn't wasted an hour here I'd be on my way to Amsterdam just to realize I can't get to the U.S. tomorrow morning and would have to buy an emergency ticket back here
@wilx I'm strangely reminded of bash.org or qdb.us with the "omg - my house is on fire" and the "f* dude - get offline and sort it out"!
@AndyProwl What do you need? Three, four sets of clothing?
@AndyProwl 𝕤∪©⊂ɛß
one set of clothing and money, the rest you can buy :P
@R.MartinhoFernandes I need a bag first. Which my girlfriend has. I need to get to her place and stuff. I just can't make it
@AndyProwl WTF.
@AndyProwl Pack the least minimum, buy clothes and stuff in US.
Buy that shit in Amsterdam.
@R.MartinhoFernandes ah, so as I am re-sampling my N initial set some of the re-sampled sets could have the (potential) the same result N times...
You could've just gone as you are, with some money and the tickets in your pocket
@R.MartinhoFernandes What? A bag? Where would I put my stuff?
Luggage I mean
@AndyProwl What stuff, really?
Stuff to survive in the US for two weeks
It's called money
You can buy all that there!
@AndyProwl dude, you can buy shit there
fucking travel light
Just do another Robot and go with whatever you have on you at the moment
fucking call a cab right now, and get them to step on it
It doesn't work for me
and missing your entire trip is fine?
Oh come on, don't give up, ffs.
Omg, this is epic.
@AndyProwl hope you got the Visa Waiver or a US Visa sorted?
@TonyTheLion lol
@thecoshman No it's not fine but I have health problems, I need stuff with me, and I won't rush it now. I could have rushed like an hour ago when I realized it maybe but then again I thought I could sort it out differently by buying a second ticket to Amsterdam
@TonyTheLion yeah
@AndyProwl :)
dammit - haven't had a post starred in a while - feeling left out - what's up with you guys? :p
@JonClements hard to get stars these days.
@TonyTheLion It's only hard if you rub it
@TonyTheLion See, it's trivial.
@R.MartinhoFernandes How is it that if I were to post that I would get flagged, but no one else does. :(
oh wait - so all I needed to do was say "cock"?
@AndyProwl what, a bit of meds? you can sling those in a little handbag you're so fond of, surely?
Few years back, my brother missed a train to Viena to fly to South America with large group of his class mates and some teachers. And he was like, I am not flying there, mom. Mom raised dad, dad grabbed a car, and they drove fast and made it from Hradec Kralove on time.
@JonClements This is a very mature room.
@JonClements What's up with us? We're all kind, gentle and most of all generous. What prompts you to ask?
The trip was supposed to be for 30 days and already paid for, about 100k CZK.
> Mom raised dad
Is she a necromancer?
@Xeo lol. Yes!
@Xeo or errr, a timelord?
guys, is cppunit good
or should I tell my team to use something else
the g-unit is good
@Mr.kbok Downright evil, if you ask me.
yes but we hate google
@Mr.kbok catch or gtest
@Mr.kbok Use Catch instead of CPPUnit.
@Mr.kbok google filthy american!
@Mr.kbok Catch or boost.test
@Rerito pay your taxes!!
@Andy what about flights to elsewhere in the US and then train?
@AndyProwl catch flight :P
@thecoshman I just won't make it on time, rushing is useless
Like to Seattle or something?
everyone votes for catch
Use bandit instead of Catch
@R.MartinhoFernandes I'd need to buy new tickets and they're crazy expensive
it seems that i cannot install python packages on c++ project within travis
@Xeo :(
@AndyProwl So what do your bosses say about this now?
I'll add another vote for Catch. Boost Test is usable, but Catch is definitely nicer (but you really don't want to pay any attention to the man behind the curtain).
@Mr.kbok Dire straits here
@Xeo I'll see when I confirm I can't get there
@AndyProwl Well, you mentioned you considered it but the next flight was too late.
@Rerito uh?
try { do_a_robot(); } catch(flight) {}
@Mr.kbok Broke
My food budget is so high
@R.MartinhoFernandes Yeah, it is. I thought I could at least save the CppCon part
Not sure if I should spend 2000 eur to save that
I assume y'all are voting for Catch because you don't know about bandit
@AndyProwl Yeah, but there might be a flight to Seattle (or wherever) on time.
@AndyProwl but not willing to pay a few hundred for a cab?
@R.MartinhoFernandes There is, I just realized I don't wanna spend 2000 eur
Oh, fair enough.
like, in addition to the ones I'm already spending cause the flight is not refundable
@набиячлевэлиь Catch is 20x as popular. I'll have a hard enough time explaining why we don't use cppUnit
@thecoshman cab won't make it on time either ffs
@Rerito Paris issues
I'm supposed to be there in two hours it's physically impossible
@Rerito One (1) apple: 1.5€
@Mr.kbok Yeah... Plus I eat a lot... a lot
I have a suggestion for the future @AndyProwl, put a reminder in your phone calendar next time you book a flight to anywhere, and let it remind you 24hrs before you have to leave.
donno, might prevent some disasters
@TonyTheLion yeah :(
I don't know why I'm so absent minded
Like twice as much as my colleagues on average

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